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Eng 487
May 1 2015

Project #3 Rational
Teaching English as a second language is a lot of work, but it can be very easy

with patience and the right tools. I created a Grammar Book to teach pronouns for
children at a young age to interpret the ways we can substitute nouns with

According to the Coelho book in regard to second language teaching, English

learners have a difficult time referencing to pronouns because in their native

language, the pronouns are more simplistic. For example in Spanish the pronouns
are El, Ella, Ellos, Ellas. So the spelling is more related, but in the English we have a
wide variety of spellings, so it isnt easy for second language learners. For example,
we have the terms: He, her, she, him, they, I, we, etc.

I decided to write a book about pronouns because maybe if we simplify the

lesson we can help the second language learner make a connection to nouns using
pronouns. For example instead of saying the dog, we can call it it. Pronouns are
pretty difficult to learn because of the rules of first, second and third person
narration. So not only do we as teachers have to create a lesson to teach the
different types of pronouns, we have to develop a lesson that shows children which
pronoun you use based on whether its first, second, or third person.

My book was developed in this specific format. First I introduced the topic of

pronouns, and defined it. Then I began with a sample sentence to show how to use a
pronoun. Then I explain examples throughout the book in the order of first person,
second person, and third person concepts. So If I were to teach a lesson I could

section it and read to the children one page at a time as a separate lesson. For
example, I can read the pages on first person singular, and plural pronouns. So I Can
go over that information in one day and review it with the students. I can have them
come up with there own examples instead of just reading the book as a whole.
Second language learners, according to Coelho need to be taught at a certain pace
because they have to learn the concept and the language at the same time. In
comparison with native English speakers, they already know the language, so they
just have to develop an understanding of the concept. As a teacher I have to develop
teaching habits that can be applied to evry type of language learner. Not every
learner is the same so I have to be patient with the second language learners and
teach at a more basic instruction.

I also have to be able to teach the proper pronunciation to second language

learners. If they develop the concept correctly, but they dont have the correct
pronunciation, it can lead to confusion. That is why the book is developed in a way
where we learn one or two concepts a day and practice the pronunciation as well.
For native English speakers, we wouldnt really have to learn about pronunciation
because they already know the language.

Reflecting about the book, I feel as though I can develop better concept with

the correct tools. But like every grammar rule, there is an abundance of rules, which
makes it a bit difficult to simplify everything into one small childrens book, that
actually teacher grammar. I had a bit of trouble trying to explain pronouns without
it being an essay long. I used professional grammar books to refer but what I noticed
was that many books lose focus on the rules because they are trying to make the

book fun and creative but the grammar rules get lost in the artistic value. Although I
just used clipart from Microsoft word to create my project because Im not very
artistic, I feel as though my lack of art is ok because my work went from being very
wordy to a more basic understanding of a pronoun. It wasnt easy but after 5 peer
edits, I am very proud of my book, and I feel as though if I would have had the
opportunity to create another book, I would de a mush better job.

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