Donation Money Should Be Allocated

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Most people would think that the donation money for the

renovation of the mosque is used effectively, but actually the

money collected from donation should be allocated to other
aspects of the school because of these several reasons. First, the
donation money should be used to repair the schools toilets.
According to what most students observe, toilets lack soap and
door locks are broken from the past year. Therefore, most
students would care less about their bladder, which could lead to
kidney diseases and egestion disorder. Second, the donation
money should be allocated to science labs, because practical
tools in the school lab arent enough and some tools are needed
to be upgraded and repaired in order to get the best result. In
addition, the lab results obtained from poor practical tools are not
accurate and valid, thus decreasing students scores. Third, the
donation money collected is not efficient for the renovation of the
mosque because the most is still adequate and spacious,
regarding the potential lower floor of the mosque which is enough
for the remaining people to pray. Furthermore, the money could
be spent to purchase a camera and projector, which provides
vision for students who pray on the lower floor. Lastly, the
donation money obtained should be allocated to support the
student unions programs in the future, because students look
forward to those programs and they dont want them obstructed
by the lack of funds. In conclusion, the donation money collected
should be re-allocated to fulfill other poor aspects of the school,
such as hygiene, laboratory equipment and student unions

Other ideas about the problem:

- Money should be used to repair furniture/lockers/air conditioner
- Money should be used to make parking lot
- Money should be used to enlarge motorcycle parking lot

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