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Appendix B

Lab Setup
The Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure Configuration title of the Microsoft
Official Academic Course (MOAC) series includes two books: a textbook and a lab manual.
The exercises in the lab manual are designed for classroom use under the supervision of an
instructor or a lab aide.

Classroom Setup
This course should be taught in a classroom containing networked computers where students
can develop their skills through hands-on experience with Microsoft Windows Server 2008.
The exercises in the lab manual require the computers to be installed and configured in a specific manner. Failure to adhere to the setup instructions in this document can produce unanticipated results when the students perform the exercises.

Classroom Configuration
The following configurations and naming conventions are used throughout the course and
are required for completing the labs as outlined in the lab manual.
The classroom network consists entirely of computers running Windows Server 2008, including a single classroom server and a number of student servers. The classroom server performs
several roles for the student servers, including the following:

Active Directory Domain Services domain controller

Domain Name System (DNS) server
Dynamic host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server
Use the following information when setting up the classroom server:

Active Directory domain name:

Computer name: ServerDC
Fully qualified domain name (FQDN):
Administrator password: P@ssw0rd

The student computers are also servers running Windows Server 2008, which the students
will join to the domain. Each student computer in the domain is to be named
Server##, where ## is a unique number assigned to each computer by the instructor. Each
student server will also have a corresponding domain user account called Student##, where ##
is the same number assigned to the computer.
As they work through the lab manual, the students will install and remove several different
roles and features. In some of the exercises, students will initiate communication with another


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server on the network. To make this possible, the lab manual is designed to support the
following three classroom configurations.


If you are using Webhosted virtual machines

in your classroom, you
might not have to perform any of the setup
procedures described in
this document because
the students will be able
to access preconfigured
virtual machines over
the Web.

Dedicated computersEach student computer has a single instance of Windows Server

2008 installed. To complete the lab exercises that require interaction between two servers, you can provide each student with two computers or assign a lab partner to each
student. In the latter case, each student will complete the exercise and provide the services required by his or her partner.
Local virtual machinesEach student computer has a virtualization product, such as
Microsoft Virtual PC, installed, enabling you to create two virtual machines, each running an
instance of Windows Server 2008. With this configuration, each student can perform all of
the exercises on one computer, using the two virtual machines to perform the required roles.
Web-hosted virtual machinesEach student computer uses a Web browser to access two
Windows Server 2008 virtual machines hosted by a commercial service on the Internet.
With this configuration, each student can perform all of the exercises on one computer,
using the two virtual machines to perform the required roles.
To support these classroom configurations, students must begin each lab in the manual with
the same baseline operating system configuration on the student computers. Therefore, each
lab begins with an exercise that sets up the server for that lab and concludes with an exercise
that returns the server to the baseline configuration. Depending on your classroom configuration, the students might be able to skip the first and last exercises in each lab.

Classroom Server Requirements

The computer running Windows Server 2008 in the classroom requires the following hardware and software:
Hardware Requirements
Processor: 1 GHz (minimum); 2 GHz or faster (recommended)
RAM: 512 MB (minimum); 2 GB or more (recommended)
Disk space requirements: 10 GB (minimum); 40 GB or more (recommended)
DVD-ROM drive
Super VGA (800 600) or higher-resolution monitor
Keyboard and mouse (or other pointing device)
One network interface adapter
Software Requirements
Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Standard or Enterprise

Student Computer Requirements

Each student computer requires the following hardware and software:


If you plan to create

virtual machines on
your student computers,
each virtual machine
must meet these hardware requirements.

Hardware Requirements
Processor: 1 GHz (minimum); 2 GHz or faster (recommended)
RAM: 512 MB (minimum); 2 GB or more (recommended)
First hard drive: 50+ GB, sufficient disk space for one 40 GB system partition and at
least 10 GB of unpartitioned space
Second hard drive: 10+ GB with no partitions
DVD-ROM drive
Super VGA (800 600) or higher-resolution monitor
Keyboard and mouse (or other pointing device)
One network interface adapter

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Windows Server 2008, Standard or Enterprise

Classroom Server Setup Instructions

Before you begin, do the following:

WARNING By performing

the following setup instructions,

your computers hard disks will be
repartitioned and reformatted. You
will lose all existing data on the

Read this entire document.

Verify that you have the Instructor CD provided with the course materials and the
installation disk for Microsoft Windows Server 2008.

Installing Windows Server 2008

Using the following setup procedure, install Windows Server 2008 on ServerDC.
1. Boot the computer from the Windows Server 2008 Installation disk. When you boot
from the disk, the Windows Server 2008 Setup program starts automatically and the
Install Windows page appears.
2. Modify the Language to install, Time and currency format, and Keyboard or input
method settings, if necessary. Click Next.
3. Click Install now. The Type your product key for activation page appears.
4. Enter your product key in the Product key text box and click Next. The Please read
the license terms page appears.



If your computer supports booting from

CD/DVD, the computer
might try to boot from
the Windows Server
2008 disk after Windows
Server 2008 Setup
restarts. If this happens,
you should be prompted
to press a key to boot
from the disk. However,
if Setup restarts automatically, simply remove
the disk and restart the

If you plan to use evaluation versions of Windows Server 2008 in the classroom, you can
leave the Product key field blank and, in the Select the edition of Windows that you purchased window that subsequently appears, select Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (Full
Installation) for the version you want to install.
5. Select the I accept the license terms checkbox and click Next. The Which type of
installation do you want? page appears.
6. Click Custom. The Where do you want to install Windows? page appears.
7. Select the disk where you want to install Windows Server 2008 and click Next. The
Installing Windows page appears.
8. When the installation process is complete, the computer restarts and prompts you
to change the Administrator password. Click OK.
9. Key P@ssw0rd in the New Password and Confirm Password text boxes and click the
right arrow button. Then click OK. Windows Server 2008 starts and the Initial Configuration Tasks window appears.
10. Install any updates needed to keep the operating system current.
PROCEED to the following section to continue the server configuration process.

Before you proceed with the server configuration, install any required updates to keep the
operating system current. Use Automatic Updates, the Windows Update Web site, or any
other mechanism to locate, download, and install the updates.

Completing Post-Installation Tasks on ServerDC

After the installation is complete and the Initial Configuration Tasks window has appeared,
complete the following procedures to prepare the computer to function as the classroom

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Use the following procedure to prepare the server for the course.
1. In the Initial Configuration Tasks window, click Set time zone. The Date and Time
dialog box appears.
2. Verify that the date, time, and time zone shown in the dialog box are correct. If
they are not, click Change date and time or Change time zone and correct them.
Then click OK.
3. Click Configure Networking. The Network Connections window appears.
4. Right-click the Local Area Connection icon and, from the context menu, select
Properties. The Local Area Connection Properties sheet appears.
5. Clear the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) checkbox.
6. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties. The Internet
Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties sheet appears.
7. Configure the TCP/IP parameters using the following values:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Preferred DNS Server:


The IP addresses supplied in this setup document and in the lab manual are suggestions.
You can use any IP addresses for the computers in your classroom, as long as all of the
systems are located on the same subnet. If the classroom network is connected to a school
network or the Internet, you can specify the address of the router providing the network
connection in the Default Gateway field. Otherwise, leave it blank.
8. Click OK twice to close the two Properties sheets. Close the Network Connections
9. In the Initial Configuration Tasks window, click Provide computer name and
domain. The System Properties dialog box appears with the Computer Name tab
10. Click Change. The Computer Name/Domain Changes dialog box appears.
11. In the Computer name text box, key ServerDC and click OK. A message box
appears, prompting you to restart your computer.
12. Click OK, then click Close to close the System Properties dialog box. Another message box appears, informing you again that you must restart the computer.
13. Click Restart Now. The computer restarts.

The ServerDC computer must be an Active Directory domain controller. After the computer
restarts, you can install the Active Directory Domain Services role and the Active Directory
Domain Services Installation Wizard.


To install Active Directory on ServerDC, use the following procedure.
1. Log on with the local Administrator account, using the password P@ssw0rd.
2. When the Initial Configuration Tasks window appears, click Add Roles. The Add
Roles Wizard appears.

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3. Using the Add Roles Wizard, install the Active Directory Domain Services role.
4. When the role installation is complete, click the Close this wizard and launch the
Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard (dcpromo.exe) link. The
Welcome to the Active Directory Installation Wizard page appears.
5. Click Next to proceed with the Active Directory installation.
6. On the Operating System Compatibility page, click Next.
7. On the Choose a Deployment Configuration page, select Create a new domain in a
new forest and click Next.
8. On the Name the Forest Root Domain page, key and click Next.
9. On the Set the Forest Functional Level page, click Next to accept the default setting.
10. On the Set Domain Functional Level page, click Next to accept the default setting.
11. On the Additional Domain Controller Options page, verify that the DNS server checkbox is selected and click Next. A Static IP Assignment message box appears, warning you that the computer has a dynamically assigned IP address.
12. For the purposes of this manual, you can ignore the warning. Click Yes, the computer will use a dynamically assigned IP address to continue. A message box
appears, warning you that the system cannot locate an existing DNS infrastructure.
13. Because you will be creating a new DNS infrastructure, you can ignore this warning
and click Yes.
14. On the Location for Database, Log Files, and SYSVOL page, click Next to accept the
default settings.
15. On the Directory Services Restore Mode Administrator Password page, key P@ssw0rd
in the Password and Confirm Password text boxes and click Next.
16. On the Summary page, click Next.
17. When the installation process is complete, restart the server.

After the server restarts, it functions as the domain controller for the domain.
Students must log on to the domain in all of the lab exercises.


To install the DHCP server on ServerDC, use the following procedure.


If the classroom network is connected to

a school network or
the Internet, you can
specify the address of
the router providing the
network connection in
the Default Gateway
field. Otherwise, leave it

1. Log on with the domain Administrator account using the password P@ssw0rd.
2. When the Initial Configuration Tasks window appears, click Add Roles. The Add
Roles Wizard appears.
3. Using the Add Roles Wizard, install the DHCP Server role.
4. On the Select Network Connection Bindings page, click Next to accept the default
5. On the Specify IPv4 DNS Server Settings page, click Next to accept the default settings.
6. On the Specify IPv4 WINS Server Settings page, click Next to accept the default
7. On the Add or Edit DHCP Scopes page, click Add.
8. In the Add Scope dialog box, create a scope using the following values:
Scope Name: Classroom
Starting IP Address:
Ending IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Subnet Type: Wired

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9. Select the Activate this scope checkbox and click OK. Then click Next.
10. On the Configure DHCPv6 Stateless Mode pane, click Next to accept the default
11. On the Authorize DHCP Server page, click Next to accept the default settings.
12. On the Confirm Installation Selections page, click Install.
CLOSE the Initial Configuration Tasks window when the installation is complete.

After the DHCP role is installed, all student servers will obtain their IP addresses and other
TCP/IP configuration settings via DHCP.

Creating User Accounts

Each student must have a domain user account called Student##, where ## is the same
number as the computer the student is using. To create the student accounts, use the following
1. Click Start, and then select Administrative Tools Active Directory Users and
Computers. The Active Directory Users and Computers console appears.
2. Expand the domain.
3. Right-click the Users container and select New User. The New Object-User
wizard appears.
4. Key Student## in the First Name and User Logon Name text boxes, where ## is the
number assigned to the first student computer in the classroom. Then click Next.
5. In the Password and Confirm Password text boxes, key P@ssw0rd.
6. Clear the User Must Change Password At Next Logon checkbox and select the
Password Never Expires checkbox. Then click Next.
7. Click Finish to create the user account.
8. Repeat Steps 37 to create a Student## user account for each computer in the
9. Right-click the Users container and select New Group. The New Object-Group
wizard appears.
10. In the Group Name text box, key Students. Then click Next.
11. Click Finish to create the group.
12. In the Users container, double-click the Students group you just created. The
Students Properties sheet appears.
13. Click the Members tab.
14. Click Add, key the name of the first Student## user you created, and click OK.
15. Repeat Step 14 to add all the Student## accounts you created to the Students
16. Click OK to close the Students Properties sheet.
17. Using the same procedure, open the Properties sheet for the Domain Admins group
and add each of the Student## user accounts you created as members of that
CLOSE the Active Directory Users and Computers console.

The students will use these Student## accounts to log on to the domain as they complete
the exercises in the lab manual. Their membership in the Students group provides domain
administrator privileges, as well as local Administrator privileges on their individual servers.

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From the Microsoft Web site, download the following add-on modules for Windows Server 2008:
Windows Media Services 2008 for Windows Server 2008 Server MSU file
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with Service Pack 1
Microsoft FTP Publishing Service for IIS 7.0
Windows Media Services 2008 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with Service Pack 1 are
available from the Microsoft Download Center at Microsoft
FTP Publishing Service for IIS 7.0 is available from Microsofts Internet Information Services
site at
Complete the following procedure to make these modules available to the students and
provide the students with storage on the classroom server.
1. On the servers C drive, create a new folder called \Install and three subfolders
called \Install\MediaSvcs, \Install\FTP7, and Install\SharePoint.
2. Copy the add-on modules you downloaded to the appropriate folders.
3. Share the C:\Install folder using the share name Install, and then grant only the
Allow Read share permission to the Everyone special identity.
4. Using Windows Explorer, grant the Students group the Allow Read, Allow Read &
Execute, and Allow List Folder Contents NTFS permissions for the C:\Install folder.
5. Also on the servers C drive, create a new folder called \Students and copy the
\Worksheets folder from your instructor disk to the C:\Students folder.
6. Grant the Students group the Allow Full Control NTFS permission for the C:\Students
7. Share the C:\Students folder using the share name Students, and then grant the
Everyone special identity the Allow Full Control share permission.
CLOSE the Windows Explorer window.

These folders provide students with the additional software they need to complete the lab
exercises and storage space to keep their lab worksheet files.


To complete the lab exercises, each student must be able to store files on the classroom server.
Use Group Policy to redirect each users Documents folder to the classroom server drive,
using the following procedure.
1. Click Start, and then select Administrative Tools Group Policy Management.
The Group Policy Management console appears.
2. In the scope (left) pane, expand the console tree to display and select the Group
Policy Objects node under the domain.
3. In the detail (right) pane, right-click the Default Domain Policy GPO and, from
the context menu, select Edit. The Group Policy Management Editor window
4. Navigate to the User Configuration Policies Windows Settings Folder
Redirection folder. Then, right-click the Documents subfolder and, from the context menu, select Properties. The Documents Properties sheet appears.
5. From the Setting dropdown list, select Basic Redirect Everyones folder to the
same location.

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6. In the Target Folder Location box, verify that the default Create a folder for each
user under the root path option is selected.
7. In the Root Path text box, key \\ServerDC\Students.
8. Click the Settings tab and clear the Grant the user exclusive rights to Documents checkbox.
9. Click OK to close the Documents Properties sheet.
CLOSE the Group Policy Management Editor and Group Policy Management consoles.

The computer is ready to function as the classroom server. You can install the student servers.

Student Server Setup

Depending on the capabilities of your virtualization software and the

type of licensing your
school provides, you
can perform a Windows
Server 2008 installation on a single virtual
machine and then clone
multiple instances of
that virtual machine,
rather than perform
each OS installation

The setup for the student computers depends on your classroom configuration. The result is a
bare Windows Server 2008 installation, which students can configure. However, the tasks you
must complete before the students arrive vary, as follows:
Dedicated computersIf each student computer in your classroom will have a single
copy of Windows Server 2008 installed on it, proceed directly to the following Install
Windows Server 2008 procedure.
Local virtual machinesIf you plan to use a virtualization product on the student computers to enable each system to run multiple copies of Windows Server 2008, first you
must install the virtualization software on each computer according the manufacturers
instructions and create a virtual machine for each copy of Windows Server 2008 you
plan to install. Then, install the operating system on each virtual machine, using the following Install Windows Server 2008 procedure.
Web-hosted virtual machinesIf your students will access virtual machines provided by
a commercial service over the Web, then your classroom computers can run any operating system that provides the appropriate Web browser application. All of the operating
systems are preinstalled, so you can skip the following procedure.


Using the following setup procedure, install Windows Server 2008 on the student computers.
WARNING By performing

the following setup instructions,

your computers hard disks will be
repartitioned and reformatted. You
will lose all existing data on
the system.


1. Boot the computer from the Windows Server 2008 Installation disk. When you boot
from the disk, the Windows Server 2008 Setup program starts automatically, and
the Install Windows page appears.
2. Modify the Language to install, Time and currency format, and Keyboard or input
method settings, if necessary, and click Next.
3. Click Install now. The Type your product key for activation page appears.
4. Enter your product key in the Product key text box and click Next. The Please read
the license terms page appears.

If you plan to use unregistered evaluation versions of Windows Server 2008 in the classroom, you can leave the Product key field blank and, in the Select the edition of Windows
that you purchased window that subsequently appears, select Windows Server 2008
Enterprise (Full Installation) for the version you want to install.
5. Select the I accept the license terms checkbox and click Next. The Which type of
installation do you want? page appears.
6. Click Custom. The Where do you want to install Windows? page appears.

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7. Select the disk where you want to install Windows Server 2008 and click Drive
8. Click New. In the Size text box, key 40000. Click Apply.
9. Select the partition you just created and click Next. The Installing Windows page
10. When the installation process is complete, the computer restarts and prompts you
to change the Administrator password. Click OK.


If your computer supports booting from CD/DVD, the computer might try to boot from
the Windows Server 2008 disk after Windows Server 2008 Setup restarts. If this happens,
you should be prompted to press a key to boot from the disk. However, if Setup restarts
automatically, simply remove the disk and restart the computer.
11. Key P@ssw0rd in the New Password and Confirm Password text boxes and click the
right arrow button. Then click OK. Windows Server 2008 starts and the Initial Configuration Tasks window appears.
12. Install any updates needed to keep the operating system current.
CLOSE the Initial Configuration Tasks window.

The computer is ready for a student to begin working through the lab manual. The student
will perform all of the initial configuration tasks that the computer requires.

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