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Avdesh Mishra

Statement of Purpose for the Graduate School
School of Computing and Information Sciences
Engineering in Computer Science and my work as a software engineer has provided me with
a firm technical base and has helped me develop an analytical and logical approach.
It is my believe that to have proper understanding of subject matters one has to put theory to
practice. I am therefore always alacritous to implement things that I know practically. During
my bachelors course work I implemented my knowledge of microprocessor by the Design of
IR Counter. Similarly, to have proper understanding of management information system I
developed MIS in .Net programming language to manage employees payroll, attendance,
work assignment and evaluate their performance according to their timely completion of
work assignment and performance. In addition I did a case study ofcollege networks to have
pragmatic knowledge of computer networks and their actual implementation.
I also paid special attention to vital subjects I would deal with in my professional life.
Besides theoretical work, I gained practical knowledge in Computer Science through
internships and various project works. My first hands-on experience was from my final year
project MyWallet (an online payment gateway). The project was awarded Development of
Telecommunication/ICT sector grant by the Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA). The
project was based on idea to facilitate inter-banking and e-commerce in Nepal. The
implementation is in Java Programming Language, Spring MVC framework with Hibernate
and MSSQL used in the back end.
I took up my final year project MyWallet (Online Payment Gateway) because at the time
there were no means available for inter-banking transactions. Our application made interbanking transactions possible by maintaining secured virtual intra-network channel. We were
more focused on the security part since the application is used for financial transaction.
Research on various aspects of security such as authentication, authorization, nonrepudiation, data integrity and security while transmitting information helped me to build up
my knowledge in the field of computer security.
During my Internship from Pragmatic Technology, a software company, I was involved in a
project Teachers Management System. This was a desktop application in which I learned
how to build User Interface in Java using Java Swing.
Currently I am working as a software engineer in an offshore software company (BitCraft) in
a bio-medical search engine project called Quertle. During my tenure I had ample
opportunity to analyze complex problems of string matching such as Longest Match,
Exact String Match etc. As a developer in a team our task is to analyze the problems and
develop algorithms to achieve these tasks in best possible and optimized way. This
application also enables relationship based searching which is again another complex task. To
achieve relationship based searching we researched in Sentence identification, Relation
identification, Stemming, POS tagging etc. Furthermore, Performance optimization being one
of the important factors of search engines I researched, found and implemented some
technologies such as ThreadPoolExecutors, ProcessBuilders, Use of multiple CPU
core, Asynchronous Services etc.My role in development team has greatly enhanced my
research and analytical skills.

Avdesh Mishra
Statement of Purpose for the Graduate School
School of Computing and Information Sciences
Besides these experiences I got an opportunity to study the existing Quertle system and do
analysis to integrate the newly developed application into the already existing one. I carry out
my analysis by implementing what has been done earlier and research on what better I can do
to achieve the task in best possible way. This has both developed my analytical skills and
implementation motives.Successful accomplishments in my work have given me more push
towards research and analysis.
Aside from the academic life, I like to participate in the social conducts like blood donation
and charity programsin the community. In addition Ikeep interest in sports;Badminton is one
of my favorite sports. I was also selected for under 18 National Level Badminton
Championship. I took part in college sports week Badminton competition and stood at the
second position. Furthermore, I am very keen on helping my juniors in understanding of
complex problems of various subjects of engineering and in their project works. These social
activities have improved my interpersonal skills.
My ultimate goal in my career is to make a commendable contribution to the Information
Retrieval and Management, Information Extraction, Text Mining, Data Mining, Artificial
Intelligence, Software Development and Maintenance,Computer Networks and their Security
and Cybersecurityworld either by starting an innovative venture or doing research. Acquiring
graduate degree in Computer Sciencewill make me more knowledgeable &technically
advanced. I am confident that higher education would give me the desired push towards a
career in research and open up an opportunity to do well in my chosen field of interest. I
believe that a graduate studies will provide milestone in my career along with invaluable
experiences and skills that will allow me to become a successful, innovative professional and
provide assistance to accomplish my goals.
I am convinced that with adequate and properly trained staff in the department of Computer
Science and up to date laboratory facilities with contemporary research quality equipment
and software will be very useful for dedicated involvement in research projects. Current
research areas at Florida International University such as information management,
algorithms and data structures, programming language, computer security, computers
networks, software development and maintenance methodologies are some to mention that
encouraged me to apply. I believe that a graduate program, in Computer Science in Florida
International University, will help me reach my goals.So, I intend to apply for graduate
studies (Graduate Degree Program- Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science) in the
School of Computing and Information Sciences for fall 2013 as a full time student.
I look forward to being part of your academic community.
Sincerely Yours,
Avdesh Mishra
DOB: 01/28/1989
(Panther) ID number: 4891525

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