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and control



mastering electrical power




grounding systems

short-circuit currents



Merlin Gerin



electrical system protection


transformer protection


motor protection


AC generator protection


capacitor protection





overcurrent protection


I <

directional overcurrent


I >

earth fault protection


undervoltage protection

over and underfrequency

overvoltage protection

Ii >

negative sequence
unbalance protection

P <

real reverse power


thermal overload protection

Q <

reactive reverse power


differential protection

I >

voltage restrained
overcurrent protection

Protection devices continuously monitor the

electrical status of system units and cause
them to be de-energized (e.g. tripped by a
circuit breaker) when they are the site of a
disturbance: short-circuit, insulation fault...
The objectives are:
to contribute to protecting people against
electrical hazards,
to prevent equipment damage (the power
produced by a three-phase short-circuit on a
MV busbar can melt up to 50 kg of copper
within 1 second, the temperature at the
centre of the arc can exceed 10,000C),
to limit thermal, dielectric and mechanical
stress on equipment,
to maintain stability and service continuity
in the system,
to protect adjacent installations
(for example, by reducing induced voltage in
adjacent circuits).
In order to attain these objectives, a
protection system should have the following


neutral voltage displacement


Protection, however, has its limits: faults

have to actually occur in order for it to take
effect. Protection cannot therefore prevent
disturbances; it can only limit their duration.
Furthermore, the choice of a protection
system is often a technical and economic
compromise between the availability and
safety of the electrical power supply.
The choice of a protective device is not the
result of isolated study, but rather one of the
most important steps in the design of the
electrical system.
Based on an analysis of the behaviour of
electrical equipment (motors,
transformers...) during faults and the
phenomena produced, this guide is intended
to facilitate your choice of the most suitable
protective devices.

protection guide 1

2 protection guide

Merlin Gerin

grounding systems


The choice of MV and HV grounding systems

has long been a topic of heated controversy
due to the impossibility of finding a single
compromise for the various types of electrical
systems. Experience acquired today enables a
pertinent choice to be made according to the
specific constraints of each system.

five grounding sytems

Neutral potential can be grounded using five

methods that differ according to the kind
(capacitive, resistive, inductive) and value
(zero to infinity) of the Zn impedance
connection made between the neutral and
Zn = ungrounded, no deliberate
Zn is a resistance with a fairly high value,
Zn is a reactance with a generally low value,
Zn is a reactance designed to compensate
for the system capacity,
Zn = 0 - the neutral is directly grounded.

difficulties and selection


The selection criteria involve many aspects:

technical characteristics (system function,
overvoltage, fault current, etc...),
operation (service continuity, maintenance),
cost (investment and operating expenses),
local and national customs.
In particular, there are two major technical
considerations which are, in fact, contradictory:
Reducing the level of overvoltage
Overvoltage is of several origins:
lightning overvoltage, which all overhead
systems are exposed to, up to the user supply
internal system overvoltage caused by
operations and certain critical situations
overvoltage resulting from an earth fault itself
and its clearance.
Reducing earth fault current (If).
Fault current that is too high produces a whole
series of consequences:
damage caused by the arc at the fault point;
particularly the melting of magnetic circuits in
rotary machines,
thermal withstand of cable shields,
size and cost of earthing resistance,
induction into adjacent telecommunication
danger for people created by raised frame

Merlin Gerin

Unfortunately, optimizing one of these

requirements is automatically to the
disadvantage of the other. Two typical
grounding methods accentuate this contrast:
the ungrounded neutral system, which
eliminates the flow of earth fault current
through the neutral but causes the most
the directly grounded neutral system, which
reduces overvoltage to a minimum, but causes
high fault current.
An intermediate solution is therefore often
chosen: the impedance grounded neutral

protection guide 3

grounding systems (cont.)



4 protection guide

In this type of system, a phase-to-earth fault

only produces a weak current through the
phase-to-earth capacity of the fault-free
It can be shown that Id = 3 CV
c V being the simple voltage,
c C the phase-to-earth capacity of a phase,
c the frequency of the system ( = 2f).
The Id current can remain for a long time, in
principle, without causing any damage since
it does not exceed a few amperes
(approximately 2 A per km for a 6 kV singlepole cable, with a 150 mm2 cross-section,
PRC insulated, with a capacity of 0.63 F/km).
Action does not need to be taken to clear this
1st fault, making this solution advantageous in
terms of maintaining service continuity.
However, this brings about the following
c if not cleared, the insulation fault must be
signalled by a permanent insulation
c subsequent fault tracking requires device
made all the more complex by the fact that it is
automatic, for quick identification of the faulty
feeder, and also maintenance personnel
qualified to operate it,
c if the 1st fault is not cleared, a second fault
occurring on another phase will cause a real
two-phase short circuit through the earth,
which will be cleared by the phase protections.

The basic advantage is service continuity
since the very weak fault current prevents
automatic tripping.
The failure to eliminate overvoltage through
the earth can be a major handicap if
overvoltage is high. Also, when one phase is
earthed, the others are at delta voltage
(U = V.e) in relation to the earth increasing
the probability of a 2nd fault. Insulation costs
are therefore higher since the delta voltage
may remain between the phase and earth for
a long period as there is no automatic tripping.
A maintenance department with the equipment
to quickly track the 1st insulation fault is also
This solution is often used for industrial
systems ( 15 kV) requiring service continuity.

Merlin Gerin

resistance grounding

I >


I >



accessible neutral

non accessible neutral

The detection of weak fault current Id requires
protections other than overcurrent phase
These earth fault" protections detect fault
c directly in the neutral earthing
connection 1 ,
c or within the system by measuring the
vectorial sum of the 3 currents using:
v 3 CTs feeding the phase overcurrent
protections 2 ,
v a core balance CT - (accurate solution - to be
used preferably) 3 .

I >

I >

I >

Merlin Gerin

In this type of system, a resistive impedance

limits earth fault current Id, while still allowing
proper evacuation of overvoltage. Protections
must however intervene automatically to clear
the first fault. In systems that feed rotating
machines, the resistance is calculated so as to
obtain an Id current of 15 to 50 A.
This weak current must however be Id 2 Ic
(Ic : total capacitive current in the system) in
order to reduce operation overvoltage and to
enable simple detection.
Distribution systems use higher ratings
(100 to 1000 A) that are easier to detect and
allow evacuation of lightning overvoltage.
This system is a good compromise between
weak fault current and good overvoltage
evacuation. The protection devices are fairly
simple and discriminating and the current is
c no service continuity; earth faults must be
cleared as soon as they occur,
c the higher the voltage and level of current
limitation, the higher the cost of the earthing
Public and industrial MV distribution systems.
Earthing resistance
If the neutral is accessible (star-connected
transformer), the earthing resistance is
inserted between the neutral and earth.
When the neutral is not accessible or when
determined by the discrimination study, an
artificial neutral point is established
(zero sequence generator) using a coil or
a special transformer with a very low
zero sequence reactance.

The relay is set according to the fault current Id

that is calculated leaving out the zero
sequence impedance of the source and of the
connection in relation to impedance Rn and
taking the following 2 rules into account:
c setting > 1.3 times system capacitive current
downstream from the protection,
c setting at approximately 20 % of maximum
earth fault current.
Also, if 3 CTs are used for detection,
the setting must not be less than 10%
of the CT rating to take into consideration the
uncertainty linked to:
v assymmetry of transient currents,
v differences in performance level.

protection guide 5

grounding systems (cont.)

reactance grounding

For system voltage above 40 kV,

it is preferable to use reactance rather
than a resistance because of the difficulties
arising from heat emission in the event of a

compensation reactance

This system is used to compensate

for capacitive current in the system.
Fault current is the sum of the currents
which flow through the following circuits:
c reactance grounding,
c fault-free phase capacitance with respect
to earth.
The currents may compensate for each
other since:
c one is inductive (in the grounding),
c the other one is capacitive (in the fault-free
phase capacitances).
They are therefore opposite in phase.

The system reduces fault current, even if
the phase-to-earth capacitance is high.

direct grounding

6 protection guide

The cost of reactance grounding may be
high due to the need to modify the reactance
value in order to adapt compensation.

Fault detection is based on the active
component of the residual current.
The fault causes residual currents to flow
throughout the system, but the faulty circuit
is the only one through which resistive
residual current flows.
In addition, the protective devices take into
account repetitive self-extinguishing faults
(recurring faults).
When the earthing reactance and system
capacitance are compensated (3Ln Cw2 =1)
v fault current is minimal,
v it is resistive current,
v faults are self-extinguishing.
The compensation reactance is called an
extinction coil or Petersen coil.

When the neutral is directly grounded without

any coupling impedance, fault current Id
between the phase and earth is practically a
phase-to-neutral short-circuit, with a high
value. This system, ideal for overvoltage
evacuation, involves all the drawbacks and
hazards of strong earth fault current. There is
no continuity of service, but there are no
specific protections: the regular phase
overcurrent protections clear the fault.
c this type of system is not used in European
overhead or underground MV systems, but is
prevalent in North American distribution
systems. In these (overhead) systems, other
features come into play to justify the choice:
v the existence of a distributed neutral
v 3 ph or 2 ph/N or ph/N distribution,
v use of the neutral conductor as a protective
conductor with systematic earthing of each
electrical cable pole.
c this type of system may be used when the
short-circuit power of the source is low.

Merlin Gerin

Merlin Gerin

protection guide 7

8 protection guide

Merlin Gerin

short-circuit currents


A short circuit is one of the major incidents

affecting electrical systems.
The consequences are often serious, if not
c a short circuit disturbs the system
environment around the fault point by
causing a sudden drop in voltage,
c it requires a part of the system (often a
large part) to be disconnected through the
operation of the protection devices,
c all equipment and connections (cables,
lines) subjected to a short circuit undergo
strong mechanical stress (electrodynamic
forces) which can cause breaks, and
thermal stress which can melt conductors
and destroy insulation,
c at the fault point, there is often a high
power electrical arc, causing very heavy
damage that can quickly spread all around.

Although short circuits are less and less

likely to occur in modern well-designed, welloperating installations, the serious
consequences they can cause are an
incentive to implement all possible means to
swiftly detect and attenuate them.
The short circuit value at different points in
the system is essential data in defining the
cables, busbars and all breaking and
protection devices as well as their settings.


Short-circuit current at a given point in the

system is expressed as the rms value Isc
(in kA) of its AC component.
The maximum instantaneous value that
short-circuit current can reach is the peak
value Ip of the first half cycle.
This peak value can be much higher than
2.Isc because of the damped DC
component that can be superimposed on
the AC component.This random DC
component depends on the instantaneous
value of voltage at the start of the shortcircuit and on the system characteristics.

Short-circuit power is defined by the formula

Ssc = eUn . Isc (in MVA).
This theoretical value has no physical
reality; it is a practical conventional value
comparable to an apparent power rating.


DC component

2 2 Icc

Merlin Gerin


protection guide 9

short-circuit currents (cont.)

The Isc value of three-phase short circuit

current at a point F within the system is:
Isc =
e Zsc

phase-to-phase shortcircuit




in which U refers to the phase-to-phase

voltage at point F before the fault occurs and
Zcc is the equivalent upstream system
impedance as seen from the fault point.
c in theory, this is a simple calculation; in
practice, it is complicated due to the difficulty
of calculating Zsc, an impedance equivalent
to all the unitary impedances of series- and
parallel-connnected units located upstream
from the fault. These impedances are
themselves the quadratic sum of reactances
and resistances.

There may not be a single source of voltage,

but rather several sources in parallel, in
particular, synchronous and asynchronous
motors, reacting like generators upon the
occurrence of short circuits.
Three-phase short circuit current is generally
the strongest current that can flow in the
Two-phase short circuit current is always
weaker (by a ratio of e/2, i.e.
approximately 87%).
2-phase Isc =

2 Zsc

Zsc = VR2 + X2
Calculations can be made much simpler by
knowing the short-circuit power Ssc at the
point that joins the distribution system.
Knowing Ssc at this point, the equivalent Za
impedance upstream from this point can be
calculated using the formula:
Za =

phase-to-earth short circuit

current (single-phase)


The value of this current depends on Zn

impedance between the neutral and
earth.This impedance can be virtually nil if
the neutral is directly grounded (in series
with the earthing connection resistance) or,
on the contrary, almost infinite if the neutral
is ungrounded (in parallel with the system's
phase to earth capacitance).
Calculation of this unbalanced short-circuit
current requires the use of the symmetrical
components method.
This method replaces the real system by
superimposing 3 systems:
positive Z1 , negative Z2 , zero sequence Z0
The value of the phase-to-earth fault current
Io is:
I0 =


Z1 + Z2 + Z0 + 3 Zn

This calculation is required for systems in

which the neutral is earthed by a Zn
impedance. It is used to determine the
setting of the "earth fault" protection devices
which are to intervene to break the earth
fault current.
In practice :
I0 z

10 protection guide

, Isc =
e Za

e Zn

Merlin Gerin

short circuit currents at

generator terminals

It is more complicated to calculate shortcircuit current at a synchronous generator's

terminals than at the terminals of a
transformer connected to the system. This is
because the internal impedance of the
machine cannot be considered constant
after the start of the fault. It increases
progressively and the current becomes
weaker, passing through three characteristic
subtransient: (approx. 0.01 to 0.1 sec).
Short-circuit current (rms value of the AC
component) is high: 5 to 10 times permanent
rated current.
transient: (between 0.1 and 1 sec). Shortcircuit current drops to between 2 and 6
times rated current.
continuous: Short-circuit current drops to
between 0.5 and 2 times rated current.


subtransient phenomena

The given values depend on the power

rating of the machine, its excitation mode
and, for continuous current, on the value of
the exciting current, therefore on the
machine's load at the time of the fault.
Also, the zero sequence impedance of the
AC generators is generally 2 to 3 times
lower than their positive sequence
impedance. Phase-to-earth short circuitcurrent is therefore stronger than threephase current. By way of comparison, the
three-phase short-circuit current at a
transformer's terminals ranges between 6
and 20 times rated current depending on the
power rating.
It can be concluded that short-circuits at
generator terminals are difficult to assess,
and that their low, decreasing value makes
protection setting difficult.






calculation of short-circuit

Merlin Gerin

3 short circuit currents at generator terminal

The rules for calculating short-circuit

currents in industrial installations are
presented in IEC standard 909 issued in
The calculation of short-circuit currents at
various points in a system can quickly turn
into an arduous task when the installation is
a complicated one. The use of specialized
software enables these calculations to be
performed faster.

protection guide 11

short-circuit currents (cont.)

equipment behaviour
during short-circuits

There are 2 types of system equipment, the

type that intervenes and the type that does
not intervene at the time of a fault.
Passive equipment
This category comprises all equipment
which, due to its function, must have the
capacity to transport both normal current
and short-circuit current without damage.
This equipment includes cables, lines,
busbars, disconnecting switches, switches,
transformers, series reactances and
capacitors, instrument transformers.
For this equipment, the capacity to withstand
a short-circuit without damage is defined in
terms of:
electrodynamic withstand (expressed in
peak kA), characterizing mechanical
resistance to electrodynamic stress.
thermal withstand (expressed in rms kA for
1 to 5 seconds) characterizing maximum
admitted overheating.

Active equipment
This category comprises the equipment
designed to clear short circuit currents:
circuit breakers and fuses.
This property is expressed by the breaking
capacity and if required, by the making
capacity upon occurrence of a fault.
breaking capacity
This basic characteristic of a switching
device is the maximum current (in rms kA)
it is capable of breaking in the specific
conditions defined by the standards, it
generally refers to the rms value of the AC
component of the short circuit current;
sometimes, for certain switchgear, the rms
value of the sum of the 2 components is
specified: AC and DC; it is then "unbalanced
The breaking capacity requires other data
such as:
R/X ratio of broken circuit,
system natural frequency,
number of breaks at maximum current,
for example the cycle: B - M/B - M/B
(B = breaking; M = making),
status of the device after test.
The breaking capacity appears to be a fairly
complicated characteristic to define:
it therefore comes as no surprise that the
same device can be assigned different
breaking capacities depending on the
standard by which it is defined.
making capacity upon occurrence
of a short-circuit
In general, this characteristic is implicitly
defined by the breaking capacity: a device
should have the capacity to "make" upon the
occurrence of a short-circuit that it has the
capacity to break.
Sometimes making capacity needs to be
higher, for example for AC generator circuit
The making capacity is defined at peak kA
since the 1st asymmetric peak is the most
restrictive one from an electrodynamic point
of view.
short-circuit current presumed to be
Some devices have the capacity to limit the
current they are going to break.
Their breaking capacity is defined as the
maximum current presumed to be broken
that would develop in the case of a full short
circuit at the upstream terminals of the

12 protection guide

Merlin Gerin

Merlin Gerin

protection guide 13

14 protection guide

Merlin Gerin






Protections comprise a coherent whole in

relation to the structure of the system and its
grounding. They should be looked upon as a
system based on the principle of
discrimination which consists of isolating as
quickly as possible the part of the system
affected by the fault and only that part,
leaving all the fault-free parts of the system

current discrimination

Current discrimination is based on the fact

that within a system, the further the fault is
from the source, the weaker the fault
Current-based protection is installed at the
starting point of each section: its setting is
set at a value lower than the minimum value
of short-circuit current caused by a fault in
the monitored section, and higher than the
maximum value of the current caused by a
fault located downstream (beyond the
monitored area). Set in this way, each
protection device operates only for faults
located immediately downstream from it, and
is not sensitive to faults beyond.
In practice, it is difficult to define the settings
for two cascading protection devices (and
still ensure good discrimination) when there
is no notable decrease in current between
two adjacent areas (medium voltage
system). However, for sections of lines
separated by a transformer, this system can
be used advantageously as it is simple,
economical and quick (tripping with no
An example of the application is shown
ISCB image at the transformer primary of the
maximum short-circuit current on the





example of current discrimination

Various means can be implemented to

ensure proper discrimination in electrical
system protection:
c current discrimination,
c time discrimination,
c discrimination by data exchange, referred
to as logic discrimination,
c discrimination by the use of directional
protection devices,
c discrimination by the use of differential
protection devices.


max. SCB

Merlin Gerin

min. SCA

protection guide 15

discrimination (cont.)

time discrimination

time setting *


Time discrimination consists of setting

different time delays for the current-based
protection devices distributed throughout the
system. The closer the relay is to the
source, the longer the time delay.
The fault shown in the diagram opposite is
detected by all the protections (at A, B, C,
and D). The time-delayed protection at D
closes its contacts more quickly than the one
installed at C, which is in turn faster to react
than the one at B, etc.
Once circuit breaker D has been tripped and
the fault current has been cleared,
protections A, B and C, which are no longer
required, return to the stand-by position.




The difference in operation times t between

two successive protections is the
discrimination interval. It takes into account:
c circuit breaker breaking time Tc,
c time delay tolerances dt,
c time for the protection to return to
stand-by: tr
t should therefore correspond to the
t Tc + tr + 2dt.
Considering present switchgear and relay
performances, t is assigned a value of
0.3 sec.
This discrimination system has two
c it provides its own back-up (granted, by
eliminating a fault-free part of the
c it is simple.
However, when there are a large number of
cascading relays, since the protection
located the furthest upstream has the
longest time delay, the fault clearing time is
prohibitive and incompatible with equipment
short-circuit current withstand and external
operating necessities (connection of a
distributor to electrical system, for example).
This principle is used in radial networks.

phase to phase fault

IR: setting of overcurrent protection

16 protection guide

Merlin Gerin




application of time


The time delays set for time discrimination

are activated when the current exceeds
the relay settings.
The settings must be coherent.
There are 2 types of time-delayed currentbased relays:
cdefinite time relays,
the time delay is constant regardless of the
current, provided it is higher than the setting.
IrA > IrB > IrC. , tA > tB > tC.


current setting

not operating

time delayed



time delay


definite time tripping curve



IccC IccB IccA I

cIDMT relays (fig. 2),

the stronger the current, the shorter the time
delay. If the settings are set to In, overload
protection is ensured at the same time as
short-circuit protection and setting
coherency is guaranteed.
InA > InB > InC
IrA = InA IrB = InB IrC = InC
The time delays are set for the
discrimination interval t of the maximum
current detected by the upstream protection

current setting

not operating

time delayed

IDMT tripping curve

Merlin Gerin







protection guide 17

discrimination (cont.)

logic selectivity



This principle is used when short fault

clearing time is required.
Theexchange of logic data between
successive protection devices eliminates
the need for discrimination intervals.
In a radial system, the protections located
upstream from the fault point are activated;
those downstream are not. The fault point
and the circuit breaker to be controlled can
therefore be located without any ambiguity.
Each protection activated by a fault sends:
a blocking input to the upstream stage
(order to increase the upstream relay time
a tripping order to the related circuit
breaker unless it has already received a
blocking input from the downstream stage.
Time-delayed tripping is provided for as
Tripping time is no longer related to the
location of the fault within the discrimination

blocking input



phase-to-phase fault
logic selectivity system

18 protection guide

Merlin Gerin




directional discrimination

In a looped system, in which faults are fed

from both ends, it is necessary to use a
protection system that is sensitive to the
direction of the flow of fault current in order
to locate and clear it.
Example of the use of directional
D1 and D2 are equipped with instantaneous
directional protections; H1 and H2 are
equipped with time-delayed overcurrent
In the event of a fault at point 1 , only the
protections on D1 (directional), H1 and H2
detect the fault. The protection on D2 does
not detect it (because of the direction of its
detection system). D1 breaks. The H2
protection de-energizes and H1 breaks.
tH1 = tH2
tD1 = tD2
tH = tD + t







way of detection
example of use of directional protections

slectivit par protection





high impedance differential protection




These protections compare the current at

the ends of the monitored section of the
system. Any difference in amplitude and
phase between the currents indicates the
presence of a fault. This is a selfdisciminating protection system as it only
reacts to faults within the area it covers and
is insensitive to any faults outside this area.
The protected equipment can be: a motor,
an AC generator, a transformer, or a
connection (cable or line).
This protection is used to :
c detect fault currents lower than rated
c trip instantaneously since discimination is
based on detection and not on time delays.

There are two main principles:

The high impedance protective device is
series-connected with a stabilization
resistor (1) in the differential circuit.
The percentage-based differential protective
device is connected separately to the I and I'
current circuits.
The difference between these currents I - I'
is determined in the protective device and
the protection stability (1) is obtained by a
restraint related to the measurement of
let-through current I + I' .

The stability of the differential protective

device is its capacity to remain dropped out
when there are no faults within the zone
being protected, even if a differential current
is detected:
v transformer magnetizing current,
v line capacitive current,
v error current due to saturation of the
current sensors.

percentage-based differential protection


Merlin Gerin

protection guide 19

20 protection guide

Merlin Gerin

electrical system protection


Merlin Gerin

Electrical system protection should:

detect faults,
cut off of the faulty parts of the electrical
system, keeping the fault-free parts in
Protection systems are chosen according to
the electrical system configuration (parallel
operation of AC generators or transformers,
loop or radial system,grounding system).
Protection against each of the following
types of faults is to be considered:
phase-to-phase faults,
earth faults (protections related to
electrical system grounding).
This will be done by successively examining
the following cases:
a single incoming line,
two incoming lines,
a busbar,
a loop.

protection guide 21

electrical system protection (cont.)

electrical system with

a single incoming line

phase-to-phase faults (fig. 1)


The protection device at D detects

faults 1 on the outgoing lines and is
tripped following a time delay tD.
The protection device at A detects the
faults 2 on the busbars and is tripped
following a time delay tA. It also acts as
back-up in the event of a malfunction of
protection D.
Choose : IrA IrD and tA tD +t
t : discriminator interval
(generally 0,3 s).


(fig. 1)

phase-to-earth faults
IN >

IN >



IN >


IN >

IN >

(fig. 2)
resistive current

22 protection guide

capacitive current

Grounding by resistance on transformer

Outgoing lines, the incoming line and the
grounding connection are equipped with
earth fault protection devices.
These devices are necessarily different from
multiphase fault protections as the fault
currents are in a different range.
Outgoing line protections are set selectively
in relation to the incoming line protection,
which is itself set selectively in relation to the
protection equipping the grounding
connection (respecting discrimination
The fault current is fed back by the
capacitances of the fault-free outgoing lines
and the grounding resistance. All the faultfree outgoing line sensors detect capacitive
So as to prevent inadvertent tripping, the
protection device on each outgoing line is
set at a setting higher than the outgoing
line's own capacitive current.
c fault at 1 : the D1 circuit breaker trips,
actuated by the protection device linked to it,
c fault at 2 : the A circuit breaker trips,
actuated by the incoming line protection
c fault at 3 : the protection device located
on the neutral grounding connection causes
circuit breaker H to trip at the transformer

Merlin Gerin

Grounding by resistance on the busbar

The outgoing and ingoing line protections
are selectively set in relation to the
protection equipping the grounding
impedance. As in the previous case, the
protection on each outgoing line is set at a
setting higher than the outgoing line's own
capacitive current.
In the event of a fault on outgoing line 1
only the D1 outgoing line circuit breaker
In the event of fault on the busbar 2 , only
the protection equipping the grounding
connection detects the fault. It causes
tripping by circuit breaker A.
In the event of fault on the transformer
secondary 3 , the incoming line protection
detects the fault. It causes tripping by circuit
breaker H.

IN >

rA A

IN > IrN tN


Note: when circuit breaker A is open, the

transformer secondary is ungrounded.


IN >

IN >


(fig. 3)


UN >

Ungrounded neutral (fig.4).

A fault, regardless of its location, produces
current which is fed back by the capacitance
of the fault-free outgoing lines.
in industrial system, this current is generally
weak (a few amperes), allowing operations
to carry on while the fault is being tracked.
The fault is detected by a permanent
insulation monitor (Vigilhom) or a neutral
voltage displacement protection device. In
the case of a system with high total
capacitve current (tens of amperes), added
measures are required to quickly clear the
Directional earth protection can be used to
selectively trip the faulty outgoing line.

(fig. 4)

Merlin Gerin

protection guide 23

electrical system protection (cont.)

system with two incoming












phase-to-phase faults (fig.1)

phase-to-earth faults (fig. 2)

System with two transformer incomers

or with two incoming lines
The outgoing lines are equipped with phase
overcurrent protections with a time delay of
tD. The two incoming lines A1 and A2 are
equipped with phase overcurrent
protections selectively set with the outgoing
lines, i.e. at a value of
tA tD + t.
They are also equipped with directional
protection devices with time delays set at
tR < tA - t.
Therefore, a fault at 1 is cleared by the
opening of D2 with a time delay of tD.
A fault at 2 is cleared by the opening of
A1 and A2 with a time delay of tA
(the directional protections do not detect the
A fault at 3 is detected by the A1
directional protection which opens at time tR,
allowing continued operation of the faultfree part of the system. The fault at 3
however is still fed by T1. At time
tH tA + t, H1 is actuated by the phase
overcurrent protection with which it is

System with two transformer incomers

Grounding by resistance on the
transformers. The outgoing lines are
equipped with earth fault protection devices
set at a setting higher than the
corresponding capacitive current with a time
delay of tD.
The incomers (A1 and A2) are equipped with
directional protections with a time delay of tR.
The grounding connections are equipped
with earth fault protections, the setting of
which is higher than the settings of the
incomer and outgoing line protections with a
time delay of tN tD + t.
Therefore, a fault at 1 is cleared by the
opening of D1.
A fault at 2 is cleared by the opening of
A1, A2, H1 and H2, triggered by the
protections located on the grounding
connections of the 2 transformers.
A fault at 3 is detected by the A1
directional earth fault protection which opens
at time tR, allowing continued operation of
the fault-free part of the system.
However, fault 3 is still fed up to time tN,
the moment at which the protection located
on the corresponding transformer's
grounding connection triggers the opening of
the H1 circuit breaker.






detection way

(fig. 1)

IN >


IN >






IN > tD


IN > tD

IN > tD

detection way

(fig. 2)

24 protection guide

Merlin Gerin


In addition to the protections described

earlier, a busbar can be equipped with a
specific protection device, referred to as
high impedance differential protection, the
aim of which is to be sensitive, quick and
The differential protection (fig.1) takes the
vectorial sum per phase of currents entering
and leaving the busbar; whenever this sum
is not equal to zero, it trips the busbar
power supply circuit breakers.
Logic discrimination (fig.2) applied to
overcurrent protections provides a simple,
simple solution for busbar protection .
A fault at 1 is detected by the D1
protection which transmits a blocking input
to the A protection.
The D1 protection is tripped 0.6 sec. later
A fault at 2 is detected only by the A
protection which is tripped 0.1 sec. later.

(fig. 3)


t = 0,1 s


t = 0,6 s


t = 0,3 s



(fig. 4)

Merlin Gerin

protection guide 25

electrical system protection (cont.)

In a distribution system comprising

substations fed in a loop, protection can be
at the head of the loop or by sections:

open loop
closed loop

Protection at the head

of the loop (fig. 1)


The loop is always open.

The circuit breaker at the head of each loop
is equipped with an overcurrent protection
A fault in a cable joining up 2 substations
causes the opening of one of the two circuit
breakers at the head, depending on the
position of the loop opening.
Protection is often completed by an
automation system which:
c clears the fault with the power off by
opening the devices located at the ends of
the cable involved, after localisation of the
faulty cable (by cable fault detector),
c close the incomer circuit breaker that
c closes the device which ensured the
normal opening of the loop.

(fig. 1)

Loop section protection

Each end of the cable is equipped with a

circuit breaker, with severall protection
c differential protection solution (fig. 2):
each cable is equipped with a differential line
protection device and each substation is
equipped with a busbar differential
protection device. This type of protection is
very quick but expensive. Also, if the neutral
is resistance grounded, the sensitivity of the
differential protections must cover phase-toearth faults.
This solution may be used in bolh open and
closed loops.

(fig. 2)

26 protection guide

Merlin Gerin

Loop section protection (cont.)


Overcurrent protection and directional

logic discrimination (fig. 3)
The circuit breakers in the loop are fitted
with overcurrent protection and directional
protection devices. The principle of logic
discrimination is also used to clear faults as
quickly as possible.
A fault in the loop activates:
c all the protection devices when the loop is
c all the protection devices upstream from
the fault when the loop is open. Each
protection device sends a blocking input to
one of the devices adjacent to it within the
loop, according to the data transmitted by
the directional protection device.
Protection devices that do not receive a
blocking input trip within a minimum amount
of time regardless of the fault's position in
the loop:
c the fault is cleared by two circuit breakers,
one on either side of the fault if the loop is
closed, and all the switchboards remain
c the fault is cleared by the upstream circuit
breaker if the loop is open. This solution is a
full one since it protects the cables and
switchboards. It is quick, discriminating and
includes back-up protection.


(fig. 3)














Overcurrent and directional overcurrent

protection (fig. 4)
In the case of a loop limited to two
substations, time discrimination can be used
with overcurrent and directional overcurrent
protection devices as shown in the diagram.
A higher number of substations results in
prohibitive time delays.
The time gap between delays t1, t2 t5 is
the discrimination interval t.
Long distance protection
This solution is only useful for very long
connections (several kilometers long). It is
costly and very seldom used, in medium

time gap between t1, t2, t3 is t discrimination interval

detection way

(fig. 4)

Merlin Gerin

protection guide 27

28 protection guide

Merlin Gerin

transformer protection


The transformer is a particularly important

system component.
It requires effective protection against all
faults liable to damage it, whether of internal
or external origin.
The choice of a protection system is often
based on technical and cost considerations
related to the power rating.

types of faults

The main faults affecting transformers are:

c overloads,
c short-circuits,
c frame faults
An overload can result from an increase in
the number of loads being fed
simultaneously or from an increase in the
power absorbed by one or more loads.
It results in an overcurrrent of long duration
causing a rise in temperature that is
detrimental to the preservation of insulation
and to the service life of the transformer.
Short circuits can be inside or outside the
c internal: faults occurring between winding
conductors with different phases or faults in
the same winding. The fault arc damages
the transformer winding and can cause fire.
In oil transformers, the arc causes the
emission of decomposition gas. If the fault is
a weak one, there is a slight gas emission
and the accumulation of gas can become
dangerous. A violent short circuit can cause
major damage that can destroy the winding
and also the tank frame by the spread of
burning oil.

c external: phase-to-phase faults in the

downstream connections. The downstream
short circuit current produces
electrodynamic forces In the transformer that
are liable to affect the windings mechanically
and then develop in the form of internal
A frame fault is an internal fault. It can
occur between the winding and the tank
frame or between the winding and the
magnetic core. It causes gas emission in oil
transformers. Like internal short circuits, it
can cause transformer damage and fire.
The amplitude of the fault current depends
on the upstream and downstream grounding
systems, and also on the position of the fault
within the winding.
c in star connections (fig.1), the frame
current varies between 0 and the maximum
value depending on whether the fault is at
the neutral or phase end of the winding.
c in delta connections (fig.2), the frame
current varies between 50 and 100% of the
maximum value depending on whether the
fault is in the middle or at the end of the

I max

I max

I max






fault current according to the winding fault position

Merlin Gerin

protection guide 29

transformer protection (cont.)

Overcurrent of long duration is generally
detected by a direct time or IDMT delayed
overcurrent protection which is
discriminating with respect to secondary
Thermal overload protection is used to
monitor the temperature rise: overheating is
determined by simulation of heat release as
a function of the current and temperature lag
of the transformer.

protection devices


I >>

Tank frame faults

c tank frame protection (fig.3):
This instantaneous overcurrent protection
device installed on the transformer frame
earthing connection constitutes a simple,
efficient solution for internal winding-toframe faults (provided its setting is suitable
with grounding system used) the transformer
tank has to be insulated from the ground.
This form of protection is discriminating,
being sensitive only to transformer frame
Another solution consists of using earth fault
c earth protection located on the upstream
system for frame faults affecting the
transformer primary.
c earth fault protection located on the
incoming line of the board being fed, if the
neutral of the downstream system is earthed
on the busbars (fig.4).
These protections are disciminating: they
are only sensitive to phase-to-earth faults
located in the transformer or on the
upstream and downstream connections.
c restricted earth protection if the neutral of
the downstream system is earthed at the
transformer (fig.5). This is a high impedance
differential protection system which detects
the difference in residual currents measured
at the grounding point and at the threephase transformer outlet.
c neutral earth protection if the downstream
system is earthed at the transformer (fig.6).




I >


For oil transformers:
c a Buchholz relay or DGPT gas pressure
temperature detector that is sensitive to gas
release or oil movement is used, causing
respectively a short-circuit between turns of
the same phase and a violent phase-tophase short-circuit.
c differential transformer protection (fig.1)
ensures rapid protection against phase-tophase faults. It is sensitive to fault currents
in the range of 0.5 In and is used for
important transformers.
c an instantaneous overcurrent protection
(fig.2) device linked to the circuit breaker
located at the transformer primary ensures
protection against violent short circuits. The
current setting is set at a value higher than
the current due to a short circuit on the
secondary, thus ensuring current
c for low power transformers, a fuse is used
for overcurrent protection.



I >


30 protection guide

Merlin Gerin

examples of transformer






I >


I >




I >





high power

low power
(1) Thermal overload
(2) Fuse or 2-setting overcurrent
(3) Earth fault
(4) Buchholz or DGPT
(5) Tank earth leakage
(6) LV circuit breaker







II >>
I >


low power

I >




I >>


I >




I >



high power

(1) Thermal overload

(2) Fuse or 2-setting overcurrent
(3) Earth fault
(4) Buchholz or DGPT
(5) Tank earth leakage
(6) Neutral earth protection
(7) Transformer differential
(8) Restricted earth fault protection
Merlin Gerin

protection guide 31

transformer protection (cont.)

setting information

type of fault
short circuit

earth fault

32 protection guide

LV circuit breaker: In (for MV/LV transformer)
thermal overload: time constant in the 10' range
fuse: rating > 1.3 In,
direct time overcurrent
lower setting < 6 In; time delay 0.3 s
(selective with downstream),
upper setting > downstream Isc instantaneous,
IDMT overcurrent
IDMT lower setting (selective with downstream),
high setting > downstream Isc, instantaneous,
differential transformer,
25% to 50% of In.
tank earth leakage
setting > 20 A 100 ms time delay,
earth fault current
setting 20 % of maximum earth fault and
10% of CT rating if fed by 3 CTs,
time delay 0.1 s if grounded within the system,
time delay according to discrimination if grounded
in the transformer,
restricted earth fault protection
setting approximately 10% of In when the
3 CT integrator assembly is used,
neutral earth protection
setting approximately 10% of maximum earth fault

Merlin Gerin

Merlin Gerin

protection guide 33

34 protection guide

Merlin Gerin

motor protection


The motor constitutes an interface between

the electrical and mechanical fields.
It is found in an environment linked to the
driven load, from which it is inseparable.
Furthermore, the motor can be subjected to
inner mechanical stress due to its moving
A single faulty motor may cause disturbance
in a complete production process.

types of faults

Merlin Gerin

Motors are affected by:

faults related to the driven load
power supply faults
internal motor faults
Faults related to the driven load
overloads. Since the power called upon is
greater than rated power, there is
overcurrent in the motor and an increase in
losses, causing a rise in temperature.
too long, too frequent start-ups. Motor
start-up creates substantial overcurrents
which are only admissible since they are of
short duration. If start-ups are too frequent
or too long due to an insufficient gap
between motor torque and load torque, the
overheating that is inevitably produced
becomes prohibitive.
jamming. This refers to a sudden stop in
rotation for any reason related to the driven
mechanism. The motor absorbs the start-up
current and stays jammed at zero speed.
There is no more ventilation and overheating
very quickly occurs.
pump de-energizing. This causes motor
idling which has no direct harmful effect.
However, the pump itself quickly becomes
reverse power. This type of fault occurs
due to a voltage drop when a synchronous
motor driven by the inertia of the load sends
power back into the network. In particular,
should the normal network power supply be
released, the synchronous motor can
maintain the voltage in an undesirable
fashion and feed the other loads which are
connected in parallel.
Power supply faults
drop in voltage. This reduces motor torque
and speed: the slow-down causes increased
current and losses. Abnormal overheating
therefore occurs.
unbalance. 3-phase power supply can be
unbalanced because:
the power source (transformer or AC
generator) does not provide symmetrical
3-phase voltage,
all the other consumers together do not
constitute a symmetrical load, unbalancing
the power supply network,
the motor is fed on two phases due to fuse
Power supply unbalance produces reverse
currrent causing very high losses and
therefore quick rotor overheating.

Modern motors have optimized

characteristics which make them
inappropriate for operation other than
according to their rated characteristics.
The motor is therefore a relatively fragile
electrical load that needs to be carefully

Internal motor faults

phase-to-phase short-circuits: these can
vary in strength depending on the position of
the fault within the coil; they cause serious
frame faults: fault current amplitude
depends on the power supply network
grounding system and on the fault's position
within the coil. Phase-to-phase short-circuits
and frame faults require motor rewinding,
and frame faults can produce irreparable
damage to the magnetic circuit.
loss of synchronism.This fault involves
synchronous motors losing their
synchronism due to field loss: motor
operation is asynchronous but the rotor
undergoes considerable overheating since it
is not designed for this.

protection guide 35

motor protection (cont.)

motor protection devices


Overloads are monitored:
c either by IDMT overcurrent protection,
c or by thermal overload protection.
Thermal overload involves overheating due
to current.
c or by a temperature probe.
Excessive starting time and locked rotor
The same function ensures both protections.
This involves an instantaneous current relay
set at a value lower than the start-up current,
which is validated after a time delay
beginning when the motor is turned on; this
time delay is set at a value greater than or
equal to the normal duration of start-up.
Starts per hour
The corresponding protection is sensitive to
the number of starts taking place within a
given interval of time or to the time between
Pump de-energizing
Is detected by a direct time undercurrent
protection device which is reset when the
current is nil (when the motor stops).
Reverse power
Is detected by a directional real power
protection device.
Drops in voltage
Are monitored by a time-delayed
undervoltage protection device. The voltage
setting and time delay are set for
discrimination with the system's short-circuit
protection devices and to tolerate normal
voltage drops, for example during motor
starts. This type of protection is often shared
by several motors in the same switchboard.

Protection is ensured by IDMT or direct time
negative sequence unbalance detection.
Phase-to-phase short circuits
Are detected by a time-delayed overcurrent
protection device. The current setting is set
higher than or equal to the start-up current
and the time delay is very short; its purpose
is to make the protection insensitive to the
first peaks of making current.
When the corresponding breaking device is
a contactor, it is associated with fuses which
ensure short-circuit protection.
For large motors, a high impedance or
percentage-based differential protection
system is used (fig. 1).
Through appropriate adaptation of the
connections on the neutral side and by the
use of summing current transformers, a
simple overcurrent protection device
ensures sensitive, stable detection of
internal faults (fig.2).
Frame faults
This type of protection depends on the
grounding system. Higher sensitivity is
sought so as to limit damage to the magnetic
Field loss
(for synchronous motors). It is detected by
a time-delayed max. reactive power
protection device.


36 protection guide

Merlin Gerin

examples of protection

thermal overload

Ii >




IN >

Contactor-controlled or circuit breakercontrolled asynchronous motor

Additional protection according to the type of
c excessive starting time + locked rotor
c starts per hour
c undercurrent



earth fault

thermal overload

Ii >




IN >

earth fault


High power asynchronous motor

Additional protections according to the type
of load:
c excessive starting time + locked rotor
c starts per hour
c undercurrent


High power synchronous motor

Additional protection according to the type of
c excessive starting time + locked rotor
c starts per hour
c undercurrent

thermal overload

Ii >






IN >

earth fault

P <

real reverse power


Q <

field loss

Merlin Gerin

protection guide 37

motor protection (cont.)

setting information

type of fault

breaking unbalance and phase reversal

short circuits

stator frame

excessive starting time

locked rotor
drop in voltage
real reverse power

field loss

38 protection guide

thermal overload
parameters should be adapted to fit the
characteristics of the motor (time constant in
the 10' range),
IDMT overcurrent relay
setting should allow starting.
negative sequence unbalance
setting between 0.3 and 0.4 In,
time delay: approximately 0.6 sec.
If the system can function with almost
continuous unbalance, an IDMT
characteristic is used: setting allowing
0.3 In during starting without tripping
rating > 1.3 In, allowing starting,
direct time overcurrent
setting 1.2 start-up current,
time delay approximately 0.1 sec.
differential: setting 10% to 20% of In
resistance grounding
The lowest setting compatible with the
protected outgoing line's capacitive current
is selected,
setting between 10 and 20% of maximum
earth fault current,
time delay: 0.1 sec. approximately.
setting approximately 2.5 In,
time delay 1.1 x starting time.
setting between 0.75 and 0.8 Un,
time delay: approximately 1 sec.
approximate settings
setting 5% of Pn
time delay 1 sec.
approximate settings
setting 30% of Sn
time delay 1 sec.

Merlin Gerin

Merlin Gerin

protection guide 39

40 protection guide

Merlin Gerin

AC generator protection


AC generator operation can be altered by

both faults within the machine and by
disturbances occurring in the electrical
system to which it is connected.
An AC generator protection system
therefore has a dual objective: protecting
the machine and protecting the system.

types of faults

Faults such as overloads, unbalance and

internal phase-to-phase faults are the same
type for AC generators as for motors.
However, there are other types of faults that
are characteristic of AC generators.
When a short circuit occurs in a an
electrical system close to an AC generator,
the fault current looks like that shown in
figure 1.
The maximum short-circuit current value
should be calculated taking into account the
machine's substransient impedance X"d .
The value of the current detected by a
protection device, which is very slightly timedelayed (by about 100 milliseconds), should
be calculated taking into account the
machine's transient impedance Xd.
The value of steady state short-circuit
current should be calculated taking into
account the synchronous impedance X.
This current is weak, generally less than the
AC generator's rated current.
Internal phase-to-frame fault
This is the same type of fault as for motors
and its effects depend on the grounding
systems adopted. A particularity in relation
to motors, however, lies in the fact that AC
generators can operate decoupled from the
electrical system during the start-up and
shutdown periods, and also when operating
for testing or on stand-by. The grounding
system may differ depending on whether the
AC generator is coupled or decoupled and
the protection devices should be suitable for
both cases.


subtransient phenomena

Field loss
When an AC generator previously coupled
with a system loses its field, it becomes
desynchronized from the system. It then
operates asynchronously, overspeeding
slightly, and it absorbs reactive power.
Motor-like operation
When an AC generator is driven like a motor
by the electrical power system to which it is
connected and it applies mechanical energy
to the shaft, this can cause wear and
damage to the driving machine.
Voltage and frequency variations
Voltage and frequency variations during
steady state operating are due to the
malfunction of the related regulators. These
variations create the following problems:
too high a frequency causes abnormal
motor overheating,
too low a frequency causes motor power
variations in frequency cause variations in
motor speed which can bring about
mechanical damage,
too high a voltage puts stress on all parts
of the network,
too low a voltage causes torque loss and
an increase in current and motor



Merlin Gerin

protection guide 41

AC generator protection (cont.)

protection devices
tripping current


0,3 Ir

0,3 Un

Ir : setting current


I >

AC generator connected to other power sources

42 protection guide

The overload protection devices for AC
generators are the same as for motors:
c IDMT overcurrent,
c thermal overload,
c temperature probe.
Protection, like for motors, is ensured by
IDMT or direct time negative sequence
External phase-to-phase short-circuits
As the value of short-circuit current
decreases over time to within the range of
rated current, if not weaker, in steady state
operation, a simple current detection device
can be insufficient.
This type of fault is effectively detected by a
voltage restrained overcurrent detection
device, the setting of which increases with
the voltage (fig.2). Operation is delayed.
Internal phase-to-phase short circuits
c high impedance or percentage-based
differential protection provides a sensitive,
quick solution.
c In certain cases, especially for an AC
generator with a low power rating compared
to the system to which it is connected ,
the following combination can be used for
internal phase-to-phase short-circuit
protection (fig.3):
v instantaneous overcurrent protection (A),
validated when the AC generator circuit
breaker is opened, with current sensors
located on the neutral side, with a setting
lower than rated current,
v instantaneous overcurrent protection (B),
with current sensors located on the circuit
breaker side, with a setting higher than AC

generator short-circuit current.

Stator frame fault
c if the neutral is grounded at the AC
generator neutral point, earth fault or
restricted earth fault protection is used.
c if the neutral is grounded within the system
rather than at the AC generator neutral
point, stator frame faults are detected by:
v earth fault protection on the AC generator
circuit breaker when the AC generator is
coupled to the electrical system,
v by an insulation monitoring device for
ungrounded systems when the AC generator
is uncoupled from the system.
c If the neutral is ungrounded, protection
against frame faults is ensured by an
insulation monitoring device. This device
operates either by detecting residual voltage
or by injecting DC current between the
neutral and earth.
If this device exists in the system, it monitors
the AC generator when it is coupled, but a
special AC generator device, validated by
the circuit breaker being in the open
position, is needed to monitor insulation
when the AC generator is uncoupled.
Rotor frame faults
When the exciting current circuit is
accessible, frame faults are monitored by a
permanent insulation monitor (Vigilohm).
Field loss
This type of fault is detected either by
measuring the reactive power absorbed or
by monitoring the excitation circuit if
accessible, or else by measuring the
impedance at the AC generator terminals.
Motor-like operation
This is detected by a relay that senses the
real power absorbed by the AC generator.
Voltage and frequency variations
These are monitored respectively by an
overvoltage-undervoltage protection device
and an underfrequency device.
These protection devices are time-delayed
since the phenomena do not require
instantaneous action and because the
electrical system protections and voltage
and speed controller must be allowed time to

Merlin Gerin

examples of applications

Low power AC generator, uncoupled

IN >

earth fault

thermal overload

Ii >

negative sequence unbalance


voltage restrained overcurrent

IN >

earth fault

thermal overload

Ii >

negative sequence unbalance


voltage restrained overcurrent

Medium power AC generators


Merlin Gerin


P <

real reverse power

Q <

reactive reverse power


over and undervoltage


over and underfrequency

protection guide 43

AC generator protection (cont.)

examples of applications

Medium power AC generator

(grounded in electrical system)

thermal overload

Ii >

negative sequence unbalance


voltage restrained overcurrent

P <

real reverse power

Q <

field loss


over and undervoltage


over and underfrequency

UN >

residual overvoltage

I <

directional current
earth fault

Medium power block generator

thermal overload

44 protection guide


Ii >

negative sequence unbalance


voltage restrained overcurrent

P <

real reverse power

Q <

field loss

UN >

residual overvoltage


over and undervoltage


over and underfrequency

IN >

earth fault

Merlin Gerin

setting information

type of fault


external short-circuit

internal short-circuit
frame faults

field loss

motor operation

voltage variation

speed variation

Merlin Gerin

thermal overload
to be adapted to rated characteristics (time
constants in the 10' range)).
max. neg. phase sequence component
to be adapted to characteristics (if lack of data,
setting 15% of In, IDMT).
voltage restrained overcurrent
setting 1.2 to 2 times In,
time delay according to discrimination.
high impedance differential
threshold approximately 10% of In.
neutral grounded in electrical system
earth fault,
setting 10% to 20% of maximum earth fault
time delay: instantaneous or 0.1 sec.
neutral grounded at AC generator neutral point
earth fault
setting approximately 10% In
time delay according to discrimination
residual overvoltage
setting approximately 30% of Vn
reactive reverse power
setting 30% of Sn,
time delay of a few seconds.
directional real power
setting 1 to 20% of Pn,
time delay 1 sec.
over and undervoltage
0.8 Un < U < 1.1 Un,
time delay: approximately a second.
over and underfrequency
0.95 fn < f < 1.05 fn,
time delay: a few seconds.

protection guide 45

46 protection guide

Merlin Gerin

capacitor protection


Capacitor banks are used to compensate for

reactive energy absorbed by electrical
system loads, and sometimes to make up
filters to reduce harmonic voltage.
Their role is to improve the quality of the
electrical system.
They may be connected in star, delta and
double star arrangements, depending on the
level of voltage and the system load.
A capacitor comes in the form of a case with
insulating terminals on top. It comprises
individual capacitances which have limited
maximum permissible voltages
(e.g. 2250 V) and are series-mounted in
groups to obtain the required voltage
withstand and parallel-mounted to obtained
the desired power rating.
There are two types of capacitors:
those with no internal protection,
those with internal protection:
a fuse is combined with each individual

types of faults

The main faults which are liable to affect

capacitor banks are:
frame fault,
capacitor component short-circuit.
An overload is due to temporary or
continuous overcurrent:
continuous overcurrent linked to:
raising of the power supply voltage,
the flow of harmonic current due to the
presence of non-linear loads such as static
converters (rectifiers, variable speed drives),
arc furnaces, etc.,
temporary overcurrent linked to the
energizing of a capacitor bank step.
Overloads result in overheating which has
an adverse effect on dielectric withstand
and leads to premature capacitor aging.
A short-circuit is an internal or external
fault between live conductors, phase-tophase or phase-to-neutral depending on
whether the capacitors are delta or starconnected. The appearance of gas in the
gas-tight chamber of the capacitor creates
overpressure which may lead to the opening
of the case and leakage of the dielectric.
A frame fault is an internal fault between a
live capacitor component and the frame
created by the metal chamber.
Similar to internal short-circuits, the
appearance of gas in the gas-tight chamber
of the capacitor creates overpressure which
may lead to the opening of the case and
leakage of the dielectric.

groupe 1
groupe 2


groupe 3

groupe n


Merlin Gerin


A capacitor component short-circuit is

due to the flashover of an individual
with no internal protection: the parallelwired individual capacitances are shunted
by the faulty unit:
the capacitor impedance is modified
the applied voltage is distributed to one
less group in the series
each group is submitted to greater stress,
which may result in further, cascading
flashovers, up to a full short-circuit.
with internal protection: the melting of the
related internal fuse eliminates the faulty
individual capacitance:
the capacitor remains fault-free,
its impedance is modified accordingly.

protection guide 47

capacitor protection (cont.)

protection devices

48 protection guide

Capacitors should not be energized unless

they have been discharged. Re-energizing
must be time-delayed in order to avoid
transient overvoltage. A 10-minute time
delay allows sufficient natural discharging.
Fast discharging reactors may be used to
reduce discharging time.
Overcurrent of long duration due to the
raising of the power supply voltage may be
avoided by overvoltage protection that
monitors the electrical system voltage. This
type of protection may be assigned to the
capacitor itself, but it is generally a type of
overall electrical system protection. Given
that the capacitor can generally
accommodate a voltage of 110% of its rated
voltage for 12 hours a day, this type of
protection is not always necessary.
Overcurrent of long duration due to the
flow of harmonic current is detected by an
overload protection of one the following
thermal overload
time-delayed overcurrent,
provided it takes harmonic frequencies into
The amplitude of overcurrent of short
duration due to the energizing of capacitor
bank steps is limited by series-mounting
impulse reactors with each step.

Short circuits
Short-circuits are detected by a time-delayed
overcurrent protection device. Current and
time delay settings make it possible to
operate with the maximum permissible load
current and to close and switch steps.
Frame faults
Protection depends on the grounding
system. If the neutral is grounded, a timedelayed earth fault protection device is used.
Capacitor component short-circuits
Detection is based on the change in
impedance created
by the short-circuiting of the component for
capacitors with no internal protection
by the elimination of the faulty individual
capacitance for capacitors with internal
When the capacitor bank is double starconnected, the unbalance created by the
change in impedance in one of the stars
causes current to flow in the connection
between the netural points. This unbalance
is detected by a sensitive overcurrent
protection device.

Merlin Gerin

examples of capacitor
bank protection

Double star connected capacitor bank for reactive power compensation




earth fault






Merlin Gerin

thermal overload



IN >

earth fault

protection guide 49

capacitor protection (cont.)

setting information

type of fault


frame fault

capacitor component
short circuit

50 protection guide

setting 110 % Vn
thermal overload
setting 1.3 In or overcurrent
setting 1.3 In direct time
or IDMT time delay 10 sec
overcurrent direct time
setting approximately 10 In
time delay approximately 0.1 sec
earth fault direct time
setting 20 % maximum earth fault current
and 10 % CT rating if suppied by 3 CTs
time delay approximately 0.1 sec
direct time setting < 1 ampere
time delay approximately 1 sec

Merlin Gerin

Merlin Gerin

protection guide 51

52 protection guide

Merlin Gerin



Protection or measuring devices require

data on the electrical rating of the equipment
to be protected.
For technical, economic and safety reasons,
this data cannot be obtained directly from
the high voltage equipment power supply;
the following intermediary devices are
voltage transformers (VT),
current transformer (CT),
core balance CTs to measure earth fault

These devices fulfill the following functions:

reduction of the value to be measured
(e.g.1500/5 A),
galvanic isolation,
providing the power required for data
processing and for protection operation

current transformers (CTs)

The CTs are characterized by the following

values (according to IEC 185 standards)*.
CT voltage
This is the operating voltage applied to the
CT primary. Note that the primary is at the
HV potential level and that one of the
secondary terminals is generally earthed.
As for other equipment, the following is also
defined :
maximum1 min. withstand voltage at
standard frequency
maximum impulse withstand voltage.
e.g. for 24 kV rated voltage, the CT must
withstand 50 kV voltage for 1 min at 50 Hz
and 125 kV impulse voltage .
Rated transformation ratio
It is usually given as the transformation ratio
between primary and secondary current
I1/I2. Secondary current is generally 5 A
or 1 A.
Accuracy level
It is defined by the composite error for the
accuracy limit current.
e.g. 5P10 means 5% error for 10 In
10P15 means 10% error for 15 In
5P and 10P are the standard accuracy
5 In, 10 In, 15 In, 20 In are the standard
accuracy limit currents.
The accuracy limit factor is the ratio
between the accuracy limit current and the
rated current .
Class X is another way of specifying CT
characteristics based on "knee-point
voltage" (fig.1, CT response in saturated

Accuracy level power

Secondary power at rated current for which
the accuracy level is guaranteed. Expressed
in VA, it indicates the power that the
secondary can deliver for its rated current,
while respecting the rated accuracy class.
It represents the total consumption of the
secondary circuit, i.e. the power consumed
by all the connected devices as well as the
connecting wires.
If a CT is loaded at a power rating lower
than its accuracy level power, its actual
accuracy level is higher than the rated
accuracy level. Likewise, a CT that is loaded
too much loses accuracy.
Admissible short time current
Expressed in rms kA, the maximum current
admissible for 1 second (Ith) (the secondary
being short-circuited) represents CT thermal
overcurrent withstand. The CT must have
the capacity to withstand short-circuit current
for the time required to clear it. If the clearing
time t is other than 1 sec., the current the CT
can withstand is Ith / Vt.
Electrodynamic withstand expressed in peak
kA is at least equal to 2.5 x Ith



Merlin Gerin

Normal values of rated currents:

at the primary (in A)
10 - 12.5 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 40 50 - 60 - 75 and multiples or decimal
* Also to be taken into account are elements related to the
type of assembly, characteristics of the site (e.g.
temperature), system frequency, etc...

protection guide 53

sensors (cont.)

When subjected to very strong current, the

CT becomes saturated, i.e. the secondary
current is no longer proportional to the
primary current.
The current error which corresponds to the
magnetization current becomes very high.

CT response
in saturated state

Knee-point voltage (fig.1)

This is the point on the current transformer
magnetization curve at which a 10%
increase in voltage V requires a 50%
increase in magnetization current Im.



knee point


conclusion on CTs sending

current into an overcurrent
type protection device

specific "wide band"

current sensors

54 protection guide



For direct time overcurrent protections, if

twice the setting current does does cause
saturation, operation is ensured no matter
how strong the fault.
For IDMT overcurrent protections, saturation
must not be reached for current values in
the working part of the operation curve (a
maximum of 20 times the setting current).

These sensors, most often without magnetic

circuits and therefore not subject to
saturation. Linked to an electronic device,
their response is linear.
These CTs are used and supplied with the
digital technology protection units. They only
require knowledge of the primary rated

Merlin Gerin

earth fault protection


3 CT summing integrator assembly (fig.3)

This assembly is only used if it is impossible
to use core balance CTs.
Because of the CT summing error, the
minimum setting for residual current is
approximately 10% of In.

Earth fault current can be detected in

several ways.
CT mounted on neutral point
I >

earth fault

Differential measurement
by core balance CT



I >


differential protection

The CTs should be specified according to

the operating principle of the protection
system; refer to the instruction manual of the
system being used.
protected zone

P1 P2

P2 P1

differential protection

Merlin Gerin

protection guide 55

sensors (cont.)

voltage transformers

Voltage transformers have the following

characteristics (IEC186) (1)
electrical system frequency generally
50 or 60Hz,
system's highest primary voltage
(secondary voltage is standardized
100, 100/ , 110, 110/
rated voltage factor
VA power rating and accuracy class
3-transformer assembly
(requires 1 insulated high voltage
terminal per transformer)

2 transformer assembly ("V" assembly)

(requires 2 insulated high voltage
terminals per transformer)

voltage ratio:
In ungrounded systems, all neutral phase
VTs must be loaded enough to prevent the
risk of ferromagnetic resonance.

voltage ratio:

56 protection guide


also to be taken into account are elements related to the

type of assembly, characteristics of the site
(e.g. temperature...) etc...

Merlin Gerin


Merlin Gerin

protection guide 57


58 protection guide

Merlin Gerin

Schneider Electric SA


postal address
Centre Merlin Gerin
F - 38050 Grenoble cedex 9
tel: (33) 76 57 60 60
telex: merge 320 842 F

As standard specifications and designs change from time

to time, please ask for confirmation of the information given
in this publication.

this document has been printed

on ecological paper.
Publication: Schneider Electric SA - 01/1996
Layout: Idra

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