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Re-Enchanting the City:

Designing the Human Habitat

WEEK 1 What is the Built Environment?
Introduction to the Built Environment Hosts
And now, a little about our hosts and the weekly structure of the course. Each of the
6 weeks will be led by a different host, all of whom are esteemed academic leaders
in their fields within UNSW Built Environment. Dr. Elizabeth Farrelly, Associate
Professor of Practice will present the Central Park narrative, weaving the modules
together over the course of the 6 weeks. There will also be a series of interviews
and related activities. So now, I would like to introduce my colleagues, starting with
Elizabeth, who will begin the introduction of our hosts.
I'm Elizabeth Farrelly, a Sydney-based columnist, academic and author. Trained in
architecture and philosophy, and with a PhD in Urbanism, I've practised
architecture in Auckland, London, and Bristol, before becoming a full-time writer in
London and later, an elected city councillor in Sydney. I currently write books and a
weekly opinion column in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. I'm also an
Associate Professor of Practice in the Australian Graduate School of Urbanism,
where I teach a Master's level course called Writing the City. As a long-time
advocate of conscious urbanism, I'm passionate about the social, psychological, and
aesthetic implications of urban design and city planning.
I'm Susan Thompson, Professor of Planning at the City Futures Research Centre. My
career in planning is all about how to make the best places for people in the
community, no matter who they are. This requires a deep understanding of human
needs and aspirations in relation to the built environment, where people live, work,
play, and move about. Working at the interface of planning and public health, I look
at how cities, towns, and neighbourhoods, as well as individual buildings, can
support people being healthy as part of everyday living.
I'm Paola Favaro, a Senior Lecturer in Architecture Program. I'm a graduate of the
School of Architecture at the University of Venice in Italy, and I hold a PhD in
Architecture Design and History. I've worked in projects as small as a renovation of
residential apartments in the medieval centre of Italian towns to large urban design
proposals, design competitions, and urban renewal of industrial precincts. I am
passionate about architecture and urban design and the historical and
contemporary roles they play in solving design problems related to the 21st
century city.


I'm Linda Corkery, an Associate Professor in landscape architecture. I lead
interdisciplinary Faculty electives, including one on living architecture that deals
with the design of green roofs and green walls, as well as teaching in the Landscape
Architecture Program. Interdisciplinary electives bring students together from all
the disciplines in our Faculty to learn issues and topics of mutual interest. I love
landscape architecture because we work with nature to create beautiful, healthy
places that benefit people's quality of life.
I'm Miles Park, a Senior Lecturer in industrial design. I studied and practised
industrial design in Sydney and have a PhD from Kingston University in London.
What excites me is the creative, empowering, and transformative processes that
industrial design practices bring to a diverse range of projects. At UNSW Australia, I
work with final year students on their graduation design studio to prepare them for
professional practice. I also contribute to manufacturing technology and design
theory related courses.
I'm Bruce Watson, Director of the Interior Architecture Program and a Senior
Lecturer. Trained in architecture and fine arts, I've practised as an artist, architect,
and interior architect. Interior architecture is a design discipline focusing on
interior environments and the structure, spatial ideas, and materials that unite in
making a place to ultimately provide end users with the best outcome.
Now that you have met your weekly hosts, we can kickstart the first introductory
week. I look forward to reading your contributions to the discussions and learning
with you over the next coming weeks. Enjoy the course.


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