Chapter 15

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Chapter 1587 7-8. The professor said, “It seems __ to our discussion of the Age of Reason to mention that ___ architecture was typical. Balance was valued—both in art and in the individual.” 9-10. Using too many superfluous® words can make something more difficult to understand. Thus if the essay had not been so would have been more ee ss Maced —~ Here is a final opportunity for you to strengthen your knowledge of the ten words. First read the following selection carefully. Then fill in each blank with a word from the box at the top of the previous page. (Context clues will help you figure out which word goes in which blank.) Use each word once. It wasn’t until noon that Daniel Cobb noticed that the painting was missing. He immediately became (1) Asa a __ of art, he was well aware of the enormous value of the painting—and this was a grievous” loss. He was so upset that when he phoned the police, he could not think or talk clearly description of his unfortunate enough to give a (3), @ instead, he found himself rambling so much that he was afraid the police would think he was just a ()__old fool. Nevertheless, the police soon arrived at Cobb’s home, which was magnificent—a fine old mansion in a (6) __ style, with a row of columns on each side of the front door. Leading the police to the room from which the painting had been taken, Cobb began to explain. “Last night,” he said, “my wife and | gave a dinner party for art ‘experts. We showed them our entire collection. | remember that they gave the missing painting special attention, At least, a few of them seemed to look at it more than just (7) aaa en only assume that we are the victims of a (8)__ . Our guests must have plotted a ‘landestine® action: to sneak into the house during the night and take the painting.” ‘As Cobb finished speaking, his wife entered the room, having just returned from town. She was clearly alarmed by the presence of the police. After Cobb quickly reiterated” his story, however, she started to laugh. “Today's Monday," she finally said. “thatdly see how that’s (9)__ to our problemt” her husband responded. “Remember, we told the Leeworth Art Association it could exhibit the painting today, for its annual show. That’s where I've been. | took the painting there early this morning.” Cobb looked embarrassed but relieved that his guests had been exonerated” by his wife's story. ‘Accept my sincere apology for having bothered you. | am most (10)___ he said to the police officers. "Please stay and have some lunch.” Sentence Check 2 Final Check | porqesip Ktyuauruuiad st ayg —~ s04 asv9 40 ,AdR}Os LUSTEIA, 18 2,uom yauau sty anq ‘Tusprpoe otf BuysMeD IMOqE— St IBALP UMA a, “9-S — fquo K1onod jo aaard 10 aoepyoou Sumutexs Joe SHAT OM > agin ayy ApUAp! und aug “SyjeI9 UWL DANN JO — ¥ SE SIM] “SIA “P-E “soy 3stuee —~ v UE panyoaul up spudkiy pur puegsny soy wy ayjrax ays sv — oxo pu axour sou1os0q SUIOIy at “2IAOUT JOON] 9U}) UY “ZT “2010 ‘papiaoud sau] somsue yp BUNS) eas JM Ypva asf] “XOG AYP WON] SPION OM} YEA MOJaq WAH Yova ara[dutt0> 49104 Jo no 198 pure Ang $,30°1 “oUly $i, ‘St ses ay [[e “uormdo siy sysv pue au0 WY SMoys ays [‘parsaroiur — é]uo st pungsmy oy ‘ssaup sou v Ang o1 SOLN I FARIA “OL ad AtIMpApUEA,, “add sty WO aTOHM a4 2a Axooqp anouyip » Jo uorPumydxo saya sty ype pasvafd os sea 1049001 S,PaA. “6 — fron asoas Kou ‘Buyusour ay wom 18 UL poyyeAaL jreuyy ays oun aup Ke “Y00]9,0 ua £q auHOHy asHs AU peroadxo poy stuared AW °g ‘uorssnastp sse[9 ax 01 — 1,4ka10%0 1eUB StoNRseND ‘upyse idoy ursng ways poreiLUT awiesaq siMapms Loo OM PUE AOyO~D aL, “L uu ustig. atp day 01 — v ur pearonut Tea “ioOUJo WLILIOWIY UD “POU IoIPoUIG “eA AreUOHINjOANY oy Byung “9 ‘piom Arvssaoauun {4 no ino 01 YoYo ax ayRUE OF uemT — 9q 04 FoISeO AyyeMIoe sw BUNEIAL UT “Ss ‘aqqrnqea vue ‘ams aim “plo Az94 s} asea asoumy KUL yeu, ou pjor we UEISy Jo y “py “ped yeaa v yo aps yoea uo “wromed rues oy u1 paSunume ‘sqniys pur siaMoyy aus ay yptAL “— st woprEs om,“ ante ts a4,caus uren199 rao YoU 91,944 “Safisoy] ayn Jo — tp. tnoge pauLdoUOD AIpE—aNB st BUOKION “Z ABojode wv wy payru-9 24s “ej 24s ou MoYs OY, “TUS UPA TUNEL ay pouTIs Furwey| Jop Autos Aqnsy SeM 2HTeI “] asoqion *; ——yeonowuiks Ayepysadns -y ay6ijd “> pny auewiia6 ayBNeNsIP “o ‘aunuos > ——_foeardsuoa anassjout03 *v 20110 HON [oro asp) “oq au) Wiody puoAY 1291109 2Up IATA AOfOq WANE YR arajduro9 “papraoid out JomsUE oy TUS, eee kee cs tee standey, } | sopIs og o1 sty “2 snonnodas “@ purisrapun or &st9 “v af dses8 0 afer som soutoxpne os sem Fume jeqor? 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