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Name: Amie Kenneth L.



Innovation simply means new idea, device, or method" (Innovation, n.d.). However,
innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements,
unarticulated needs, or existing market needs (Maranville, 2010). Not all new can be considered
innovative. Real innovation changes the course of industries, or even society (Sinek, 2009).
Despite the given definition, it is difficult to say what food business or delicacy can be
considered as innovative. In order to understand innovation in food business or what is called
food business of the new generation, examples must be given.

Even in the food business, innovations are usually seen that its changing the landscape
of the food industry.

According to Duron (2015), the following food will play a role in

innovation of the food business:

Poke This Hawaiian dish (on the left) is already pretty
popular on the food scene, and its not going anywhere anytime
soon, according to Baum + Whiteman, a food and restaurant
consulting company. Who wouldnt want chunks of tuna

soaked in a soy & sesame oil marinade and served atop seaweed-seasoned rice?

Waste-based cooking 70
billion pounds of food go to
waste each year. Earlier this
year, it was impossible to


wasted, a



community of

chefs, farmers, and other

members of the foods world





something delicious out of unused or un-coveted food. The positive flip side of those stats is
that trash cookingusing the food that would often be considered waste, scraps, or rejectsis
hot right now. The National Restaurant Association ranked food waste reduction and
management in the top ten of its Tableservice Menu Trends for the year. And well-known chefs
like Dan Barber and Roy Choi are making reducing food wastefor reasons as varied as saving
the environment to saving moneypart of their culinary missions, or even their business plans.
Savory yogurt Savory versions are starting to pop
up all over the place. Blue Hill, for example, produces
and packages yogurt flavors like beet and butternut
squash, and at the Chobani store in New York City,
youve got five savory yogurt creations to choose

Algae Algaes been lurking around in the

background for the past couple of years, poised to
hit full-blown superfood status.

According to

Renee (2015) algae like seaweed only it is as a

nutritious food, its considered a versatile food,
making it easy to add to your diet. Add dried
flakes to your soup stocks to enhance salty, savory
flavor profiles. Saut fresh seaweed in stir-fry dishes, or use it in place of other dark leafy
vegetables in your salads. Experiment with different recipes, adding it to casseroles, pasta dishes
and stews, as well as lightly toasting it and eating it as a snack.


raspberries Black


contain an extremely dark pigment which

allows them to be used as a colorant and gives
black raspberries one of the highest antioxidant
ratings in common fruits and berries. Rich in
ellagic acid, anthocyanins and antioxidants,
black raspberries have been called the king of
berries for their superior health benefits
(Health and Healing Fact Sheets, n.d.).

Better sports drinks For a long time, people have been worried about the calories, sugar, and
artificial flavors lurking in sodas, but sports drinks curiously got a pass, in spite of the fact that
theyre really not much better.
Baobab Fruit from the baobab tree eight
of the nine species are native to Madagascar
and mainland Africa, so you can just get ahead
of the economic backlash that accompanied

quinoas sudden rise in demand is rich in vitamin C. Touted as the superfood in 2015, it is
used in cheesecakes, such as the one on the left. Hyslop (2015) said that though its virtues have
been preached for many years by health food fiends, baobab has only recently made its way into
the mainstream. Companies like Waitrose now sell an apple and guava juice with baobab extract,
while Marks & Spencer (M&S) has just launched a raspberry and redcurrant juice "booster"
loaded with the fruit. At the Eden Project in Cornwall, there is even an annual baobab festival, in
partnership with the non-profit association Phytotrade Africa. Phytotrade, which supports rural
harvesters and producers across southern Africa, won approval from the EU in 2008 for the food
to be imported (previously, non-western fruits and vegetables were hard to bring in). It now
oversees the export of about 20 tonnes of baobab a year, with the growing industry crucial in
bringing money to local people, who harvest and process the fruit.
Water tapped from any/every kind of tree/fruit Coconut water kicked things off, then
maple water and birch water came onto the scene. Whats next? Pine water? Peach tree water?
Another list provided by Whole Foods Market (Whole Foods Market experts forecast
top 10 food trends for 2016, 2015) stated that the following will play a role in movement of
food businesses:

Uncommon meat and seafoodLesser-known meat and seafood options are making
their way from restaurant menus and local obscurity into mainstream American kitchens.

Wine in a canAs American wine drinkers become an increasingly young, diverse and
playful bunch, winemakers are taking note. Cue the aluminum can a portable, easyto-chill option thats well suited for single servings and active, outdoor lifestyles.

Plant-based everythingPlants are playing a meatier role in a surprising number of

products, and not just for vegan and vegetarian alternatives.

Culture Craze: Fermented foods and probiotics Whether shoppers are seeking gut
health or go-for-it flavor, fermented foods and probiotics are growing like good bacteria
and theyre not just for hippies anymore. Fiery picks like kimchi and gochujang will
continue to gain steam, while innovative options like chiogga beet kraut and non-dairy
tonics will add variety.

Non-GMO-fed verified products As shoppers demand more transparency in their

food, the non-GMO movement will continue to gain momentum. Whole Foods Market
currently offers more than 11,000 non-GMO verified choices and 25,000 organic options,
with even more in the pipeline

Graze Craze: Grass-fed 2.0 With new grass-fed products from milk, eggs, yogurt,
butter and cheese options to packaged meat snacks and even protein powders sprouting
up across the store, grass-fed has proven its no longer a niche category for health
fanatics or Paleo devotees.

Dried and true: dehydrated foodsUnlike the kale chip craze of years past, 2016s
dehydrated trend takes it to new heights from dehydrated broccoli, Brussels sprout and
parsnip chips to sophisticated salmon, bison and chicken jerkies with grown-up flavor

Heirloom ingredients beyond the tomatoHeirloom ingredients are making a

comeback and not just in the produce aisle.

Alternative and wheat-free floursPeople are going nuts for gluten-free flours made
from legumes, ancient grains, teff, amaranth and, well, nuts. Chickpea flour is a quick
riser, while other legume-based flours are showing up in bean-based pastas and other
packaged goods.

Old World flavor adventures Old World flavors with a twist continue to see
significant gains, especially Far East flavors from Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia, as
well as Middle Eastern ingredients.

Another source, FoodBev Media (2015), mentioned the prediction of The Innovation
Group, J. Walter Thompson Intelligence, regarding to some key trends impacting the food and
beverage industry of the future. They listed it down as the following:

Food and health coming together

Health-conscious millennials are gravitating toward healthier mixers and combining
exercise with hedonism when it comes to alcohol.

Technology changing the way we eat

The future promises curated delivery, delivery-only restaurants and even zero-cost
delivery by self-driving car. The FoodBev editor noted Last month, we reported on

a survey that claimed the way in which we ordered food was directly influencing the
cuisines we opted to eat.

The Rise of Post-artisan

The cloying cocktails of the 1970s and 80s long considered pass are now making a
comeback, as mixologists reinvent them for sophisticated, modern palates.



Nearly three quarters


surveyed across the

millennial, generation



generations agree that

marijuana will be as socially acceptable as alcohol over the next decade.

Every year the National Restaurant Association comes out with the top menu trends for
the coming year. According to their summary (Top 20 Food Trends for 2016 | Barr Mansion &
Artisan Ballroom, 2015) surveying over 1,600 professional chefs, the following belong to the
top 20 food trends of this year:

1. Locally sourced meats and seafood

2. Locally grown produce
3. Environmental sustainability
4. Healthful kids meals
5. Natural ingredients/minimally processed food
6. New cuts of meat
7. Hyper-local sourcing
8. Sustainable seafood
9. Food waste reduction/management

10. Farm/estate branded items

11. Non-wheat noodles/pasta
12. Gluten-free cuisine
13. Ancient grains
14. Whole grain items in kids meals
15. Non-traditional fish
16. Ethnic-inspired breakfast items
17. Nutrition
18. House-made/artisan ice cream
19. Fruit/vegetable kids side items
20. Artisan cheeses


Innovation in general is supposed to change the way of life of people (Sinek, 2009).
Time and again, food business is gearing towards a more creative, if not healthy, way of eating.
Not only that, just like one of the moves of a group chefs, there is also a move in the food
business that deals with corporate social responsibility.

The new generation of food

entrepreneurs are not only innovative and customer-service oriented, but also socially

Duron, A. (2015). The Next Kale? The Foods Youre Going to Be Hearing About Constantly in
2016. Retrieved September 14, 2016, from
Health and Healing Fact Sheets. (n.d.). Retrieved September 16, 2016, from
Hyslop, L. (2015, January 7). Baobab: The 'superfood' of 2015? Retrieved September 16, 2016,

Innovation. (n.d.). Retrieved September 16, 2016, from
L. (2015, October 24). The Halal Guys Manila Philippines Now Open! SM Megamall by Retrieved September 14, 2016, from
Maranville, S. (2010, July 30). Journal of Education for Business. Retrieved September 16, 2016,
N. (2015, November 05). What's Hot in 2016 Culinary Forecast. Retrieved September 14, 2016,
P. (2014, April 26). 10 Food Trends You Need to Try Now | Eat the Trend. Retrieved September
14, 2016, from
Renee, J. (2015, January 04). Algae as a Food Source for Humans. Retrieved September 16,
2016, from
Research predicts the food and drink trends of the future. (2015, September 08). Retrieved
September 14, 2016, from
Sinek, S. (2009). Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action. New York:
T. (2015, December 11). Top Ten Food Trends for 2016. Retrieved September 14, 2016, from
Top 20 Food Trends for 2016 | Barr Mansion & Artisan Ballroom. (2016). Retrieved September
16, 2016, from
Whole Foods Market experts forecast top 10 food trends for 2016. (2015, December 21).
Retrieved September 16, 2016, from

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