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The product we will make is a 5-minute short film; our
release date will be around the 5 th of November, which
shouldnt pose a problem for our target audience of 15-35
years old. In terms of advertisement we would generally
advertise through social media websites such as
YouTube, this is because it is very cost effective (its free)
and because we are a small, low budget independent
company this would be the most rational form of
advertisement. Furthermore, our target audience are
highly likely to be active on social media sites, 54% of 1624 year olds are active on Facebook, 61% for Twitter and
YouTube (as of 2014). This means that the majority of our
target audience will be targeted when advertising on
these sites.
The genre of our 5-minute production is a thriller; we
chose this because thrillers are generally intriguing to our
chosen target audience, as they would typically like
elements of suspense and would therefore have a higher
chance of wanting to watch our production. A thriller film
is on which contains elements of suspense and aims to
shock or even scare the audience. We are also incorporate
ideas of a drama as a sub-genre under our main target of
thriller; a typical successful drama contains elements of
creating an environment which raises the question of what
will happen next, keeping the audience interested and
wondering what could happen.
The duration of our film is limited to 5 minutes; to do this
effectively we need to create a production which
captivates the audience and keeps them watching. To do
this we need to incorporate fast paced cuts and effective
non-diegetic sound.
Target Audience

Our target audience is 15-35 olds, we also want our film to

appeal to both males and females, in addition to this our
production has an equal balance of male and female
characters so it could relate to both genders. Our
production will involve drugs and elements of a drug deal
and would therefore be unsuitable for anyone under the
age of 15, therefore justifying our target audience starting
at 15. Also, 15-35 year olds are more likely than the other
ages outside our range to go out and watch a film, as
theyre more likely to take an interest into films of the
thriller nature. In terms of how many people we want to
target, were targeting a mass audience as the thriller
genre generally appeals to the vast majority of people.
The short film starts with Jay walking home when
suddenly, he is stopped by a stranger who hands him a
box with a phone and tells Jay to keep it and dont open it
until he gets a call. Before Jay can object, the stranger
runs off in a hurry, not knowing what to do, Jay starts to
walk home quicker and quicker. Once he gets home he
sets both the package and phone down on his table in his
room, staring at them both, contemplating what to do with
them. After a while of thinking, Jay decides to finally open
up and see whats inside then realises that its contents is
a brick of cocaine, then the phone rings so Jay picks up
and is told to deliver it to a certain location but Jay says he
cant because its cocaine, the person on the other side of
the phone shouts at him saying he wasnt supposed to
look but still tells him to deliver it. Jay leaves the house to
deliver the cocaine as he walks he hears ambient sound of
police sirens so he turns back around in a hurry and tries
disposing the package and leaving no trace. The then
sirens get louder and louder and theres knock on Jays
door, he shouts out that he is on the way to open the door.
He disposes the cocaine and answers the door wondering
what the police would do, Jay opens the door in shock, as
its his neighbour who wanted give him mail. The phone
rings, Jay looks at the phone.
Character breakdown

Jay: Black, teenager aged 17, male protagonist, this is the

one told to keep the package of drugs and to deliver it.
Stranger (unnamed): Asian, adult aged 27, male
antagonist, he is the one who hands the package to Jay
and the one who calls the phone.
Visual Elements
Lighting - our productions lighting will generally be low-key
due to the time of day we want it to be set in and to
highlight the sense of danger that our character will be set
in to the audience. We also need it to be dark because the
things that happen in our film are very unlikely to happen
during daytime; therefore, to create a verisimilitude, we
need to incorporate the use of low-key lighting. However,
we also need to lighting to be high key to a certain extent
such as scenes within the house and enough lighting so
the audience can actually see the characters in the
Camerawork we plan to use a wide variety of shots
within our production to help give meaning and flow to the
sequence. A range of shots means the audience are less
likely to feel bored and should keep them interested
however, it is important that we dont use too much of a
variety of shots as this could confuse the audience and
work against us as it would put them off due to the
sequence being hard to follow. Some examples of shots
we want to use are close ups and point of view shots
(POV), close ups will be used to emphasise the
emotion/feeling of fear on Jays face when we hears the
sirens and to show important props to the audience such
as the drugs. POV shots will be used to help the audience
relate to the character in the production as it will help
bring them into the sequence and possibly make them feel
as if they are in the main characters shoes, giving a more
realistic and intriguing experience.

Editing we will keep the editing fairly simple when it

comes to cuts and transitions as we want the film to look
simple yet effective. However we will use graphical effects
such as fading in and out in the film.
Setting the setting will be natural for the characters as
they will be outside and in their own homes.
Props- we will use a few props for the film such as the
duffel bag that is given to Jay as well as the drugs inside it.
We have a phone, which is also inside the duffel bag. All
these props are easily accessible and we should be able to
get these props without paying for anything.
Costumes - we will use dark tracksuits for both Jay and
the unknown guy.

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