Profit and Loss

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29.A discount trader marks up his goods by 80% and gives discount of 25%.

Besides he gets
20% more amount per kg from wholesaler and sells 10% less per kg to customer. What is the
overall profit percentage?
28.A man buys two cows for rs. 5000 each. One is sold at profit of 10% and the other he sold at
a loss of 5%. Find his profit or loss percent in the whole transaction
27.A man sells 3 articles first at a profit of 20%, second at a loss of 10% and the third at 25%
loss. During the whole transaction he bear's a loss of Rs 60. Find the C.P of each article if
their S.P are same. [1h 27m 40s]
a) 180, 120, 160 b) 180,240,288 c) 180,280,250 d) 180,120,300.
26.A person bought two bicycle for rs 1600 and sold the first at 10% profit and the second at
20% profit. If he sold first at 20% profit and second 10% profit, he would get 5 rs more. Find
the difference in the cost price of two bicycle
25.An article sold at 20% profit. If its CP & SP are less by Rs. 10 & 5 resp., the percentage profit
increase by 10%. Find CP
24.A shopkeeper reduces the price of his goods by 50% at the time of sale. Initially the price
was fixed to get a profit of 25% on selling price after allowing 10% cash discount. Find out
his approximate percentage of profit or loss
23.A Fruit seller buys some oranges at the rate of 4 for 10. He sells the whole lot at 9 for 20.
What is his loss or gain percent? [1h 48m 04s]
a) Loss percent 1 19/81 % b) Gain percent 1 19/81%
c) No loss or no Profit d) Loss percent 2%
22.A man sells 20% of his stocks at 10% profit. 50% of the remainder, he sells at 10% loss. At
what % profit he must sell the remaining stock, so as to get 5% profit on the total stocks?
[55m 23s]
a) 22.5 b) 18.5 c) 15.5 d) 17.5 e) None
21.A horse and a carriage together cost Rs 8000.If by selling a horse at a profit of 10% and a
carriage at a loss of 10%, a total profit of 2.5% is made, and then what is the cost price of the
horse? [2h 06m 37s] aug6
1) 3000 2) 3500 3) 4000 4) 5000
20.The price of sugar is increased by 28%. Therefore, a family reduces its consumption so that
the increment in the expenditure of sugar is only 20%. If the consumption of sugar is 15
kg before the increment, what is the consumption now? [1h 28m 30s]
1) 15 (1/16) kg 2) 22 (5/16) kg 3) 14 (3/16) kg
4) 14 1/18 kg 5) 15 1/8 kg

19.Mithilesh make 750 articles at a cost of 60 paise per article. He fixes the selling price such
that if only 600 articles are sold, he would have made a profit of 40% on the outlay.
However 120 articles got spoilt and he was able to sell 630 articles at this price. Find his
actual profit percent as the percentage of total outlay assuming that unsold articles are
useless. [56m 35s]july
1) 42% 2) 53% 3) 47% 4) 46 %
18.A dishonest milkman professes to sell his milk at cost price but he mixes it with water and
thereby gains 25%. The percentage of water in the mixture is: [1h 46m 30s]
a) 4% b) 6% c) 20% d) 25%
17. A shopkeeper sold a TV set for ` 17940 at a discount of 8% and gained 19.6%. If no discount
is allowed what will be the gain percent? [1h 21m 40s]
1) 25% 2) 36.4% 3) 24.8%
4) Can't be determined 5) None of these
16.A sold an article at 10 % loss on the cp. He had bought it at a discount of 20 % on the labeled
price. What would have been the percentage loss had he bought it at the labeled price
[1h 07m 56s]
15.A vendor marks up his goods 20% higher. He gave 12% discount on 1/4 of the goods and
25% on 2/5 of the goods. To get an overall profit of 2.3%.The discount given on the
remaining goods by the vendor should be?
14.A trader mixes rice of two quality, cost price of which differs by Rs.6 in a certain ratio to get
an average price as Rs. 12.If he mixes in the reverse ratio and sells it at Rs. 12 he earn a profit
of 20%. What is the cost of expensive quantity? [1h 05m 48s]
13. A shopkeeper uses a weighing balance that shows 1,050 gm for a kg. He sold his product at
10% above the cost price. Then his net profit percentage is [1h 19m 48s]
1) 15.5 % 2) 17.25% 3) 20.5% 4) 21.75%
12.A person bought 76 cows and sold 20 cows at 15% profit, 40 cows at 19% profit and
remaining 16 cows at 25% profit and got a profit of 6570 as a whole. The cost price of each
cow is [54m 48s]
a) 450 b) 425 c) 420 d) 400
11.A treacherous fruit vendor, while purchasing apples from the wholesaler, manages to
receive 25% more apples than the quantity for which he pays. He cheats his customers as
well and while selling the apples to them he delivers (50/3) % less apples than the quantity
for which the customers pay. If he claims to sell the apples at their cost price, find his net
profit percentage. [2h 15m 20s]JUNE

10By selling 18 articles, a shopkeeper earns the cost price of 24 articles. By what percent should
he increase the selling price so that by selling 24 articles, he earns cost price of 36 articles?
9.A merchant bought some goods at a discount of 20% of the list price. He wants to mark
them at such a price that he can give discount of 20% of the marked price & still make a
profit of 20% of the selling price. the percent of the list price of which he should mark them
is? [7m 20s]MAY31
1) 20 2) 100 3) 125 4) 80 5) none of these

8.If the marked price of an article is increased by 25% and the selling price is increased by
16.66%, then the amount of profit doubles. If the original marked price is Rs. 400 which is
greater than the corresponding cost price by 33.33%, what is the increased selling price?
[2h 23m 10s]
7.Veer calculates his profit percentage on the selling price , whereas Vipin calculates his profit
percentage on the cost price. They find that the difference of their profits is Rs 100. If the
selling price of both of them are the same and both of them get 25 % profit, find their selling
price? [1h 47m 10s]
1) 1000 2) 1800 3) 1600 4) 2000 5) 1500
6.For every set of 19 kites sold, a vendor gives 1 kite extra, free of cost. In order to give a
discount of 10%, the number of extra kites he should give in a sale of 27 kites to the nearest
integer is [40m 20s]APRIL30
1) 3 2) 6 3) 7 4) 8 5) 9
5.If a commission of 10% is given on the marked price of a work, the publisher gains 20%. The
commission is increased to 15%, the gain percent is: [48m 20s]
4.A shopkeeper increases the original selling price of an item to its twice. If the initial gain
percentage is given as 9%, what is the new gain percent? [1h 45m 00s]
1) 80% 2) 118% 3) 92% 4) 98% 5) None of these
3.X sells two articles for ` 4,000 each with no loss and no gain in the interaction. If one was
sold at a gain of 25% the other is sold at a loss of [2h 23m 20s]
1) 25% 2) 18 29% 3) 16 23% 4) 20%
2.Raju sells sweets at 15 rupees per kg. A sweet is made up of flour and sugar in the ratio 5:3.
The ratio of prices of sugar and flour is 7:3. He earned 66 2/3 % profit. Find the cost price of
sugar. [1h 48m 22s]
1.P calculates his profit percent on cost price while Q calculates his profit percent
on selling price. The difference between Qs and Ps profit is Rs 600. If selling
price of both P and Q are same and P gets 20% profit and Q gets 25% profit,

what is their selling price? [18m: 20s] FEB27

1) 7200 2) 8600 3) 6975 4) 7500 5) 7850

. A cloth merchant advertises to sell cloth at a loss of 4% but, using a false meter
scale he gains 20% what is the actual length of meter scale? [44m: 11s]
A Shopkeeper labeled the price of his articles so as to earn a profit of 30% on
the cost price. He then sold the articles by offering a discount of 10% on the
labeled price. What is the actual percent profit earned in the deal?
A shopkeeper offers a discount of 15% on the marked price and earns a profit of
19%. If the difference between the discount offered and the profit earned is
100, find the cost price of the article [8m: 00s]
An orange vendor makes 20% profit by selling oranges at certain price. If he
charges Rs.1.2 higher, he would gain 40%. Find original SP of one orange.
[1h: 28m]
1) Rs 5.6 2) Rs 7.2 3) Rs 4.8 4) Rs 8 5) None of these
A person purchased an article and sold it at loss of 10%.If he had bought it for
20% less and sold it for Rs 55 more, he would have made a profit 40%.The cost
price of the article is [24m: 09s]
1) Rs 225 2) Rs 250 3) Rs 275 4) Rs 300 5) None of these
An article is sold at 20% profit. If its CP and SP are less by Rs 10 and Rs 5
respectively, the percentage profit increases by 10%.Find the cost price.
[34m: 18s]

Aditya bought a pen at 70% of the listed price. He sold it for Rs 350/- which was
20% more than the price he had bought for. What was the listed price?
[36m: 04s]
1) 315.88 2) 320.48 3) 416.66 4) 461.66
When the price of chair was reduced by 40%, the number of chairs sold
increased by 80%, what was the effect on the sales rupees? [48m: 17s]
1) 8% increase 2) 10% increase 3) 8% decrease 4) 10% decrease
5) None of these
.A person purchased an article and sold it at loss of 10%. if he had bought it for
20% less and sold it for Rs 55 more , he would have made a profit 40%. The
cost prize of the article is? [2h: 12m]
The ratio of selling price of 3 articles A, B and C is 8:9:5 and the ratio of
percentage profit is 8:7:14 respectively. If the profit percentage of A is 14.28%

and the cost price of B is Rs 400, what is the overall percentage gain? [1h: 36m]
1) 14.28% 2) 14.87% 3) 16.66% 4) None
If a commission 0f 10% is given on MP of book, the publisher gains 20% if the
commission is increase to 15% the gain % is? [2h: 02m]
A reduction of 21% in price of wheat enables a person to buy 10.5 kg more for
Rs. 100. What is the reduced price per kg? [2h: 13m]
.Due to an increase of 30% in the price of eggs, 3 eggs less are available for Rs.
9.10. The present rate per egg is: [2h: 22m]
1) 91 paise 2) 78 paise 3) 48 paise 4) 84 paise
Cp of 12 articles is equal to SP of 9 articles. Profit on 5 articles is equal to
discount on 10 articles. Find the Markup % and Discount % [32m: 06s]MAY
Cost price of 12 apples is equal to selling price of 9 apples and discount on 10
apples is equal to profit on 5 apple. What is the percentage difference between
profit % and discount % [1h: 51m]
.A bakery bakes cake with expectation that it will earn a profit of 40% by selling
each cake at marked price. But during the delivery to showroom 16% of the
cakes were completely damaged and hence could not be sold. 24% of the cakes
were slightly damaged and hence could be sold at 80% of the cost price. The
remaining 60% of the cakes were sold at marked price. What is the percentage
profit in the whole consignment? [2h: 04m]
The price of sugar having gone down by 10%,Sharad can buy 6.2kg more for Rs
279.The difference between the original and reduced price (per kg)is: [20m: 56s]
1) 8.64 2) 8.88 3) 9.36 4) 10.40JUNE
A book seller sells a book at a profit of 10%.If he had bought it at 4% less and
sold it for a 6 p more; he would have gained 183/4%. What did it cost him?
[51m: 42s]
Mr.X, a business man had the income in the year 2000, such that he earned a
profit of 20% on his investment in the business. In the year 2001, his
investment was less by Rs.5000 but still had the same income (Income=
Investment + profit) as that in 2000.Thus, the percent profit earned in 2001
increased by 6% what was his investment in 2000? [1h: 13m]
A shopkeeper sold 12 cameras at a profit of 20% and 8 cameras at a profit of
10%. If he had sold all the 20 cameras at a profit of 15%, then his profit would
have been reduced by Rs 36. What is the cost prize of each camera? [46m: 50s]
1) 100 2) 150 3)180 4) 220JULY

If a commission of 10 % is given on the MP of a book, the publisher gains

20%.If the commission is increased to 15%, the gain of publisher is? [57m: 18s]
1) 13.33% 2) 15% 3) 18% 4) data insufficient
A tradesman gives 45 discounts on the marked price and gives 1 article free for
buying every 15 articles and thus gains 35%.the marked price is above the cost
price by? [1h: 51m]
Anitha is offered a discount of 20% and a DVD player worth Rs. 3500 free with a
new television set. Anitha doesn't want the DVD player and so asks the
shopkeeper to deduct the price of the DVD player from the bill. But the
shopkeeper deducts only 75% of the cost of the player. Anitha finally pays
Rs.8975.Had the shopkeeper sold the TV at the market price, he would have
made a profit of 25%.What is the percentage loss in the transaction? [34m: 22s]
The discount on a certain sum of money due at the end of 2.25 years at 22

% p.a
is 78 Find the sum? [12m: 50s]
1) 1278 2) 1378 3) 1400 4) 1300 5) None of these
A cloth merchant says that due to slump in the market, he sells the cloth at
10% loss but he uses a false meter scale and actually gains 15%. Find the
actual length of scale. [57m: 56s]
9. Abhishek purchased 140 shirts and 250 trousers at the rate of Rs. 450 and Rs.
550 respectively. What should be the overall average selling price of shirts and
trousers so that 40% profit is earned? [1h: 19m]
Hemant wants to purchase a Nokia mobile handset. The shopkeeper told him to
pay 28% tax if he asked for the bill. Hemant managed to get a discount of 6%
on the actual price (without tax) of the mobile and paid to the shopkeeper Rs/7191.In doing so, he managed to avoid to pay the 28% tax. What is the amount
of discount that he has received on the selling price (inclusive of tax)? [1h: 33m]
1) 2195 2) 2061 3) 1738 4) 3285 5) 3823

A man buys rice for Rs. 2500. He sells 2/5 of it at a profit of 10% at what
percent loss should he sell remaining 3/5. So as to make no profit on loss on the
whole transaction? [1h: 17m]
1) 6 2/3% 2) 5 3/4% 3) 4 1/3% 4) 6 1/3%

A shopkeeper sells notebooks at the rate of RS 45 each and earns a commission

of 4%. He also sells pencil boxes at the rate of Rs 80 each and earns a
commission of 20%.How much amount of commission will he earn in 2 weeks if
he sells 10 notebooks and 6 pencil boxes a day? (My doubt is should the
commission percentages 4 and 20 multiplied by 14? for 2 weeks [3m: 00s]

1) 1956 2) 1586 3) 1596 4) 1596 5) None of these

.By selling 90 bananas for Rs.160 a fruit vendor losses many bananas
should he sell for Rs.96 to gain 20%? [1h: 02m]
.A trader sold 20% of his articles at 10% profit and 50% of the remaining articles
at 10% less. What should be the rate of profit for sale of the left articles in order
that the trader may make an overall profit of 15%? [1h: 04m]
A man buys some mangoes @ 9 for a rupee and an equal number @ 7 for a
rupee. After that, he sells them @ 8 for a rupee. His gain or loss percent is?
[2h: 36m]
The price of ghee is increased by 32%. Therefore, a family reduces its
consumption, so that the increment in price of ghee is only 10%. If consumption
of ghee is 10 kg before the increment, then what is the consumption now? [1h:
1) 8(1/3) kg 2) 8(1/8) kg 3) 8(1/8) kg 4) 9(1/7) kg
5) None
Kriti bought an article with 15% discount on the selling price. If the cost of the
article after discount was Rs. 408 what is the original selling price of the article?
[11m: 40s]
1) Rs.460 2) Rs.490 3) Rs.440 4) Rs.500 5) None of these
A man bought two horses at rs.4000 each. He sold one horse at 15% gain, but
had to sell the second horse at a loss. If he had suffered a loss of rs.3600 on the
whole transaction, then the selling price of the second horse is [1h:09m]
1) 30000 2) 30200 3) 30300 4) 30400
A shopkeeper buys a thing rs.2400 and he decided the marked price in such a
way that after giving 10% discount on marked price, he can earn 20% profit.
but at the time of billing ha gave 10% discount on selling price instead of
marked price find the difference between both discounts? [2h: 09m]
1) 22 2) 36 3) 30 4) 32
An article is sold at 25% profit if its CP and SP are more by Rs.20 and Rs.4
respectively, the percentage of profit decreases by 15%. Find the cost price .end
[30m 33s]
The marked price of a CD player is increased by 15% and a discount of 10% is
allowed. In this way the dealer gains an extra profit of Rs. 231. If the originally
marked price is 10% more than the cost price finds the cost price of the CD
1) 6000 2) 6500 3) 5600 4) 4000 [2h 00m]

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