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Midnight at the Felt Mansion Rules

Set up
Remove all board pieces from their packaging. (You will also need to find two coins, and a six-sided die.)
The player using The Felt places their pieces on either every EVEN numbered room or every ODD numbered
room (Flip a coin, Heads is even Tails is odd.) The Felt pieces should be placed in no particular order, 1 per
even/odd room. The Felt player places all Felt member character cards in front of them. They also keep all
Action cards until the Midnight crew player wins them.
The Midnight Crew player can then place their characters in the start room and can also use the random room
chart to toss Midnight Crew members into the mansion. No takebacks. The Midnight Crew player, places their
character cards in front of them.
Players may read each others cards at any time.
Random Room chart. To use, roll a die twice. The first roll is the top horizontal row. The second roll is the first
vertical column.

Room 1
Room 6
Room 11
Room 16
Room 21
Room 26

Room 2
Room 7
Room 12
Room 17
Room 22
Room 27

Room 3
Room 8
Room 13
Room 18
Room 23
Room 28

Room 4
Room 9
Room 14
Room 19
Room 24
Room 29

Room 5
Room 10
Room 15
Room 20
Room 25
Room 30

6 Re-Roll

Playing the game

The Midnight Crew player goes first. The Midnight Crew characters take their turns in the order they were
introduced in Homestuck. Spades 1st, Clubs 2nd, Diamonds 3rd, and Hearts 4th.
Then its The Felt players turn.
The Felt characters take their turns in number order, Itchy, #1 goes first and Cans, #15, goes last.
Then its the Midnight Crew players turn again and the cycle continues.
There are two Actions a character can take on their turn, a movement and an attack. Characters can move or
attack in either order. On a characters turn they can move once to one adjacent room through the equal-signlooking doors. Characters can stay in the same room if they dont want to move. A character can attack an
opposing gang member, (or one of their own) once per turn. If there is no one to attack, just end the characters
turn and move on to the next characters turn, or use the characters movement action if you havent done so
yet. (Very simple, just move around the board and attack people.)

On a characters turn (Character 1), if they have not yet attacked and are in the same room as another character
(Character 2). The turn player can declare that they are going to attack said Character 2. Then any abilities that
happen When this card is attacked or When this card attacks activate. Calculations are preformed involving
Character 1s ATK and when they are finished, damage is dealt. The attacks current power is subtracted from
Character 2s HP. (Damage done may end in a .5 decimal but will not be any other decimal.)
When a characters HP reaches 0 or below, remove their piece from the board and flip their character card facedown. They have been killed.
This is different than being Removed from the board in which case you can flip the characters board piece
over, and leave their character card alone, if they will be back.
Action Cards
Action cards are given to the Midnight Crew player when they kill specific Felt members. You can only get
each action card once. An Action Card, or multiple Action Cards, can be used on a Midnight Crew characters
turn. Not while they are in the middle of doing something else however, like attacking. Below is a chart
showing the Actions Cards with the two corresponding characters that will drop it below them.
Hero Mode Mansion

House Fire


Luck of a

End Game




Itchy and

Doze and

Trace and

Clover and

Fin and

Die and








and Cans

How to Win
The Midnight Crew wins if:
Crowbar is dead and all 4 Midnight Crew members make it into the Vault room alive.
Or if every single member of the Felt is ever not on the board (Dead and/or removed.)
The Felt wins when all Midnight Crew members are Dead (Removed does not count.)
For Technicalities, go to my YouTube channel for the video titled Midnight at the Felt Mansion:
Technicalities There should be a playlist on anything Youd want to know about the game.


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