Uss Constitution Revell Plans

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se00- 800 @ py nEVELLN On Oclober 24, 1797, the figato US$ Constitution began the Tons- est connmissianed gerviee in US Naval history, She was constructed of the sturdiest of tiers and her copper spikes and flings were supplied by Patt Revere of Revolutfonary fame. DARDARY PIRATES Under the command of Capiain Edyasd Preble, Cohsttution Jed fn expedition into the det of the notorious Barbary Binates tn 1803, ‘For AbD years these pirates had plundered, terrorized, and enslaved Torejen sllors captured along the North African coasl. The geography of the aren made commercial shipping extremely harardows, Often 9 horthegsterly wind could force 4 sailing ship ito the pirate-held constal fren, This would result inthe foss of the ship wnd Hs eargo, and lite: long enslavement for ils ete ‘Constitution acrived in the Mediterranean aten as flagship of the ‘squadron, and unde blockaded the port of Tripol. Lea te Philadelphis find several sneer ships fo enforce the blockade, Preble took Const {ton to his bate at Syrseusa, Siely. Inthe meantime, Phill phi tad ‘hin agrouii on uncharted rocks and fad fallen nto the hans of the pirates, A fev days after her eapture, an unusually high te floated her Free, ain ae beenme « valnable addition to Mee enemy Meet “Meanwhile, on the decks of Constttion in Syracuse Bay, one of the most daring adventures in aval Tecords oeeurted, In commplete Seceeey the desifucton of Philadetpia Was planned, A yohuntecr erew fof 75 nen ing Ted by Stephen Decatur in aleaptured Tripoitan ket nul the hight of a faint moon, the hile ele, renamed Ire slid quietly into the harbor. When’ challenged by an alert Tvipotan ‘watchman, Intrepid was ientified by her ere a8 2 dawrazed =f Tender, stking fg fn the harbor. A equedt to te up along Pinfield sar, Inept spread few wns swarming aboard the cape frigate, END OF THE REIGN {Within minwes Philadelphia was 9 blazing torch making good her escape, Three days fater, and ngain on Constitution's decks Decor reported commplate euecest, Not single Arnerican sailor fas been inte inthis rernaréable explol In stine. 1805, 9 realy was deave up in Constitution's eabin and the zeign ofthe pirates came to un end, ‘Seven years Inter, 1812, the United States was al war with England, Captain lenge Hall, Constinion's new commander, saled up the ‘Adtantle coast toward Now York where he planned 0 join 9 sagatron fed by Commadore John Rogers. Early ia the evening of July 17, Hull Iproasivd a sqndron of five vessels, Atternpting to join up with the Euacron. wa eitficut im the light Breeze. By sunset tha entire group ‘ol Ships was beesimed on # glassy sea “Sunrise also brought surprise ae Hull recognized the five ves as uistish warships. "The British, on identifying Constitllon, tied fo give hace. Mul the morning breeze was loo Tight 10 move th AN ew token shots were fired bat no lls ete registered. Gonsittion’s boats Jowered and her exew ieled to low her out of Ganges‘ rowing. th rit dil fhe sear radu narrowed thegap. KEDGING THE HOOK ‘ull resigned himself t0 fighting to the death, He gave the onder to may brondsie and ight geist the entire squat, fit Before the Sey we cari on, i a euanan suerte kd the eal “Ail available rope and chain were fastened into one long cord to which the Kedging anchor wes seeted. The grent hook Was lowered into two bonts caried ahead of the ship, end dropped, Constitution twas fined Torwerd by toring the eapstn and daring the ship to the anchor. For twa days the crew toile, repeatedly drawing the anchor spem USS Const Length overall 296 fect Length between perpendiculars: 175 feet ‘Dean; 43 feet, 6 inches ‘Sulling draft 21 feet forward, 23 feet aft Speed? 13 knots % her miszen rigging ca PRNTED BN GEFANY AY REVEL, A, HE head and kedging to, i Adopted the same tact ge, " A ‘Sa the thied day « rainstorm struck dhe area. At the fiat ign of the squall, Hall ordered al sae ken in, The statled British, believing this sigh of violent storm, quiekly fried their suls. However os soon 15 the thin had obscured Constitution from her foes, Holl ordered ier fails reel al the wallowing British were left bhi “The most celebrated encour in le history of the USS Com tution came on Auputt 19, 1812, when she defeated the British frigate ‘Gverrire fact baflle tha’ was {0 nssire the United States a place ts world power arly in the afternoon of August 19, Constitution came upon the Brith ship about 600 miles east of Boston. Carefully evaluating bis position, Hull made plans for his famous bate WITH OUR COMPLIMENTS Excitement ran high among Constitution's czewmen as the i pending fight drew nent, Guerre avezted the appronching ialader End us the distance narrowed she fied hee first yoleys, altempting (0 fake Constitutions decks One 18-pound shot fell on the bow of the ‘American ship bet a quiekewited gon team promptly loaded the shot into a deck gn an fetwened 10 the Bridsh with Constitution's compliments! Tull and bis crow werd enthusiastic. As Constitution drew exe to the rth vessel, Hol told hs impatient groomers; "Yon shall ave her ns close as you picts, Salling Master! Lay her afongsse!” ‘Consiition’s guns thundered as round and_ grape shot tore into the hull of Gucrrere, The British gunners could fire with rapidity bul slfered From lack ef aecoraey. Most of their shot ent into Ci Son ringing. A Contin ected er ein the fl a fo portion of the enemy ship, Guetrire’s mfzzenmast soon came tuanbling Hfown in a contusion of Hines and tiraber, alls next move was to bring Consitution across the bow of the crippled Guerriere and rake the decks of the leiish ship. However ‘iemage to her ieging hat made Constitution dificult fo mance and ‘Became entangled in the bowsprit of her fo. Bot, ed 10 board their epperent’s ship but the step sexs prevented it As the (wo ships sueceeded in. Civerriere fire A volley point lank into the Constitution athe thoveh te Tire was soon quelled, Gneriere did not fare so vel hier rigging. had become ensured in thal of the American ship, the force oh separaion brought Gi he British, not to be denied their prize bal were alli unable to draw win Bring crew at SURRENDER Bot chips dren say as thr eros seal the daar A sexaporary Yeas, Consttuion aesin appronched the helps: Goer ‘re: Ar the Condition tore down, Gucreare Tet x'sigie gum iced the sign of surrener! “Guerre vis beyond salvage Alter rescuing her crew, Hu gave ordet oft afte he rennina ofthe Drak ship The ship vanisbed i flak ne Tes fowshod off her mageatae. vee ring the tte tat Conan’ nickname, way Worn ‘As the rsh cannon five bobnaed ft he strong oaken plank, Anerean gonner exclaimed Mise sk " Ironsien! Ono of te estes ony Mn 40, "Conion at ected ower and ae, woe relegated by Congress tare tld scrapped: However, atu Anibal Wendt Holmes" dranatic poor, eae forth Sint feted on her aaation Toy, beloved “Ol Honses" finds a permanent ome in Boston where the sons and daughters of the nation she fought for may ead ier decks and relive her advenurons Ue. Tray, Consituton fs the nen of American freedom and tradition, a worthy shrine £0 CATIONS = Frigate Crew complements 450 Conatituion’sarminment varied. Your REVEL. mode! i outed ‘Long 24 pounders ~ 10 32-pound earronade — 22 - 18-pound bow chaser ~ t Broadside potential: 684 pounds saddoo ot Jo 089 do} 243 at09 TINH YoBD.J0 aPIsIMO ov8 ob ade, Buse AIC aur ax wou} (2) Med TIOH 1471 Bue (E) Hed TOH sa divas Sense yo Wood Ul Byeg 9OEIG M8 BEd “T ‘3ad00 THNH yo29 40 doen apisyno, woH0d 83 WHE “E ‘s ‘dey 019 30 380 OUR, sopun Bu63 wol} sured yuanaid or Ausiy unop ede exp 40 ape ain SSeid “PUREE _UnoRS sta yiog eAOWES js Wed “auyip sed Suuinp aanpry Buyploy Apuey & SopiAeid wro;shs 20UUD! SUL, S. ssuononaysuy Ayquuosse ot pool B Qe 3 [lm UOULE9 ay} se 'se9RLINE BuRUSURD © Pelee Aq TOU PINOLE ss ¥ ssrauuna aig Wows SHE Aue 3AOWNTE LON OG UOREDL! ‘panouses 69 ©} PEL I are syed aly pus usu esau mou not fom sae “BUNEOU Saat pines su 2uiesexojaq pous|dooo i sasb0 onus oa im syed ews sroee ep HUNTER at Bp 38%, yer iy SP BB = BM 7 "oe ei age a cial Guy a woe Wenge a 3} ee oe aS _— olatdBon Fa) nitty, | Rees suite tee, Bs volgi day Stas, [stati aA season, ana Ne ss ape aes vous eta) i Sh Re a 3 a vere > Ke Jus ouigns Say Wyre fon) ued S3LV1. yay 1 pue TINH 39 Bvae Pur “S1H0d NNO Haden moles TINH lumop Buyyes cet 2a) WON} SLIMM TINH 4929 Jaq jo eprsine a4 UO SIMO NVQ UseMIed edi Beene len Eben) LALelt PAGE 3 SES EAN Lee Le ah} LACK 1 2H IULELEFT | BLACI 3 BOWPIN RAIL (2 Parts) TAN 3: Goment ton LARGE GUN BARRELS (5) to GUN DECK (6)- 4 PIN RAILS (10 Parts) TAN Fare remaining BOW PIN RAIL. (8) and five PIN RAILS (4) to LEFT HULL 5 LARGE GUN BARRELS (10 Parts) BLACK 5. Cement GUN DECK to RIGHT HULL. 6 GUNDECK TAN Taran ac Sekstabeti 8 mace LACK SECTION & ae = ARRON OLIVE MAT 5 eae BLACK oar 1 HaRTone OWA BuO : fal fe Neri PAGE soo 7 TRANSOM BLACK 1. Carefully align HULL HALVES ane GUN DECK. Hold togother with tape and clothes 3 STAND END PLATE BLACK pins and cement togathor, 9 STANDENDPLATE BLACK 2, Gyment TRANSOM GZ) 19 HULL 3. Thread ANCHOR R rough holes in HULL and foosely tle ends together | 5. 10 NAMEPLATE — BLACK (2 Parts) 7 + Thread ANCHOR ND END PLATES (@) and (9) to two NAME PLATE'S (9 5. Catnant STAND to HULL, ECOL Hag ISRO eas omont FORE IFERAIL (11) o DECK (12. Gamont FORE SFFRAI (0 Cae LEET (14) to DECK ant Pat (14) Gomant FF EIN TAT Ue) atl MAIN FIFERAIL (16) to DECK, | 18 Monkey eal TAN Cea GaPtaN HEAD? fac on DECK | 12 MeNike RAL TAN Gament CAA HE AEEL ad) and (19) topoher 19 WMberaN Hen, TAN Cam a BPORTS (20) on whoo! locators and 12 GHPSTAN HEAD, 1 ho ert supporT.) faDECK 1a WRVEECLNE TAN2°CR HSE) SCAR 7. Gat apy amen tes of MAIN DECK and leat to HULL 11 FORE FIFERAIL TAN 12 DECK, TAN 13 FIFEPINRAILRIGHT TAN 1a FIFE PIN RAIL LEFT TAN carefully coment SUPPORTS epaene arr ouve saben MarouNenauitee MARSHCRRE MAT Harrod BAUM | 1-20 Rhone warrouveonont 2 TATE OLIVBRAGH 85 rouse Marea —~hnrroune HanneNe OUNA SMC 5 LARGE GUN BARREL BLACK 21 GATHEADS (2 Paris) BLACK 22 GALLEY STACK, BLACK 23 BINNACLES (2 Parts) "BLACK 24 SMALL GUN BARRELS (22 Farts) 25 BOW CHASER GUN CARRIAGE TAN 25; unre ouve bint Marretieraun es Misanens tn Nvouuranue HERON Beha soto Lea. IW PLACE 00 Ne Gta! ‘Comant two CATHEADS (21) to si Gomant GALLEY STACK (22) to DECK, 7 Cement twonty two SMALL GUN BARRI Gement one remaining LARGE GUN BARR! RIAGE (25) cement CARRIAGE to DECK. EL (5) t0 the BOW, CHASER GUN CAR- 1 2 5 Comont wo BININACLES (23) to DECK by WHEEL. 4 ELS (24) to GUN CARRIAGES on DECK. BLACK nian, csearoa I roel \= eg [ L. | epee eeeeeuetl I PAGE + goo ‘Coment HEAD GRATING (26) to HULL. come MEAD TIMBERS LEFT (27) and RIGHT (2B) to GRATING and HULL. reer BOGMKINS 20) in HEAD TIMBERS ancient © GRATING. 29 BOOMIINS 2 Parts), BLACK, Goment ANCHOR STOCKS (30) to ANCHORS (31). 30 ANCHOR STOCK (2 Parts) TAN . Gntle ANCHOR ROPE and tie one ANCHOR to each end, 31 ANCHOR (2 Parts) BLACK Be ealSan Throad and tie an ANCHOR to ach side of HULL as shown, 26 HEAD GRATING BLACK 27 HEAD TIMBERS LEFT BLAOK 38 HEAD TIMBERS RIGHT | BLACK 29-——— 26- crt fae feats adams Bren HS RE ‘anction noPE ARRON eit a Eee War etlieati eH BAMREHE SRA seo 32 LEFT FORE CHANNEL BLACK 1. LEFT (32) and RIGHT (83) FORE CHANNELS to HULL 33 RIGHT FORE CHANNEL BLACK 2. Gament LETT (34) and RIGHT GO) NAN CHANNELS to HULL. 34 LEFT MAIN CHANNEL ” BLACK e Gament NIZZEN CHANNELS LEFT (36) and RIGHT (37) to HULL. 35 RIGHT MAIN CHANNEL BLACK 5, Gemont two BOAT DAVITS (38) to each side of HULL 36 LEFT MIZZEN CHANNEL BLACK cart STERN GOAT DAVITS. (29) through holes in STERN ancl coment fo 37 RIGHT MIZZEN CHANNEL BLACK HULL sid 3 BOAT DAVITS (4 Parts) BLACK 39 STERN BOAT DAVITS (2 Parts) BLACK Marraciinnzs « NEHA! Maraaer Heo geo) PAGE 8 v 40 a 42 43 44 45, 46, 47 48 49 50 51 20 FOOT DINGHY SEAT TAN 30 FOOT DINGHY HULL TAN 30 FOOT CUTTER SEAT TAN 30 FOOT CUTTER HULL. TAN 30 FOOT LAUNCH SEAT TAN 30 FOOT LAUNCH HULL TAN 28 FOOT CUTTER SEAT TAN 2B FOOT CUTTER HULL TAN 53 FOOT JOLLYBOAT SEAT (2 Parts) TAN Bot BOAT MULL Go Party) TAN 4, ‘esomble two 23 FOOT JOLLYBOAT SEATS (48) to X11 29 FOOT CUTTER SEAT TAN 53 FOOT CUTTER HULL TAN gee0 0 0 0000 ‘Assomble the seven SMALL BOATS by cementing thelr respective HULLS, 1. Comment 20 FOOT DINGHY SEAT (40) to HULL (41). fo 30 FOOT CUTTER SEAT (42), coment SEAT to Cl sembled BOATS to rieht sido ‘on left side facing forward. a ease ae ROOT CUTTER SEAT (46) fo HULL (47). Cament to DEOK locators facing ILLS (49) and one 23 FOOT fe until called for in rigging tothe roar. CUTTER SEAT (60) to HULL G1). Set these boats asic assembly. Turn upside down and cement UTTER HULL (43). Cement 35 ECK locators facing forward. 2, Coment 30 FOOT LAUNGH SEAT (44) to HULL (48). Camen SEAT sections to the it BOAT to DECK locators PAGE 11 a9ve kup 0} epise 10g “(G9) GAIA TYAOY PUP (9) GVA INYIIVOdOL '(E9) GAYA sysdo 429) GVA sbO4 2eps0 Buypuodse Ut ACWASSY LSYN OF SOUVA WENO Seyo seo Lim oul UY Ose SPIVLK OW} He OUNS OA AO}Eq y HDIAHS 88S"oPIS {yay yy vo puvaio) AYBI'S @q 0} spALK ayy Je oxo I) Pau aye YH ANA Jo Ses ott ew ou “puis ayy Jo oBewieape exe) 0, pawns sAeme exe syes s.AhU5 Y “gRYLSSOUO ou 4opUn “IS¥WY Pde OLAUOS OW OF (Ze) puE (T-Y) SANTVY Yad ASVHANOA Yo “1SvWW Y3NOD 4 asyvidou wetso "9 ISV¥HIOL AOA o1 (08) BALISSOND yiout99 “ISvi 9 Gs) vu youoa nit) dOlados WIaU9D -yeuyo80y (zg) LETT Pur (98) AHOIY StoRDeS YaMOT LSVWaHOS Weed asics oon ou nazi is. 99 ougeaiet Rec “orev NYE GYYA"IWAOH 3HO4 $9 NVL_ GUVAINYTIvOdOL 3404 ¥9 YOVIG GUVA IVSEOL 3804 £9 yovla GuVA 3804 29 NVI_1S¥WidOL 3804 19 NYL_ 3AY1SSORO THOS 09 Nv “TV dOLTOS 66 NVI dOLaYOS 8S NvL 1437 ¥aMOT ISVWSAOL 26 NUL AHORS YaMOTASVIVEUOS 95 iN zx 3pvd URS Tie oun dun / Sag NVI GHVA YAO NIVH NYA. HWA INVTIVEdOL NIV hap 0} apis 185 “(GZ) AYA TVAOY pul (yz) TUVA LNVTIVOdOL, (EZ) GVA * VSL ED civ NIV Goh 0} ote WOH} LSA) SORINK NIV SWESSY FOE A NSSivk NIVEL Scmntnaiel ite even NW {gv pu JOL NIvW ou 0 rab ue Cea) SANTI ae LB¥ANIVAIOUED vk pRURSOUS AIL a). ayeot NIV pue (02) 331 NVL dOLNIVW <\S$0N9 NIV '(69) TIV4 dOL NIVN pue (a9) JOL NIvat X29) 14571 ue (99) L1HOIY NWL L4a7 Y3MO7 LSVNIVIN Suo}oes Jomo] BUISN [SYWaYOS Se sOUUELE ewes o4y U) LSVVINIV eqwuessy “T NVL LHOI/ U3MO1 ISVINNIVAE i er 30vd wousas wv Nonoas yow1s “hap 01 apise 10 *(89) GLVA TWAOY PU (v8) GVA ANVTTVO “OL (60) GVA UIVSAOL “(a Cala N3ZZIME “CuoHiog ax wHO4} ZopL0 UT EIaWESSY ‘JaULSSONO 0109 LS pue dO N3ZZIN auf 0} (9-4) pue (Ga) SINTILVE BaddN LSWA NAZZIN wAU!ED “cj9) sen dou azz Pu (08) ah .gg080 NAZZIW (62) UV dOL N3ZZ}WN PUL (BD OL NAZZIW “C20 L231 PuE (92) Hold UIMOT 95" SISYW Jo4yo se Alm owes ou) UI Pe|mUesse St SV N3ZZIM 1 A SSS SET ogni ‘ing et GET NVL GUYA‘IVAOY 98 N¥L_ GVA INVTIVOdOL 98 owls G’VAIVSdOL Eo yOWIe GUA NAZZIW Zi NVI. ISVWGOL NAZZIN TE NWI JAWISSOUD N3ZZIM OF Nuvi “TIVE dOL NAZZIN Ge NVI dOL NBZZIN 87 Nv 1437 BIMOT NIZZIN Le NVI AHOI BIMOTNBZZIN 94 : yr aDve pounsonj sien | ‘vents a uo sBun1 pae0sin0 eu voy so mm oui monn pue sous ou Je pose 81 uoRtoot 2124 © yo oy getinats NIETO wo 2¥eel edn a op Ze | caren po co oe Pepto me Qvoon “yo seh ono: Hu UaATLAS TON = -Yore||e}SUI OPIS. 0} UMOp woOd gir ONIATS oe st See wen! ‘apis eysodde Uo 40,220} 48MO} ae qsulp Bugoojdnp opys souyo unop pee} pus dew WOO Bi Jp eps soddo Uo 21201 ZOHO pole 1, BURP OP gh aivsurids wou epistl yBNout {mou town ayn NiFsTOa ve dowoot sodén pune Foe suyvoue prunic}eQ) Due seul omy ol, “ed OE BIT 10 Pree! YP eu jo pus uo ou“ tugawoog rae ob usa Buypueig Jos poasu youre e830 | pue 77H uo ONT WaNOLD iy 40 10/09 OM) SUIEIO IPH AHOA UORWO! Sh 103 20) 1818 aes wong ut peo po} unweo Jo doup BUS € poe pu “ep enjoy ssn fay as weAeUnD Wes aovo pool dean omanuys tap 1oe{UOd Jo yWOd Yoee Yy “Pu ws} SB HoH SE 1H 40 Osed OF Pash SEM TANT tony {bon ye Bun suet ueayine Suquoye ou Yoee.0} pandas AyuUNY “AUER OL nas sarin yet Gre) stun peweorpuy soyoU) Uy YPBUO} ok) sf atl] 48 Fy SoU HUOLIOM 10 5 04) JO i eu r2) sh poveopu sexu U YI ou sue fa SOU EUMLOR OT dns on pat 890 Caee opis Buty ove) ma ou ay WU "Stowe fq powoypUl uo} av0o%d eutp Ou} e fom se UMCYs 0q Ith BUIBAIY Jo P9914 ype 70) seh peyeasi A Gnu pub wows 94) BUBATY AujuUNY 10} any "BUIMBRY Buypuas —_puw TUB BYPUeIs reued ou 31 Susan Buypueas “2u/sere Butuuny 1384 Jo spupy of oABt SAIS HUMES ougyay ae sayeth “Seat = “ASVWWNAZZIN YIMO J0 1894 01 ©) (28) WOOG YaNNVdS PU (98) AIVD HAXNVES TWeUIED “y {ESV PU STANNVHO 91 Z1-w) pue (Ta) SANTI ujujewes om uota pue 93a 01 AquIosBe LsYA NAZI WOUIOD “E “ASW PUB STANNYHO ©} (OT-4) Pure (6-4) SANTIAVE qHowleD UeIN pue YORK O4 AWOSsY LSVINNIVIN WOUND “Z “ASV Ue S1ANNVHO 0} (@-a) Due (ew) SNTTIVE ‘YAMOT Woul8d WOUy YA OF AIguIeSsY ISYWAYOS WeWIAQ “T yovid WOOK YIYNVdS 48 INDI waMOT LSVH Nivi OTL SOWIE JAD HDINVAS 92 LITT UAMOTISVA NIVW 62 AHO I3MOT SYA NAZZIN Zr HORI YaMOTISvWaNOF By LAT YAMOT ASW NSZZIN TTA LITT UIMOTISYWSYOS £8 WER ECE NALS RUN UE SAA} ry | e 91 30vd SAVLS LSVWNIV ONIDOI sagywaaod Jo doy 200U 5) 08 [PuLd “WOO ‘air pub LieldsMiog Pue LSVW wosts¥oq YO) PUB obq oujf Hupeoy swoxze MoO,“ eidSMOE I Bul 7 ta eg “Ppa wuDysUCD AUT 8LO'S] ooo “1svi "yRULSSOUD syweauoa exoqe yo pat st pUP Sou 30 HO} pu 9a sdoor'dOL 1SyWawos 1 SEIS GSU SgTIVUNId enoae ISYNaYOS punoze pan s} puo preiioy pute unop ‘OL ISVN Fav exoqe isviuNrviy Punere soo 4! -aajoa pue NIV Ueemyeg our OUI e SLAW E @ prong poss eyo on gp pe Bu9BN DUNO Ces peoiy poetry oot HY auany Bupuets a o.K! a onye ese se SV uo wonsod oxyaey ewes saree rire wwis ove ou0 Avo Seu ASYAINAZZIN “ysvinaoa uo 9804) ©} Ae> -quoppoyeisu 018 @ pue se, AVS OVA LSYUINIL “Ava AON #042 aur “gaegg0xo 2 SUOHDNS SV UBeMIed ye sono} ot UO SaxAOVSG Hy sAvis OWE LSYWSUOI SUL “T sy pun Sa regoo aD av! SAN ba oF aoe @ pee 9 ‘sd¥vo ISVINNIVIL pue NAZZIN woeKeq UN oBUIS e 1G OUrT “LSVWNAZZIN 8 88 PUB WOR pue svg ous) peo} dOL LSYWNIVIN © @) aul ALL uoy,00s sotto} AS¥INNIVN J9 Zo1Ue> yp Aioywunproidde (0) uaop Y9eq PUE dOL ISVANAZZIN WON) ‘dn S808 LSVWNIVI JO 98e4 woul SUIS qh OUT SAVLS LSVANAZZIW ONIDDIY au abvd -gugyw Jano se wes ayy ere Q) pu © Gs0u1 sso1 e204 ONTOS 1 Qo ‘srioos ‘vs oNraanss ‘eney you Soop (YIMOT) GUVA NAZZIN er & isvW -3yos ayy yo esoun oy Alena! PalleAs BSB OS eunrsesn PTO crea han ee ee i. “sWOOE 94 304 GUA Jo puo o¥ pon 8} peouip o1ns og “paUDe Ae SWOOG “WS BNIGANLS oneu SPIE aonqioonoy ON “uacds se @ pur @'@ @ snr MT AsvwauOS Moy eur esa -T -ausary suyuuny ie 49} peestL omn 3A BRAWN Ets pee Ee N oN hy | er apvd {IAYa JoUjo 0} 1040 YOUN LIAVA Ut e104 WBMONKA dh VOR. “AVHOr uo BUH yBnoxyy Lop LAY WH ojo4 wou Ah Out ‘oh pue SLIAYG Ut e}ou plB YeOq UO Bu \yBnouyy peasty Jo doo} © Wah SLIAVO NALS 07 ¥BLLND BRE“ 7 ool LIAWG ® J0 9pjsul Uo 1VA%O atp osG) OUT Jo PUE OUO EL “T | “au tay 19H 0 oPIs Joyo Uo SLIAVG 0} LVORATIOF 201R0 Be Kom OWES ayy UL “ze “SLiAVa LOE 8h 0} peBBL Mou “vaio LIAVO ‘one Z dog uy pojgwuesse 4149 6u0 pue SIVOBATION Om UL oF 09 ue LIAWG YBMON He DNI LVO od UHOP “AIOU Shen Seo} site 20 i J ot an awas/ avait “oy pue WOOE UAYNVdS: ©) yoeg pur _LIAVE LVOE eisoddo ye soy 204900} uoip pu OOS OER "WEP WOR 18 NUALS Uy ef YMA ou pea] ‘wooa UaDINVAS &1 G) our Jo PE uD LL -z “JuVO 04 Y9eq vO. 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