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MILF has 7 Front Commanders with 31 Base Commanders;

Most of the 145 decommissioned BIAF are bullied by their comrades for
surrendering yet isolated by the GPH. OPAPP must review/assess what
happened? Why happened? What are their statuses? What are gaps and
what are strategic next steps? There must have effective demobilization and
reintegration program i.e. must be placed in a peace house for at least 90
days for various peace-building sessions; personal, family, and community
visioning with assigned social workers for processing; skilled-based technical
training with OJT and assist them towards job placement or financial links for
sustainable enterprise projects;

6 MILF camps were identified and acknowledged in 1999 to facilitate the

observance of the 1997 ceasefire agreement. However, an all-out war was
waged against the MILF in 2000. The MILF withdrew Camps Abubakar and Omar

GPH must avoid activities that maybe interpreted as counter insurgencies by

the MILF

OPAPP must revisit/assess the approved area development plans and camp
development plans and project proposals;

Camps and community socio-economic resource map and value chain analysis
must be established to avoid white elephant projects, thus, maximize quick
gestating value chain-based economic support;

OPAPP must have a one-stop-shop program management unit with highly skilled
and experienced staff to fast track project development, technical and fund
approval, implementation, M&E i.e. feasibility studies that passed
financing/bank standards for livelihood and enterprise projects and social
infrastructure projects;

Livelihood or enterprise support must be categorized into aqua-marine, agribusiness, crop production, and poultry and livestock with market link support
but not undermining the importance of social preparation and partnership with
the Chamber of Commerce;

Private sector partnership must be capitalized

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