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Grade 3 Weekly
September 12-16 2016

This Weeks Focus

Parent Visitation

Please join me this Tuesday after school

Language Arts

for an information session about our class

We are continuing with story elements this week.

and our upcoming year. There will be two

We will learn about the problem and solution in a

sessions incase you have two children in

story, and continue to practice using character

elementary. They will be at 3:15pm and

traits. We will also be learning about abstract

4:05pm. Each session will be the same.

nouns this week. Abstract nouns are nouns that

cannot be detected by our senses, such as
bravery, love, and freedom. Our third element of

Class Website

the Daily 5, Read to Someone, will also begin.

We have a class website you are


welcome to visit and pass on to family

We will be continuing our work on multiplication.

members. Please visit:

Students will focus on learning the 2, 5, and 10

times tables. We will also be learning about mass

using a pan balance. Students will measure a
variety of objects using the pan balance and
weights in grams. We will review the skills


students have learned throughout this unit and

Every Night: Read (at least) 1 book out
loud to a parent. Then discuss the book.

they will have a unit test next Monday.

Unity of Inquiry (UOI)

This week we will begin to learn more about
Madagascar and its history. Students will
brainstorm what they already know and complete
a mini-research project on a topic of their

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