Cabo Verde

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Cape Verde

Islands of Cape Verde a small paradise totally for discovering

The great project of future of Cape Verde is his transformation in a ' New Carib
'. This one is a country where to invest turns out to be promising already the
sales have realized of several of his beaches with very much success the best
magazines of the world have taken charge doing of this country and of his big
attributes a place where anyone would die for visiting.

Green sea snail is a country where the investors have put the gun-sight and the
international organizations have supported all the projects of development. The
great businessman Hilton marks it to be in a future the new Carib, due to his
beaches virgins and the whole marvel that surrounds it, this businessman
invites the big investors to support all kinds of tourist projects that they present
in this country since he thinks that of the hand of the tourism it will be that the
country was taking the reputation that has to

For my part I believe that the country if it was managing to be a tourist

destination of great demand provided that according to the statistics he does
not present incidents of violence which is ideal for the persons of other
countries, and due to the big investments that realize the country it will be in
ideal conditions to receive persons since for the absence of racial problems.
Blacks, Creoles and whites are mixed without problems.

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