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Department of Computer Science

COMSATS Institute Of Information Technology

Subject: Professional Practices (IT)

Assignment Topic: Ethical Issues
Submitted to: Maam Fareeha Iftikhar
Submitted by: Shahrukh Ijaz
Roll Number: DDP-SP14-BCS-017
Section: BCS-A

Ethical Issues
Privacy is the right every single human being in this world born with, it is
their right to express their information to selective people. It is a state where
no one is observed or disturbed. The domain of privacy partially
overlaps security too.
When we refer to IT privacy means to not look into material, information or
content a person doesnt want to share with others and want it confidential
to himself or a group.
Real Life Example:
In real life, when we talk about people and tries to know about their private
life its listed under privacy issue. For example, we have a common problem
here, everyone wants to know about your salary, it is a privacy issue.
Someone checking on your friends over social media, its a privacy problem.
Cyber-Crime Bill (2016):
Under the clause 18 of cybercrime bill 2016 passed by Government of
Pakistan, the issue of privacy is addressed.
Clause 17 and 19 do addressed this issue too.

Unauthorized use of any thing is listed under piracy but commonly this term is

used for the practice of attacking and robbing ships at sea. Stealing anything
and using it for your own good without permission of the owner is known as
According to IT, piracy means illegal copying of a software and using it for
your own purpose. A software company invests so much time and money to
make a software and want to earn from it but it got pirated, leaving company
in a high loss. Around 50% of software being used around the world are
Real life Example:
Robbing or stealing anything from anyone is a kind of piracy. For example, if
someone snatched mobile phone, of course he will use it for his own good, it
is a piracy. If you share someones content without referring to him on social
media, it is a kind of piracy.
Cyber-Crime Bill (2016):
There is no clause or section in Cyber-crime bill 2016 addressing this issue.


In general, virus means an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic

acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy,
and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host. This term
basically refers to disease.
According to IT, virus means a piece of code which is capable of copying
itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or
destroying data.
Real life Example:
In real life, there are rumors that viruses which effect humans are also being
made in laborites. For example, AIDs, it was made around 1974 in Fort
Detrick by doctor Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier.
In IT, virus is something which destroy your date. The ILOVEYOU virus
is considered one of the most virulent computer virus ever created and its
not hard to see why. The virus managed to wreak havoc on computer
systems all over the world, causing damages totaling in at an estimate of
$10 billion. 10% of the worlds Internet-connected computers were believed
to have been infected.
Cyber-Crime Bill (2016):
There is no clause or section in Cyber-crime bill 2016 addressing this issue.

Hacking is basically a term used for IT field, it means unauthorized access
data/material one can use to get confidential information or cause damage.
An expert known as hacker use his/her expertise to hack into a system and
look for particular data.
Real Life Example:
Hacking can be done in real life too. For example, a person giving bribe to a
companies employ to get confidential information is a kind of hacking, here
money is used as a material to hack into that company.
Cyber-Crime Bill (2016):
There is no clause or section in Cyber-crime bill 2016 addressing this issue.

Lack of Training:
Lack of training is another ethical issue being observed in Pakistan. People
are being appointed at places where they shouldnt be appointed. People
lacking the expertise of having a position are commanding an institute.
In IT, Lack of training means a person who dont have the skills to work at a
position, for example a team leader, if he/she dont have the skills, he/she
wont be able to command properly.

Real Life Example:

Lack of training is directly proportional to lack of talent required to complete
a task. If a company hires a person which dont have skills, the production
will be less.
Cyber-Crime Bill (2016):
There is no clause or section in Cyber-crime bill 2016 addressing this issue.

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