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Nama: Kelas :

Bahasa Inggeris
Modul 1/2001
1 Jam


Satu jam

1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 22 soalan.

2. Jawab semua soalan.
3. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan yang berhuruf A, B, C dan D. Bagi
tiap-tiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja.
4. Fikir dengan teliti ketika memilih jawapan. Jika anda hendak menukar sesuatu jawapan,
padamkan sehingga bersih tanda yang tidak dikehendaki itu dan kemudian bulatkan
pilihan anda yang baru.

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2002 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur 1

Questions 1-5
Read the passage below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

Bananas are rich in potassium, vitamins A, B6 and C. One banana contains

about 90 calories and is 99.5% fat tree. Bananas can be found almost anywhere
in Malaysia. They are cheap here but in the United Kingdom, it costs almost one
pound sterling or about RM5.80 to buy a bunch of bananas there.

Sometimes, the banana tree is called the tree of paradise and its fruit is known
as the fruit of a wise man. It is usually eaten ripe and uncooked but it can also
be consumed in many other ways. It tastes delicious when fried in batter. This
golden crispy local delicacy is popular among Malaysians and is known as
pisang goreng.

Bananas can be used in cakes. Banana cakes are popular in Malaysia.

Needless to say banana ice cream for dessert will make a simple meal a little
more special. However the ripe fruit gets spoilt very fast in our hot climate. Its
skin will turn dark, and its flesh will become softer.To overcome this problem, we
have to keep them in the refrigerator.

1. Bananas contain
A. potassium, vitamin A, B6 and C
B. potassium, vitamin D, B5 and C
C. calcium, vitamin B, B6 and C
D. vitamin A, B6 and C.

2. The banana tree is known as

A. The paradise fruit tree
B. The tree of paradise
C. The wise man fruit
D. The fruit in heaven

3. The word 'consumed' in the passage means

A. made
B. cooked
C. prepared
D. eaten

4. Which of these following statements is NOT true?

A. Bananas are so expensive in United Kingdom.
B. Bananas can be eaten cooked and uncooked.
C. Banana trees can be found all over the world.
D. Bananas tastes delicious when fried in batter.

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2002 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur 2
5. What is the best way to keep ripe bananas?
A. Peel the skin and keep them in the refrigerator.
B. Peel the skin and keep them in a pail of cold water.
C. Keep them in the hot container.
D. Keep them in the refrigerator.

Questions 6-10
Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow.

Raman: Kadir, look, someone left an envelope behind.

Kadir: It's a thick envelope. I wonder who is so careless as to leave it behind.
Raman: Open it. Let's se who it belongs to.
Kadir: No! I am not going to open it. People may accuse me of trying to steal
its contents.
Raman: Don't be so naive, Kadir. We just want to check if there is any name or
address written inside it. Then we can return it to its owner. I am sure
she's looking high and low for it now.
Kadir: Okay, I'll open it. There are many documents and letters. Look, it's
written here Miss Habsah, 2333, Jalan Bunga Raya, Taman Megah,
Raman: Good. Now we can trace the owner. I am sure she will
be very pleased.
Kadir: I am sure she will. Here's our stop. Let's get ready
to get off.

6. Raman and Kadir are in a

A. taxi
B. bus
C. train
D. car

7. Kadir did not want to open the open the envelope because
A. he was afraid he might be accused of stealing
B. he knew the owner of the envelope
C. he did not want to keep it
D. there were many documents in it

8. From the dialogue, we know that Raman is

A. careful
B. lazy
C. selfish
D. responsible

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2002 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur 3
9. The phrase 'high and low' in the dialogue means
A. everywhere
B. up and down
C. somewhere
D. anywhere

10. What do you think the boys probably do?

A. Keep the envelope for their own use.
B. Take the envelope to the police.
C. Go to the owner's house.
D. Throw it away.


Question 11-13
Choose the suitable sentence to fit the situation in the picture. Write down the
numbers of the picture in the brackets next to the answer. Choose only ONE
answer for each question.

Question 11
I love reading storybooks. ( )

Is this your ball? ( )

What must you do when you

are in the library? ( )
I must talk as softly
as possible. The motorcyclist has broken
the traffic rule. ( )

Why is the driver shouting at

the policeman? ( )

I would like to borrow this

map. ( )

Sure, I'd love to. ( )

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2002 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur 4
Question 12

Do you want to
play badminton
with me?
I love reading storybooks. ( )

Is this your ball? ( )

What must you do when you

are in the library? ( )

The motorcyclist has broken

the traffic rule. ( )

Why is the driver shouting at

Question 13 the policeman? ( )

I would like to borrow this

map. ( )

Sure, I'd love to. ( )

Why did the traffic
policeman stop that
motor cyclist?

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2002 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur 5
Question 14-15
Read the dialogue below carefully. Choose the correct relationship in these
dialogues from the list below. Write down the question number in the brackets
next to the best answers you have chosen.

14. Karim: Farid, do you realize that Cikgu Mazlan looks like your father?
Farid: Well, he is his brother.

(Cikgu Mazlan is probably Farid's ......)

15. Izan: Fatimah, why does your mother always go to Sarawak?

Fatimah: Her mother lives there.
(The woman who lives in Sarawak is most likely Fatimah's ......)

uncle ( )
father ( )
niece ( )
grandpa ( )
grandma ( )
aunt ( )

Question 16-20
Look at the picture carefully. Based on the picture and the passage given, fill in
the blanks with your own words. You must write only ONE word for ONE blank.

My favourite fruit, the durian is also known as the king of fruits. I like its aroma

(16) _______ taste very much. My father usually buys them from Pak Ali's stall,

(17)________ sells all kinds of fruits. His stall is near the market. Some of the

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2002 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur 6
fruit he sells are rambutans, durians, mangosteens(18) _________watermelons.

My father always buys durians from him as he only (19) __________ the D24

type. This type of durian is very tasty but rather (20) __________ It costs about

RM20.00 per kilogramme.


Question 21
Read the passage carefully and complete the questions that follow.

Pak Khamis is a boatman. He owns a long narrow sampan. Every morning, he

goes to the jetty to take his passengers across the river. He charges only twenty
sen per trip. He knows the danger of overloading so he never carries more than
six passengers in his sampan. He usually makes about twenty trips per day. He
has been a boatman for about forty years and he hopes to retire next year when
he reaches sixty.

(A) Answer these questions.

1. How old is Pak Khamis?


2. When did he become a boatman?


3. How much can he earn in a week, if he can make about twenty trips per

4. Where does he pick up his passengers?


5. Why does Pak Khamis refuse to take more than six passengers each time?


(5 marks)

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2002 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur 7
(B) In your opinion, is it safe to travel in Pak Mat's narrow sampan? Why?



(10 marks)
Question 22.

The picture below describes a thing. Use ALL the words given to make
sentences about the picture. Write your answer in the space provided.

Malaysia's first cordless mouse - G3 - assembled - at Petaling Jaya - produced -

Gio Matrix dotcom Sdn. Bhd - mouse - easily available - any computer shop -



Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2002 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur 8

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. What must you do when you are in the library?
12. Sure, I'd love to.
13.The motor cyclist had broken the traffic rule.
14. uncle
15. grandma
18. and
20. expensive
21. (A)
1. Pak Khamis is 59 years old.
2. He became a boatman when he was nineteen years old.
3. He makes about RM28.00 perweek.
4. He picks up his passengers at the jetty.
5. Pak Khamis does not take more than six his passengers because of safety
(B). It is not safe to travel in Pak Khamis' narrow sampan because he doesn't
provide a safety jacket.

22. G3 is Malaysia's first cordless mouse. The mouse is assembled in Petaling

Jaya. It is produced by Gio Matrix Dotcom Sdn Bhd. It is easily available at any
computer shop for only RM120.00.

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2002 © Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur 9

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