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Topic Name : Features adopted from other countries in

Indian Constitution
Q1. What is a constitution?
Answer: A constitution is a set of fundamental principles according to which a
state is governed. Thus constitution allows coordination and assurance.
Q2. What are the functions of constitution?
Answer: Following are the important functions of constitution:
1. Allow for minimal coordination amongst members of society,
2. Specify who has the power to make decisions in a society,
3. Sets some limitations on what a government can impose on its citizens,
4. Enables the government to fulfil the needs of a society,
5. Amendment provision.
Q3. What was the need to adopt features from other countries?
Answer: It is not for the sake of borrowing and our Constitution is not a
combination or mixture of all other constitutions. Constitution makers studied
other constitutions and consider our own Customs and usages and usages and
culture, and adopted what suits us best. There is nothing wrong in adopting
something which suits us best.
Q4. Why Indian constitution didn't adopted single country's
constitution, rather it selectively took various features from different
Answer: No single constitution might suite to India by looking at its cultural
diversity, geographical extent and further unity in diversity.
Q5. What are the features adopted from British constitution?
Answer: Majority of the British constitution features and procedures were known
to the Indians and Indian freedom fighters struggled in the process of National
freedom movement, Hence they were conscious about the selection of the
features from British constitution.
Features adopted from British constitution are:
1. First past the post system ,
2. Parliamentary form of government,
3. The rule of law,
4. Institution of the speaker and his role,
5. Lawmaking procedure.

Q6. What is First past the post system?

Answer: In First past the post system each area (constituency) elects one MP
from a choice of candidates. Voters can only vote for one candidate and the
candidate that gets the most votes becomes the elected candidate.
Q7. Does the first past the post system elects ensures the more than
fifty percent of people's choice?
Answer: No, the first past the post system elect the candidate who is ahead of
others. whether candidate gets majority or not is the criteria, even if candidate

get low percentage and still if he ahead of other contestants, then such
candidate will be declared as the elected candidate. If a candidate gets low
percentage of votes but still he elected that means, in that constituency multiple
number of candidates contested for the election.
Q8. why parliamentary form of government adopted from the British
Answer: In a parliamentary form of government, legislature representing the
wishes of the people occupies a high position of power and responsibility but still
council of ministers will be accountable to the parliament. Hence this kind of
government and democratic process will benefit the Independent India to
progress in all dimensions.
Q9. What are the features adopted from United States constitution?
Answer: Features adopted from United States constitution are:
1. Charter of Fundamental Rights
2. Power of Judicial review and independence of the judiciary
3. Impeachment of the president
4. Removal of Supreme Court and high court judges
5. Removal of the Vice-president
Q10. What are the features adopted from Irish constitution?
Answer: Features adopted from Irish constitution are:
1. Directive Principles of State Policy(DPSP),
2. Nomination of members of Rajya Sabha,
3. Election of President.
Q11. What are the features adopted from Canadian constitution?
Answer: Features adopted from Canadian constitution are:
1. A Quasi-Federal form of government,
2. Residual powers,
3. Appointment of State Governor,
4. Advisory jurisdiction of the Judiciary.
Q12. What are Residuary powers and who owns them?
Answer: Those subjects which are not listed under Union, State and Concurrent
lists in the Seventh Schedule of Indian constitution are considered as Residuary
powers. These powers are vested in Union government.
Q13. What are the features adopted from French constitution?
Answer: Features adopted from French constitution are Principles of Liberty,
Equality and Fraternity in the Preamble.
Q14. What are the features adopted from Australia constitution?
Answer: Features adopted from Australia constitution:
1. Joint sitting of the two houses of the parliament,
2. Concurrent list,
3. Freedom of Trade, Commerce, Intercourse
Q15. What is the feature adopted from Germany constitution?
Answer: The only feature adopted from Germany constitution is Suspension of
the Fundamental Rights during Emergency.

Q16. What are the Fundamental rights can be suspended when National
emergency ?
Answer: When a proclamation of national emergency is made , the Article 19,
Right to freedom, automatically suspended, However Article 20 and 21 cannot be
suspended under any circumstanced.
Q17. What are the features adopted from Soviet constitution?
Answer: Features adopted from Soviet constitution:
1. Ideal of Justice[in social, economic and political] in the preamble,
2. Fundamental duties.
Q18. What are the features adopted from South African constitution?
Answer: Features adopted from South African constitution:
1. Amendment of Constitution,
2. Election of Members of Rajya Sabha.

Neighbourhood constitution(Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar)

Q1. what are the major features of the Nepal Constitution?
Answer: After many years of struggle, Nepal adopted democratic constitution on
20th September 2015. Following are major features1.

Federal democratic republic,
Bicameral parliament system,
Independent Judiciary,
Fundamental Rights.
The LGBT community is protected against discrimination.

Q2. what are the major features of the Sri Lanka Constitution?
Answer: Following are major features1.

Unitary system,
Semi-Presidential System,
Separation of powers,
Unicameral legislature,

Q3. What is the significance of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution

of Sri Lanka ?

Answer: To reduce the power of executive president and to put into place a
constitutional council for making key government appoints. Further it brings
reforms to1. Ensure an independent judiciary and police,
2. curbs and check president's power to dissolve the parliament
3. two-term limit of president is restored
4. The term of the president is reduced from 6 to 5 years.
Q4. what are the major features of the Myanmar Constitution?
Answer: Following are major features1. Democratic ,
2. Presidential System,
3. Bicameral parliament system.

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