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Patricia Mae B.

II St. Patrick

Sept. 30, 2016

Mr. Bantugan

Reflection Paper on EDSA

Historical events in the Philippines are very essential especially to the
millennials because it open their minds and hearts about the past experiences of the
Filipinos which leads to who they are today. Looking back to those events means having
an attention on whats happening in our country. Filipinos who want to be responsible
will find out everything that will open up their identity. It means that they care about the
latest events and they care about the future of the country.
Watching this film, EDSA, really opened my mind about the controversial
issues between the Marcoses and the Aquinos. Since then, we have this idea in our
minds that those two families are opposed to each other. Which is partly true because
we can see the conflict and the look of the people between them; Marcoses being the
antagonists and the Aquinos being the heroes. For me, they both did good for the
country. But neither of them are proved good influence because we dont really know
what happened back then. By we, I mean the millennials. Thats why during the open
forum on that day, I was surprised to hear that the family of the producer of the film, Ms.
Madonna Sanchez, was actually working under the Marcoses. The fact that she is
against the Martial Law was very astonishing because we all know that its hard to work
under the people who you dont like. Ms. Sanchez and her family experienced a special
treatment from the Marcoses and its really surprising to know that she is against them
when she didnt really suffer in that era.
For me, the film is an eye-opener for the teenagers to be more aware of
the happenings in our country. We need to bring back the patriotism, and learn to speak
ourselves as a citizen of the country. We shouldnt just sit all day in front of our
computer screens and just talk about the current news while its burning hot. We
shouldnt be swayed easily by people on the internet. Millennials should think critically
before speaking because it seems that teenagers now are just talking nonsense. But Im
not generalizing because I know that there are teens there who are hoping the best for
the Philippines. I like what John Manalo said that the change should be coming from us.
Not because we are the new generation, but because we want a better country and we
are a part of this nation. No matter whats our age or our gender, we should be praying
and doing something for this country because it is for our future, its for us.
I became more aware about the mentality of the Filipinos. We always want
the best for ourselves, not the best for all of us. We want ourselves to be more than
others. We are so selfish about everything. We have to learn to give without wanting
something in return. We need to be selfless when it comes to the development of the
country, because it is also the development of each of us.

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