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IS550 Information and Requirements Engineering

Mid Term Exam Solution

March 31th, 2015
Dr. Djamal Ziani

Exam charter

This exam contains 20 questions

The duration of the exam is 100 minutes.
The exam is close-book:
Paper documents are NOT allowed.
Electronic devices are forbidden.
During the exam, an absolute silence is required. All kinds of communication with the
other students are strictly forbidden.
In multiple answers question, if you choose for example 2 right answers among you
will get 2 marks among 3.
In multiple answers question, if you choose more than the maximum answers options,
your answer will be invalidate.

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IS550 Information and Requirements Engineering

Midterm Exam

Spring 2015

- By signing this form, the student recognizes that he/she understands and accepts the rules mentioned in
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the appropriate measures including exclusion from the exam -

Q1: Could you explain why changing requirement could be a risk to cancel a project? (1 mark)
Changing requirements during the projects may be a real risk to cancel a project.
Since the requirements are the basis of any project, if the requirements change, the
project timeframe, the project budget and the allocated resources may change. More
the requirement is important, more the change can lead to a dramatic rethinking
about the project, and can even cancel the project when the project responsible will
not accept the changes made to the project.

Q2: Cite 3 characteristics of a good requirements? (1 mark)


Q3: Can you explain what is mean by consistent requirement? (1 mark)

A consistent requirement:
Does not conflict with other requirements in the requirement specification,
Uses the same terminology throughout the requirement specification, and
Does not duplicate other requirements or pieces of other requirements or create
redundancy in any way.

Q4: Give an example explaining how a requirement can be complete? (1 mark)

On loss of power, the battery backup must support normal operations for 20

Copyright 2015 KSU College of Computer and Information Sciences - Dr. Djamal Ziani

IS550 Information and Requirements Engineering

Midterm Exam

Spring 2015

Q5: Give an example explaining how a requirement IS NOT implementation free? (1 mark)
After 3 unsuccessful attempts to log on, a Java Script routine must run and lock
the user out of the system.

Q6: What are the components of Requirement Development? (1 mark)


Q7: Explain by three elements how to elicit the requirements (1 mark)

Identify relevant requirements sources.
Ask them appropriate questions to understand their needs.
Look for implications, inconsistencies, and unresolved issues in gathered

Q8: One of big problem in Requirements Elicitation is "Problems of Understanding when dealing
with different groups", can give an example explaining this problem? (1 mark)

A business analyst deals with many people or group of people to gather requirements.
For example a company wants to implement a system that calculates the product
costs. The HR manager of the company expect that the system based on the
production calculates the salary of the employee. However the Financial manager
expects that the system will update the financial account based on the product cost.

Copyright 2015 KSU College of Computer and Information Sciences - Dr. Djamal Ziani

IS550 Information and Requirements Engineering

Midterm Exam

Spring 2015

Only the Manufacturing manager who had a good understanding of what the system
will do.


Give 3 problems of understanding in Requirement Elicitation (different from dealing with

different groups). (1 mark)

Users have incomplete understanding of their needs.

Users have poor understanding of computer capabilities and limitations.
Analysts have poor knowledge of problem domain.

Q10: Could you give an example explaining the volatility problem in Requirement Elicitation? (1

The volatility of the requirements means that requirements change over time. For
instance the business analyst and the company agreed that the system will
generate the management reports by using the business warehouse system. But 6
months later the company asks the business analyst that the system should
generate the management reports using the financial module of the system.

Q11: Which element is NOT an elicitation technique? (1 answers, 1 mark)



Use cases
Sequence diagram
Story board
Role Playing

Cite 3 major goals of Requirement Analysis. (1 mark)

Achieve agreement among developers and customers.

Copyright 2015 KSU College of Computer and Information Sciences - Dr. Djamal Ziani

IS550 Information and Requirements Engineering

Midterm Exam

Spring 2015

Provide a basis for design.

Provide a basis for Verification and Validation (V&V).

Q13: Compare in few lines the requirements specification and requirements?

(1 mark)

The requirements represent the application from the perspective of the user, or the
business as a whole. The specification represents the application from the perspective
of the technical team. Specifications and requirements roughly communicate the same
information, but to two completely different audiences.

Q14: Which element is an objective of requirements specification? (1 answers, 1 mark)


Establish contract between stakeholders

Provide a baseline for validation and verification
Discovering the requirements of a system
Confirm the understanding of requirements with the users.
Synthesize appropriate statements of the requirements.

Q15: Which element is NOT includes in SRS? (1 answers, 1 mark)


Product Assurance Plan

Design Constraints
External Interfaces


During the validation & Verification, for which purpose the requirement document is
checked? (1 answers, 1 mark)

Technical data are present in a document

Copyright 2015 KSU College of Computer and Information Sciences - Dr. Djamal Ziani

IS550 Information and Requirements Engineering



Midterm Exam

Spring 2015

Product assurance plan is there

Project requirements exists
Conformance to standards
Conformance to design constraints

Cite 3 elements describing Requirements Verification (1 mark)

Ensuring that the set of requirements is correct, complete & consistent.

Ensuring that a model can be created that satisfies the requirements.
Ensuring that a real-world solution can be built and tested to prove that it satisfies
the requirements.

Q18: What is Requirements Validation?

(1 mark)

Checking whether the requirements capture the customers needs. It Can be done by
inspection, modeling, simulation, analysis, expert review, test, demonstration

Q19: Which element is a key activity of requirement management? (1 answers, 1 mark)


Verify the conformance of requirement standards

Identify and track requirements attributes
Write project management requirement
Synthesize the requirements
Managing requirement team

Q20: What is mean by Requirements Traceability? (1 mark)

Copyright 2015 KSU College of Computer and Information Sciences - Dr. Djamal Ziani

IS550 Information and Requirements Engineering

Midterm Exam

Spring 2015

The ability to describe and follow the life of a requirement, in both forwards and
backwards direction (i.e. from its origins, through its development and specification,
to its subsequent deployment and use, and through all periods of on-going refinement
and iteration in any of these phases.

Good Luck!

Copyright 2015 KSU College of Computer and Information Sciences - Dr. Djamal Ziani

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