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- How would you deal with pronunciation difficulties in a mixed ability class of the 2nd cycle

of Primary Education?
- What criteria would you follow in order to choose an English textbook for the 4th grade of
Primary Education? How would you complement that textbook with other additional
material, including authentic material?
-Organise a session to promote reading in English with students in the third cycle of
primary education. Suggest topics, objectives, activities, resources and methodologies you
will use to achieve that aim.
- If you are the only teacher of a unitary school, how would you organise space and time
when teaching English?
- Activities to learn English using new technologies
- El ao pasado preguntaron (entre otras muchas) sobre las funciones del director, cmo
trabajar con un alumno con el sndrome de Asperger, cmo ensearas el tema de la familia
a los alumnos de primer ciclo de primaria
- prepare a lesson plan based on grammar in nursery schools taking in consideration that
there are two arabian in your class
- what is the curricular project and how may affect your lesson plans"

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