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a Roll No. “ RAND, i oe at B.E. (EC/COE/IC) . ae B.E, MID SEM. EXAMINATION, SEPT 2015 one = EC/COE/IC -305: INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION AND MANAG ; ECONOMICS ‘ Time: 1:30 Hrs, Max. Marks: 2) Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Assume suitable ‘missing data, if any. d- Why is Fredrick Winslow Taylor called the ‘father of (1. Scientific management’? Explain his most importart Contributions to the field of management OR Explain major contributions administrative approach to managerientt. 2; What are the important factor. that influence choice of [4] plant locations? of Henry vayol to OR sential for determining a suitable acturing plant? 3, What cre tsaditional and fu ure @pp 2isalinethods? Explain br efly “Xpigin important types of org: Suitable examples With the help of activities given below draw a network [4] diagram. Determine its or tical path, earliest start earliest finish time, lat est start time, latest finish total project duration, independent float What informatin ix e< layout for a mar. oriented performance [4] ‘anizational structure with [4] time, time, total float, free float, and | Activity | Duration (in weeks) Petes fo i mn BE V SEM EC/CORAC ECICOBAC304 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Time! 90 minutes Max Marks:20 Note: Amtempt all questions: all carry equal marks, {Asnuming Wel opamp, deteine en expen ‘the inpat admittance Yi, (s) ofthe circuit of Fig. 1 Draw a simple equivalent circuit of the realized admittance function with clement values clearly {2).Asuming ideat opamp, analyze the sinusoidal oscillator circuit of Fig. 2 and derive its condition of ‘cxcllation and frequency of oscillation. Which circuit ‘element should be made variable to obtain variable ‘frequency oscillations? ansidering open loop gain of the op-amp to be id fFequcacy-dependent, derive the non-ideal [4] Fig. 4 stows an sctive-cempenssted inverting integrator. Using usual approximation for the non- deal gains of the two op-amps, show that the non- ‘deal transfer function ofthe eireut (given by’ Vand Vig= VIBE R ) of) where (5) is the “ertor function’. From the error function, deduce an expression for the approximate phase error introduced by the finite gain-bandwidth- products of the op-amps and determine the condition under which this phase error can be made negligibly (5) Explain how the toy/antitog module shown in Fig. $ can be used: (i) as a log amplifier (i) as an aatilog amplifier. oA Pe Ait o R, No. ~2015 ‘Semester Examination, September- tears Electronics and Communication Engineering Subject: Control Engineering (EC-302) ‘Time: 1:30 hrs ‘M.M:20 Note: Attempt any five questions. ‘All. questions carry equal marks. Assume any sultable data, if missing. QU. Calculate the transfer function of the following mechanical system 3f3)/Fs), (@) , po7r WZ Efma | PP my peer ao rrr a a (G2. Calculate the transfer function of the signal { aw crap.) using Mason's gain formula, (4) ‘Derive the transfer function of field controled DC servo motor with load, (a) Gé: etermine the time response parameters ofthe following system with unt step input. yy ™) == ©" GromD 2. What do-youmean by stability? Determine the stabifty of the system (a) Ws) = 5° + 284425? +457 +115 440 Se

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