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510 King Street, Suite 350

Courthouse Square
Alexandria, VA 22314
P 202.558.5643


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

CONTACT: Ms. Cara Di Silvio


Statement on the Continued Unlawful Detention of Nizar Zakka

Unconditional Release On Humanitarian Grounds, Urged
The following statement was issued by Mr. Nizar Zakkas attorney in the United
States, Mr. Jason I. Poblete:
When my client was kidnapped, he was in Iran at the invitation of senior
Iranian government officials for the purpose of sharing his views on a matter that he
feels passionately about: the use of technology and the Internet to promote social,
economic, and educational development in the Middle East and North Africa. This, as
is now evident, did not sit well with certain regime officials who seek to control the
flow of information and suppress dissent.
It appears that Nizar was kidnapped by members of the Islamic Revolutionary
Guard Corps (IRGC) which is directly involved in Iran's sponsorship of international
terrorism and proliferation activities. Nizar has been held hostage by the IRGC in Evin
prison since September 2015, and has been denied access to proper medical care, due
process, and other fundamental liberties and freedoms.
After a year of being subjected to psychological torture and physical strains
while his family members have also been intimidated, Nizars health has significantly
deteriorated. Nizars grave condition, made worse by solitary confinement or close
confinement with common criminals and potentially alleged terrorists, has prompted
Amnesty International to issue two Urgent Action alerts.
If Iran wants to be viewed and treated as a responsible stakeholder; then it
should behave as one. It should stop taking Americans and other Westerners hostage
and unconditionally release Nizar, at minimum, on humanitarian grounds. Until this
occurs, we will continue to press the Obama Administration and the Congress to halt
any further sanctions relief or other concessions to the Iranian regime, including the
export or sales to Iran of previously prohibited U.S.-made goods.

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