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4 June 2010

In brief …
Dear Members,
Kral Shack Phone…703-451-9700
Hooray! SSRC’s pool opened for our Membership as planned on
Tennis Courts… Available year
round upon request.
Saturday, 29 May 2010 thanks to the hard work and good efforts of
Pool Season…Now to 29 Aug 2010. many Members – just in time as it appears this will be a long hot
Operating Hours… Pool is open: summer! Please ensure you tell your family and friends about SSRC:
- Weekends: 12-8pm. more Members will help us to reduce our fees in years to come.
- Holidays: 12-6pm. Below is a summary of the key items in this newsletter to keep all
- Weekdays members informed of activities, events and changes at SSRC. Also,
1-25 Jun: 4-8pm.
Webmaster Chuck Seward has made amazing improvements to our
28 Jun-6 Aug: 2-8pm.
9-27 Aug: 4-8pm. website
 Member of the Month
For SSRC Rules & Regs, Bylaws
and Newsletters, see:
 Guard of the week  Springfield 15K/5K Run & Walk Community, 6 June, 7am
 General Membership Meeting: Wednesday, 16 June, 7pm
2010 SSRC Board of Directors:  New Member Welcome
Joe Milligan, President
 Member Request: Water Aerobics
Janice Buckley, Vice President
Julie Mackin, Treasurer
 Special 2010 Pilot Program for Adults desiring limited visits
Debbie Mays, Secretary  SSRC Committee Structure & Sign-Ups
Heather Bogstad  SSRC’s 2010 Program
Becky Campbell Member of the Month: We had so many Members turn out to lend a
Jeff Firman hand to get our pool open for the season and want to recognize
Patricia Hagy
members who have made a significant contribution to SSRC. From
Mary Yarrison
example, Jeff Firman made numerous improvements to the lawn on
Web Master Chuck Seward the east lawn. Chris Sheppard made some emergency temporary
Pay dues by check or use PayPal repairs in the Men’s room. Brad Tornquist exerted Herculean efforts in attending to the hot water heater. We owe all of them a huge
Start 2010 Right at SSRC thanks. However, special recognition for Member of the Month for
– Recruit a Neighbor! May is due to John Feldbauer. The exterior landscaping for SSRC was
in disarray. John, on his own, brought order to that chaos. Moreover,
John cleaned the grass in the parking lot cracks and then added
stripes to the parking lot and handball court. Clearly, we owe a great
deal of appreciation to all members for their contributions and John
certainly merits thanks from all of us!
Guard of the Week: We want to take recognize NVPools’ Lifeguards who are making a difference at
SSRC this year. Our first “Guard of the Week” is Emily Blake. According to NVPools manager Molly
Maloy, Emily, was on time and willing to work with a positive attitude – asking what needed to be done
and taking pride in her completing her work and an outgoing attitude toward our members. For her
efforts, SSRC is thanking Emily with a coupon donated by Dominos for a free pizza. Thanks Emily!
Springfield 15K/5K Run & Walk Community: The 6 June Springfield 15K / 5K race will signal the arrival
of THE signature fitness event for southern Fairfax County. The SSRC Parking Lot will be used to
provide parking or staging for participants up until 10am. Sign up for one of the races at Metro Run &
Walk or at Spread the word and send a link to to
anyone who might be interested. SSRC will sponsor a water stop on the back-side of our property as
the runners come down the hill on Atteentee. Time commitment is from about 6:30am to setup.
Runners will show between 7-8:30am and then cleanup till 9am. Volunteers will need to set up,
distribute water and cleanup. This should be a fun community event. Ms. Janice Buckley will help
oversee the operation, please contact her or sign up on our website.
General Membership Meeting: The next General Membership Meeting is set for 7pm on Wednesday,
16 June. For those interested, we will have a true “potluck” dinner starting at 6pm. We have a number
of serious issues that all members must address as we look to rebuild SSRC during the next several
years. This really is an effort that will take all members. We will discuss the effect of the T-Mobile Cell
tower on the club’s future. We will discuss our budget, fee structure and plans for the future. We will
look for members to join Club Committees and will be seeking nominations for the Board of Directors.
New Member Welcome: SSRC would like to welcome three new families who joined during opening
weekend: Dawn and Tony Quinn and Eiley, Keelan, Cannan, and Jessica; Amy and Tim Alley and
Brayden; and Biggi Wolf and Addi Reiprich.
Member Request: The Board was approached by several members interested in water aerobics. This
sounds like a really great idea! All it takes is a member to put together a proposal as to who would
instruct, when the event would take place, what this would cost, etc. Talk to any Board Member or send
an email to Thanks!
Special 2010 Pilot Program for Adults desiring limited visits : Based on a specific proposal by one
member, the Board approved a pilot to permit adults desiring limited visits, 15 for singles and 20 for
couples, to join SSRC for a reduced fee of $200 and $250, respectively. More information is available
from Membership.
SSRC Committee Structure & Sign-ups: Our Club needs the services of all of members as we continue
to rebuild SSRC. Following is a description of the Board of Directors and principal Committees that we
are implementing to move SSRC forward. If you have not already done so, please contact the SSRC
President to volunteer for a committee or contact the SSRC Vice President if you are willing to consider
serving on the Board of Directors and would consider standing for nomination at the 16 June GMM.
 Serving on Committees… Many hands make light work. Service on the committees should
probably be no more than 1-2 hours per week during the swim season and less during the off
season for meetings and activities. This is a great way to contribute to the Club and community
as well as get to work with your neighbors.
 Serving on the Board of Directors… With the stand-up of committees, the role of the Board is
changing from one of “doing” to “overseeing” and providing policy for SSRC. Board members
generally meet once or twice a month for two hour meetings and spend time planning for
meetings. Officers spend considerably more time preparing state filings, agendas, minutes,
budgets, etc. Board members also serve on committees and volunteer, but this is not part of
their function as Board members.
Board of Directors: The Board’s functions are to determine direction of work to be done, policy options,
determine policy and implement selected policies.
Executive Committee: The executive committee is responsible to the SSRC Board of Directors of SSRC to
function on behalf of the board of directors in matters of emergency and in interim periods between
regularly scheduled Board meetings. The executive committee shall have and exercise the authority of
the Board of Directors, provided that such authority shall not operate to circumvent the responsibility
and authority vested in the Board of Directors by the SSRC’s bylaws.

Vision & Communications Committee: The vision committee, in conjunction with the Board of
Directors, will develop the five year strategic plan for SSRC. Additionally, this committee will develop
and implement websites, flyers, newsletters and other channels to communicate with members as well
as the general public.
Program Services Committee: The program services committee is responsible to the Board of Directors
for the overall program emphasis of SSRC. The committee shall develop programs and monitor program
goals with the involvement of the total organization. Program services includes and is not limited to
pool operations, social events (e.g., after hours parties, etc.), swim team, dive team and concessions.
Resource Development Committee: The resource development committee is responsible to the Board
of Directors of SSRC to assume the primary relationship in matters pertaining to membership, business
relations, public relations, community outreach, volunteer coordination, planned giving, and board
membership in accordance with policies and practices established by the board of directors of the SSRC.
Finance Committee: The finance committee is responsible to the Board of Directors of SSRC to assume
the primary relationship in matters pertaining to the SSRC’s finances. This includes matters pertaining
to building care and maintenance, protecting the capital investment of the SSRC in buildings and
grounds, and assuring the functional utility of all areas and equipment.

SSRC’s 2010 Program: Ability to remain open through 29 August 2010 remains contingent on
availability of funds. Updates will be provided in future newsletters and are posted at Send recommendations to
Date Activities Comments
1-27 Jun Open @ 4pm on weekdays/12pm on weekends
6 Jun Support Springfield Days 5/15K Run/Walk 3-6 June, Springfield Days
**15 Jun SCA Meeting @ Crestwood
16 Jun General Membership Meeting Pavilion. Potluck @ 6pm &
meeting @ 7pm
19 Jun Swim Time Trials @ SSRC
26 Jun Swim ”A” Meet #1 v. Hollin Hills @ SSRC
After Hours Event 8pm-12am
28 Jun-8 Aug Open @ 2pm on weekdays/12pm on weekends
28 Jun Swim “B” Meet @ Rolling Valley
29 Jun Swim Team Bowling
3 Jul Swim “A” Meet #2 v. N. Springfield @ SSRC
5 Jul Swim “B” Meet v. Fox Hunt @ SSRC Pool Closes @ 5pm
*6-19 Jul Lake Accotink Park using Tennis Courts 9-noon Depends on attendance
7 Jul Swim Team Lap-a-Thon
10 Jul Swim “A” Meet #3 @ Stratford
Swim Team Party & Sleepover
11 Jul BOD Meeting Place TBD
12 Jul Swim “B” Meet @ Hunt Valley
14 Jul Swim Meet: Relay Carnival @ SSRC Pool Closes at 4pm
17 Jul Swim “A” Meet #4 @ Woodley (& Lunch)
19 Jul Swim “B” Meet v. Cottontail @ SSRC Pool Closes @ 5pm
**20 Jul SCA Meeting @ Crestwood
24 Jul Swim “A” Meet #5 @ Annandale (& Lunch)
31 Jul Swim Meet: Divisionals @ Stratford
After Hours Event
1 Aug Swim Banquet
3 Aug National Night Out (NNO) Need NNO Coordinator
7 Aug Swim All Stars
8 Aug BOD Meeting Place TBD
9-27 Aug Open @ 4pm on weekdays/12pm on weekends
14 Aug After Hours Event 8pm-12am
**17 Aug SCA Meeting @ Crestwood
29 Aug Pool closes for the season SSRC Annual “Puppy Paddle”
*If there is anyone in the club who is interested in teaching tennis to children and teens and they are
available during these times please contact Member Julie Tahan at Lake Accotink Park at 703.569.0285
**Working to establish stronger community partnership with SCA.

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