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Design and Build :Microthon

1. Briefly explain the strategy that will be

employed by your team to complete the mission
right from start of the game to its end.

We will use an Arduino Uno along with IR

sensors for the mission. Also DC motors and
readymade wheels will be used by us. A
motor driver will also be used. We are
planning on using an Aluminium Chassis.
Our plan is to use the IR sensor array (fitted
at the bottom of the chassis) to detect the
path (that is the black line) and according
to the inputs from the sensors, we will code
our bot to take the necessary turns.
To counter discontinuities we are planning
to fit an IR sensor at the back to get the
inputs regarding the tracks.
Similarly, for the obstacles we will fit an IR
sensor in the front.
For path splits we are planning to code
before the start of the second arena and
instruct the bot to take the shortest path.

2. Give a detailed description of working mechanism of

your Bot
(e.g. The sensors used in the bot, how will they function?)

In total we will use 8 IR sensors in our bot. 6 in the form

of an array beneath the chassis, 1 at the back end &
beneath the chassis, and 1 at the front of the chassis.
The sensors beneath the chassis will detect changes on
the ground whereas the one in the front will detect
changes in the front of the BOT.
The array will have 2 of its sensors directly above the
path at the beginning. As it approaches a turn, (lets take
for example a right turn) the sensors to the right of the
original sensors will come over the path leading to
change in their outputs, and we will then code the
Arduino accordingly, so that a right turn can be taken.
Similarly, a left turn will be taken.
In case of discontinuity, when the array wont detect the
path, the sensor at the back will still be detecting the
path, and based on that we will code the bot to move
For the obstacles we will use the forward sensor. As the
reading of the forward sensor would change, we will then
code in such a way so that the bot moves around the
obstacle and back to the path.
The motor driver used will help to create a differential
drive in our bot. it will help to digital write both the
directions of both left and right motors.The sensors work

3. Will you use Nano Arduino or transistors in the

bot. Briefly explain the reason of your choice and
its advantages over the other

We are using an Arduino because of the ease of

action it provides. We can simply code the
necessary steps on the Arduino. It also provides a
much simpler speed control of the motors as
compared to the transistor system.
We are using an Arduino Uno and not Nano but
we assure you that our bot would meet the size
Also it saves a lot of time which would have been
invested on the circuitry of the bot, had we
decided to use transistors.
Moreover transistors cant be coded again and
again while the arduino provide us the liberty to do
Although arduino nano is smaller but the circuit
consuction cant be that effective and easy as with
uno with bigger size of pins.
We have designed our bot such that it uses
arduino uno but still fits in the size constraints of
the competition.

4. Give a brief account of your game plan, If possible;

also post the link to videos demonstrating the
mechanisms you have built until now. Post your videos
on You-Tube and attach the link in the TDP

We have strategized the following game plan to

win the game. We have coded in such a way
that our bot move most smoothly and quickly.
Efficient use of inputs from all the sensors
of the use of motor driver to give specific
output based on the procedure laid out in
the code has been made. We have used IR
sensors that can work in any light conditions
over the ldr which are
Specific to particular lighting conditions. we
have also written code that allow us to have
small turn of shorter degrees. We have also
made a test of second arena and prepared
ourselves by practicing rigorously for coding the
path splits in the arena in the stipulated time.
Not only that for the special surprise to be
shown at the venue itself we have learnt
various coding techniques in the Arduino .here

also we would like to post the links of our

prototype of the bot that can detect and
differentiate the black and white
The video showing this can be seen in our team
member's channel with the link
another video showing serial printing of the
input data from sensor on the laptop screen can
be seen through the following link
the rest part is being made in the labs of IIT
DELHI by us and soon will be completed and the
game plan being revised and strategized to
make it more to win the game.

5. Give a brief account of the power supply i.e

the details of the battery that you will use to
power your bot

We are planning that most probably a 9V

battery would be used to power the
Arduino UNO. Voltage will be divided such
that ground of the array and sensors and
Arduino is the same and the vcc for
sensors will be 5v and for Arduino be 3.3 v.
The motors used would be such that they
can provide the maximum torque and rpm
at the min voltage requirement. Most
probably, a 12V battery would be used in
the motor driver to power the motors.

6. Can a Line follower bot work with just one IR sensor? If

yes, please explain it's motion in brief.

Yes, a line follower can be built using a single IR

sensor. The below given image shows how it can be
made.the robot will follow a zig zag type path and
hence follow yhe line with alternative left and


The robot can be programmed such that when it

detects white area it will move to the left and when
it detects the black line it will move to the right.

Then it should be placed such that the sensor is to

the right of the black line. However, this is a very
crude model only for very basic line following.
Obviously, more number of sensors are needed for
a better working.And hence we are planning to use
an array of 6 sensors so that it can be smooth
enough that it can win the game
What other challenges do you think
you might face while constructing your bot?
The challenges we think we will face includes
the design of the compact chasis so that arduino and
motor driver fits onto it and the size do not exceed the
limit mentioned.
the smoothness of the curves to be taken so that robot
is fast enough and do not zig zag around the black line
moreover the path splits are to be challenge as we have
to code in shorter time interval.
finding the best motor that fits into what we have built
and also have enough rpm and torque to drive it as fast
to win the game.


1) The space below the question is NOT indicative of the length of the reply
expected. Please make your answers as detailed and clear as possible.


No field is to be left blank.


All TDPs to be submitted in .pdf format only.


File to be named as Microthon_teamname.pdf e.g. Microthon_iitm.pdf.

5) Multiple TDP submissions will result in disqualification of the team and its

Coordinators have the right to select and reject any TDP.

7) If selected in the TDP round, team members as well as the design can be
changed only after intimating the coordinators in advance.
8) Decision of coordinators is final and binding on all participants in case of
9) All queries to be mailed to with the subject
as Query- <query description>

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