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Watch the video and fill in the missing words in the

The origin of the word tsunami



The original meaning of the word


Maximum speed in deep water


in deep water

miles an hour
A few feet

The distance a tsunami wave can

cover on a coast
Time between the waves hit a coast

The date of the biggest tsunami ever

Dec 2004

Number of victims


10 to


Location of the PTWC

Working hours at the PTWC
Scientists work

hours a day

What to do in case of a tsunami

Move to

and quakes
lines in the tsunamis

until the tsunami is over

Get ready to deal with the

Watch the first two and a half minutes of the video again and decide
whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.
1 Tsunamis hit unexpectedly.
2 You can hear nothing before a tsunami strikes.
3 The Japanese have known tsunamis for a long time.
4 Tsunamis are the results of earthquakes.
5 You can only experience a tsunami near the centre of an
6 An ocean liner is usually not turned over by a tsunami if it sails
in deep water.
7 Tsunami waves can only destroy small buildings.

8 Tsunami waves look the same as ordinary waves.

9 Most damage is caused when the wave hits the coast.
10 There was not any damage in Africa when the biggest tsunami occurred some years

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