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Scope & Sequence


Vocabulary Link


Language Link

* Colorful combinationsp. 3
Use background knowledge
Make predictions from notes

* Participles used as
adjectivesp. 5

Unit 1: Indoors and Outdoors

Lesson A At homep. 2
Lesson B Public spacesp. 7

* Home improvementp. 2
rearrange, repairs, options
* Public gures or private
citizens?p. 7
privacy, rights, general public

* Thats none of your business!p. 8

Infer information
Choose an appropriate response

* Expressing prohibition
p. 10

Unit 2: Lifes Changes

Lesson A The times of your
lifep. 12

* Parent or friend?p. 12
grown-up, childhood, teenagers

Lesson B Milestonesp. 17

* A Cross-cultural ambassador
p. 17
got married, went to school, left

* A very special dayp. 13

Listen for context
Guess the meaning of words
* Good times aheadp. 18
Listen to infer information
Listen for gist and detail

* Review of future
forms p. 15
* Modals of future
possibilityp. 20

Unit 3: Getting Information

Lesson A How we
communicatep. 22
Lesson B In the newsp. 27

* We talk about everything.p. 22

gossip, chat, discuss, argue,

* Ask all your friends!p. 23

Listen for details

* Participial and
prepositional phrases
p. 25

* Have you heard the news?p. 27

local news, word of mouth,
in the news

* Your source for the newsp. 28

Listen for gist and detail

* Review of the present

perfectp. 30

* I like to wear bright colors.

p. 36
wear makeup, get a tattoo

* Say cheese!p. 37
Use background knowledge

* The present perfect with

already, just, never, still,
and yetp. 39

* A love story?p. 41
ask out, turn down, break up

* I want to go out with him.p. 42

Understand character relationships
Listen for details

* Phrasal verbsp. 44

* Good or bad behaviorp. 46

appropriate, inconsiderate,

* Here are the rules.p. 47

Listen for context
Make predictions
Listen to paraphrases

* It + be + adjective +
innitive; gerund as
subjectp. 49

Review Units 13p. 32

Unit 4: Men and Women

Lesson A How do I look?
p. 36
Lesson B Datingp. 41

Unit 5: Being Different

Lesson A Mind your
mannersp. 46
Lesson B Adjusting to a
new placep. 51

* Cross-cultural
communicationp. 51
jet lag, body language, personal

* Weve been talking about . . .p. 52

Listen for main topic
Make inferences

* Future time clauses

p. 54

Unit 6: Big Business

Lesson A Success stories
p. 56

* Talking about businessp. 56

advertise, consume, purchase

* An article about emailp. 57

Choose the best answer

Lesson B The ABCs of

advertisingp. 61

* Up and downp. 61
recover, in a slump, increase

* Commercialsp. 62
Listen for specic information

* The passive: simple

present and simple
pastp. 59
* Connecting words:
because, so, although /
even thoughp. 64

Review Units 46p. 66



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Speaking &
Speaking Strategy




Saying a series of
itemsp. 3

Why dont you x it

yourself?p. 4
Making informal

The father of
American landscape
architecturep. 8
Make predictions from
Find sentences to
support your answers
Find related words

rulesp. 10
Make a list
of dos and
donts for the

* An improvement projectp. 6
Making improvements to a room

I need a new
license.p. 14
Talking about plans
and needs

Lifes stressorsp. 18
Use background
Scan (timed)

My futurep. 21
Write about
possible events
in the future

* The Magic Answer Bagp. 16

Playing a game of predicting the

Could I interrupt for a

second?p. 24
Interrupting someone

Nutty newsp. 28
Use visual cues
Scan for specic
language or examples
Sequence events

An unusual
news story
p. 31
Write a story
about an
unusual event

* Your future jobp. 26

Interviewing a person to nd their
future job.

Im getting a
tattoo!p. 38
Disagreeing politely

Ways to meet
peoplep. 42
Use background
Read for details
Make inferences

A personal ad
p. 45
Write a personal

* Act like a manp. 40

Discussing ideas about gender

Mmm. Its delicious.

p. 48
Asking about customs

JTs Travel Blogp. 52

Scan for details
Identify writers tone
Make predictions about
what will happen next

A language
barrierp. 55
Write about
overcoming a
language barrier

* Subway rulesp. 50
Talking about what is polite and

Is advertising
necessary?p. 62
Recognize opinions
Scan for words

advicep. 65
Write a product

* What is made in your country?

p. 60
Creating a list of interesting facts
about a place

Emphasis patterns
p. 13

Stress: verb +
prepositionp. 23

Different ways to
say chp. 37

Linking the same

soundsp. 47

Stress on nouns and

verbs with the same
spellingp. 57

People rst!p. 58
important points

* Which place would you protect?

p. 11
Discussing the protection of natural
and historical sites

* What will you do?p. 21

Taking a quiz about your future

* Bloggingp. 31
Finding someones future self

* Dating Surveyp. 45
Taking and discussing the results
of a dating survey

* Help for the homesickp. 55

Giving advice to homesick people

* Rate the advertisement.p. 65

Reviewing advertisements


Scope & Sequence


Vocabulary Link


Language Link

Lesson A How do you

feel?p. 70

* Adventure on a mountainp. 70
drowsy, dizzy, shiver

* A cold or the u?p. 71

Listen for specic information

Lesson B Getting better

p. 75

* Im sick of it!p. 75
homesick, worried sick, call in

* Hows school?p. 76
Listen for details
Identify people

* Verb + noun / adjective /

verb(-ing); noun +
hurt(s)p. 73

Unit 7: Health

* Reported speech:
requests and commands
p. 78

Unit 8: Sports and Hobbies

Lesson A In my free time
p. 80
Lesson B The active life
p. 85

* A great way to stay activep. 80

active member, where the action
is, leisure time activity

* Its time to renew it.p. 81

Listen to Infer
Listen for context

* The present perfect

vs. the present perfect
continuousp. 83

* Around the world by carp. 85

pay for, run on, know about

* Choose the best response.p. 86

Listen to a statement and choose
the best response

* The simple past tense

vs. the perfect tenses
p. 88

* Are you old enough to vote?

p. 90
make progress, vote for, taxes

* Together we can do it.p. 91

Listen for speakers attitude
Listen for specic meaning
Infer main points

* Too and enoughp. 93

Unit 9: Social Issues

Lesson A In my community
p. 90
Lesson B People, people,

* The problem of sprawlp. 95

develop, development, force

* Future real
conditionalsp. 98

* Urban or suburban?p. 96
Use background information

Review Units 79p. 100

Unit 10: Having It All

Lesson A Money issues
p. 104

* Money quizp. 104

get by, owe, short on money

Lesson B Striking it rich

p. 109

* Youre a winner!p. 109

accept, claim, donate

* Rich and poorp. 105

Listen for gist

* Wish-statementsp. 107
* Negative modalsp. 112

* Saving money, saving livesp. 110

Listen for cause and effect
Take notes

Unit 11: Honestly Speaking

Lesson A To tell the
truth p. 114

* Tell me the truth.p. 114

against the law, depends on the
circumstances, an exception

* An empty deskp. 115

Use background information

* I have condence in . . .p. 119

count on, trustworthy

* I completely agree.p. 120

Determine the correct response to
a statement

Lesson A The natural world

p. 124

* Endangered animalsp. 124

extinct, illegal, mascot

Lesson B The man-made

worldp. 129

* Great structuresp. 129

construction, withstand, links

* Rainforest animalsp. 125

Listen for gist
Dene unfamiliar vocabulary

Lesson B Who do you

trust?p. 119

* Present unreal
conditionalsp. 117
* Reported statements
p. 122

Unit 12: Our Earth

* An engineers jobp. 130

Identify correct photos for
Listen for details

* Like as a preposition
and a verbp. 127
* The passive with various
tensesp. 132

Review Units 1012p. 134



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UNITS 7-12

Speaking &
Speaking Strategy

Dropping the h p. 71

I could never do
that.p. 72
Giving, accepting, and
refusing advice

Its played with a bat

and a ball.p. 82
Talking about a game

Compound nouns
p. 81

Sentence level
stressp. 91

Linking the same

consonant sound
p. 105

Repeating with
rising intonation to
show surprisep. 115

Practice with
pauses p. 125



Modern life
challengesp. 76
Scan for specic
Guess denitions from

Syndromes and
p. 79
Write about a
syndrome and
a cure

* Have you tried hypnotism?p. 74

Role playing having a health
problem and getting advice

A star in the X
Gamesp. 86
Use a title and photos
to build background

Go, team, go!

p. 89
Write about
a team sport

* Who is telling the truth?p. 84

Playing a game to nd out who is
telling the truth

populationp. 96
Read and understand
Read for cause and

What will
happen if . . . ?
p. 99
Write about
different future

* Did you sleep enough last night?

p. 94
Completing a survey and
interviewing a classmate

Wheres my soda?
p. 106
Apologizing for small
and serious mistakes
Accepting an apology

The San people and

the monksp. 110
Make a prediction
from titles and photos
Recognize true

An experience
with money
p. 113
Write about a
time you lost or
found money

* My wish listp. 108

Talking about realistic and
unrealistic wishes

Its not cooked

right.p. 116

The kindness of
strangersp. 120
Make predictions
Guess the meaning of
words from context
Sequence a story

I said that I was

sick.p. 123
Write about a
time you lied

* Would you ever do this?p. 118

Discussing the ethics of various

Building downp. 130

Use content to ask
Understand an
authors opinion

A famous
landmarkp. 132
Write about a
famous place
you know

* What in the world?p. 128

Taking a quiz about geographical

Id like to talk to you

about . . . p. 92
Language for

A summer job
overseasp. 126
Offering another


Language Summariesp. 138

* A healthy and happy lifep. 79

Making a list of tips to have a happy

* Im known for . . .p. 89

Asking questions to guess the
identity of a famous person

* Youre in charge!p. 99
Preparing an election speech with
campaign promises

* A potential millionairep. 113

Taking a potential millionaire survey

* My little white liep. 123

Role playing a situation involving a
white lie

* What is best for our city?p. 133

Deciding which urban renovation
project to undertake

Grammar Notesp. 144


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