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Rainbow Group

Principles of management I
Parallel .A.


Gloryo Stevano Sangkaeng

Mesya Bronkhorst
Leydi Anisa Paseki
Ryan Runtuthomas
Gerry Pinatik
Cristy Nauli Sihaloho
Tithania Makalew
Sheilla Moningka
Andrew Laatung

Ask Chuck

The Charles Schwab Corporation (Charles Schwab) is a San Francisco-based financial

services company. Like many companies in that industry, Charles Schwab struggled
during the economic recession.
Founded in 1971 by its namesake as a discount brokerage, the company has now
grown up into a full-service traditional brokerage firm, with more than 300 offices in
some 45 states and in London and Hong Kong. It still offers discount brokerage services,
but also financial research, advice, and planning; retirement plans; investment
management; and proprietary financial products including mutual funds, mortgages, CDs,
and other banking products through its Charles Schwab Bank unit. However, its primary
business is still making stock trades for investors who make their own financial
decisions.The company has a reputation for being conservative, which helped it avoid the
financial meltdown suffered by other investment firms. Founder Charles R. Schwab has a
black bowling ball perched on his desk. Its a reminder of another long-ago stock market
bubble, when shares of bowling-pin companies, shoemakers, chalk manufactures, and
lane operators were thought to be sure bets because of the limitless potential of
suburbia. And guess what, they warent. He keeps the ball as a reminder not to listen to
the hype or take excessive risk.
Like many companies, Charles Schwab is fanatical about customer service. By
empowering front-line employees to respond fast to customer issues and concerns, Cheryl
Pasquale, a manager at one of Schwabs branches, is on the front line of Schwabs efforts
to prosper in a struggling economy. Every workday morning, she pulls up a customer
feedback report for her branch generated by a brief survey the investment firm e-mails
out daily. The report allows her to review how well her six financial consultants handled
the previous days transactions. Shes able to see comments of customers who gave both
high and low marks and whether a particular transaction garnered praise or complaint. On
one particular day, she notices that several customers commented on how difficult it was
to use the branchs in-house information kiosks. Wanting to know more, She decide to
ask her team for insights about this in their weekly meeting. One thing that she pays
particular attention to is a manager alerta special notice triggered by a client who has
given Schwab a poor rating for a delay in posting a transaction to his account. And shes
not alone. Every day, Pasquale and the managers at all the companys branches receive
this type of customer feedback. Its been particulary important to have this information in
the economic climate of the last few years.

Discussion Question.

1. Describe and evaluate what Charles Schwab is doing.

2. How might the companys culture of not buying into hype and not taking
excessive risks affect its organizational structural design?
3. What structural implicationsgood and badmight Schwabs intense focus on
customer feedback have?
4. Do you think this arrangement would work for other types of organizations? Why
or why not?


1. Yang didirikan oleh Charles Schwab adalah perusahaan jasa keuangan yang bertujuan
untuk melakukan perdagangan jual ataupun beli saham terhadap investor manapun.
Struktur organisasi yang di mana para karyawan berfokus pada perdagangan saham
dengan menggunakan order melalui sistem komputer otomatis. Schwab corporation
juga fokus pada layanan pelanggan yang baik dengan menggunakan sistem informasi
perusahaan untuk mengawasi perdagangan untuk dapat memastikan mereka
memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan atau tidak.
2. Budaya konservatif Charles Schwab Corporation akan memunculkan struktur
sederhana yang ditandai dengan terjadinya departementalisasi rendah, rentang
kendali yang luas, wewenang terpusat, dan sedikit formalisasi. Struktur ini cepat,
fleksibel, murah untuk mempertahankan dan memiliki akuntabilitas yang jelas.
3. Fokus Charles Schwab Corporation terhadap umpan balik pelanggan akan
menunjukkan struktur yang fleksibel yang mampu beradaptasi dalam lingkungan
kerja sehingga sapat memenuhi permintaan pelanggan. Struktur ini akan
memungkinkan karyawan untuk menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dan energi yang
ditujukan pada peningkatan hubungan dengan pelanggan dan mungkin memberikan
pengecualian untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Di sisi lain, membangun
hubungan pelanggan yang kuat membutuhkan waktu dan uang. Dengan membayar
begitu banyak perhatian kepada pelanggan akan adanya potensi kerugian efisiensi
yang Schwab Corporation harus awasi untuk menjaga transaksi saham yang rendah.
4. Dalam hal ini tergantung dari organisasinya masing-masing. fokus terhadap
pelanggan tidak akan bekerja dengan baik untuk perusahaan-perusahaan yang
beroperasi pada margin kecil. Sebagai contoh, perusahaan manufaktur yang
beroperasi pada fase kematangan dengan siklus fokus kelangsungan hidup industri
terhadap menjaga biaya produksi serendah mungkin. Pengaturan ini mungkin juga
tidak bekerja dengan baik dalam situasi di mana organisasi yang sudah matang dan
sudah memulai proses kerjanya. Namun untuk,perusahaan yang beroprasi dalam
margin luas atau basar pengaturan ini akan bekerja dengan baik.

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