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EEE 309

Communication Theory
Instructor: Tishna Sabrina
Summer 2016
Lecture 12
Generation & Demodulation of FM Waves

Generating FM waves

Basically there are 2 ways:



Indirect FM generation,
Direct FM generation.

NBFM generation is used in indirect

generation of the WBFM signal.
NBFM assumption:
NBFM expression:
NBPM expression:
Both approximations are similar to the
expression of the AM wave.


Communication Theory: Lecture 12

NBPM & NBFM Generation

Because of NB approximation & the modulator output,

the modulated output has some amplitude variations.
A non linear device designed to limit the amplitude of a
band-pass signal can remove most of this distortion.


Communication Theory: Lecture 12

Bandpass Limiter
Consists of a hard limiter followed by a bandpass filter.
Bandpass limiter output to a sinusoid
will be a square wave of unit amplitude
regardless of the incoming amplitude.
Thus an angle-modulated sinusoidal input results in a
constant amplitude angle-modulated square-wave.


Communication Theory: Lecture 12

NBFM Generation using Bandpass Limiter

Consider an incoming angle-modulated wave

, where
The output
of the hard limiter is +1 or -1
depending on whether
is positive or
can be expressed as a function
of :
Hence, as a function of is a periodic square wave
function with period which can be expanded by a
Fourier series:


Communication Theory: Lecture 12

NBFM Generation using Bandpass Limiter

At any instant
Hence, the output

as function of time can be is by

The output of the hard limiter then passes through a

BPF with a centre frequency at and BW,
The filter output is the desired angle-modulated carrier
with constant amplitude,


Communication Theory: Lecture 12

Indirect method of Armstrong

NBFM is converted to WBFM by using additional frequency multipliers.

200 kHz is chosen because it is easy to construct stable crystal
oscillators as well as balanced modulators at this frequency.
As required by NB, to maintain,
is chosen to be 25Hz.


Communication Theory: Lecture 12

Indirect method of Armstrong

A commercial FM transmitter requires to have a carrier frequency of

91.2MHz and
=75kHz .
To achieve
=75kHz, we need a multiplication of 75,000/25=3000.
This can be done by two multiplier stages of 64 and 48, giving a total
multiplication of 64X48=3072.


Communication Theory: Lecture 12

Demodulation of FM signals

The information of an FM signal resides in its instantaneous

To yield an output proportional to the instantaneous
frequency, the simplest possible circuit is an ideal

, for all t, so m(t) can
be obtained by envelope detection of


Communication Theory: Lecture 12

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