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18: “who had writen a story of commendable deta and balance © fever ust ouing fore examples of responses & ‘vtonscquences hatch slow, and not akvaysseety 2 iii mearstempng someone to do something wth 2 prom ofsomehing 2 sx igourreunger tr, you probably tak itn your tide chaermost coo) ge abareypecepbe nod of recognition a ‘Wsbeenan laminating corversaton ete Part 2: On a wing and a woof FE tnkbeeween ie pi nd the plot an is dog 35 Ui Rowren yeh and the comments abou might fon : a ©. 6; tac derveenpraglting shoo ana tandem couse fo. inkbetncen aged nage and the ods are vera 19 itt eemeen one proup and they wee not a to 12. & tncbeoverxpenen’ and one sty moment Part 3: The voice of Bart Simpson 13. 6 “‘Wrshard to believe, but this forty six-year-old mother of 10, dressed ina sensible green top and blue trousers 44 & “aawping” standing with your mouth open in surprise 15 People are like, "So what?” 46 G ‘Theyre kind of, you know, atthe whim of the public, and that must be unnening 170: “The one-woman show takes the audience through Cartwright teal fe 35a ten-year-old .. and yogi bear” 48D: "My purpose was to hook up with this pioneer ofthe voiceover industry 19 A: “ut the audition piece for Bart was right thece, and I'm ke, “Whoa, ten years ol, underachiever and proud of iti", and fm ‘going, “Yeah, man that’s the one | wanna do!” Part 4: Wildlife encounters 20 0: Wemadea small donation and asked to help’ 31 A we nys ben oponen vo was scred and organized. lon inds 22. © ‘Conca’ opty os awd ene oud be about to take ofan desea so 23. “Fyouve ne been on salar before, then tae is se Sahtomard nat es ‘hen yu reas ht ist ou, the gue and hat bea your mouth definitely goes dry’ $ kveda 25» Thewats ence sn “ound toe rhe er mogrifcenc ofthe sen 2nd not feel let down if you dont spot your ultimate prey 29-1 rd hres no sponge of hana) havone oe aa 5 pase poate of cont bonne saan impressive section ofl’ asc Ritourwests hong eee 2 ti oe te! ih ria nh : ‘One ofthe best ways to view both i from the hack of an MA Someries Bagot snc hans are a il se they pose iskto peoples et them, a acon part Question 1 as tonguage as Carlo is fiend. You should stil us te is ans fom the job, What Caro wae ier He wl beable todo then acute Perish = wer he wl be abe to immu nee fr hi CV good oF ot pu shoud dette specs ofthe job ands whether you wos Young and ge yout reasons Tomo ge final aceon whet emer yas ncide wens of YOU Om words er the job would be good for hin in, but don't wit too many Part 2 jstion2 ution 2 sal but with colour language nts he ede nagar os ‘© who your nominated actor is Perron os een Question 4 ‘Sle: Semi-formal moving towards informal as this is a review in 3 columa writen by readers of the magazine, The purpose of the review is to tell peaple about the book, and give your opinion of it. You wil need the language of description or narration, and evaluation. Use clear paragraphs —introduction, description, evaluation and conclusion with recommendations. Content: Remember to * describe the book or narrate the story * give reasons why you did or did not enjoy it * explain why you would or would not recommend it to others Part 1: Whose wave power is it? 1 C The other words can't be used as par ofthe phase 2 D: The other words can't be allowed by as. ¥ 3B: The oer words don't complete the hed expression. 4A The ther words are not flowed by an infitve 5 B:Thsisa ued phrase, so the other words do nt ft 7 3 9 A although the mesni megs the meaning of heather words is simi they do ot Only this can be * 5 couhe Sen US the content to mean ‘ferent ares ey 8: Only followed by ‘of 10 ‘answer is followed by ‘i 11 Gon: a a 2 OF he cal all the words have a similar meaning, only Year's 's autographs verb) present perfect with ‘since 0 relative pronoun) introduces @ clause tof linking expression) used to emphasise that EE Ge sete of tomnething che aie eng tue 1.8: But for years, the strings have been marginalised in the world igame (adjective) part of 2 fixed expression of Pop ~ sidelined to the slushy world of ballads, lazily used to ‘Bah thxed expression) giving an example of something 2c. ats crams or sophistication, “wth (preposition) part ofa fixed expression. din a way, the sound of vollinss revolutionary. t's far more “when time expression) introduces clause Inova ous a clsal instrument na way nee been “hose (possessive pronoun) introduces a clause layed before ee 2b: Ant ree back to Global Col ‘over (preposition) part of a phrasal verb . Dr “The video itself echoed the CD's environmental credentials ring et) prot» pasa verb idemonsaed hs fai fr wring about musi and popular ca Bi (part ofa fired expression) ee ees Beveyetl part perfect ‘the eader may about to summon up much sympathy fer ‘manages (ver) past tense ethem’s cast of precious, nerdy poseurs Froneverthough (linker) adding contrasting information Part 2: The long way home 3; The world’s oldest perfume 7D: ‘There it was’ picks up on the idea that he is taking a photograph, a 8G: ‘quay’ is another way of saying ‘harbour Basten sb vou 9A: Net contrasts their successul aval with people's predictions ao that they would fai Feputation (ett noo 10. ‘because’ picks up on Charley's questions. ana 11. F Then we got back on our bikes" afte the gap picks upon the eee Pee!) fact that they sat down to look around before continuing their pres journey. xno adjective) ' ‘ 4 paren! (no. ae eect se) 12. E: ‘the hold-up’ picks up on the collapsed bridge that didn’t allow eos them to conthue, Aso, We'd get across then we got arom _treators (verb to noun) x F Part 3: Model citizen cn Baar 13D: Atfint. when you ame inthe oom, you ould be frgven i tote sic for aking her or an assistant 2 second ok i eel er follow: i cation, € tion penne a tora elo 144 Tebow me the waan mh’ 2 asad shows ee fd expression calecaton oes’ bas Sesto ited exer ash 15. D: ‘and was breathtakingly level-headed and amusing in it’ F 16. C: ‘trough the BFC haps allocate sponsorship to new designs 37K “butyears of bakit cases meant she was natural onthe cwale } be taken into (passive + preposition) Mesweniorre dragnet Prspsiion (paral epresion) 18 YOU get ito character, you ull ole. saat hae use my ey sia tod) to interpret what wearing aes et 19. © ‘wpe the facade of quite iterally when | come home” Been sigh less snow (comparatve) ‘they may be forced 10 (parale! expression) Ses Sharla Resting he cee ‘make anymuch difference to me (collocation) BS) Fave gained 0 Sara oud eevedon 20. 8: “We simply put a surcharge on every customer's bil... but a Ain oN ‘anyone who feels strongly can ask to have the danation removed 21 "i makes me uneasy at times to think that while people her ae spending lavishly on slapup meals, people elsewhere ae going fun 22; ‘Alfeligh eave few people come n ising the wee, which vas ait ofa setbnck for us 23. & ‘avery relrant choice for 3 restaurant busines” 24 E ‘Weve been targeted by 0 hole raf of charts in recent years’ 25. A ‘its ako about helping fo enable people in ove ory countries Io {eed themselves and tr families nthe future” 0 Seng cent bse ot thee ho hd een geneous nthe cc e've found that actualy engaging their interest leads 10 enhanced donations TTwoutd hope that customers wil fel well disposed to tctabishents that show they havea consclence” ‘8 “Theaim a the moment to bing 3s many resaurants on board 5 mbes 8 Octoberftiovernber (in ether order) 9 race Git sleeninat-ibag 12 rewarding 13 translator “aah of " oe ee z lected actully tnd thet way vere boing ft way of sng our prof ‘creates a festive atmosphere’ stot i {gc colitis saving at ale otek ANSWER KEY ow Port? ‘Question 1 Sees format, and formal anguage 2 the ene FA nyse ego for porapaph must be very eal ded. YOu ree franoge: Yornberrig or ble pnts, but remember 1 use 272 eeypctures and formal language inthe repo conteat. include the folowing points fom the ‘of your oan: © groups too large 2 CSetut acti but ting ood handouts 1 GSetul new approach Jeu should describe the course. Jou would recommend it and give ko make recommendations for yo paragraph. 3 tes, but add deta ane exploin whether 0 ot ot reasons. YOu must manager in he fnal vort2 json 2 guest tora of informal, but remember you are tying e tet pe eager readers ue colour anguage an 7 reps tah ay hence question to dr he read i. Use dew purographs nd ove your are ate Content" You shoul: describe the holiday 1 Explsin what you did and why you enjoyed it + Give an interesting conclusion, Question 3 She: Semiformal as this is an informatio sheet for students, You should present facts as clearly 35 posible, You can either use paragraphs [ene for each point sith or without headings, or bullet points If you use bullet points, member that you sti have t show a range Bflanguage 9 don't make them oo simple and don't use them in ‘every paragraph Content” Include information about * suitable accommodation * methods of study * ways of meeting people Fememter to incide details to support your ides. Question 4 Sie Formal, iin colaqil express. ou can use the eter feat ht reer oe foal sje Youu ect boas winch cous be one praia fo ea of econ moet Farah or each of he content one “oh nk bi ltt right be eed espn denng th prope and sng socal his Seulmistincoentrraten about the persons peony + Sears + Idea ork expres, Femembe once deta to back up your fre enema onde tao backup your eee and eel yang wet yu eomerd he pen i ? i i Theotber words are not flowed by sare yon. © The cher words do not form pat fed expression 1 2 2 5 : i: ‘The other wards are not followed by ‘ _ D: The other word are nt felioned by on 9 ugh ate wads hae ar ing, ony the ” Bee eer er Acotianageg carson tn tenn ase i used with ‘vt inthis E ‘thin this meaning, sacasacompon gif wemstonsiatadeecian, 19 au erro Pergo yn) emphasises that something i hers ; Be eT Spm wae yreat waterfall? catered! part 3: What makes a 9 stoning er 0 alte BE Saat Ge toate 2 Pag ajc tno 3 Casa 1 nou) Bh enemy ectve to acer) 3 restating (oun to alee 32 Mezulr roun to adjective) 38 Repeat nounto aleve 35 Sesame nun to adlectve) 3 airoundng (adjective to acheive) Part 4 38 working: collocation, phrasal verb, phrasal verb 39. lead: collocation, fixed expression, specific word 440 steady: fixed expression, collocation, collocation 41 charge’ fixed expression, collocation, specific word 42 ue pect word, coloaton with resol, collcaton wih “decide! Part 5 43. much fun: comparative with as 444 dont apes! to me parla siucture 45 chances are (hat Pi vil ge: xed expression 485 supposed to nove ben: epotng prose 47 steak any noice of calecation with keyiord 4 been aout fe een never occurred to Us: paral structure 50. has rot bengatin touch mith colocation with Keyword part 1A 28 38 4c 58 6A Part 2: The office ofthe future 7 papoose @ architec eee ee ete ae mmerartiere 1 bres ports 15D 16C 17D 188 194 208 Part 4 aH 227 3A 260 25 26F 27k 2BA 294 306 it~ ae Be who herd sured our yours an oe wees holdeyin Manceiwith Bridget had risen to the status of mane Trnoong morons when prs of tre mind are gee ater ask Setar spears the very best «thoy move tt enough Psst oe aspera but dow mough to wert abject Beeiestsn con rotonger nore wise eh ererhen - ss that Must be considered before any booking is made Bieatretssometing inte exence of ourar toet Nar hatsah, ‘inequity “call of the wild IG: what can wild animals tel us about the way lite shouldbe lived Mipecause what the vhitethroat shows Us ‘ou need to read the frst part ofthe next paragraph idng gently back down to safety/"Or not, ofcourse |p Trspatrelers tothe reason fr the brs behaviour Ii picked Upin Thats the evolutionary reason for it anyway 1p tte to this deliberate anal courting ot danger OD this feling’ refers to ‘We til to danger’ TE ‘when we have risked and survived and returned safe and sound Jeads into the ehetorical questions inthe last paragraph of the ter. befor 1 What price privacy? DD Throughout the day, the stream continues, each message in my inbox warning of yet another nail in the coffin of personal ivan “chen the strongest advocate of privacy recognises that Aechnology can offer enormous benefits to individuals and to ‘society “A: "They know the location of my mobile and the numbers from which received calls, and the emait| send are routinely stored ___byall providers, whether {kei or not “Ke “CGIV also gives me no free choice. Its purpose may be to keep me secure, But| have no alternative but to accept i '& "many technologies have brought benefits to the consumer with © ile or ne cost to privacy. Encryption is one that springs to rind” "Ths argument is sound in principle, but there seems litle Intellectual or analytical bass for its universal and unquestioned application” SC ‘Atno time did anyone produce much evidence for this crime. wave’ ‘The critical moment ‘youhare to ater your approach accordingly’ Spits a subconscious process “Tse the technique of being cheeky and rude or asking my ‘subjects todo ridiculous things E “Thecyncsm that ens in cartain kinds of photography’ ‘ns samething that's inside you" ‘they come up with ideas’ ‘aktooms get anahlated from photography schools {ned to push the boundaries of fashion photoarephy’ Tea gregarious species made to lve together. That's the ont of vew of my photography doing porate an location’ shoots dont vary. an hour to setup, an hour to take the yu st tp a her tht Jou have to be patient icant be shed Taias hae unc pot of ew tat he eer can tea ous Fetes one that ans ato eatin and YOU can see who took it; who that person is’ (E) jade an outline of the day, how i pragma nt eae. ; et points, but remember to use a ange of ermal ngvage ag the lolovng points from the notes, but dort it words del from the Input texto ey ate the {Suggesting how ft shouldbe organised but dere cut words or prenatal heen em Part 2 Question 2 ye: Formal or semi-formal and objective a you ate p of view to your teacher, wath Wor evidence Usedear i oot Teasons anor esdcnce. Use det esa idude a nteaacian tot eet conclusion that rounds off the argument and states yous pot of Content: You should expand the thre topic areas with ideas of your ‘wo, and write a conclusion sapng wetne you thnk technology sa good or bad thing in enc cove Question 3 Style! Semformal, as tis is contribution toa book. Use clear paragraphs, and try to present your points clearly. Content You mumincude informaton about wat your town has done to save energy + how succes they have been * ways n which people can be encouraged to save ene ‘You should stil include @concuson rounding of your work Question 4 Style: A letter of application is usually formal, but in ths case you are ‘applying fora television programme and so you want to make {3.9064 impression and show your personaly, Follow the vival formal format ofa letter of application — background information, ‘qualifications, and reasons why you are suitable forthe project ~ but you can use more interesting language when saying why you ate a suitable candidate Comtent: "Remeber the cots fr heb youre spphng or Include: + shill necessary for that context 9, endurance, prsical strength, etc + your qualities asa team player * reasons why you tink yau should be part ofthe project. Part 1: What makes a good souvenir? 8: The other words cannot be wed about wood : Guy thergutansuerhos themes of caring out of 5: he lvss verb picked Ups he oy one that ts the context © Bnythe igh ane doe nad eosin onthe ngntansersapproprte othe ca 8 Sheet eng words donot hove the ight mening fo the eoten. 1 Sry he rat answer competes hs a reson Gn the ight answer completes ths fed expression & Othe cant anamer ho the sgh meaning fo complete the expression 1x Olyshe ght answers the meaning of hopping. Gry eRe rSht anwar cacster wih test inthe meaning of ‘ecee 12. A Onitheght anaver competes ties erresion Part 2: Sushi chet 13 make (er) collocation with ‘leo’ 14 very (adverb) used for emphasis 1g. seipeding nord 17 in preposition after folon” 18 do (verb) part of fined expression 39 ahat determine) used to mtroduce a cause 38 toro ANSWER KEY cocktails ez: suit breeze a ‘one of the best’ and the initia 228 at(repstion part of fined exersion a 22 keep (verb) part of fixed expression 7 Fe “though pices SFr -erom the outset “Apart om Whe 3 tewcompaatne) en aur Seth pet od FE tne persion part of faed expression with oo Reward et ote ‘9 3S sheet eb seat 9p nah hy. no" 3 hsm et) 8 8: ‘Nowe coces after the gap wih ioe Fock blender” and "bring the b 27 nocd (modal vet) ‘Part 3: Creating the perfect CV ‘28 considerably (verb to adverb) links to iretind ofa crn any kind the steering 8 £ ww 6 repped’ after the P 1 eT ote parent ito anting cn 0 rena D 3B Seounsve Go to adectve) ty As ied become apparent BS i Poo 30. sttachments (verd to noun) 11 & sreould have been worse links 32 pavoniy dct to noun! ‘nial 32 prospective noun to adjective) 33 Shepemen fep eran a SS avin yence on the characters of their Bs moar tetinr, 1a. pam enti toi he characters of ee ae ce ‘ at you will Not be blame 37 uniikely (verb to adjective) 4c Heyy ofthe, mea Pe sow = roa 15 bse sts Dante Soy atl conto oes 3. pentatonic, clean Pe cic cava 3) dest colocation, fed pression, colocation a Wado gener together know the route so we 420 scene. colocation, fixed expression, collocation with ‘erate! ee When ss father agrees beginning of paragraph 4), and the 41 pick fic word, specific a sign of a negative attitude in the rest of the piece. Dio speoh i word colocation with ‘Hohe aera Je nthe resto 32 Sow Specie ord, cltcaton, location en part ctorow was delighted and let the line stand in future editions Be eee omer a re nee The Crk for lacks ambition and drive, driven to “unquiet and a nr Ba ner hougne™ bythe nssteny fat, onotoro.s el land; while the Atkinsons. who live on the only hill, get "ideas’ hose taken ovetargelsnio of he: present erect Le eee ees ede be bar ee 224 Rhohod ston an aard for his debut nove! 435_matter how fst we cre hed expression 22 A abies us Bs and itkas, rors and lakhs, plates of oe ard 50. ssaceutate an answer comparative {he barormances of yagnas nfl ressing the urge to expan 24.8: ‘its esentally 9 whodunt 35. C. Anove often cited a: exemplary in depicting place 38 E Net whitaker uns the risk of making fis characters too Indian t00 perfect art 27 specail he never been out west bacase of he hater vine made himself diner ofthe roasted haunch of a rai me Farah 52 8A. dog”; a prairie dog's haunch, she said, “wouldn't fill a teaspoon’ aces 28. C ‘imade ust afew fleeting wis jini 29 A: ‘the novel received critical acclaim for its evocation of peasant lt 30 AG: Although set in the past) 7 s7hseventeen months 8 group dynamics 9 food 10 lecture : , Tete raealriny “Wetiarel (0 ces Be oe ea rons 33. VB: "Mis Ross, and mast of the inhabitants of the frontier settlement are Scotish immigrants" (6) 15A 16D 178 IBC 19C 208 34 E ‘he couldn't afford the trip’ 21F 228 23D 26E 258 26A 27F 286 29G 30E pare “Test 4, Paper 1: Reading (page 77) uestons ‘Style: Semi-formal; remember that you are writing to the editor of reat rere norte ib ui Rava (D: ‘in fact, she appeared twice in the set, once with leer # th (uh ao ed soar Idouhedto ehh ai, mtr ove nth ees ear en ds ieee een cor En fon atc te Re RRR mre yin eis 4A: ‘when the average persor activities. in your reaction to the letter, outline your hereon ory on 34. comparizon (erb to noun) ‘ 35. ona neu to dr Memiforta, but with colourful language to interest the reader 37 ell tdjective to auetive) ide them that you should win te competion Use clear Booger snd ncude a concusion ng reasons why your enty Pert 4 an Should me 2 Your predictions for technological developments in 40 ducadecomcsicctons ee Sauces oo alerts iat ae paps one od formal aun You prop Parts Properly dried, ord should folow the suggested areas o bewetygodaton, transport and evets. You can use headings 143 be turned on by whichever member: passive arg of bul porns, but remember to show a range of 444 willbe theour only alternative paral phrase pun ton 4 Bon mel moving towards informal. The purpose of the review Berm omate the best or worst fim, and give your opinion of sro retns. You need the anguage ot description of narration, austin Use clear paragraphs ~ introduction, description! pai siue, evolution and conclusion with recommendations. I thaose the wors fm, you may like to use humour in your Part Penthcon to make it more interesting and memorable mr You need to include: 1A 25 38 4c 5B 68 {description af the film fevaluatniteasons why you like or don’t ke it Part 2: Cranes 1 Feasons why it should be included inthe list if 7 peace/happiness (in ether der) 8 21,000/twenty-one thousand 9 vvetiands 10 (fallen) grain 11 powerlines 412 endangered Wildlife ust 13 Behaveldres (up) in either order) 14 transmitters jotbal as an art form Part3 C ‘atthe time is a fixed phrase. 5 Gnly the right answer can be followed by ‘of 150 16C 7A 180 19D 20C 1B ‘single’ is used here for emphasis. D: ‘in great detail isa fixed phrase. 2B Only theright ansiver makes sense in the context. a eres 2 merece eave 21D 22 23F 24A 255 26G 27C 2E 29A 30H 5 ace moh isa fhe vase Jk Thenght ones phrasal vo meaning tat moving ‘A Thenght anoner 2 prasl verb meanng ‘porting a. Merah ants ony pave at te te. nda chance fed exten. B. ‘eft them all behind’ is a collocation. ae 1G ‘wasal but ine by therctor'sistnce on interupsing the 2:Inrodvetion toa novel Seton a he porormance ey fesecors ah coo the presente. 2: John Clare made this leap in nature poetry 150 years ago. t's about time we had a go wath fim” 'a: “eaponsioe tourism is not 10 be confused with worthy or dll asa verb) . pronoun) introduces a clause ieee (determiner structure with ‘nor ‘4 ‘ond the thing that ses it apart from others is thatthe end ead consumer gets 10 observe its impact at fst hand! 5G "Tohelp clay he debate.” Di ‘what ifference each of us can make to help mitigate global warming’ Part 2: Breaking the mould article) n) part of a fixed phrase with itselt 7G: ‘one’ refers to ‘a piece of him’ and “Alternatively re) part ofa fied phase to explain something mare {eters back tothe example of the eubbish bin. 8b “Tous end eles to Rashid seeing himsell asa ‘hlosopher designer and This ates the gap eer to his home ‘ 9 E: “he vouple’ refers back to Rashid and Megan and need” after the ap asp oni ne tr es ea 0 sine "comes up with’ picks up on his ‘recalling’ his various ans. : . 411A: ‘this ambition’ after the gap picks up on Rashi 's desire ‘to shape gre fiture of the wor ional interest’ after sts vast ange of professional and rece reps ft he gap prtsup of Rashes interest music 95 eng project Part 3: The codfather ades fram animal ac ‘Mrs ht aficlt nat having the physical dues have been aon one ae S PE ae nsec ee ae ee =the ones that come out of blue” te r “st 5 Paper 2: Whiting (page 10) Port ‘Queston SI eer ora, od or sige, aapopts mut bed rds; yOu can use headings, numbering rel pins Se cneent ics ag ee ly enter nue he flowing pois om the quesonrales an ut don't i the etal words ana add dais oo Yona: centres openoul oe ope + Seeiatensing You should out the rests of the sve ecommend Sot uta the ests cf the sve) and mat commendations, Sse ary You can ete Us part 2 WA ForAGTAPAS. jude information sbout) oe aoe toa mrt noes following the usual risintomatn seule be Per Py al ilies edly rahe DesUBE Wes tal tes as Sparagranhs (One fo each pw settee ile ty tons ea 1 or semi-formal Sent ie \clude information about: can 60 1 Mist actuties members Sa Stions and special discount eee 1 be quite informal as its fora college magazine Sie: Tis arte pe well organised using clear raga Ty i but sto ger by usng devices suchas rhetorical auesion, sree crf you can Ast is an aide yu shu nce $6 Gu should include information about: Piitrent ways students can prepare for job inten, recommending the best + Rowtasuceze in geting 9 good job seenembert ish with a ‘puneline yeu an ~ something memos or amusing Part 1:A shirt of two sports Content: 12) A; Only the right answer makes sense in the context The phrasal verb ‘took up’ isthe only one that fits the context ‘The other wards would be followed by a preposition. nly the right answer makes a fixed expression The phrasal verb ‘base something on’ isthe only one that fits the context. Only the right answer makes a fixed expression, Only the right answer is followed by ‘with. ‘he othe inking words do not fit the context Only the right answer i followed by to’ Only the right answer is follomed by “to” ‘despite isthe only word that fits the content. ‘Only the right answer means the same as ‘connected! and goes with the preposition ‘with’ Part 2: The blood moon, pene pRerens 2 Waterers dt serene 15 at(prestiton) fed pase 18 during (preposition) 12. by (aos flowing ‘asrounded 18 {teUishich relative pronoun) introduces a clause 20 seer, soma i tncieme noua ve 21. up (oreposit = 2 24 nies D pat ofa fixed 25" would (modal verb) phrase ‘in dire need! 3 les (conuncton) ‘Areal test of manhood er t0 now Sree ero fo acct ve) ierb to noun) noun to roo) Bla (ahectve to adverb) atacton (eb 12 N00") Seal noun to adjective) ence facet 9 noun) Grenal trun to adiece) pear prasa ver, colocation, pres veb B ierctersns B Sa coteators Be slocston wt" ls, collocation, pasa verb Bei choanon with base. pvasal vero; salve pet eh deacon UBS_said (hat he was suttering from: change of verb plus preposition Be wet tet peting: fred exes to eplesprcby Beceem tm prt of feed presen e s 2 hha lftgone/departed by the time: past perfect with “bythe time” ‘may have escaped your noticeattenton: modal verb + collocation fad not been mising, | mighmay/could/would: modal conditional Tonisligence 8 biography 9 riverslakes (in ether order) 10 speedaqility (nether order) 11 frustrated 12 litle accidents 1B (ostianer lace 14 motor sls “18 220 23H 24a 25C 26G 275 28D 29H 30 A Yet despite hore being a grain of truth init, the stereotype Belongs to a bygone aoe © W's this vealisation that has the veteran video-game firm {ethinking both its hardware and software offerings © Thereal challenge anys comes about sik months down the ne ‘hen you nave fo design all the minutiae of the game A: Geeative peaple tend not to have a little voice in their head saying, “That's nor going to work that's a stupid idea ‘ch pad as ups 2 Shows worth a pag nein and feels ike a qui gaming fx athe than Some:hing more _ Sibson much tke competing TV epsode oof, ae) ‘unfortunately makes the puzzles feel less intricate and less ing than veterans wl have come to expect. ‘back to Her fist book’ idn't come as easily asthe others refers to ‘you're very easly “itteok a long time to find my ehythm aga ause she liked the arusity nec ne department appealed day you had to go back to yaur desk and lool Part 3: All the world's her stage 13 8 ¢ nen tne ites oppure sable in ov comple socket 44D: a scosumnae escent stecon beeen the feature woman and te Sass 15. Allmycolectons were slays about creating a mood and 46 8: She moved to Dublin inher midteans sylabu:parculary sbeorng. Nt i the eho 37D: I very much fel mo teenson into come 18 A charmingly chidite shes hang Grn up th affecting ¢ girs ttheness 7? “2 PY UP hs mage 38D: That's the beauty of acting: you're working ona diferent, completely diverse project every given monte Part 4: Gorge yourself 20. Inner case wil the experience be a ramatc or tii 21 and each you al the essential topng,abscng ond Senet techniques o get you started 22 8 Eventhough going on might vole an asc down see sock feeora sera temnablecep sound sage bey > 23 and have abo equipped the rocks with climbing bol, hooks and tings to wich wstingcanyoneers an rope up 24. D- cary summer acintybecase many ofthe cons in southern France and Span have ded out ater on 25. © partially in France and Span, were everyone now recognises the word “anyoning 28. c poneeringcayoners seeking outnteresig ooking gorges and fimpiyapn for tose here war a ovate a amon totottom 27-8 2 pertratd canyonina backpack designe to et out lhe ‘weighty water that accumulates on the way down 2B A: a few fearless thil-seekers in France and Spain 29 AJD: the latest way for stressed-out high achievers to purge themselves of the pressures of work 30 _0/A: it's thriling thing for people weighed down by responsibilities todo 31. AB: it's certainly not forthe faint of heart or weak of imb 32 BA: ifthere's one thing canyoning ist, it's a sport for the lone walt 33 B: canyoning basically involves making your way to the top of an, ‘extremely long and high gorge and then traversing your may downto the bottom by the Best means possible 34 E; theyll abo provide you with all the gear Part1 ‘Question 1 Sle: Proposal format, and formal language avoiding colloquial expressions. Paragraahs must be dearly dled, and should include reasons forthe falar ofthe prewous year’s actiity. You can use headings, numbering or bullet point. Content: Include the following points fom the notes, but don't it the words direclly from the input text as they are inthe wrong sie Yeu should include information * giving reasons forthe falure of the previous activity + Suggesting new activates with good reasons for each one + making strong recommendation forthe day. fase your ideas and information on the notes and the emal from the principal. ANSWER KEY art 2 Question 2 Se Formal or seri-formal, and objective a you are presenting 2 pot Sine wath tasons andor evidence. Use cat paragraphs one Sitch eaves and ictde an troduction that lac f0 the pi seats coneson tat rounds ot the argument ana stats your Conteh Nou shoud include al three ases about tourism suggested Inte sane dscuss whether each one's a good thing Remember to sate your opeion nthe coneuson. YOu cn soree or dsgree wh the statement Semi nformal, with colourful I Se Sey ermal to informal, wth colour anguoge to intrest te ~ reader and persuade them that you should win the competition. Ure ekar pwragiophs and incude a condston ging tenors wy Your ery shoud wn You shoul se onguage of desition 3nd Solraten Content? you must include: the county you want tows, and why 5 description of what you would do there * ways in which you would benefit ‘Question 4 Styl: Formal, avoiding coloqual expressions. You can use the eter format, But remember to use formal syle, You must use clear paragraphs, which could be one fr each ofthe content points ‘You should think about the ails that might be needed for ‘hejob, especialy a5 ts organising sports ina hotel where ‘the guess speak Englsh, You must mlude information bout the person's: ‘persona! qualities + eleven stile + relevant work experience * ether information thet would be useful 9, their sporting _biity, language sil etc Remember to include deta to hack up your reference, and to conclude by saying whether you recommend the person for the job Part 1: A question of safety 3: Only the right answer can be followed by ‘wth On the ht answer can inode an ample ad be followed 3 comme, 3. © Only the ght answer makes fll ense inthe context 4 Only the ight answer canbe fllowed by “with 5D: Afoed expression and only the right ansver can be followed by Betis cssr ce erecta ee sae 10 A: The phrasal verb ‘pointed aut’ is the or san eee Pewee fo Part 2: The hamster's body clock Reason a) According inkey a a ® (preposition) ~~ i repost fey eprmene siemens se onpoaton pan sta cape eee ees 26, witha te pression 3 oniprepostion part 3 intrepid Wave! un) et et 16 28 commy noun to adv) 8 german onder 20 Fer auc oe 3. Mercton te oro 3 Gleaures web 0 Be et es et 2) 33. fequrements ‘i rng eb 0 ale 36 amrgigtiie verb 1020 part 4 18 commit to noun) tive) cation specie wor, spec word 38 corrector, pas ver, phrasal verb seine, coloration 40 sensi yer, speci word, pasa verd 42 easly. adverbs showing degree Parts ee ease : replacing ‘stands a gaod chance’ 47 {et alone cook 43. get those broken roo tiles repaired: passive 49. o citcumstances should you ever: inversion, 50 no denying my: parallel structure Part 1 1A 2¢ 38 4A 58 6C Part 2: Antarctica 7 itty & expensive 9 MacCty 10 support staff 11 huts 12 glaciersisiands 13 airstip 14 (propery) regulated Part3 15D 16A 17 18¢ 198 20¢ Part a 21F 226 23C 24D 25H 260 27A 28C 298 30H

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