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INTRODUCTION TO PIPELAYING Introduction to pipelaying Rov. D~ February 2004 10 20 20 22 23 24 25 30 40 aa 42 43 44 45 46 47 5.0 51 52 53 Ba 55 60 61 62 63 7.0 a 72 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION OFFSHORE FIELD DEVELOPMENTS Seismic investigation Exploration driling Platforms Transport of oil and gas Satellite fields PIPELINES. PIPELINE INSTALLATION Methods of pioeline installation Transport of iinepipe Onboard the installation vessel Welding Quality control of the welded joint Field joint coating Piggy-back line Tensioners Stinger Buckle detector Buckle Start-up, laydown and tie-ins Startup Lay-down Tie-ins at startup point Tie-ins at laydown point Tee-pieces for mic-line tie-ins Pipeline commissioning Flooding Gauging Testing Pipeline protection Route survey Crossings Trenching Dredging Rock dumping Shote approaches DECRIPTION OF ALLSEAS’ FLEET Lorelay Trenchsetter and Digging Donald Tog Mor Solitaire Phoenix, automatic welding system COMPETING PIPELAY BARGES Small pipelines Larger pipelines Deepwater pioelines OTHER PIPELAY METHODS Off bottom tow slay Rev. D ~ February 2004 1.0 INTRODUCTION This booklet has been written to introduce Allseas to our new personnel, so that they may familiarise themselves with the offshore activities and terminology used within the company. It provides an overview of general offshore activities, focuses on pipelaying and Allseas’ equipment in perticular. The document hes been written in such a way that the reader requires no technical background or knowledge. Allseas is an offshore contractor involved in pipeline installation projects. Pipelines are generally used to transport hydrocarbons {oil & gas) from an offshore location to shore. Hydrocarbons can be found both on and offshore. Since only the offshore located reservoirs are of interest to Allseas, the information in this booklet is dedicated to offshore developments only. 2.0 OFFSHORE FIELD DEVELOPMENTS 2.1 Seismic investigation Geological data of the earth's surface is used to indicate promising locations for the presence of hydrocarbons, This is possible because hydrocarbons are always located in a porous layer of the bottom, with a non-permeable layer on top of it, This way the hydrocarbons are trapped and will accumulate there to form a reservoir, in promising geological areas seismic is used to ‘look’ at the vertical profile of the bottom in more detail A survey vessel transmits sound waves inta the seabed and receives back the reflected waves. These reflections show the Surveyors several Kilometres of the composition of the bottom below the seabed, from which they deduce whether itis likely to contain oil or gas. 22 Exploration drilling If there is a likelihood of actually discovering oil or gas, exploration driling will be carried out. The information gathered will establish whether the oil or gas accumulation is economically recoverable. To do exploration drilling, jack-up drilling platforms are used for water depths to about 100 matres (330 feet). In water depths beyond 100 metres, semi-submersible platforms are used, for even deeper water, 1000 metras (3300 feet! and deeper, drill ships are used. So far wells have been drilled in a water depth of almost 3 kilometres (10000 feet! 2.3 Platforms ‘The information gathered by exploration driling is also used as a basis for the design of production platforms with process equipment, to be installed in the field. This design is dependent on the chemical ‘composition of the oil or gas and the expacted daily production If the resources are small and located in shallow waters, a small platform with very simple topsides {the process plant thet processes the oll and gas) will bo installed. These small fields require connection with pipelines to a bigger field situated nearby, where there is a platform for the necessary processing of the cil and gas. These pipelines are called infield flowlines. The distance between small fields and the platform can be several tens of kilometres, ‘Small fields are often called ‘marginal fields’ due to the fact that they are only exploitable in an economic sense with low investments Larger fields have large production platforms. in shallow water (0 - 300 metres, 0 ~ 1000 feet) bottom founded platforms are most common. In deep water (300 - 1500 metres, 1000 ~ 6000 feet) a variety of structures is used, ranging from a few very large bottom founded structures to various types of floating structures, such as semi-submersibles, Spars and FPSOs (Floating Production Storage and Offloading facilities). Recently the development of subsea installations has also increased since offshore developments go into deeper water every day. Introduction to pipelaying Rev. D ~ February 2004 2.4 Transport of oil and gas The transportation of oil and/ar gas from the offshore location can be done by either pipelines or shuttle tankers. When pipelines are used the oil and gas will be pumped from a platform through pipelines lexport lines) to a larger line {trunkline) to which other platforms will also feed their oil or gas. The trunkline cennects several platforms to shore, Sometimes, a platform has an independent pipeline to shore. When shuttle tankers are used, the oil has to be stored at or near the platform and is oftloaded by the shuttle tankers. Often a buoy, which is connected to the platform by a short pipeline, is used for the offleading. In that case the tanker can keep a safe distance from the platform, Shuttle tankers are mostly used for remote locations, where little pipeline infrastructure exists andjor the costs to install a new pipeline are too high 25 Satellite fields ‘One means of field development is through “satelite fields” (see drawing on page 4). A platform is situated centrally in a large oil or gas field with fragmented resources. Due to the fragmentation of the resources, in the area around the platform several wells need to be drilled. In shallow waters, up to = 45 metres (10 feet) these wells will be drilled from small platforms. In deeper waters, underwater frames (subsea templates) would be installed and wells drilled using a jack-up or semi-submersible platform. The underwater frames serve to protect the wellhead. The ol or gas will be transported from the subsea templates via small pipelines (infield lines) to the central processing platform. The distance between subsea templates to the central platform can range from several hundreds of metres to several kilometres, 3.0 PIPELINES The infield lines from platforms or underwater framas [subsea templates) in smaller fields to the bigger processing platforms range from 1 to 30 kilometres in length and from 6" (15 cm) to 12" (30 cm) in diameter The export lines leading to trunklines can range from several kilometres to about 70 kilometres in length and from 10” (25 cm} to 24” (60 cm) in diameter. ‘The export lines and trunklines leading to shore can range from 100 to 1000 kilometres in length and have a large diameter, ranging from about 24” (60 cm) to 42” (1 metre). The longest existing export pipeline in the North Sea is ‘Zeepipe’ with a length of about 850 kilometres. This record holding pipeline will be succeed by the Ormen Lange Transport pipeline with a length of about 1200 kilometres, which will be installed during 2008 and 2008. All these figures are indicative; in fact, a variety of sizes occur. Pipelines are made of steel, with wall thickness varying between %" (12 mm| and 1 6/8" {41 mm). An external protective layer (coating| of synthetic material prevents the steel from corrosion (rust). Pipe with a larger diameter than 14” (35 cm), as a rule, has "weight coating” (concrete coating) around the synthetic coating, The weight coating is made of concrete reinforced with steel. The concrete coating protects the pipe and stabilises it on the seabed, preventing it from rising to the surface or vibrating due to tidal movement, ‘A competitor for short pipelines, up to several kilometres in length, is the “flexible” which consists of steel mesh with a synthetic coating, Flexibles are very expensive to purchase but installation can be quite cheap. The flexibility of the pipe enables it to be reeled from a small vessel. Flexioles are also used to connect pipelines to platforms {tie-in}; more information on tie-ins follows. One well-known manufacturer of flexibles is the French company Technip. TYPICAL SATELLITE FIELD TEMPLATE, TEMPLATE, {97 PRODUCTION PIPELINE 127 WATER INJECTION PIPELINE ‘97 PRODUCTION PIPELINE 25° METHANOL PIPELINE TEMPLATE TEMPLATE 9" PRODUCTION PIPELINE 72.5" METHANOL PIPELINE 7 PRODUCTION PIPELINE PLATFORM TO T=CONNEGTION 14" PIPELINE FROM PLATFORM TO PLATFORM (36%_O1L_TRANSPORT PIPELINE FROM PLATFORM TO PLATFORM UR acai it~ Introduction to pipelaying Rev. D - Fabruary 2004 4.0 PIPELINE INSTALLATION 4.1 Methods of pipeline installation Several methods of installing offshore pipelines exist; the most familiar being Slay, Jay, Reeling and towing, Stlay is the method used by Allseas. This method provides fast installation for all pipe diameters over a large range of water depths, The fast installation process is possible because the onboard assembly of ‘the pipeline can be dane in a horizontal plane, the firing line. Due to the horizontal-working plane, the pipeline leaves the laybarge herizontally and has to be supported by a “stinger” to introduce the necessary bend to direct the pipeline to the seatloor. Onboard J-lay barges the pipeline is assembled vertically. This methed is suitable for all diameters, out for a smaller range of water depths. The difference with S-lay is the steep departure angle of the pipeline when it leaves the vessel, Therefore Jay is suitable for deepwater rather than shallow. This eliminates the need for a stinger but does require welding operations to take place at one location on the main deck with an almost vertical position of the pipeline and new pipe section, which makes the process relatively slow. To line up the new pipe section on the pipeline, a tower is used as can be seen in figure 14. Reeling requires very limited welding operations onboard the vessel. The method is suitable for small diameters pipe only, but for a very large range of depths with fast installation. ‘The pipe sections are welded onshore and then the pipeline is reeled onto a big reel on @ pipelay vessel. ‘At the desired location the pipe is unreeled and placed on the seabed. Before leaving the vessel the pipe is straightened and tensioned, The pipe can be laid in both S and J shape. If a reel has been emptied, the vessel has to return to the onshore base to reload more reeled pipeline. Reeling is limited to sinaller diameter pipes, due to the great deformations of the pipe material to allow the pipeline to be reeled. When possible and if sufficient length can be stored onboard, reeling is the fastest pipelay method. “The tow method, which involves onshore construction, is rarely used. It is only suitable for short lengths and large diameter pipelines. After the pipeline is constructed onshore, it is towed to the planned destination and placed on the seabed. The pipe can be towed just above the seabed, at the surface or anywhere in between depending on the Giamater and length of the pipe, and the circumstances. This method is mostly used to install bundles of pipelines or other configurations thet will not pass a stinger or JHay tower easily The procedures of pipeline installation explained in the remaining of this chapter are valid for S-lay installations, since Say is used by Allseas. More details on J-Lay and other methods of pipelaying can be found in Chapter 6 4.2 Transport of linepipe Specialist pipelay vessels such as our Lorelay, Tog Mor and Softaire lay pipelines as described in the previous chapter. Usually, pipe is delivered onshore by the client already “coated” (except for the ends that need to be bare steel for welding) and in pieces of 12.2 metres (40 feet). Pipe carrier vessels are chartered to transport the pipe from shore to the pipetay vessel. Large pipe carriers have a capacity of about 2000 tonnes, representing a total pipeline length varying from 1 to & kilometres, depending on the diameter. The ends of the 12.2 metre long pipe sections (joints) are prepared onshore but, onboard the vessel they are re-machined or “bevelled” by means of a “pipe facing machine/bevel machine” in order to adapt the shape of the weld geometry to the selected welding procedure. Then, the pipe ends are pre- heated by means of gas torches or electric power in order to produce an acceptable weld quality. Introduction to pipelaying Rev. D ~ February 2004 Following pre-heating, the pipe lengths are welded in the production line {firing line Solitaire has a “double joint” factory onboard which allows the joining of two joints into one length of 24.4 metres prior to welding the created double joint in the firing ine. This is the point where the double joint is attached to the pipeline that is suspended behind the vessel. This increases the vessel productivity, which is more economical on long distance pipelines. Lorelay does not have such a double joint factory. In the firing line [see figure 1), the pipes are alignad accurately by means of a special clamping device lline up clamp). The accuracy of this alignment is vital in order to produce sound welds in the shortest possible time, Welding is performed by means of an electric arc, which is struck between the electrode and the pipe, which malts the electrode, Manual welding utilises a welding electrode. For automatic welding, see the section under Phoenix. Almost all pipelines are welded automaticaly. ‘The first layer of deposited weld metal is called “root pass” or “bead”. The station where this pass is deposited is therefore called the “beed stall” After welding the root pass, the pipe is gradually welded out with the “hot pass”, “filler passes”, and “cap” in the stations that follow. For this purpose, the pipelay vessel pulls forward one pipe length after a pass (12.2 or 24.4 metre depending on the vessel). The weld then arrives at the next welding station 4 to 6 in total) and the first station is then able to align the next pipe length onto the pipeline. The activities at the various stations are balanced out such thet the average cycle time achieves an optimum. time per joint (typically § - 10 minutes} Quality controlof the waldad joint ‘After the weld has been completed, the wald is examined by X-tay or by means of ultrasonic testing (UT), The X-ray film is developed within minutes and is examined by both the contractor and client for unacceptable weld defects. Weld defects appear as dark spots or lines on the film. If the defect is larger than permitted, the weld must be repaired which results in a halt in pipelay operations until the repair has been completed. UT gives an instant result on a screen and provides more information. UT or AUT, Automatic Ultrasonic Testing, is therefore being used more and more; within Allseas, X-ray is hardly ever used now. ‘The X-rays or ultrasonic tests are produced by a specialised subcontractor, the “NDT subcontractor” INDT = Non Destructive Testing). The weld remains intact during the inspection. Field Joint Coating The welds and bare steel have to be provided with coating to prevent corrosion. This can be provided by epoxy which is applied to the weld area after it has first been grit blasted and preheated by means of [electrical) induction heating, The epoxy is then sprayed as a powder to form a thin but very strong protective layer. This coating is called Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coating Another commonly used type of anti-corrosion coating is a polyethylene sheet lined with mastic which is ‘wrapped “cigarette style” around the pipe and shrunk in place. This type of coating is called @ heat shrink sleeve, On top of the anti-corrosion costing a protective of infill coating is usually also applied for pipes with conerete weight coating. The most commonly used method is to wrap a polyethylene sheet around the pipe, overlapping the concrete on each side, and to inject the annulus with expanding foam. Another, more conventional but naw less frequently applied method of applying infill coating, is mastic pouring; this is done by wrapping a steel sheet around the pipe and pouring hot mastic into the annulus around the pipe. ‘The coating station is situated at the end (aft ship) of the vessel. After costing, the joint goes into the water as the vessel moves ahead. um) Bulay ojos au, “L 3YNOLd Uy | eam YT EORT Introduction to pipelaying Rev. D ~ February 2004 Piggy-back line Sometimes a smaller pipeline, called “piggyback”, is attached to the large pipeline. A piggyback line can have a diameter between 2” {50 mm) and 6” (154 mm) and can serve several purposes. For instance, to inject corrosion protection fluids into the drilling well or to inject fluid into the pipeline from the driling ‘well to prevent the thickening of oil under certain circumstances, ensuring ease of flow. This small ine is welded onboard the pipelay vessel and the connection to the mainline - with metel strios and piggyback blocks - is done aft ship following the field joint coating process. The piggyback blocks ensure ‘spacing between the two pipelines, which is required during installation, Tensioners During the pipelaying process described above, the pipeline should be kept under tension to prevent pipeline buckling. Buckling is the phenomenon thet a structural element collapses under a compressive force due to out of plane bending, Buckling can occur at the point where the pipeline leaves the stinger or when the pipeline touches the seabed |touchdown point| and is caused by excessive bending in the pipeline due to its underwater weight. Tensioning reduces the bend sufficiently. Machines called “tensioners” perform the tensioning of the pipe. A pipelaying vessel has about 3 tensioners (see figure 1) which clamp the pipe with a crawler that rolls fully controlled whilst the vessel is making @ 12.2 or 24.4 metre ‘pull (forward movement) ‘The weight of the pipe and depth of the water dictate the degree of tension. More weight and/or deeper water means mare tension. “Tensioner forces” vary between, 15 and 500 tonnes. Stinger ‘The pipe is fed on to an outrigger called the “stinger”, in a gentle bend (overbend). The stinger will convey the pipeline into the water on its route to the seabed in a controlled curve. The stinger is fitted with rollerboxes, These boxes have rollers placed in a V-shape that provide mostly vertical but also horizontal support to the pipe. In this way, buckling will be prevented. Maintaining sufficient tension (see Tensioners| is the only method of preventing buckling at the seabed. The required degree of tension is calculated in advance by the Installation Engineering Department. Buckle detector To continuously check that the pipe does not sustain damage, a “buckle detector” can be pulled along the inside of the pipe attached to a cable. Generally, the buckle detector is a ste! disc thet fits the pipe diameter, therefore ceasing to move if the pipe buckles. The buckle detector is positioned just past the bend at the sea bottom (sag bend) which is just behind the touch down point. Because buckle detectors can cause problems (get lost in pipe), they are often avoided. Tensioner readings provide a reliable record of the integrity of the pipe, Buckle The most feared accident during pipelaying is a “buckle”. When a “dry buckle” occurs, the pipe bends but this does not cause leakage. The pipe is recovered to the vessel and cut back joint by joint until the buckle reaches the firing line When a “wet buckle” occurs, the pipe becomes flooded. The consequences are far more serious as the pipe gains weight and can possibly break. This may cause damage to the stinger. The water must be driven out of the pipeline from the other end using a pig and pressurised air (see under Flooding). The pig will halt at the damaged area. Divers must connect the A&R cable to the damaged end and the pipe will be recovered to the vessel Allseas, but now also other companies, have developed a special tool, which performs recovery without the use of divers. This tool is called Pipeline Recovery Tool". The PRT saves time and eliminates diving which is restricted to maximum water depths, and is always hazardous. Loss of time due to wet buckling can be approximately one week; this risk is usually covered by insurance, although there is always a portion of "own risk” {the “insurance deductible") for Allseas. Introduction to pipelaying Rev. D - February 2004 ‘A “buskle” can be caused by a “tensioner failure” (the tension on the pipeline is lost| or a “vassel drift- off”. Vessel drift off means either failure of the vessel's anchoring system or the vessel's DP system, Dus to this, the vessel could move many metres out of position. (More information on DP is under Dynamic Positioning.) 4.4 Start-up, Laydown and Ti Start-up ‘The beginning and the end of the pipelay process is carried out with the assistance of an “A&R cable” (Abandonment and Recovery cable). At the start-up, a “startup pile” or “dead man anchor" is used. Startup pile The startup pile is driven into the seabed by hydraulic pile vibrator which is operated from the main crane of the pipelay vessel. (Later, the vibrator removes, the pile so it can be re-used.) A cable is attached to the startup pile. The cable runs via a wheel back to the vessel (see figure 2). On the vessal, the cable is attached to the beginning of the pipeline, The other end of the cable is attached to one of the anchor winches on the pipelay vessel, Pipes are welded together on the vessel and pulled in the direction of the start. up pile, The winch continuously tensions the cable. Finally, the beginning of the pipeline reaches the start-up pile, where a special mechanism catches the pipe to prevent it from being pulled back. After a test to ensure the pipeline is secure, the cable is cut with the aid of an underwater robot, an ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle Dead man anchor. If a dead man anchor is used for start-up. an anchor is deployed at a distence forward of the planned starting point of the pipeline. The length of the cable required is determined by the position of the “target box”. The target box is the precise point where the connection between the pipeline and platform will be made at a later stage (see figure 3). tube pull: See under "Tie-ins at start-up point” ‘After start-up, the actual pipelaying starts. Daily production can vary between 2 and 10 kilometres, depending mainly on the pipe properties and the installation vessel, aid dn—yoys © Bujsn dn—yorg -Z% BYNDId Introduction to pipelaying Rev. D ~ February 2004 Laydown ‘At the end of pipelaying, @ “pig launcher” or “receiver” (see Flooding) will be attached to the last piece of pipe. The A&R cable is attached to the pig launcher or receiver. The end of the pipe is laid down on the seabed while the cable is kept under tension to prevent the pipe from buckling, Tieng at start-up point ‘at the beginning of the pipeline (start-up point), connecting the pipe to the platform or subsea template can be done in several ways denending on the lay direction. If the pipeline is laid from an existing platform, subsea work can be avoided by the execution of a “J: tube pull". A “J-tube” is located on the platform (see figure 5) through which a cable is fed to the vyessel and Kept under tension. When the welding begins, the cable is used to pull the pipe through the “J-tube until it reaches the topsides' deck. This method is a “start-up” and “tie-in” procedure in one, If the startup is cartied out with a “start-up pile” or “dead man anchor", 2 "subsea tie-in” to the platform is necessary Tie-ins at layciown point ‘At the other end of the pipeline ithe laydown point), connecting the pipe to the platform or subsea template can also be done in several ways depending on the lay direction. Usually the end of the pipeline will be laid down close to the platform in the “target box”) and at a later stage, divers will make the tie-in 1 Often, in shallow waters (to + 45 m - 150 feet) a “stalk-on riser” will be installed. The pipeline is laid down following the regular procedure (see Laydown). The pipeline end will then be elevated alongside the vessel using small cranes called “davits”, in such @ way that the bend is fully controlled to prevent buckling (see figure 6). Above water, a “stalk-on riser" (a prefabricated piece of pipe) is to be welded to the pipeline end, The pipeline, complete with “stalk-on riser” is then returned to the water. At a later stage, divers will connect the “stalk-on riser” to the "jacket" {the substructure of the platform] 2. Good quality welds are not made in water but should be made “in air”. If the connection is to be a welded connection, and if ¢ stalk-on riser is not applicable, a “habitat” (diving bell) must be positioned over the pipe and made water-free by blowing in pressurised air. Then specialised divers are able to weld a connecting piece of nipe Ispodt-piace, see also 3) between the pipeline land the platform, This procedure is also known as a “hyperbaric tien’, the disadvantage of this, method is that its very expansive. During the whole time consuming procedure, a DSV (Diving Support Vessel) is required at the surface for diver support. 3, The “flanged tie-in” procedure is more economical and more widely used but less preferred, due 40 the risk of leakage. For this procedure, the pipeline end is flanged in a similer way to the connecting piece of pipe (spool-piece) and divers bolt these flanges together (see figure 7}, On board the DSV, the spool piece is adjusted to size according to required measurements of length ‘and angles that are made by divers in advance. This is a very precise operation. The measuring ‘and adjusting is also carried out for @ hyperbaric tie-in. The adjustment in the size of the spook piece is mado easier by the construction of a “swivel” in the spootpiece. Disadvantages of using a swivel are the purchase cost and risk of leakage. 4, The most commonly applied solution is the “flexible spool-piece" or “jumper”. This is very flexible and easily fitted (see under 2, Pipelines}. The disadvantage of this method is that it is more vulnerable to damage than steel pipe. It is frequently used, as it is quite cheap due to shorter installation time. For deep water, in recent years very sophisticated diveriess tie-in methads have been developed, primarily in the Gulf of Mexico ‘The client makes the choice between several methods of tie-in, and this is made clear in the technical specifications of the tender or bid document for a project. This choice is then set out in the pipelay contract, 2 Introduction to pipelaying Rey. D - February 2004 Tee-pieces for midline tie-ins Sometimes the client wishes to prepare for the possibility of tying in another pipeline. This pipaline could be from a yet undeveloped field. This oil or gas field could belong to another company, in which case a “tariff” will have to be paid for offering an oil or gas transport facility. The quantity of transported oil or gas is measured and records are kept to calculate the charge. If preparations have to be made for this tie-in, a "tee-piece” will be welded into the pipeline onboard the pipelay vessel during the pipelay process. This tee-piece is fitted with valves for later use, The pipelay vessel should be able to fead this fairly large structure through the firing line and the tensioners must be able to open sequentially to enable its passage. Ata later stage, either mattresses or rack dumaing as will be described later must protect tee-pieces. 13 FIGURE 5. J—tube pull stort—up procedure aunpss0sd UONDIIOISUY Jasiy “9 FUNOII Ww Ga WISN 7 aon TT T = r\ | Sees S ; WHOSLV IS .praid—joods, ym Ul-2ly SuBLy “£ 3ENOL Introduction to pipelaying Rey. 0 ~ February 2004 4.5 Pipeline commissioning Eloading The pipeline is installed “dry” (not filled with water) to limit the submerged weight. This prevents unnecessary tensions in the pipe and high tensioner forces. (On some occasions pipelines will be installed flooded, but this is net normal practice.) ‘Once the pipeline has been installed, it willbe filled with water (flooding) to enable testing. Flooding is carried out by pumping seawater through a hose into the pipeline at one end. The quantity of water is measured to establish at which point the pipe is full. Usually, “inhibitors” are added to the flooding water to prevent intemal corrosion of the pipeline. To avoid air enclosures in the pipeline, a “pig” precedes the water flow and pushes the air out. A “pig” is a “plug” or a set of discs that fits in the pipeline. The “pig” is enclosed in a "pig launcher” joined to the beginning or the end of the pipeline (see figure 4). Allseas have developed, in-house, a flooding technique, which utilises an ROV, eliminating the requirement for divers. It is safer and more economical than alternative existing techniques ‘Gauging ttaking measurement] ‘Among other elements, a “pig” contains an aluminium disc, which fits the pipe with a predetermined tolerance. If the pipe is deformed or if too many penetrations of welding material eccur, the edges of aluminium disc will shaw this once the pig emerges at the end of the pipeline In the case of excessive weld penetrations, a concession will be requested from the client and a gauging pig, which is smaller in diameter, will be deployed to repeat the process. If a major defect is detected somewhere in the middle of the pipeline, a "hyperbaric repair” will be necessary. A diving ball will be deployed and placed over the pipeline. Divers will cut the pipe and insert a repair section. Hyperbaric repair is an expensive exercise, Alternatively, the pipe can be cut at the damaged point and each of the ends retrieved. A flange can be welded to each of the ends, after which the piooline ends are lowered to the seabed again. After accurate measurement of the situation on the seabed, a precisely fitting "spookpiece” (see Tie-ins at laydown point! is lowered and connected by ROV. Testing ‘Once the pipeline has been flooded, the water is subjected to a predetermined pressure. Sufficient hours must pass for adjustment of the water temperatura, thus causing a change in water pressure, After this, the pressure should be retained for 24 hours and should not decrease, as this would prove that leakage has occurred: Aillseas heve developed, in-house, @ pigging and testing method that is carried out diverless. This wes first successfully used in 1992. a BBHONAWT Old — SILYNBHOS Introduction to pipelaying Rev. D- February 2004 4.6 Pipeline protection Boute survey Both before and after the pipelaying, a “survey vessel” carries out an inspection of the seabed. This is a small vessel, which operates an ROV and is chartered by Allseas from a suocontractor. This ROV has cameras and sonar equipment (side scan sonar - operating on sound waves) and is self-propelled. An “umbilical” connects the ROV to the survey vessel, provides electric power and transmits signals to the vessel The “pre-survey” checks the seabed for wrecks, obstacles and unevenness. The “post-survey" is to ccheck that the pipeline is in good condition and to determine the precise position of the pipeline on the seafloor. On the bottom of the North Sea there are many pipelines and cables which must be crossed. To prevent damage to the existing pipelines, “crossing preparation” should be performed. Rocks will be dumped on existing pipelines (by a subcontractor] creating a gentle slope and “mattresses” will be installed on this slope. A “mattress” consists of concrete blocks connected by steel or synthetic material, The pipeline will be installed on top of the mattresses. As the track provided by the mattresses is only a few metres wide, the pipelaying must be very acourate (a few metres) and is, controlled by ROV observation (with the support of a survey vessel). The crossing protrudes above the level of the seabed and there is a danger of it being damaged by fishing trawler boards, etc. Therefore, ata later stage, the crossing will be covered by rock, knawn as “rock dumping”, for protection, ‘Trenching To protect the pipeline on the seabed, particularly from damage by the trawler boards of fishing boats, ‘small diameter pipe (mostly up to 14” -35 cm} is usually trenchad. There are three procedures for trenching, digging, ploughing or “jetting” Digging: Allseas’ digging machine is called Digging Donald which is a crawler of about 8 metres (26 digging feet) wide and 13 metres (43 feet) long, weighing about 120 tonnes. The machine is positioned over the installed pipeline and moves along without touching it Four digging arms dig a V-shaped trench underneath the pipe. Behind Digging Donald the pipe repositions itself in the trench. The result is a "cover" of 1 metre (3.3 feet! or thereabouts. "Cover" means the vertical distance between the top of the pipe and the ‘original level of the seabed. Due to natural backfill of soil from the steep sides of the trench, a covef is achioved, Sand will cover the pipe within a few minutes but clay sometimes takes a few years to fall back. Digging Donald'can improve its results by making a "second pass”. To ensure that the pipeline is brought to the best possible depth, strong jets of water are used to clear soil that has fallen back into the trench, from under the pipe. This can result in the pipeline being lowered a further 50 cm (20") or so. In principle, Digging Donald is suitable for all kinds of soil, but problems occur when large boulders are found along the pipeline route. Boulders can result in damage to the machine and must be removed by divers prior to trenching. If the boulders are hidden in the soil, they can only be removed after the machine has struck on them, Positioning and operation of Digging Donald is done completely without divers. It is roughly positioned using sonar equipment, and the precise positioning is done with electromagnetic equipment. 19 Introduction to pipelaying Rey, D - February 2004 The Digging Donald is supported by the Trenchseiter, which is Allseas’ dynamically positioned trenching support and installation vessel. Digging Donald receives its electrical power from the Trenchsetter via an umbilical and the same umbilical transmits ‘observation signals to the vessel for processing Ploughing: A plough is kept in position on the pipe by rollers that are towed by a tug. A second vessel sails above the plough and receives observation signals via an “umbilical”. A ploughed trench is wider than the one the Digging Donald creates. The advantage of this is that the soil does not fall back into the trench so quickly (before the pipe touches the trench bottom, but the disadvantage is that the natural cover is not as effective Also, there is a possibility of the rollers damaging the pipe, which makes ploughs less populer. Large boulders are slightly less of a problem for ploughs Jetting: Jet barges remove the soil from underneath the pine by @ massive jetting force. A rough, wide trench is created. This system is effective in send but not in medium to heavy density clay. This system is seldom applied to small ciameter pipelines as it can dainage the pipe easily. Dedging Large sand dunes exist in the southem part of the North Sea, which can cause excessive pipeline Geformations and “free spans”. A free span occurs when the pipe is suspended between two sand une peaks. Currents can then cause severe damage to the pipeline due to oscillations (vibrating of the pipel. When dunes exist, dredging of the peaks is performed before pipelaying, this is known as "peak shaving” Bock dumping if trenching is not expected to give sufficient protection, additionally of alternetively rocks can be dumped over the pipeline. Rock dumping contractors operate vessels equipped with a fall pipe making it possible to dump the rocks accurately over the pipeline, even in deep water, The water inside the fall pipe slows down the rocks sufficiently to prevent damage to the pioeline. Rock dumping contractors are subcontractors to the pipelaying contractor. 4.7 Shore approaches ‘The approach to shore is @ specialised operation carried out by subcontractors. Usually, a deep trench is dredged between sheet pile wails. Sometimes directional drilling has to be carried out underneath a dune; this is called horizontal directional drilling (HOD). ‘The pipe is welded onshore and pulled into the sea until the water depth is sufficient for the pipelay vessel (+ 12 metres) to take over the pipe. From that point onwards the pipelay vessel operates as described earlier. Alternatively, the pipe’ is welded on the ship and pulled onto the shore by a winch, The pipelaying of the shallow water section requires a barge with a small draft. As Lorelayand Solitaire have @ large draft due to their DP thrusters, Allseas have a shallow water barge called Tog Mor which is able to lay pipes from 2"to 60”in water depths as shallow as 4 metres. 20 .GIYNOG ONID9IG, MBIA 301s ~\pigsine ARM (EXTENDED) OVERALC LENGTH ~5400 3700 TRENCH WOT AFT DIGGING ARMS DIGGING ARM. OVERALL LENGTH ~@650, DIGSING_ARM i ‘OVERALL LENGTH ~4700 3700 TRENCH WiOTH FRONT DIGGING ARMS Introduction to pipelaying Rev. D - February 2004 5.0 DESCRIPTION OF ALLSEAS’ FLEET 5.1 Lorelay Lorelay (see figure 8) is @ pipelay vessel of 180 metres (600 feet) in length, optimised for laying pipelines of small and medium size diameter (2%" - 6 cm to 28” - 70 cm) ‘The vessel was built in 1985/1986 and still is on of the most modem pipelay vessels in the world Conceptually, Allseas designed Lorelay completely in-house, One of her main characteristics is the DP system. DP stands for “Dynamic Positioning” and means that the vessel is positioned by lin case of Lorelay, seven) thrusters located at the front end rear of the vessel and not by anchors. This has the following advantages: : No risk of damage by anchors or anchor wires to existing pipelines or subsea structures (and marine environment; = Fast start-up and laydown of a pipaline close to a platform when there is the possibilty of other vessels working in the vicinity. Often this means that the client does not have ta remove @ dilling rig or a working vessel to give Lorelay access to the field. Other adventages of Lorelay are: - ‘A fast mobilisation to the offshore site as the vessel is self-propelled and therefore has no need to be towed to the site: - Her large hold can receive up to 6000 tonnes of pipe in bulk or up to 3600 tonnes of pipe in a ‘towed inland barge; this means a saving on the hire of pipe carriers. Despite Lorelay being a ship shaped pipe ley vessel, her performance in rough seas is very good. particularly due to her slow roll. The workability limit of Loreleyis a wave height of about 314 metres {11 feet). “Semi-submersibles” (see below) are more stable but their suoport vessels (pipe carriers and anchor handling tugs) restrict their workability, This means that they can nat work to much higher limits than Lorelay. Lorelayis an efficiently operated vessel, and therefore economical. She can compete favourably in the markat for which she was optimised Le. small and medium size pipelines of diameters of between 10) (25 em) and 20” (50 crn). Because of her relatively high cruising speed (+ 14 knots) she is able to mobilise to any part of the world ina short amount of time. During the North Sea winter season, jobs can be executed in calmer seas such as those in the Gulf of Mexico The North See working season is generally from mid March to mid October (7 months per year; during the winter, workability is low due to bad weather. More information on Lorelay can be found in the Allseas brochure, 23 FIGURE 8 Introduction to Rev. D ~ February 2004 5.2 Trenchsetter and Digging Donald In 1989, Trenchsetter was built as @ support vessel for Allseas' mechanical subsea pipeline trencher Digging Donald. \n addition to trenching, other support services on dynamic positioning have been executed successfully, such as pipaline crossing proparation, mattress installation in deep water (over 300 m) and surveys, all diverless (see figure 9). Trenching is possible for pipelines of up to 36" diameter, in water depths up to 350 m and in soil types ranging from loose to dense sand and from fitm to very hard clay. The trencher, known as Digging Donald, is the only mechanical pipeline trencher, which never touches the pipeline. It is remotely controlled from Trenchsetter The support given to Digging Donald has been described under “trenching’ Mattresses” have also been described earlier. These concrete protection mattresses are installed several at a time with the use of the MIF (Mattress Installation Frame} ‘The MIF, develaped in-nouse by Allsess, is a frame equipped with propellers and TV cameras and is able 10 install mattresses and other structures (tunnels etc.) accurately without the help of civers. If the vessel is operated as a survey vessel, it replaces the need for @ chartered survey vessel Equipment (ROVs etc.) and survey personnel are hired from subcontractors, ‘More information on Trenchsetterand Digging Donald can be found in the Allseas brochure, In 2008, the ageing Trenchsetter will be replaced by Provider, which is a larger vessel than Trenchsetter. 5.3 Tog Mor Allseas' mult-purpose work barge Tag Mor, bought in 1996, was converted into a shallow water pipeley barge in 2002, making her the third pipelay vessel in the Allseas fleet. In April 2002, she successfully installed the first pipelines and completed her first surface tie-in of a 30 inch pipeline. The barge is used world-wide, primarily in shallow water areas in support of Lorelay and Saltaire as well as independently contracted. ag Moris able to install pipelines with a diameter up to 60". She is moored on anchors, can work in @ minimum water depth of approximately 4m (13' and is equipped with a 300 tonne crane. More information on Tog Morcan be found in the Allseas brachure, 5.4 Solitaire Solitaire, the largest pipelay vessel in the world, has set new standards in pipelay capability: Based on the same principles as Loralay, her ship shape provides outstanding workability together with a pipe carrying capacity of some 22.000 tonnes. Precise manoeuvring on full dynamic positioning allows her to work in congested areas, while a high cruising speed and lay rate makes her competitive world-wide, Having been operational since 1998, @ record lay rate of over 9 kilometres a day was achieved, operating the ir-house developed Phoenix automatic welding system, Solitaire has been designed for large pipe, with a maximum diameter of 60", at laying speeds of about 4 107 kilometres per day. The vessel is able to lay large diameter lines in unprecedented water depths, but is also able to lay small diemeter pipelines economically. Late 2002, Solitaire has installed two pipelines in a record water depth of 1,920 m in the Gulf of Mexico. Due to her size, Sofitaire has an even batter workability than Lore/ay. The limits of Lorelay are a wave height of about 3% metres (11 feet) and Solitaire is able to work in wave heights up to about 4 metres (12 feet). This means that she is able to work in the North Sea during the winter season with relatively limited downtime, More information on Solitaire can be found in the Allseas brochure. See figure 1 and 10 for Solitaire. For ‘a comparison of the sizes of Lorelay, Trenchsetter, Tog Morand Solitaire see figure 12. Fr Introduction to pipelaying Rev. D ~ February 2004 5.5 Phoenix, automatic welding system Allseas have developed a semi-automatic welding system that provides superior welding quality. A “robot” moves over a belt, which is cramped around the pipe. The welding material is fed carefully from 2 reel by a manipulator arm into the weld. An ‘Operator’ supervises and can, if necessary, adjust the process. (With manual welding, a welder holds the welding material, a rod, in the weld.) During the ‘summer of 1993, Phoenix was first used offshore with great success onboard Larelay. Mare information on Phoenix can be found in the Allseas brochure 2 6 3un9l4 ®@ a OL aanold INT ON NWA 5 Bee oem SCC (n) Tvs aio. Lb 3anots FIGURE 12 Introduction to pipelaying Rev, D February 2004 6.0 COMPETING PIPELAY BARGES 6.1 Small pipelines The “Apache” is 2 120 metre (394 feet! long vessel that spools complete pipelines onto a large reel inshore and installs them by unreeling them offshore. This is a very economical vessel for small diameter, short distance pipeline installation. The “Apache” is owned by Coflexip Stena (see figure 13) The "Apache" is very suitable for laying duplex stainless steel pipelines. This type of steel, used when cil or gas is corrosive, is very difficult to weld. As the pipe is welded completely onshore under fully controlled circumstances, this makes the use of “Apache” advantageous when installing duplex pipelines. A low welding speed does not affect the installation period by the “Apache” and thus does not lead to significant extra cost. The “Apache” has advantages when operating in extremely deep waters as the vessel does not use anchors and the pipe can bo installed under low tension. More recently, Subsee 7, Stolt, Technip and McDermott have taken in use pipelay vessels smaller than Lorelay which actively compete on the market of the smallest pipelines. Most notable is the Deep Blue, ‘owned by Technip, which is a modern reel vessel larger than Apache. 6.2 Larger pipelines Larger pipelines usually require larger vessels. A few examples are the "DB1601", a derrick/pipelay barge owned by McDermott, the "Semac” and the “Castoro Sai" both owned by Saipem and the ‘LB 200", owned by Stolt (see figure 13). The latter three ere semi-submersible, anchored pipelay barges. 6.3 Deepwater pipelines J-Lay vessels currently undertake deepwater pipelaying. Amongst these are heavy lift crane vessels with a J-Lay tower: the Balder, owned by Heerema and the $7000, owned by Saipem. J-Lay will be ‘explained in the next chapter. 7.0 OTHER PIPELAY METHODS 7.1 Off bottom tow Pipelines of short length and relatively large diameter are suitable for towing into position by tugboats after being welded onshore. The procedure used is called ‘off-bottom tow’. The pipeline is equipped with floaters which make it possible to position the pipe just above the seabed, or at any desired water depth whilst being towed out. Prior to being towed out, a PLEM (Pipeline End Manifold) can be connected to save on offshore work (Lorelay connects a PLEM by picking up the pipeline alongside the vessel after laydown and makes the necessary welds at that stage). This procedure is comparable to connecting a stalk-on riser -see figure 6. A PLEM is a connection piece positioned in a frame and is used for a future connection of the pipeline to a platform or floating load station. A flexible pipeline usually makes the connection between PLEM and platform or other structure, Compared to conventional pipelaying methods, bottom tow {or off-bottom tow) is a good alternative when installing pipeline bundles. If several pipelines of small diameter are to be laid along the same route, they will be bundied and placed inside a ‘carrier pipe’. The carrier pipe protects the bundle during transport and later on, provides thermal insulation on the seabed. Bottom-tow contractors are Rockwater (Brown & Root) and Land & Marine. Bottom-tow (or off-bottom tow! projects are rare 31 APACHE ee) Pipeloy reel vessel “APACHE” (length 123 m) FIGURE 13. Semi-submersible pipelay vessel "LB200" (length 180 m excl. stinger) Introduction to pipelaying Rev. 0 ~ February 2004 7.2 slay In water depths beyond approximately 500 metres (1640 feet! and deeper, tension forces and pipe tonsions become relatively high for the conventional pipelay process (see figure 14), so tachnically, the use of the "J-lay” process is attractive Figure 14 shows the J-lay process. When the pipe hangs from the vessel as in J-lay, installation in water depths up to about 3000 metres is possible In 1987, Allseas doveloped a J-lay system for Loreiay in-house. Nevertheless, the “J-lay tower” was never built, as we were able to extend the water depth range of S-lay to virtually any presently applied depth, The deep water record for Say was set at nearly 2000 meters in 2002 by Solitare. The Jay procedure is a slow process as all necessary welds, X-ay tests and field joint coating are done at one point at the main deck level whereas the faster S-lay pipelay procedure performs these provesses: at several different stations in the firing line. One pull with J-lay does move quadruple or even hex joints, so one pull will give a big distance gain. Lorelay and Solitaire have long stinger extensions available, which means they cen accomplish an almost vertical departure angle. This cives a Combination of the advantages of Slay and Jay. 33 LAY DIRECTION LAY DIRECTION FIGURE 14. S-loy ané ley principles

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