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Examples of topics for ECE 666 projects

2-fiber optic gyro
3-fiber bragg grating
4-erbium doped fiber amplifier
5 optical sensors (general)
6-Fiber optic strain gauges
7- optical fibers cables and connectors
8- optical networks(routing and optical switches)
9- optical local area network ( general)
10- dispersion flattening fiber
11-optical computation
12- MSM Photo detector
13- Fiber splices and connectors
14- Optical fiber amplifiers ( general)
15-Raman & Brillouin fiber amplifier
16-dispersion management
17-FET Preamplifier
18- Solitons
19-Optical bistable devices
20- Fiber cutoff wavelength measurement
21- Coherent light wave system
23-Bending and micro bending effects
24-Measurement standard and test procedure
25- Fiber optic Temp. Sensor
26- Fiber optic pressure sensor

27-Fiber optic velocity sensor

28- Dispersion managed solitons
29- Non-linear optic effects
30-Optical filters
31-Polarizing fibers and polarizing preserving fibers and their applications
32-Dispersion shifted fiber

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