2013 Pacific Typhoon Season

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2013 Pacic typhoon season

The 2013 Pacic typhoon season was the most active

Pacic typhoon season since 2004, as well as the deadliest since 1975. The season began with the formation
of Severe Tropical Storm Sonamu on January 1; however, most of the rst seventeen named storms before
mid-September were relatively weak, as only two of them
reached the typhoon strength. Typhoon Soulik in July
was the strongest tropical cyclone to aect Taiwan in
2013. In August, Typhoon Utor cost US$2.6 billion damage and killed 97 people, becoming the second deadliest tropical cyclone of the Philippines in 2013. Three
systems in August, Pewa, Unala and 03C, continuously
crossed the International Date Line from the Central Pacic and entered this basin.

pines. After arriving at the South China Sea, Haiyan

made landfall over Vietnam and also impact Guangxi
and Hainan provinces of China. Typhoon Haiyan, also
known as Typhoon Yolanda, caused 6,300 fatalities and
over US$2 billion damage in the Philippines, becoming
the deadliest and costliest typhoon in modern Philippine

1 Seasonal forecasts
During each season, several national meteorological services and scientic agencies forecast how many tropical
cyclones, tropical storms, and typhoons will form during
a season and/or how many tropical cyclones will aect a
particular country.* [1] These agencies include the Tropical Storm Risk (TSR) Consortium of the University College London, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) and the
Vietnamese National Center for Hydro Meteorological
forecasts (VNCHMF).* [1]* [4]* [5]

The rst two-thirds of the season were very weak, with

only two typhoons forming despite the average amount
of named storms forming. However, the season became dramatically active since mid-September. The
last fourteen named storms formed within approximately
two months, yet only three of them were below the typhoon strength. Initially, Typhoon Man-yi made landfall
over Japan. Tropical Depression 18W, known in Vietnam as Tropical Storm No.8, ooding triggered by the
storm in Vietnam, Laos and Thailand damaged nearly
US$80 million and 23 deaths. Typhoon Usagi made
landfall over Guangdong, China and cost US$4.6 billion
in the country, which was the third strongest storm of
the basin in 2013. Later, Typhoon Wutip made landfall
over Vietnam. In early October, Typhoon Fitow made
landfall over Fujian, China and caused over US$10 billion damage, becoming the costliest tropical cyclone in
2013. Typhoon Danas aected Japan and South Korea,
but without signicant damage.

In early December 2012, the VNCHMF noted that a

tropical depression or a tropical storm could form within
December or January and aect Southern Vietnam.* [8]
Within its January June seasonal climate outlook, PAGASA predicted that two to three tropical cyclones were
likely to develop and/or enter the Philippine area of responsibility between January and March while two to
four were predicted for the April to June period.* [4] On
March 3, the VNCHMF predicted that there would be
11 - 13 tropical cyclones over the South China Sea during the season, with 5-6 directly aecting Vietnam.* [9]
Later that month the Hong Kong Observatory, predicted
that the typhoon season in Hong Kong would be near normal with four to seven tropical cyclones passing within
500 km (310 mi) of the territory compared to an average of 6.* [10] In late April, the China Meteorological Administration's Shanghai Typhoon Institute (CMASTI) predicted that between 22 and 25 tropical storms
would develop within the basin during the year, while the
Thai Meteorological Department (TMD) predicted that
at least two tropical storms would move towards Thailand during 2013.* [2] The rst of the two tropical storms
was predicted to pass near Upper Thailand in either August or September, while the other one was expected to
move to the south of Southern Thailand during October
or November.* [11] On May 7, the TSR Consortium released their rst forecast of the season and predicted that
the basin would see a near average season with 25.6 trop-

Typhoon Nari brought signicant damage over the

Philippines and eventually made landfall over Vietnam, as
well as Typhoon Wipha which killed 41 people in Japan.
Typhoon Francisco and Typhoon Lekima did not directly
aect any country, but they were both violent typhoons,
especially the latter one becoming the second strongest
of this basin in 2013. Typhoon Krosa crossed northern
Luzon on October 31 and intensied further, although it
dissipated in the South China Sea. In early November,
Tropical Depression Wilma formed over the Caroline Islands, moved out of the basin, and ultimately arrived in
the Arabian Sea in mid-November.
At the same time in early November, Typhoon Haiyan
initially aected Palau signicantly. The typhoon later
became one of the most intense tropical cyclones on
record and immediately made landfall over the Philip1

ical storms, 16 typhoons, 8.9intensetyphoons and an

ACE index of about 311 units.* [nb 1]* [1]
In late June after a slow start to the season Taiwan's
Central Weather Bureau predicted that the season, would
be near average of 25.7 with 23 27 tropical storms occurring over the basin during 2013.* [5] Between two and
four of the systems were also predicted to aect Taiwan compared to an average of around 3.6.* [5] Within
its July forecast update TSR noted that despite the slow
start to the season, they continued to anticipate either
near or slightly above-normal activity for the remainder
of 2013; however, the ACE index was reduced slightly
to 294 units.* [2] During July, PAGASA predicted that
between eight and eleven tropical cyclones were likely
to develop and/or enter the Philippine area of responsibility between July and September while ve to eight
were predicted to occur between October and December.* [6]* [7]* [12] Later in the month the VNCHMF, predicted that nine to ten tropical cyclones would be observed within the South China Sea, during the rest of the
year.* [13] They also predicted that four to ve tropical
cyclones would directly aect Vietnam, while the CMASTI predicted that between 22 - 25 tropical storms would
develop or move into the basin during the year.* [3] On
August 6, TSR released their August update and signicantly lowered their forecast to 22.3 tropical storms, 13.2
typhoons, 6.6 intensetyphoons and an ACE index
of about 230, which they noted would result in activity
about 20% below their 19652012 average.* [3] This was
because the season was running about 60% below the expected year-to-date activity and only one to two typhoons
had developed by the end of July.* [3] During October
2013, the VNCHMF predicted that one to two tropical
cyclones would develop and possibly aect Vietnam between November 2013 and April 2014.* [14]


Auring. The system moved westwards into the Sulu

Sea, and the JTWC initiated advisories on the system as
01W.* [18]* [19]* [20] The JMA reported later that day
that the depression intensied into Tropical Storm Sonamu, before the JTWC followed suit early on January
4 as the system continued to consolidate.* [15]* [21] After further strengthening, Sonamu intensied into a severe tropical storm on January 5, with 10-minute sustained winds of 95 km/h (60 mph).* [15] Early on January
8, the JMA and JTWC reported that Sonamu weakened
into a tropical depression. The system dissipated on January 10 about 100 km (60 mi) west of Bintulu in Eastern
Malaysia.* [15]
Within the Philippines, 1 person drowned while another
person died after being hit by a coconut tree.* [22] A passenger ship was stranded near the coast of Dumaguete
City on January 3 before being rescued.* [23]

3.2 Tropical Depression Bising

Early on January 6, the JMA started to monitor a tropical
depression that had developed, about 480 km (300 mi) to
the southeast of Melekeok, Palau.* [24] Over the next few
days the JMA continued to monitor the system as a tropical depression, before PAGASA named it Bising during
January 11.* [25]* [26]* [27] Over the next few days the
system moved towards the north-northeast, before it was
last noted during January 13, as it weakened into an area
of low pressure.* [25]* [26]* [28]
Bising caused moderate to heavy rains across Bicol
Region, Eastern Visayas, Central Visayas and
Mindanao.* [29]

3.3 Tropical Storm Shanshan (Crising)

Season summary

On February 18, a tropical depression formed about 650

km (405 mi) east of southern Mindanao,* [30] with PAGASA naming it Crising.* [31] With low to moderate
wind shear,* [32] the depression developed further. On
February 19, the JTWC initiated warnings on Tropical
Depression 02W,* [33] but discontinued advisories two
3 Storms
days later after the circulation became poorly dened and
convection was sheared. However, the JMA reported that
into Tropical Storm Shanshan
3.1 Severe Tropical Storm Sonamu (Aur- the depression intensied
The next day, Shanshan weakon
ened into a tropical depression before dissipating north*
Early on January 1, a tropical depression developed about west of Malaysia. [30]
1,090 km (675 mi) southwest of Guam.* [15] Over the Heavy rains from the storm triggered ooding in the
next couple of days, the depression moved northwestward southern Philippines that killed four people and left two
and gradually developed in an area of moderate wind- others missing. A total of 262,880 people were afshear.* [15]* [16] Late on January 2, the center passed fected throughout the country, nearly half in the Davao
over the Philippine island of Mindanao but maintained Region. The storm destroyed 53 homes and damaged
its deep convective banding, which prompted the JTWC 119 others, while crop damage amounted to 11.2 milto issue a tropical cyclone formation alert (TCFA).* [17] lion (US$255,000).* [35] On February 20, classes in three
During the next day, PAGASA named the depression cities in Cebu were suspended due to heavy rains.* [36]



Tropical Storm Bebinca (Fabian)

Tropical Storm Yagi (Dante)

On June 6, a tropical depression formed southeast

of the Philippines within an area of moderate wind
shear.* [37]* [38] Located along the western edge of
the subtropical ridge, the system gradually intensied
while moving to the northeast, aided by strong divergence.* [38]* [39] On June 7, PAGASA named the system Dante, and the next day the JMA upgraded the depression to Tropical Storm Yagi.* [37]* [40] Later, the
JTWC initiated advisories and quickly upgraded to tropical storm status after the system consolidated.* [39]* [41]
Slow strengthening continued, and Yagi peaked with
winds of 85 km/h (50 mph) on June 10.* [37] However, the storm was soon impacted by northwesterly wind
shear, causing the system to become disorganized and
weaken in intensity.* [42] Early on June 12, Yagi became
extratropical to the south of Japan, and four days later it
dissipated about 1,600 km (995 mi) southeast of Tokyo,
Japan.* [37]
After Yagi had enhanced the southwest monsoon which
brought heavy rain to parts of the Philippines, PAGASA
declared that the rainy season had begun on June 10,
2013.* [43] Yagi also brought some rain to parts of Japan,
including the island of Honshu.* [44]


Tropical Storm Leepi (Emong)

354.5 mm (13.96 in) of rain in a 24-hour period, more
than half of the average June rainfall for the station.* [54]

3.6 Tropical Storm Bebinca (Fabian)

Main article: Tropical Storm Bebinca (2013)
In mid-June, strong but disorganized convection persisted
in the South China Sea approximately 1,110 km (690 mi)
south of Hong Kong.* [55] The disturbance gradually organized, and was classied as a tropical depression by the
JMA at 1800 UTC on June 19;* [56] PAGASA followed
suit six hours later, naming the system Fabian.* [57] Despite wind shear generated by a subtropical ridge, the depression maintained a well-dened circulation, allowing
the system to intensify.* [58] At 0000 UTC on June 21,
the JMA upgraded the cyclone to Tropical Storm Bebinca.* [59] Following this upgrade in strength, however,
Bebinca failed to intensify further, and leveled out in intensity prior to making landfall on Hainan on June 22.
Bebinca's passage weakened the system to tropical depression strength, and, despite moving over the Gulf of
Tonkin, failed to restrengthen before making a nal landfall on June 23 east of Hanoi.* [60]
Due to the potential eects of Bebinca, Sanya Phoenix
International Airport cancelled or delayed 147 inbound and outbound ights, leaving 8,000 passengers
stranded.* [61] In Beibu Bay, a shing boat with four
shermen on board lost communication contact with the
mainland, but were found the subsequent day.* [62]* [63]
Rainfall in Hainan peaked at 227 mm (8.9 in) in Sanya.
A total of 11.55 million people were aected,* [64]
and damage amounted to 32.46 million (US$5.3 million).* [65] Heavy rains aected several provinces in
northern Vietnam, peaking at 356 mm (14.0 in) in Hon
Ngu, Ngh An Province.* [66]

Early on June 16, a tropical depression formed

southeast of the Philippines, which PAGASA named
Emong.* [45]* [46] Late on June 17, the JTWC initiated advisories on Tropical Depression 04W. The next
day, the JMA upgraded the depression to Tropical Storm
Leepi on June 18 after further organization and a general northward movement.* [45]* [47] Interaction with a
tropical upper tropospheric trough (TUTT) cell to the east
of Leepi sheared the convection to the southwest of the
center, which consisted of several smaller circulations.
Based on this occurrence, the JTWC downgraded the system to tropical depression intensity early on June 20,* [48] 3.7 Severe Tropical Storm Rumbia (Gorio)
and early the next day, the JMA declared Leepi as extratropical near southwestern Japan. The storm fully dissi- Main article: Tropical Storm Rumbia (2013)
pated early on June 24.* [45]
Due to heavy rainfall from the precursor system,
PAGASA issued a ash ood warning for parts of
Mindanao.* [49] Heavy precipitation was reported in
Davao City,* [50] as well as Greater Manila, where
the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority offered free rides to stricken commuters.* [51] This system caused rains over parts of the Philippines including Southern Luzon, Visayas and Northern Mindanao.
Later, the outer rainbands of Leepi caused downpours
over eastern Taiwan.* [52] In Okinawa, sustained winds
reached 55 km/h (35 mph) and gusts peaked at 87 km/h
(54 mph).* [53] Despite losing much of its convection before reaching Japan, the remnants of Leepi continued to
drop heavy rainfall. In Umaji, Kchi, a station recorded

In late June, a low pressure area persisted within the

ITCZ east of the Philippines. Initially tracking southward, the disturbance moved east and then recurved to the
west.* [67] Steadily organizing, the disturbance became a
tropical depression on June 27,* [68] moving to the northwest due to a nearby ridge.* [69] On June 28, the disturbance strengthened into Tropical Storm Rumbia, and the
next day made its rst landfall on Eastern Samar in the
Philippines.* [68]* [70] Rumbia spent roughly a day moving across the archipelago before emerging into the South
China Sea,* [71]* [72] where it resumed strengthening to
a peak of 95 km/h (50 mph) on July 1, a severe tropical
storm.* [68] The storm weakened slightly before moving
ashore the Leizhou Peninsula in China late that day. Due


to land interaction, Rumbia quickly weakened into a low A tropical disturbance formed east of the Philippines on
pressure area on July 2 and dissipated soon after.* [73]
July 15. Later that day, it was given the name Isang
Upon landfall in the Philippines, Rumbia caused ex- by the PAGASA. [92] Early the next day, it intensied
tensive ooding across multiple islands, which dis- into Tropical Storm Cimaron as it made several thunderrupted transportation and displaced thousands of peo- storms. Its remnants stayed east* of Taiwan on July 19 and
ple.* [74] Power outages resulted from the heavy rain it nally dissipated on July 20. [93]
and strong winds,* [75] and seven deaths were reported
within Concepcion, Iloilo after an unnamed motorbanca
capsized.* [76] At its landfall in China, Rumbia damaged large swaths of agricultural cropland and destroyed
at least 112 buildings, causing 7.68 million in damage.* [77]


Typhoon Soulik (Huaning)

Main article: Typhoon Soulik (2013)

In early July, an upper-level cold-core low persisted well
to the northeast of Guam.* [78] Gaining tropical characteristics, the system soon developed a surface low and became a tropical depression early on July 7.* [79] Tracking generally westward, a motion it would retain for its
entire existence, the depression underwent a period of
rapid intensication starting on July 8 that culminated in
Soulik attaining its peak strength early on July 10.* [80]
At that time, the system had sustained winds estimated
at 185 km/h (115 mph) and barometric pressure of 925
hPa (27.32 inHg).* [79] Thereafter, an eyewall replacement cycle and cooler waters weakened the system.* [81]
Though it passed over the warm waters of the Kuroshio
Current the following day,* [82] dry air soon impinged
upon the typhoon.* [83] Soulik later made landfall late
on July 12 in northern Taiwan before weakening in to
a tropical storm.* [79] Briey emerging over the Taiwan
Strait,* [84] the storm moved onshore for a second time in
Fujian on July 13.* [79]* [85] The system was last noted on
July 14, as it dissipated over land.* [79]
Striking Taiwan as a strong typhoon, Soulik brought gusts
up to 220 km/h (140 mph) and torrential rains.* [86]
Numerous trees and power lines fell,* [87] leaving
roughly 800,000 without electricity.* [88] Severe ooding prompted thousands to evacuate as well.* [86] Four
people lost their lives on the island while 123 more were
injured.* [89] Agricultural losses in Taiwan amounted to
at least NT$1.27 billion (US$42.55 million).* [90] In East
China, more than 162 million people were aected by
the storm. Heavy rains and typhoon-force winds caused
extensive damage and killed three people in Guangdong
and two in Jiangxi. More than 2,000 homes collapsed and
losses reached 2.51 billion (US$408 million).* [91]


Tropical Storm Cimaron (Isang)

Main article: Tropical Storm Cimaron (2013)

On July 17, a lightning incident within the Philippine

province of Ilocos Sur, left two people dead and two others injured.* [94] Torrential rains over southern Fujian
Province triggered signicant ooding, with areas already
saturated from Typhoon Soulik less than a week prior.
A 24 hour peak of 505.3 mm (19.89 in) was measured
in Mei Village, with an hourly maximum of 132.3 mm
(5.21 in).* [95] Many homes were inundated and several
roads were washed out.* [96] Some areas experienced 1in-500-year ooding. Approximately 20.28 million people were aected by the storm, 8.92 million of whom
were temporarily relocated. At least one person was
killed and another was reported missing.* [97] Direct economic losses from the storm amounted to 1.552 billion (US$252.8 million).* [98] An unusually intense thunderstorm associated with Cimaron produced a prolic
lightning event over Xiamen, with 406 strikes recorded
in two hours.* [99]

3.10 Severe Tropical Storm Jebi (Jolina)

Main article: Tropical Storm Jebi
On July 26, a low pressure area was observed 600 km
(375 mi) east of General Santos City and was embedded along the intertropical convergence zone that brought
heavy rains to Mindanao.* [100] During the next three
days, the low pressure area crossed the Philippines and arrived on the West Philippine Sea on July 30, located west
of Batangas.* [101] After favorable conditions, both PAGASA and JMA upgraded the system into a tropical depression and was named Jolina. On July 31, the JMA upgraded the system into a tropical storm and was given the
international name Jebi.* [102] On August 2, The JMA
upgraded Jebi into severe tropical storm. Jebi weakened
into tropical storm and made landfall over Northern Vietnam On August 3, as well as the JTWC and JMA downgraded into tropical storm. Jebi weakened into tropical
depression, as the JMA and the JTWC issued their nal
In Cotabato City, incessant rains caused by the lowpressure area in Mindanao submerged 25 of its 37 villages. The oods forced the city government to suspend
classes for elementary both public and private schools.
Heavy rains also ooded areas around the Liguasan
marshland, including 14 low-lying towns in Maguindanao
and seven towns in North Cotabato.* [103]
At least six people were killed in Vietnam. The most
extensive losses took place in Qung Ninh Province
where 320 homes and 200 hectares of crops were dam-


Severe Tropical Storm Trami (Maring)

aged. Losses in the area amounted to VND10 billion landfall in China, its remnants continued to travel slowly
(US$476,000).* [104]
in a northerly direction.

3.11 Tropical Storm Mangkhut (Kiko)

Main article: Tropical Storm Mangkhut
Early on August 5, the JMA and PAGASA reported that
a tropical depression had developed within a favourable
environment for further development, about 145 km (90
mi) to the northeast of Puerto Princesa in Palawan with
the latter naming it as Kiko.* [105]* [106]* [107] Later
that day as the system consolidated further the JMA reported that the depression had developed into a tropical
storm and named it Mangkhut, before the JTWC initiated advisories and designated it as Tropical Depression
10W.* [105]* [108]* [109] Over the next couple of days
the system moved towards the north-northwest before it
made landfall in Northern Vietnam during August 7 before it was last noted early the next day as it dissipated
over Laos.* [105]

The Aurora province suered the most damage from the

typhoon, especially the coastal town of Casiguran.* [122]
The capital of Manila received heavy rain but no signicant damage was reported. 80 percent of the infrastructure was believed to be destroyed at Casiguran (about
2,000 homes). A total of over 12,000 homes were damaged. The town was isolated from the rest of the area
when Utor's wind toppled transmission lines and cut o
power.* [123] 158,000 residents were evacuated in southern China. Hong Kong was hit by winds of up to 85 km/h
(53 mph) while neighbouring Macao was battered with
gusts of 70 km/h (43 mph). One person was killed in
China, and hundreds of ights were either cancelled or
delayed. A 190-metre (210 yd) long cargo ship was sunk
o the coast of Hong Kong due to waves reaching up to 15
metres (16 yd) high. The crew abandoned the vessel and
were saved by rescue workers.* [124]* [125]* [126]* [127]
In total, Utor caused 103 deaths and aected about 2.5
million residents. The typhoon has topped $392 million
(USD) in damage.* [128]* [129]* [130]* [131]

Downpours throughout Wednesday night till Thursday

were recorded at 80 mm (3.1 in) deep on streets of the
3.13 Severe Tropical Storm Trami (Marcapital, causing diculties for many people to go to
work. Meanwhile, rainfall went up to about 300 mm
(12 in) in central Thanh Ha and northern Hai Phong
city amid wind with a speed hitting 6288 km/h (4055 Main article: Tropical Storm Trami (2013)
mph).* [110]* [111]
On August 16, a tropical depression had developed
within a marginal environment for further development
3.12 Typhoon Utor (Labuyo)
about 340 kilometres (210 mi) southeast of Taipei, Taiwan.* [132]* [133] During that day, the low level circulation consolidated while moving to the southeast, given
Main article: Typhoon Utor
the name Maring by PAGASA.* [132]* [133]* [134] It inOn August 8, the JMA, JTWC, and PAGASA reported teracted with another*depression to the north, exhibiting
that a tropical depression had developed about 560 km the Fujiwhara eect. [135] On August 18, the depres(350 mi) to the north of Palau, with the latter naming it sion also known as Maring strengthened into a Tropias Labuyo as it approached the Philippine Area of Re- cal Storm Trami according *to the JMA, while steadily
sponsibility.* [112]* [113]* [114] During the next day, the tracking generally eastwards. [136] Trami weakened beJMA reported that the depression intensied into Tropi- low typhoon intensity on August 23. The remnants of the
cal Storm Utor.* [112] Shortly thereafter, Utor began un- system continued to move inland in a westerly direction.
province of China on
dergoing explosive intensication, achieving typhoon sta- Trami made landfall in the Fujian
tus early on August 10, as an eye developed. [115] At
1200 UTC on August 11, Typhoon Utor attained peak
intensity by the ten-minute maximum sustained winds
reaching 195 km/h (121 mph) and the atmospheric pressure decreasing to 925 mbar (27.3 inHg). The system became exceptionally symmetrical, as the convective bands had further deepened, which prompted JTWC
upgrading Utor to a super typhoon.* [116] Continuing
westward, Utor made landfall over northern Luzon that
evening.* [117] It emerged into the South China Sea as
a weakened storm,* [118]* [119] and Utor failed to reintensify signicantly.* [120] At 07:50 UTC on August
14, Utor made landfall over Yangjiang in Guangdong, as
a minimal typhoon.* [121] On August 15, after Utor made

On August 18, ocials in Luzon closed classes and government buildings in some cities due to heavy rainfall.
Majors areas in Metro Manila and nearby provinces reported severe ooding. The Marikina River rose as high
as 19 m (62 ft), forcing authorities evacuate nearby residents. Four provinces and Metro Manila were declared
a state of calamity,* [139]* [140]* [141]* [142]* [143] and
there were 18 deaths.* [138]* [144]* [145] The Yaeyama
and Miyako Islands of Japan were battered with gusts
from Trami as the system headed for Taiwan and
China.* [146]* [147] In Taiwan, the storm produced gale
force winds and heavy rainfall in northern Taiwan, with
Taipei receiving 12 in (300 mm) of rain. Trami injured


10 people and forced 6,000 to evacuate, but damage was

minor in Taiwan.* [144]* [148] In Fujian in eastern China,
winds peaked at 126 km/h (78 mph), and heavy rainfall
occurred in several cities, forcing over 100,000 people to
evacuate.* [138]* [145] The system also intensied oods
brought by earlier monsoonal rains in China, wreaking
havoc. In total, Trami caused $1.83 million (USD) in
damage.* [138]* [144]* [145]

the JMA announced the formation of a tropical depression to the east of the Philippines* [158] and PAGASA
allocated the designation Nando.* [159] The next day, the
JTWC also upgraded it to a tropical depression, designating it as 14W. Later that day, the JMA upgraded Nando
to a tropical storm, naming it Kong-rey.* [160] Kong-rey
brought heavy showers and gusty winds in the Philippines
as the storm continued to intensify.* [161] On August 28,
Kong-rey reached Severe Tropical Storm strength. It was
then later has an exposed circulation shortly then it was
3.14 Tropical Depression 13W
downgraded to a tropical storm on August 29 as it is reported that 3 were killed in Taiwan.* [162] Both agencies
On August 16, the JMA reported that a tropical depres- downgraded Kong-rey to a weak tropical depression, until
sion had developed about 1,275 km (790 mi) to the south- they made their nal advisory on August 30.* [163]
east of Taipei.* [149] After interacting with Trami, the
depression hit the Eastern Chinese coast and dissipated
on August 18 and its remnants continued to move west3.18 Tropical Storm Yutu
erly track.* [150]

3.15 Severe Tropical Storm Pewa

Late on August 29, the JMA reported that a tropical

depression had developed about 1,145 km (710 mi) to
the northeast of Wake Island.* [164] Moving northeast,
over the next three days the depression gradually developed further before the JMA named it Yutu on September 1.* [164] Later that day, as dry air wrapped into the
circulation and strong vertical wind shear aected the
system, the JTWC declared it a subtropical low. Meanwhile, the JMA reported that Yutu had weakened into a
tropical depression.* [164]* [165] Over the next few days,
Yutu performed a small loop and started to move westwards.* [166] The system was subsequently last noted by
both agencies on September 5, as it dissipated, while it
was located about 1,425 km (885 mi) to the northeast of
Wake Island.* [164]* [167]

During August 18, the JMA and the JTWC reported that
Tropical Storm Pewa, had moved into the Western Pacic
basin from the Central Pacic, about 1,640 km (1,020
mi) to the southeast of Wake Island.* [151]* [152] During August 20 the JTWC reported that Pewa had become
equivalent to a Category 1 hurricane on the SSHS, before
reporting that the system had weakened into a tropical
storm. Later that day, it was classied as a severe tropical storm by the JMA but wasn't classied as a typhoon.
Pewa moved northwest as weak vertical windshear caused
it to slowly weaken on August 22. On August 23, vertical windshear caused Pewa to weaken as it moved north.
Pewa was then downgraded to a tropical storm later that
day. Very early on August 25, Pewa was downgraded to
a storm by the JMA. The next day, Pewa's circulation became exposed as it became a depression.* [153] On Au- 3.19 Severe Tropical Storm Toraji
gust 26, Pewa fully dissipated.* [151]
Late on August 30, a disturbance formed west of Taiwan
from the outer rainbands of Kong-rey. Early on August
31, the JMA upgraded it to a tropical depression that had
3.16 Tropical Storm Unala
developed about 60 km (35 mi) to the north of Taipei,
During August 19, the JMA and JTWC reported that Taiwan.* [168] It was then later, designated as 15W by
Tropical Storm Unala had moved into the Western Pacic the JTWC as it moved towards the east of Taiwan. Fabasin from the Central Pacic, as it rapidly weakened and vorable conditions of strengthening to a tropical storm
moved westwards into the periphery of Severe Tropical as it heads to wards warm waters. Just nearly the same
Storm Pewa.* [154]* [155] The system was last noted by time when Yutu was declared a tropical storm, Tropical
the JMA later that day as it weakened into a tropical de- Depression 15W rapidly intensied into Tropical Storm
pression and dissipated.* [155]* [156]
Toraji. Toraji entered the southern islands of Japan as
it intensied.* [169] On September 2, Toraji created a
small unbalanced eye as it rapidly races towards Japan.
3.17 Severe Tropical Storm Kong-rey On September 3, moderate wind shear occurred as the
JMA upgraded Toraji to a severe tropical storm as it en(Nando)
ters the southern cost of Japan killing 3. Strong vertiOn August 23, an area of convection persisted southeast cal wind shear made Toraji weaken to a depression. The
of Manila. As indicated in global models, the system JMA reported on September 4, that Toraji had degeneris forecast to consolidate as it moves poleward to more ated into an extratropical low, before it dissipated during
favorable environment conditions.* [157] On August 25, the next day.* [168]


Tropical Depression 18W

3.20 Typhoon Man-yi

Main article: Typhoon Man-yi (2013)
A large disturbance formed near the Northern Mariana
Islands late on September 9. Late on September 11, it
developed into a tropical depression about 565 km (350
mi) to the northeast of Saipan.* [170] It was designated
as 16W by the JTWC and upgraded to Tropical storm
Man-yi on September 12, moving northwestward. Manyi intensifying and grew larger as the pressure dropped 20
mbar (0.59 inHg).* [171] Late on September 14, Man-yi
became a severe tropical storm, forming a small eye, and
the next day strengthened briey into a typhoon.* [170]
Man-yi turned northward toward Japan, making landfall on September 16 near Toyohashi.* [172] Around that
time, the storm became extratropical, and on September 20 Man-yi dissipated near the Kamchatka Peninsula.* [170]
Across western Japan, hundreds of thousands of people
were ordered to evacuate, including 260,000 in Kyoto.
The JMA issued a special warningfor three western
Japan prefectures of Fukui, Kyoto, and Shiga. Over 70
people were injured and at least one person was killed.
The government of Japan set up emergency task forces
and employed rescue teams. Many homes were ooded
and about 80,000 were without electricity in western and
central Japan. Trains in Tokyo and its vicinity were suspended and hundreds of ights were grounded.* [173]

3.21 Typhoon Usagi (Odette)

Main article: Typhoon Usagi (2013)
From the southwest monsoon combined with the outow
of Typhoon Man-yi, it created a couple of disturbances
on September 14. Early on September 16, it became a
tropical depression which developed within an area of low
wind shear about 1,300 km (810 mi) east of Manila in the
Philippines.* [174]* [175] During that day as the circulation became better dened, PAGASA named the system
Odette,* [176]* [177] and later JMA upgraded the system to Tropical Storm Usagi.* [178] On September 17,
JTWC upgraded Usagi to a tropical storm,* [179] and the
next day both JMA and JTWC upgraded Usagi to a typhoon due to a developing eye.* [180] On September 19,
Usagi began explosive intensication and formed a round
eye; as the result, JTWC upgraded Usagi to a Category 4
super typhoon on the SSHWS, and the typhoon reached
its peak intensity at 18Z.* [181] On September 20, Usagi
began an eyewall replacement cycle and weakened due to
land interaction between Taiwan and Luzon.* [182] When
Usagi entered the Bashi Channel early on September 21,
JTWC downgraded it to a typhoon due to weakening convection.* [183] At 11:40 UTC (19:40 CST) on September 22, Usagi made landfall over Shanwei, Guangdong,

China.* [184] Soon, JTWC issued the nal warning of Usagi, and JMA downgraded it to a severe tropical storm at
18Z.* [185] On September 23, JMA downgraded Usagi
to a tropical depression in Guangxi.* [186]

3.22 Tropical Depression 18W

Main article: Tropical Depression 18W (2013)
On September 16, the JMA reported that a tropical depression had developed within an area of low to moderate vertical windshear, about 1,000 km (620 mi) to the
southeast of H Ni, Vietnam.* [187]* [188] Over the next
two days the depression gradually developed further as
it moved westwards, before the JTWC issued a Tropical
Cyclone Formation Alert late on September 17, as vertical windshear over the system decreased slightly.* [189]
During the next day after the depressions low level circulation center had started to consolidate, the JTWC initiated advisories and designated it as Tropical Depression
18W.* [190] During that day the system moved westwards
along the southern edge of the subtropical ridge of high
pressure, before the JTWC issued its nal warning on
the system later that day after the depression had made
landfall in Vietnam.* [190]* [191] Over the next couple
of days the system continued to move westwards and
moved through Vietnam, Laos and Thailand, before it
was last noted on September 21, over the Thai province
of Phetchabun.* [192]
In Vietnam, ooding triggered by the storm killed at
least seven people and 5,000 homes were damaged or destroyed. Severe ooding took place in neighboring Laos
where at least 10,000 structures were damaged and losses
reached $61 million.* [193]

3.23 Severe Tropical Storm Pabuk

On September 19, the JMA reported that a tropical depression had developed about 325 km (200 mi) to the
southeast of the Northern Mariana Islands, Saipan.* [194]
over the next couple of days the system moved towards
the northwest before the JTWC initiated advisories on
the system and designated it as Tropical Depression
19W during September 21. Later that day, the JTWC
upgraded it to a tropical storm as the JMA named it
Pabuk very early on September 22.* [194]* [195] Pabuk
just maintained its strength as it created a weak eye on
September 23. Pabuk also enhanced the southwest monsoon which brought heavy oods in the Philippines and
created a disturbance which will later be Typhoon Wutip. The eye became bigger as it headed towards warm
waters the next day. Pabuk was upgraded to a Category
2 typhoon by the JTWC but the JMA still has called this
as a severe tropical storm on September 24. After reaching its peak intensity the following day, Severe tropical
storm Pabuk weaken to a Category 1 typhoon on early on


September 26. It gradually weakened before transition- 3.26 Typhoon Fitow (Quedan)
ing into an extratropical cyclone on September 27. Pabuk
fully dissipated as it crossed the International Dateline on Main article: Typhoon Fitow
September 29.* [196]

3.24 Typhoon Wutip (Paolo)

Main article: Typhoon Wutip (2013)
A tropical disturbance formed from the southwest monsoon which was enhanced by Pabuk on September 23.
On September 25, it became a tropical depression and
slowly deepened o the west coast of the Philippines and
named it Paolo by the PAGASA and classied as 20W by
the JTWC early the next day.* [197] The system tracked
west and strengthened into a tropical storm and named
it Wutip on September 27 as it brought rainfall across
Luzon. Tropical Storm Wutip became a severe tropical storm as it moved westwards on September 28, and
rapidly became a typhoon. On September 29, Wutip became a Moderate Typhoon as it created an eye towards
Thailand.* [198]* [199] It was rapidly downgraded by a
tropical storm as it moved westwards on September 30.
It slowly dissipated and crossed the 100th meridian very
early on October 2.

A large tropical disturbance formed east of Palau late on

September 26. It intensied to a tropical depression on
September 29, and the PAGASA named it Quedan and
JTWC designated it with 22W later that day. On September 30, deep convection wrapped around Quedan as it
became a tropical storm, and it was named Fitow on October 1.* [207] Fitow rapidly intensied into a Category
2 typhoon as it moved north on October 3. A large eye
developed as Fitow slammed into the southern Japanese
Islands late on October 4, killing two people.* [208] Chinese authorities recalled some 65,000 shing boats as 200
km/h (120 mph) wind gusts battered Wenzhou. 574,000
people were evacuated from Zhejiang and 177,000 from
70% of downtown Yuyao was ooded, which led to damage valued at over 20 billion yuan * [209] as well as riots
and action by riot police.* [210]
Chinese authorities reported one person killed in Wenzhou and two dock workers missing.* [211]

3.27 Typhoon Danas (Ramil)

3.25 Tropical Storm Sepat

On October 1, the JMA reported that a tropical depression had developed within an area of moderate vertical windshear, about 900 km (560 mi) to the northeast of Hagta, Guam.* [212]* [213] Over the next 2
days the system gradually developed further as the low
level circulation consolidated and became better dened,
before the JTWC initiated advisories and designated
the system as Tropical Depression 23W during October 3.* [214]* [215]* [216] During the next day both the
JTWC and the JMA reported that the depression had developed into a tropical storm with the latter naming it as
Danas.* [213]* [217] On October 5, Danas became a severe tropical storm and rapidly became a Category 1 typhoon as it races west towards warm waters.

A very weak low pressure area formed on September

27. During September 28, the JTWC started to monitor and classied it as a subtropical system under strong
wind shear about 2,270 km (1,410 mi) to the southeast
of Tokyo, Japan.* [202] After trnastioning into a tropical cyclone,* [203] the JMA reported that the system had
become a tropical depression during the next day.* [204]
After consolidating,* [203] the JMA reported that the system had become a tropical storm early on September
30.* [204] The JTWC subsequently designated the system
as Tropical Depression 21W later that day, as they initiated advisories on the system.* [205] It impacted Japan
on October 2 without any damages and casualties. Tropical Storm Sepat entered cool waters later that day and
became extratropical.* [206]

Late on the same day, some agencies reported that

it would reach early Category 5 strength because of
explosive intensication occurred and more convection
wraps the storm. Early on October 6, Typhoon Danas
was classied as a Category 2-3 typhoon as a small eye
developed as the PAGASA gave it the name Ramil as
it passed through the corner of the Philippine area-ofresponsibility later that day as a strong Category 3 typhoon.* [218] Typhoon Danas underwent explosive intensication as it steadily and slowly enters warmwaters
again making it a Category 4 typhoon.* [219] Its eye became wider and was classied as an annular typhoon and
impacted the Ryukyu Islands on October 7.* [220]* [221]
Typhoon Danas then rapidly weakened as it entered cool
waters near Japan on October 8,* [222] and on October
9, Danas became extratropical as it headed toward the

As of September 29, 74 Chinese shermen were missing

after the storm sunk 3 shing boats in the South China Sea
near the Paracel Islands as Thailand and Vietnam braced
for torrential rain and ooding. Fourteen survivors had
been rescued. Rain reached Vietnam on September 30
and then Thailand the following day, killing 12 people in
Vietnam.* [200] Wutip killed 65 people in southeastern
Asia during late September and early October.* [201]


Typhoon Francisco (Urduja)

northern part of Japan.* [223]* [224] Its remnants contin- Wipha turned to the east, and crossed the International
ued to be a low-pressure area and entered southern Alaska Dateline on October 18.
and Canada on October 13.

3.28 Typhoon Nari (Santi)

3.30 Typhoon Francisco (Urduja)

Main article: Typhoon Francisco (2013)

Main article: Typhoon Nari (2013)

On October 8, the JMA started to monitor a tropical depression, that developed within an area of low
to moderate vertical windshear, about 1,350 km (840
mi) to the west of Manila on the Philippine island of
Luzon.* [203]* [225] During that day the system moved
westwards along the southern edge of a subtropical ridge
of high pressure, as it gradually developed further, before it was named Santi by PAGASA.* [203]* [226]* [227]
It gradually intensied into a tropical storm, gaining the
international name Nari on October 9. Nari continued to
intensify, and reached Category 3 status on October 11
as it moved west towards the Philippines and made landfall in Dingalan, Aurora. Power outages aected much of
Central Luzon as the typhoon crossed the region.* [228]
Five people were killed by falling trees and landslides
from Nari as it weakened to a Category 2 typhoon on October 12.* [229] With land interaction, Nari weakened to
a Severe Tropical Storm during October 13. Late on October 14, the system aected Vietnam and made landfall
later that day. Due to land interaction, Nari weakened to
an remnant low. Early on October 16, both the JMA and
JTWC issued their nal warnings on Nari, as the system

3.29 Typhoon Wipha (Tino)

Main article: Typhoon Wipha (2013)
On October 8, 2013 the JMA started to monitor a
tropical depression, that developed within an area of
low to moderate vertical windshear, about 670 km
(415 mi) to the east of Hagta on the island of
Guam.* [230]* [231] Tropical Depression 25W formed
696 nautical miles south of Iwo Jima, Japan on October 10.* [232]* [233]* [234] It strengthened into Tropical
Storm Wipha, then continued to intensify into a severe
tropical storm* [235] and later a typhoon.* [236]* [237]
Wipha then rapidly intensied into a Category 4 typhoon
on October 13.* [238] During the morning of October 14,
Wipha entered the Philippine area of responsibility, and
PAGASA promptly named it Tino as it created an eyewall replacement cycle becoming a Category 4 typhoon
later that day.* [239] Early on October 15, Wipha rapidly
weakened as it approached cooler waters near Japan. Late
on October 16, Wipha transitioned into an extratropical
storm. The remnants of Wipha continued to accelerate
towards the northeast, and was located southeast of the
Kamchatka Peninsula on October 17. Soon afterwards,

On October 15, the JMA reported that a tropical depression had developed about 465 km (290 mi) to the
northeast of Hagta, Guam.* [240] During that day the
depression gradually developed further before later that
day the JTWC designated it as Tropical Depression
26W.* [241] It was subsequently named Francisco by the
JMA as it very rapidly became a Severe Tropical Storm
early on October 17.* [242]* [243] Explosive intensication occurred, and Francisco evolved to a Category 5 super typhoon late on October 19 and reached peak intensity early later that day.* [244] Francisco slowly weakened as it underwent an eyewall replacement cycle. At
noon on October 21, Typhoon Francisco rapidly weakened to a Category 3 typhoon and became an annular
typhoon. Very early on October 22, Francisco entered
the Philippine area of responsibility and it was given the
name Urduja, as convection around Francisco started to
weaken later that day.* [245] On October 23, Typhoon
Francisco was downgraded to a Severe tropical storm as
it impacted the Ryukyu Islands. On October 26, Francisco impacted Japan as a tropical storm. It then rapidly
dissipated southeast of Japan also interacting with extratropical storm Lekima the same day.

3.31 Tropical Depression 27W

Early on October 17, a tropical depression developed
about 900 km (560 mi) northeast of Guam.* [246] The
system gradually developed further within an area of
moderate windshear that was o-set by an outow mechanism,* [247]* [248] and early on October 19, the JTWC
designated it as Tropical Depression 27W.* [249] During
that day, the system moved northeastwards within an area
of strong wind shear, along the southwestern edge of the
subtropical ridge.* [250] The JTWC issued their nal advisory on the system early on October 20, after convection diminished.* [251] The system was last noted by the
JMA on October 23 southeast of Tokyo, Japan.* [252]

3.32 Typhoon Lekima

Main article: Typhoon Lekima (2013)
Early on October 19, 2013 the JMA reported that a tropical depression had developed, within an area of strong
vertical windshear, about 730 km (455 mi) to the northeast of the Micronesian island of Pohnpei.* [253]* [254]
Due to an increase in convection and a consolidating low

level circulation centre, the JTWC issued a tropical cyclone formation alert on the system later that day.* [255]
On October 20, the JTWC initiated advisories on the system later that day, while the JMA upgraded the system
into Tropical Storm Lekima at 1800 UTC after it had developed into a tropical storm.* [253]* [256] The next day,
the JMA reported that Lekima had become a severe tropical storm, while the JTWC reported that the system had
become a typhoon.* [253]* [257]
After JMA upgraded Lekima to a typhoon early on October 22, the system began to undergo rapid deepening, developing a well-dened eye with a symmetric eyewall.* [253]* [258] Late on the same day, JTWC upgraded
the system to a super typhoon with Category 5 strength on
the SarSimpson hurricane wind scale, owing to dualchannel outow.* [259]


3.34 Tropical Depression 30W (Wilma)

Main article: Tropical Depression Wilma (2013)
A broad circulation formed early on October 31. On
November 1, the JMA reported that it was upgraded
to a tropical depression that had developed, about 280
km (175 mi) to the south of Palau. On November
2, the tropical depression weakened into a low pressure area.* [266]* [267] On November 3, the system regenerated into a tropical depression, and the JTWC issued a Tropical Cyclone Formation Alert. The storm
was then given the name Wilma by the PAGASA,
and the designation 30W by the JTWC, as it impacted
northern Mindanao. On November 4, Wilma weakened, and spawned a waterspout that caused minor damage.* [268]* [269] On November 6, the system impacted
Vietnam, before it became a remnant low early on
November 8. Later on November 8, the remnants of
the storm continued to move west, crossing the 100th
meridian east, and aecting Myanmar.* [270] The storm
crossed the Malay Peninsula into the Bay of Bengal later
on the same day. During the next couple of days, Wilma
continued moving westwards across the Bay of Bengal,
and regenerated slightly. On November 13, the system
regenerated into a tropical depression, and was classied
as Depression BOB 05 by the IMD.* [271]

Since early on October 23, JMA reported that Typhoon Lekima has reached peak intensity and maintained
for over one day.* [253] However, morphed integrated
microwave imageries at CIMSS (MIMIC) depict that
Lekima underwent an eyewall replacement cycle late on
that day and completed it one day later.* [260] Lekima
started to slowly weaken on October 24, and JTWC
downgraded it to a typhoon.* [261] On October 25, under moderate to strong westerly vertical wind shear and
interacting with the mid-latitude westerlies, Lekima began an extratropical transition and lost the eyewall structure.* [262] On October 26, Lekima completed its transition east of Japan and weakened into a storm-force developed low. The low fully dissipated as it crossed the 3.35 Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)
International Dateline on October 28.* [253]
Main article: Typhoon Haiyan

3.33 Typhoon Krosa (Vinta)

Main article: Typhoon Krosa (2013)

On November 3, a low-pressure area formed 45 nautical miles south-southeast of Pohnpei. The Joint Typhoon
Warning Center (JTWC) issued a Tropical Cyclone Formation Alert. A few hours later, the JTWC designated
the depression as 31W. At 10 AM JST the next
day, the JMA named 31W as Haiyan. Haiyan rapidly intensied as it headed towards Palau and the Philippines.
Rapid deepening occurred and it became a Category 5
super typhoon as it entered the Philippine area of responsibility, and was named Yolanda. Haiyan reached a barometric pressure below 900 mbars (895 mbars), the rst
since Typhoon Megi in 2010. On November 8, Typhoon
Haiyan weakened to a Category 4 typhoon as it entered
the South China Sea. An eyewall replacement cycle occurred to Haiyan as it became a Category 3 typhoon. On
November 9, the outer rainbands of the storm were felt
in Cambodia and Vietnam. It weakened to a moderate
typhoon as it impacted Laos. Typhoon Haiyan rapidly
weakened to a severe tropical storm as it killed 12 people
in China on November 10, dissipating inland the following day.

A non-tropical system formed late on October 23. It became a low pressure area on October 26. On October
27, the JMA started to classify it as a tropical depression
that had developed within a moderately favourable environment for further development, about 380 km (235
mi) to the southeast of Hagta, Guam.* [263] On October 28, the system was given the designation 29W by
the JTWC and named Vinta by the PAGASA.* [264] It
became Tropical Storm Krosa by the JMA as it slowly
intensied nearing the Philippines early on October 30.
The next day, Krosa reached Category 1 typhoon intensity. Later that morning, the typhoon made landfall over
Santa Ana, Cagayan. The typhoon intensied into a Category 2 typhoon soon after its Cagayan landfall. It is
reported that 1 person died by heavy oods.* [265] On
November 1, Krosa weakened to a Category 1 typhoon,
but on early November 2, its eye expanded as it was in
the South China Sea and became a Category 2 again. It Within the Philippines, Haiyan was the worst tropical
maintained it strength and became a Category 3 typhoon cyclone to impact the island nation, as it became both
later that day as vertical windshear occurred north of it. the deadliest and most damaging typhoon since reliable


Other storms


records started in 1970.* [272] According to The Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council, a total of 6,300 people were reported to have
died in Haiyan, with 5,902 or 93% of the deaths occurring in Eastern Visayas.* [272] The cause of most of these
deaths was attributed to trauma and people drowning,
however, other causes included being electrocuted and hit
by uprooted trees.* [272] Overall total damages were estimated at PHP 89.6 billion or US$2.01 billion.* [272]

3.36 Tropical Storm Podul (Zoraida)

Main article: Tropical Storm Podul (2013)
Early on November 9, the JMA reported that a disorganized tropical depression had developed to the southeast of Koror, Palau.* [273]* [274] Following an increase
in organization,* [275] the JTWC issued a Tropical Cyclone Formation Alert for the system during November
10, as it was named Zoraida by PAGASA.* [275]* [276]
Early on November 12, Tropical Depression Zoraida
made landfall over Davao Oriental province in Eastern
A tropical depression near the Philippines on March 20, 2013
Mindando, before it moved into the Sulu Sea later that
day. [277]* [278]
On November 14, the system intensied to a tropical the CMA during the next day while it was located over
Hainan Island.* [292]* [293] Early on July 18, the JMA
storm, and it was named Podul by the JMA.
reported that a tropical depression had developed within
Early on November 15, the JTWC issued their nal warn- the monsoon trough in an unfavorable environment for
ing on Podul, as the remnants of the system's low level cir- further development, about 710 km (440 mi) to the southculation center made landfall over Vietnam.* [279] After west of Manila.* [294]* [295] Over the next couple of days
moving westwards through Vietnam and Cambodia and the system moved towards Hainan Island and Northern
into the Gulf of Thailand, Podul was last noted by the Vietnam, before it was last noted on July 20, as it dissiJMA and the Thai Meteorological Department during the pated about 250 km (155 mi) to the southeast of Hanoi,
next day.* [280]* [281]* [282]
Vietnam.* [296]* [297]

3.37 Other storms

Early on March 20, the JMA reported that a tropical
depression had developed about 1,470 km (915 mi) to
the southeast of Manila, in an area of moderate vertical wind shear.* [283]* [284] Over the next two days
the system moved towards the west-northwest, before
it was last noted by the JMA during March 22, as it
dissipated over Southern Mindanao.* [283]* [285]* [286]
During April 11, the JMA reported that a tropical depression had briey developed within the Gulf of Thailand, about 440 km (275 mi) to the southeast of Ho
Chi Minh City.* [287]* [288] On June 14, the CMA reported that a tropical depression had developed within
a broad circulation that spanned most of the South
China Sea, about 420 km (260 mi) to the southwest of
Hong Kong.* [289]* [290] Over the next day the system
moved towards the north-east and in conjunction with an
area of high pressure located over south-eastern China,
brought strong winds to south-eastern China and Hong
Kong.* [291] The system was subsequently last noted by

On August 10, the JMA reported that a tropical depression had developed about 500 km (310 mi) to the southeast of Manila in the Philippines.* [298] Tropical Depression Three-C moved into the Western Pacic basin,
from the Central Pacic during August 20.* [299] However, the system quickly dissipated within the Western
Pacic, as it suered from increased vertical wind shear,
which was caused by the outow of Typhoon Pewa.* [299]
Early on August 27, the JMA reported that a tropical
depression had developed about 685 km (425 mi) to
the south of Hong Kong.* [300] Early on August 28, the
JMA started to monitor a tropical depression that had
developed despite strong vertical wind shear about 925
km (575 mi) northwest of Anderson Air Force Base
in Guam.* [301]* [302] Remaining nearly stationary, dry
air started to wrap in to the system's fully exposed low
level circulation center.* [303]* [304] The system dissipated two days later on August 30.
Early on September 6, the JMA reported that a tropical depression had developed about 420 km (260 mi)
to the northeast of Manila.* [305] The system moved
towards the west-northwest before it was last noted by



Tropical Depression 33W was a short lived tropical depression that was rst noted during as a tropical disturbance during December 2, while it was located about 685
km (425 mi) to the northeast of Hagta, Guam.* [325]
Over the next day, the system quickly developed into a
tropical depression, within marginal environment for further development, before it was declared to be a tropical depression during December 3.* [325]* [326] However, the system quickly weakened and was last noted as
it dissipated over the Pacic Ocean to the northeast of
Guam during the next day.* [325]

4 Storm names
See also: Tropical cyclone naming and History of
tropical cyclone naming

A tropical depression in the South China Sea on August 28, 2013

the JMA later that day, as a new tropical depression

developed about 1,400 km (870 mi) to the southeast
of Wake Island.* [306]* [307] The next day, the depression moved towards the west-northwest before it was
last noted by the JMA later that day.* [308]* [309] On
September 23, the JMA noted that a tropical depression had briey developed about 1,600 km (995 mi) the
north of Wake Island.* [310] Late on October 2, the JMA
started to monitor a tropical depression that had developed about 900 km (560 mi) to the northeast of Wake
Island.* [311] Over the next day, the system remained
nearly stationary before it was last noted on October
4.* [312]* [313]* [314] On October 4, the JMA started to
monitor a tropical depression, that had developed within
the Gulf of Thailand.* [315]* [316] Over the next couple
of days, the system moved westward within an area of low
to moderate vertical wind shear, before it passed over the
Malay Peninsula and moved out of the Western Pacic
Basin on October 6, and later developed into Cyclone
Phailin.* [252]* [317]
On November 18, the JMA noted that a tropical depression had developed, about 215 km (135 mi) to the
west of Bandar Seri Begawan.* [318] During that day it
moved westwards, but was last noted by the JMA later
that day.* [319]* [320] During the next day the JMA reported that a tropical depression had developed, about
365 km (225 mi) to the west of Kuala Lumpur.* [321]
Over the next few days the system moved towards the
west-northwest and moved into an extremely favorable
environment, for further development while located over
the Malay Peninsula during November 21.* [322] The
next day, it crossed 100E and moved into the North
Indian Ocean, where it later developed into Cyclone
Lehar.* [323]* [324]

Within the North-western Pacic Ocean, both the Japan

Meteorological Agency (JMA) and the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration assign names to tropical cyclones that develop
in the Western Pacic, which can result in a tropical
cyclone having two names.* [327] The Japan Meteorological Agency's RSMC Tokyo Typhoon Center assigns international names to tropical cyclones on behalf of
the World Meteorological Organization's Typhoon Committee, should they be judged to have 10-minute sustained windspeeds of 65 km/h (40 mph).* [328] While
the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration assigns names to tropical
cyclones which move into or form as a tropical depression in their area of responsibility located between 135E
and 115E and between 5N-25N even if the cyclone
has had an international name assigned to it.* [327] The
names of signicant tropical cyclones are retired, by both
PAGASA and the Typhoon Committee.* [328] Should
the list of names for the Philippine region be exhausted
then names will be taken from an auxiliary list of which
the rst ten are published each season. Unused names are
marked in gray.

4.1 International names

Main article: List of retired Pacic typhoon names
During the season 29 tropical storms developed in the
Western Pacic and each one was named by the JMA,
when the system was judged to have 10-minute sustained
windspeeds of 65 km/h (40 mph). The JMA selected
the names from a list of 140 names, that had been developed by the 14 members nations and territories of the
ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee. During the season
the names Leepi and Mangkhut were used for the rst
time, after they had replaced the names Xangsane and
Durian, which were retired after the 2006 season. Af-

ter the season the Typhoon Committee retired the names
Sonamu, Utor, Fitow and Haiyan from its naming lists,
and in February 2015, the names were subsequently replaced with Jongdari, Barijat, Mun and Bailu for future
seasons.* [329]

7 Notes


8 References


Main article: List of retired Philippine typhoon names

During the season PAGASA used its own naming scheme
for the 25 tropical cyclones, that either developed within
or moved into their self-dened area of responsibility.* [330] The names were taken from a list of names,
that had been last used during 2009 and are scheduled
to be used again during 2017.* [330] The names Fabian,
Odette and Paolo were used for the rst time during the
year after the names Ondoy, and Pepeng were retired.

[1] According to the TSR, an intense tropical cyclone is a

tropical cyclone with maximum 1-minute sustained winds
greater than 175 km/h (110 mph).* [1]

[1] Saunders, Mark; Lea, Adam (May 7, 2013). Extended

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Season eects

This table lists all the storms that developed in the northwestern Pacic Ocean west of the International Date Line
and north of the equator during 2013. It includes their intensity, duration, name, areas aected, deaths, and damage totals. Classication and intensity values are based
on estimations conducted by the JMA. All damage gures are in 2013 USD. Damages and deaths from a storm
include when the storm was a precursor wave or an extratropical low.

See also
List of Pacic typhoon seasons
2013 Pacic hurricane season
2013 Atlantic hurricane season
2013 North Indian Ocean cyclone season
South-West Indian Ocean cyclone seasons: 2012
13, 201314
Australian region cyclone seasons: 201213, 2013
South Pacic cyclone seasons: 201213, 201314

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Digital Typhoon
Hong Kong Observatory

Korea Meteorological Administration

National Weather Service Guam
Malaysian Meteorological Department

Taiwan Central Weather Bureau

TCWC Jakarta (Indonesian)

Vietnam's National Hydro-Meteorological Service





Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


2013 Pacic typhoon season Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Pacific_typhoon_season?oldid=741066829 Contributors: Darkwind, Bearcat, Keith Edkins, Mike Rosoft, O'Dea, Discospinster, Anthony Ivano, Skycycle, Tabletop, Bgwhite, Malcolma, CrazyC83,
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Charlesisbozo, Antiqueight, TornadoLGS, BG19bot, Flymousechiu, STO12, Wildoneshelper, MusikAnimal, Mark Arsten, Compfreak7,
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S., Froglich, DavidLeighEllis, Ttyat, CVQT, Minhle20002013, Vycl1994, My name is not dave, Marius690, CycloneIsaac, Wikifan115,
Salamon650, Fritzzzh, Stan12398, Anonymous892, CaliforniaHurricane25, CycloneTyphoonHurricane, AndrewPeterT, Paul2520, HurricaneGuy101, Nguyen QuocTrung, Aaron.ang, IPhone 4S and Chairman Mao, Sergioweatherwatcher, StevenD99, Soldier Elite, Hurricane Luis, Riverdee12, Hiiiiiii im sheldon coooooper, Typhoon123456, Sutowe12, Robevans123, Benjamin6563, Xtyphooncyclonex,
Typhoon2013, ItsPaide, Final-Fantasy-HH, Irfanfaiz, Yogeeta4, Intellegence12346, Mystogan xD, Haiyan The Striker, PhilippinesMaster, MasterofthePhilippines123, CalamityDisasterWatch, Monkbot, N-C16, Douglas bond of doom, Doug Is Dean, Fun is fum 2000, Jim
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Tracking data is from JTWC. Original artist: Meow
File:13W_Aug_17_2013_0440Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/13W_Aug_17_2013_0440Z.jpg
License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=21.48633&lon=119.51954&layers=
000B0FFFFT&datum1=08/17/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
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NASA. Tracking data is from JTWC and IBTrACS. Original artist: Supportstorm
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typhoon_season_summary.png License: Public domain Contributors: Created using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The
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domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
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File:Bebinca_Jun_22_2013_0032Z.png Source:
0032Z.png License: Public domain Contributors: http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/tc_pages/tc_home.html Original artist: NRL Monterey
Marine Meteorology Division
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0520Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=7.6875&lon=143.25&layers=
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Cyclone_Catarina_from_the_ISS_on_March_26_2004.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: NASA Original artist: Astronaut photograph ISS008-E-19646 was taken March 7, 2004, with a Kodak DCS760 digital camera equipped with an 50-mm lens, and is provided by
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License: Public domain Contributors: http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/imagery/single.cgi?image=Danas.A2013280.0200.1km.
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File:Fitow_Oct_5_2013_0210Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7f/Fitow_Oct_5_2013_0210Z.jpg
License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=22.36523&lon=139.77832&layers=
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Public domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from
NASA. Tracking data is from JTWC and JMA. Original artist: Meow
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0355Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/imagery/single.cgi?image=Francisco.
A2013292.0355.250m.jpg Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
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domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
Tracking data is from JTWC. Original artist: Meow
File:Haiyan_Nov_7_2013_1345Z.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/Haiyan_Nov_7_2013_1345Z.
png License: Public domain Contributors: http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/browse_images/mid.html... Original artist: NASA, LAADS
Web, HDF File processed by Supportstorm
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Jan_12_2012.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=4.96289&lon=124.
52929&layers=000B0FFFFT&datum1=01/12/2013 Original artist: NASA, MODIS/ LANCE
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2013_0045Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=5&lat=15.90528&lon=150.
67676&layers=B0000FFFFF&datum1=10/19/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
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0250Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=14.36719&lon=109.23633&
layers=B0000FFFFF&datum1=08/28/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
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0510Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=7.6875&lon=143.25&layers=
000B0FFFFT&datum1=03/20/2013 Original artist: NASA, MODIS/ LANCE
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0615Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=15.42188&lon=111.08204&
layers=000B0FFFFF&datum1=09/18/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
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Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA. Tracking
data is from JTWC and JMA. Original artist: Meow
File:Jebi_Aug_3_2013_0605Z.jpg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=17.88281&lon=111.96094&layers=
000B0FFFFT&datum1=08/03/2013 Original artist: NASA, MODIS/ LANCE
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0515Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/imagery/single.cgi?image=Kong-rey.
A2013239.0515.250m.jpg Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
File:Krosa_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/43/Krosa_2013_track.png License: Public domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
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File:Krosa_Nov_02_2013_0545Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6e/Krosa_Nov_02_2013_0545Z.
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/imagery/single.cgi?image=Krosa.A2013306.0545.
2km.jpg Original artist: NASA
File:Leepi_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Leepi_2013_track.png License: Public domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
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File:Lekima_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/Lekima_2013_track.png License: Public
domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
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File:Lekima_Oct_23_2013_0020Z.jpg Source:
0020Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: https://earthdata.nasa.gov/labs/worldview/?switch=geographic&products=baselayers,
2013-10-23&map=141.15918,9.965332,162.762695,26.119629 Original artist: NASA
File:Man-yi_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/Man-yi_2013_track.png License: Public
domain Contributors: Created by Supportstorm using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from
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jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/imagery/single.cgi?image=Man-yi.A2013259.0140.
2km.jpg Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
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Public domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from
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File:Mangkhut_Aug_7_2013_0701Z.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4d/Mangkhut_Aug_7_2013_
0701Z.png License: Public domain Contributors: http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/tc_pages/tc_home.html Original artist: NRL Monterey Marine Meteorology Division
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File:Nari_Oct_13_2013_0305Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dc/Nari_Oct_13_2013_0305Z.jpg
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B0000FFFFF&datum1=10/13/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
File:Pabuk_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/Pabuk_2013_track.png License: Public domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
Tracking data is from JTWC and JMA. Original artist: Meow
File:Pabuk_Sep_26_2013_0355Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/Pabuk_Sep_26_2013_0355Z.
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/imagery/single.cgi?image=Pabuk.A2013269.0355.
250m.jpg Original artist: NASA, MODIS/ LANCE
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is from NHC and JMA. Original artist: Meow
File:Pewa_Aug_19_2013_0105Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c0/Pewa_Aug_19_2013_0105Z.jpg
License: Public domain Contributors: http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/imagery/single.cgi?image=Pewa.A2013231.0105.1km.jpg
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domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
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Tracking data is from JTWC and JMA. Original artist: Meow
File:Sepat_Oct_01_2013_0410Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a6/Sepat_Oct_01_2013_0410Z.jpg
License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=5&lat=28.20996&lon=139.51465&layers=
000B0FFFFF&datum1=10/01/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
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Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=5&lat=4.875&lon=109.67579&layers=B0000FFFFT&
datum1=02/22/2013 Original artist: NASA
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Public domain Contributors: Created by Supportstorm using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image
is from NASA. Tracking data is from IBTrACS. Original artist: Supportstorm
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domain Contributors: Created by Supportstorm using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from
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jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=3&lat=21.75&lon=$-$16.18359&layers=
B0000FFFFT&datum1=01/05/2013 Original artist: NASA, MODIS/ LANCE
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domain Contributors: Created by Supportstorm using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from
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License: Public domain Contributors: ftp://peate.ssec.wisc.edu/allData/ingest/viirs/npp/ Original artist: NASA/NOAA, VIIRS data processed by Supportstorm




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BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: Mad by Lokal_Prol by combining: Original artist: Lokal_Prol
File:Toraji_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/Toraji_2013_track.png License: Public domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
Tracking data is from JTWC and JMA. Original artist: Meow
File:Toraji_Sep_03_2013_0210Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Toraji_Sep_03_2013_0210Z.
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=5&lat=28.86914&lon=125.0127&layers=
B0000FFFFF&datum1=09/03/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
File:Trami_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c7/Trami_2013_track.png License: Public domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
Tracking data is from JTWC and JMA. Original artist: Meow
File:Trami_Aug_21_2013_0240Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c1/Trami_Aug_21_2013_0240Z.
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=16.65234&lon=119.95899&layers=
B0000FFFFF&datum1=08/21/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
File:Tropical_Storm_Leepi_2013-06-19_0455Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Tropical_Storm_
Leepi_2013-06-19_0455Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=7.6875&
lon=143.25&layers=000B0FFFFT&datum1=06/19/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
File:Tropical_Storm_Rumbia_2013-07-01_0520Z.jpg Source:
Storm_Rumbia_2013-07-01_0520Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=7.
6875&lon=143.25&layers=000B0FFFFT&datum1=07/01/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
File:Tropical_Storm_Yagi_2013-06-10_0155Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Tropical_Storm_
Yagi_2013-06-10_0155Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=5&lat=4.875&lon=
109.67579&layers=B0000FFFFT&datum1=06/10/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
File:Unala_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7a/Unala_2013_track.png License: Public domain Contributors: Created using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA. Tracking data
is from NHC. Original artist: Meow
File:Unala_Aug_19_2013_0105Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f0/Unala_Aug_19_2013_0105Z.
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=21.48633&lon=119.51954&layers=
000B0FFFFT&datum1=08/19/2013 Original artist: NASA
File:Usagi_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e5/Usagi_2013_track.png License: Public domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
Tracking data is from JTWC and JMA. Original artist: Meow
File:Usagi_Sep_19_2013_0215Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/Usagi_Sep_19_2013_0215Z.jpg
License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=5&lat=16.16895&lon=127.51758&layers=
B0000FFFFF&datum1=09/19/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
File:Utor_2013-08-11_0515Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/Utor_2013-08-11_0515Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=81837 Original artist: NASA image
courtesy Je Schmaltz, LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team at NASA GSFC
File:Utor_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/Utor_2013_track.png License: Public domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
Tracking data is from JTWC and JMA. Original artist: Meow
File:Wilma_2013-11-04.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7a/Wilma_2013-11-04.jpg License: Public
domain Contributors: http://1.usa.gov/1koiuFL Original artist: The National Aeronautics and Space Administrations Aqua satellite
File:Wilma_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Wilma_2013_track.png License: Public
domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
Tracking data is from JTWC. Original artist: Meow
File:Wipha_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/Wipha_2013_track.png License: Public
domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
Tracking data is from JTWC and JMA. Original artist: Meow
File:Wipha_Oct_13_2013_0125Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8a/Wipha_Oct_13_2013_0125Z.
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=5&lat=16.78418&lon=134.54883&layers=
B0000FFFFF&datum1=10/13/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
File:Wutip_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/00/Wutip_2013_track.png License: Public domain Contributors: Created by Meow using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
Tracking data is from JTWC and JMA. Original artist: Meow
File:Wutip_Sept_30_2013_0335Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/Wutip_Sept_30_2013_0335Z.
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=4&lat=13.22461&lon=116.88282&layers=
B0000FFFFT&datum1=09/30/2013 Original artist: NASA, MODIS/ LANCE
File:Yagi_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f2/Yagi_2013_track.png License: Public domain
Contributors: Created by Supportstorm using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from NASA.
Tracking data is from IBTrACS. Original artist: Supportstorm
File:Yutu_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/Yutu_2013_track.png License: Public domain Contributors: Created by Supportstorm using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from
NASA. Tracking data is from JMA. Original artist: Supportstorm




File:Yutu_Sep_02_2013_0120Z.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/69/Yutu_Sep_02_2013_0120Z.jpg

License: Public domain Contributors: http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/?zoom=5&lat=33.13184&lon=170.54004&layers=
000B0FFFFF&datum1=09/02/2013 Original artist: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response System
File:Zoraida_2013_track.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Podul_2013_track.png License: Public
domain Contributors: Created by Supportstorm using Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones/Tracks. The background image is from
NASA. Tracking data is from JTWC. Original artist: Supportstorm
File:Zoraida_Nov_14_2013_0305Z.jpg Source:
0305Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: https://earthdata.nasa.gov/labs/worldview/?switch=geographic&products=baselayers,
2013-11-14&map=88.672669,$-$6.709226,130.051575,26.689211 Original artist: NASA


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