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1. Which of the following does not describe methods? Is associated with an instance variable.

2. Review the code below.

Select the result from the following statements about what happens when the loopVal >= 5.
The condition loopVal < 5 is tested before executing anything further in the program. (*)
3. Event listeners look for and resopnd to the interactivity of the computer. True or false? False
4. Which one of the following event listener types is not available at the top-level of the
addEvent drop down list in Alice? Collision (*)
5. Which of the following programming instructions commands the fish to continuously move
forward a random speed between 0.5 and 1.0 meters, minus 0.25 meters, until it collides with
the shark?


Variable values can be changed as often as you like. True or false? True (*)
Which of the following is not a relational operator? // (*)
Which of the following does not describe variables? Arranged in rows and columns. (*)
In Alice, we use the WHILE control statement to implement the conditional loop. True or
false? True (*)
10. A conditional loop is a loop that will continue forever. True or false? False (*)
11. Alice uses built-in math operators. They are: All of the above (*)
12. From your Alice lessons, the "Checklist for Animation Completion" does not ask questions
about the scenario and storyboards, because these are not valid parts of the animation
creation process. True or false? False (*)
13. Which of the following are examples of elements you would test in your Alice animation?
(Choose all correct answers): Objects move with smooth timing. (*), Math expressions
calculate as expected. (*), dan Event listeners trigger the correct responses. (*)
14. From your Alice lessons, animations should be tested by the programmer before they are
considered complete. True or false? True (*)
15. When you edit an object's properties in the Scene editor, the changes do not take effect until
the Run button is clicked. True or false? False (*)
16. In Alice, where does an instance's axes intersect? At the instance's center point. (*)
17. In Alice, functions are dragged into the control statement, not the procedure. True or false?
False (*)
18. In Alice, when using the getDistanceTo function what menu option would you use to subtract
a set value from the distance? Math (*)
19. In Alice, once an instance is added to the scene, it cannot be deleted. True or false? False (*)
20. Which of the following actions would require a control statement to control animation
timing? (Choose all correct answers): A bird flying. (*), A fish swimming. (*), dan A biped
object walking. (*)
21. In Alice, Do In Order and Do Together: Are control statements (*)
22. Which of the following would not be an argument in an Alice programming instruction that
commands a person object to move forward 2 meters? Person's height (*)
23. The Alice move procedure contains which arguments? Direction (*) dan Amount (*)
24. Which of the following instructions turns the clown fish left 5 meters? this.clownFish turn
Left 5.0 (*)

25. In Alice, which of the following is the most likely situation where procedural abstraction
could be used? Five dogs all need to bark and run at the same time. (*)
26. An animation gives the scenario a purpose. True or false? False (*)
27. In Alice, when a new procedure is declared, all subclasses of the superclass will inherit the
procedure. True or false? True (*)
28. From your Alice lessons, which of the following are reasons why random numbers would be
used by a computer? For security. (*) dan For simulation. (*)
29. In Alice, which of the following arguments could be replaced with a random number?
Distance (*) dan Duration (*)
30. In Alice, different programming is not required for different objects, because all objects move
the same way. True or false? False (*)
31. In Alice, which procedure is used to assign one object as the vehicle of another? setVehicle
32. Copying programming instructions saves time when programming your Alice project. True or
false? True (*)
33. Which Alice execution task corresponds with the following storyboard statement?
<br><br>Cat turns to face mouse. turnToFace this.mouse (*)
34. From your Alice lessons, which of the following are reasons why random numbers would be
used by a computer? For security. (*) dan For simulation. (*)
35. Which of the following is not one of the positioning axes used in Alice 3? w (*)
36. Which of the following is not an example of a one-shot procedure? Spin (*)
37. From your Alice lessons, which of the following is a tool to show the logic of an animation?
Flowchart (*)
38. In Alice, declaring a new procedure to shorten code and make it easier to read is a procedural
abstraction technique. True or false? True (*)
39. In Alice, which of the following are benefits of separating out motions into their own
procedures? (Choose all correct answers): It simplifies code and makes it easier to read. (*),It
allows many objects of a class to use the same procedure. (*), dan It can allow subclasses of
a superclass to use a procedure. (*)
40. Which of the following ways can you modify the code in the code editor window? (Choose
all correct answers): Copy & paste (*),Disable (*), Drag to reorder (*)
41. The Procedures tab and the Functions tab are the two tabs available in the Alice methods
panel. True or false? True (*)
42. In Alice the Functions tab will display the pre-defined functions for the selected instance.
True or false? True (*)
43. In Alice, which function is used to move an object directly to the center point of another
object? getDistance (*)
44. In Alice, you can use a function to get the current color of the object. True or false? True (*)
45. From your Alice lessons, what is a one-shot procedural method? A procedure that is used to
make a scene adjustment. (*)
46. To add a procedure to myFirstMethod, right-click on the procedure you wish to add and
select the Add button. True or false? False (*)
47. After each execution of your Alice animation, what element or elements could be adjusted in
your code? All of the above (*)
48. The move procedure in Alice moves an object in how many different possible directions? 6
49. Procedural abstraction may need to be implemented if an object in Alice needs to perform an
action, but there isn't an inherited procedure that accomplishes that action. True or false? True
50. In Alice, a walking motion for a bipedal object can be achieved without the Do Together
control statement. True or false? False (*)
51. In Alice, a computer program requires functions to tell it how to perform the procedure. True
or false? False (*)
52. From your Alice lessons, random numbers are set in the distance and duration arguments in a
procedure. True or false? True (*)
53. Debugging is the process of finding bugs in a software program. True or false? True (*)
54. In Alice, what function would you use to get a wholenumber from the user?
getIntegerFromUser (*)

55. From your Alice lessons, which programming instruction represents the following
movement: A turtle moves forward half the distance to the flower. this.Turtle move Forward
this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 2.0 (*)
56. Functions answer questions about an object, such as its height, width, depth and even
distance to another object. True or false? True (*)
57. From your Alice lessons, built-in functions provide precise property details for the following
areas: Proximity, size, spatial relation, and point of view. (*)
58. In Alice, when two objects are synchronized and move together, this means that one object is:
A vehicle of another (*)
59. In Alice, the setVehicle procedure will associate one object to another. True or false? True (*)
60. In Alice, which of the following situations could benefit from declaring a new procedure?
(Choose all correct answers): Multiple objects need to use a motion, such as bunnies
hopping. (*), An object does not have a default procedure for a motion, such as swimming.
(*), An object does not have a default procedure for a motion, such as swimming. (*)
61. A scenario gives the Alice animation a purpose. True or false? True (*)
62. In Alice, if a procedure is declared for a clownFish class, which classes can use the
procedure? ClownFish class (*)
63. Which button is selected in the Alice file menu to save a different version of an animation?
Save As... (*)
64. In Alice, there is a limit of 10 objects per scene. True or false? False (*)
65. One type of object property is an object's position in the scene. True or false? True (*)
66. Which of the following is an example of nesting in an Alice program? Five Do Together
statements are nested inside of a Do In Order statement. (*)
67. What is the first step to programming an object to turn left in Alice? Select the object to
program from the instance menu. (*)
68. The delay procedure in Alice halts an object's motion before the next motion begins. True or
false? True (*)
69. When you edit an object's properties in the Scene editor, the changes do not
take effect until the Run button is clicked. True or false? False (*)

70. From your Alice lessons, the Do In Order control statement is also referred to by
what other name? Sequential control (*)

71. In Alice, what function would you use to get a wholenumber from the user?
getIntegerFromUser (*)
72. In Alice, how would you get the length of a fish object? getDepth (*)
73. Alice 3 will periodically remind you to save your project. True or false? False (*)
74. Before you can begin to develop the animation storyboard, what must be
defined? The scenario (*)
75. From your Alice lessons, inheritance means that the superclass inherits its traits
from the subclass. True or false? False (*)
76. In Alice, you could identify when new procedures need to be declared by
reviewing the textual storyboard for the animation. True or false? True (*)
77. What is the first step to entering comments in an Alice program? Drag and drop
the comments tile above a code segment. (*)
78. In an Alice program, which code is executed when the Run button is clicked? The
code entered in myFirstMethod in the Code editor. (*)
79. In Alice, each class has a set of pre-defined procedures and functions. True or
false? True (*)
80. When you import a class from another file you have to import the entire class.
True or false? False (*)
81. Which of the following is not a type of event listener in Alice? Cursor (*)
82. In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the butterfly
forward, double the distance to the tree? this.Butterfly move forward
{this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree * 2} (*)
83. An example of an expression is: 3*3=9 (*)
84. When presenting your Alice animation, ensure that your presentation is
thoroughly tested and complete. True or false? True (*)
85. In Alice, it is not possible to upload the animation directly to YouTube. False (*)
86. In Alice, what are the forms of a scenario? A problem to solve. (*), A task to
perform. (*)

87. A typical application uses various values and these values continuously change
while the program is running. True or false? True (*)

88. Which of the following programming instructions commands the fish to

continuously move forward a random speed between 0.5 and 1.0 meters, minus
0.25 meters, until it collides with the shark?

89. A variable is a place in memory where data of a specific type can be stored for
later retrieval and use by your program. True (*)
90. If you need to repeat a group of Java statements many times, which Java
construct should you use? (Choose all correct answers) do while loop (*), while
loop (*)
91. If you want one message to display if a user is below the age of 18 and a
different message to display if the user is 18 or older, what type of construct
would you use? if (*)

92. In Alice, the use of conditional control structures allows what two types of loops?
(Choose all correct answers) conditional (*)
93. In Alice, which one of the following is not a pre-defined control structure? do
while (*)
94. Which of the following is not a valid arithmetic operator in Java? *

95. In Alice, control statements are dragged into the Code editor. True or false? True (*)
96. The first step to using a top-down approach to programming is to create a table
to align the storyboard steps to the programming instructions. True or false?
False (*)
97. In Alice, how is a one-shot procedure different from procedures in the Code
editor? A one-shot procedure executes only one time to re-position the object,
while procedures in the Code editor execute every time the Run button is clicked.
98. Alice objects move relative to the orientation of the person viewing the
animation. True or false? False (*)
99. In Alice, you can define your own procedures for a class, but not your own
functions. True or false? False (*)
100. In Alice, there is no way of reordering the function list in the function tab. True
or false? False (*)
101. Which Alice tool is used to demonstrate the process flow of an animation?

Flowchart (*)
102. From your Alice lessons, which of the following are types of storyboards?
(Choose all correct answers) Visual (*), Textual (*)
In Alice, which of the following is not a control statement? Move (*)


104. In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the fish forward, the
distance to the rock, minus the depth of the rock? this.Fish move forward {this.Fish
getDistanceTo this.Rock - this.Rock getDepth} (*)

105. In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the alien backward the
distance to the asteroid, minus 2 meters? this.Alien move backward {this.Alien
getDistanceTo this.Asteroid -2} (*)


In Alice it is not possible to transfer a class from one animation to another. True or false?

False (*)

107. In Alice, when using a while loop you can only execute a single line of code within it.
True or false? False (*)


In Alice, you can access the Java on the side option through which menu option?

Window (*)
A variable is a place in memory where data of a specific type can be stored
for later retrieval and use by your program True (*)
110. Each parameter is listed with its name first, then its data type. True or false?
False (*)
111. What do lines 9 and 11 do in the following code?


Accept user input and store them in the variables num1 and num2. (*)
112. Each parameter is listed with its name first, then its data type. True or false?
False (*)
113. What can be used as a guideline to ensure your Alice animation fulfills
animation principles? An animation checklist (*)
114. The Alice animation should be tested throughout development, not just at the
end of the animation's development. True or false? True (*)
115. Expressions with relational operators produce true and false values. True or
false? True (*)

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