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Text I

Carbon dioxide levels rise. Mercury climbs. Oceans warms. Glacier melt. Sea level rises. Sea ice
thins. Permafrost thaws. Wildfires increase. Lakes shrink, lakes freeze up later. Ice shelves
collapse. Drought linger. Precipitation increase. Mountain streams run dry. Winter loses its bite.
Spring arrives earlier. Diseases spread. Coral reefs bleach. Snow packs decline. Exotic species
invade. Amphibians disappear. Coastlines erode. Cloud forest dry. Temperatures spike at high

1. What is a suitable concluding idea for the text?

(A) Governments have predicted what is happening now.

(B) Scientists are wondering what is going on in the world.

(C) Efforts should be made to prevent disaster form happening.

(D) The surface of the earth has changed by the thinning of ice.

(E) People try to live comfortable in the changing world.

2. Which sentence would best begin the paragraph?

(A) Natural disasters recently happened in the world.

(B) Incident on earth have caused natural disaster.

(C) Changes in nature are likely to destroy human civilisations.

(D) People are concerned about the disasters that have happened.

(E) The whole world is threatened by the changes occurring on earth.

Text II

Lightning has been a mystery since early times. People of ancient civilizations believe angry
gods threw lightning bolts from the sky. Nobody understood that lightning resulted from
electricity until Ben Franklin flew a kite with a key dangling from the string, and it was struck
by lightning.

In current times, it is known that lighting has a very scientific cause Generally, within a storm
cloud, friction from water and ice-laden clouds creates a negative charge at the bottom of the
cloud. When that charge grows too great for the air to hold it back, it is united with a positive
charge from the Earth, creating a channel of electricity that flows between the two points. The
charge remains invisible as it moves towards the ground until it meets the charge rising from
the ground. Once they meet, a fifty thousand degree current superheats the air around the
channel, resulting in an explosion of sound known as thunder. In fact, very recently it has been
discovered that occasionally the positive charges appear at the bottom of the cloud, which are
then met by negative charges from earth.

Generally, people are injured by lightning when they are in the open, near or in water, or near
tall structures like trees. Golfers, swimmers, beach-goers, and outdoor workers are in greatest
danger. The greatest number of victims are males, but it is believed that this is because males
are more likely to be in the places where lightning strikes. When lightening is about to strike,
one feels an odd, tingling sensation, and one’s hair stands on end. Of course, there is little
change to do anything about it, because the full blow will occur within a second and be over in
a couple of seconds. The victim may be thrown, lose consciousness, be burned, die, or suffer
permanent injury. Some people recover completely, but others do not.

3. When a lightning is about to strike, people who are in the open-air ___ before it really strikes.

(A) have the opportunity to look for a shelter

(B) can predict the current degree of the lightning

(C) are excited to wait for the blow to happen

(D) lose consciousness because of their fear

(E) can feel the approach of the lightning

4. Lightning may strike people and endanger them when they are . . .

(A) doing any kind of sport

(B) walking along the beach

(C) outdoors in the cars

(D) swimming indoors in pools

(E) inside a tall structure

5. The following are TRUE about the process of the cause of lightning, except . . .

(A) it starts with the negative charge at the bottom of the cloud

(B) the creation of channel of electricity happens in the air

(C) the flow of electricity within the channel cannot be seen

(D) the charge within the channel moves freely towards the ground

(E) an explosion occurs when positive charges meet negative charges

6. The main information of the text is about . . .

(A) the history of lighting

(B) Benyamin Franklin’s discovery

(C) the ancient civilization’s belief

(D) the cause of lightning

(E) the mystery of lightning

7. People understood that lightning was electricity because . . .

(A) the key on Franklin’s kite attracted the lightning

(B) electricity came out from the string of Franklin’s kite

(C) a dangling key on a string could generate fire

(D) ancient gods were angry and made thunderstorms

(E) the people could gets struck by lightning bolts and die

Text III

Seventy per cent of the world’s fish stocks are now either fully exploited, overfished, depleted,
or rebuilding from previous over-fishing. Marine pollution has also adversely effected fish
populations. As a result, world catches have levelled off since their peak in 1989, when 85 to 95
million tonnes of fish were harvested. It seems unlikely they will start rising, again until efforts
are made to allow stocks to recover and then to fish them in a sustainable way.

Some scientists argue the solution to the fish shortage could be aquaculture. This is another
term for fish farming, that is cultivating fish in controlled conditions, rather than catching
whatever swims in the sea. However there are fears that aquaculture will create more problem
than it will solve.

Much fish farming relies heavily on fish feed, that is, capturing small fish like mackeler and
anchovy and feeding them to carnivorous farmed fish. In the production of the ten most
commonly farmed fish, roughly 2 kg of wild fish feed are required for every kilogram of farmed
fish produced. This means that at the moment fish feed is already further draining wild fish
stocks, without even producing and equivalent mass of farmed fish.

It is not only through changes in food chain interactions that aquaculture depletes wild fish
stocks, but also by spreading diseases from farmed to wild fish. It’s difficult to persuade farmed
fish to keep to their habitat, as is shown by the fact that nearly half of the salmon caught by
North Atlantic fisherman are of farmed origin. A further worry is that farmed fish may expand
with wild fish and diminish the genetic makeup of their offspring, making them less well
adapted to their environment than their wild parents.

8. What is the implementation of aquaculture to solve the problem of fish shortage . . .

(A) may make the shortage of wild fish even greater

(B) has sharply increased the number of fish

(C) enlarges the supply of wild fish for fish feed

(D) has only produced carnivorous kinds of fish

(E) should immediately be introduced worldwide

9. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the farmed fish?

(A) They contaminate the wild fish with diseases.

(B) They may not keep the genetic make up of their offspring.

(C) They mix with wild fish in the ocean.

(D) They do not include salmon found in North Atlantic.

(E) They can escape to the Atlantic ocean

10. What is happening with the world fish stocks?

(A) World catches have stayed at a stayed level since 1989.

(B) There is a sharp decrease in the world catch.

(C) Marine pollution has killed the majority of fish at sea.

(D) After 1989, 95 million tonnes of fish were caught.

(E) At present, world catches remain seventy percent.

Text IV

Ultraviolet light means the invisible part of the spectrum beyond violet. This light has always
been regarded as very useful because it is used to cure certain skin diseases, kill bacteria detect
counterfeit money form vitamins etc. Along with the increasingly extensive use of computers in
financial activities, ultraviolet light has been widely applied by banks to identify the signatures
of their customers in passbooks. When a customer opens a new account with a bank, the bank
teller always asks him to sign on a card placed in the signature column of a passbook. When the
card is removed the trace oh his signature will be left this can be used to compare with the
signature on the customer’s withdrawal slip under ultraviolet light.

Ultraviolet light certainly has many practical applications but it may also be harmful to human
beings on some occasions. To everyone’s knowledge the direct impact to the light on the eyes
for an excessive length of time blind a person.

Even though it can cure certain skin diseases it is also very harmful to the skin. A study just
completed in the United State says that the light may cause skin cancer. The ultraviolet rays of
the sun have been ranked as the third most dangerous cancer-causing agent after alcohol and
tobacco. It is high time to warn sun-worshippers in the quest for a bronzed look to be careful of
excessive and uncontrolled to the sun.

11. Which of the following statements about ultraviolet light is TRUE according to the text?

(A) Skin diseases can only be caused by ultraviolet rays

(B) Ultraviolet is used by banks for computers

(C) Ultraviolet light is one of the existing vitamins

(D) The position of ultraviolet rays is above the spectrum

(E) Ultraviolet light which is part of the spectrum cannot be seen

12. We benefit from ultraviolet rays as they can . . .

(A) detect false signatures

(B) check customers deposits

(C) sign customer’s passbooks

(D) be a component medicines

(E) cure a particular kind of cancer

13. We may conclude that the writer’s main purpose in writing the text is to ___

(A) introduce the effective use of ultraviolet light in the bank

(B) explain that sunrays consist of violet and ultraviolet rays

(C) encourage people to get the best advantages of ultraviolet rays

(D) warn people against the alarming danger caused by sunrays

(E) ask people to avoid the use ultraviolet light as much as possible
14. Ultraviolet rays may endanger people whom . . .

(A) take vitamins regularly

(B) consume alcohol and tobacco

(C) stay indoors

(D) like sun bathing

(E) have skin cancer

15. We conclude that the main information of the text is about . . .

(A) The use of ultraviolet light in business

(B) The application of ultraviolet rays on human being

(C) The advantages and disadvantages of ultraviolet light

(D) The danger of ultraviolet light to people’s health

(E) The effect of ultraviolet light on human being

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