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The Motive for our Government's (potential) Involvement in the 911 attacks

Our national debt is at around 19 trillion and climbing exponentially (U.S. National Debt).
Seriously, graphing our national debt since the early 1900's, it resembles an exponential formula. What
that means is, as time goes on, not only does the debt increase, but the rate in which it increases also
increases over time.
Attached is a simple graph of our debt. An exponential formula looks kind of like a hockey stick
in that at the beginning of the formula, the slope of the increase is small. It is the blade of the hockey
stick. At some point, the slope begins to increase at an alarming rate, which is at the end of the blade
and the beginning of the stick portion.

US Debt (Thousands of millions)









Time, 5 year increments


You'll notice from 1980 2000, it became incredibly obvious our debt was growing at an
alarming rate. While I was in middle school, the 1st Gulf War happened between the US and Iraq. Even

our middle school social studies teacher knew what was happening at the time. She told us how our
debt was climbing and that we needed to address it as a country, but we weren't. Amazing how times
haven't changed.
In 1993, the 1st WTC bombing occurred, but was unsuccessful in taking down the towers. Osama
Bin Ladin worked with the CIA in Afghanistan to defeat the Soviets, and there are allegations the
relationship continued after the Soviets were defeated. The failure to bring down the towers may have
been intentional, in order to plant seeds in our collective minds that it was a target and Osama was a
boogeyman, or the failure may have been accidental, and they really wanted to take down the towers.
However, it was unsuccessful as we all know.
A few years later, the Euro was introduced to the world, and in 1999 it was put into the basket of
reserve currencies for other countries to use in international transactions. The privilege of having the
world use your currency brings with it a lot of benefitsnamely the ability to create currency out of
thin air while still having the ability to use it for trade. If any other country were to just print their
currency, the currency would be devalued and trading partners wouldn't have faith in the money.
Not the dollar though. Because it holds this special reserve status due to its stability, we are able
to deficit spend without regard to the debt. Other countries can't just stop using the dollar, because
everyone else uses it.
The dollar also holds special status with oil transactions around the world, hence the name petrodollar. All oil transactions in the middle east are completed using the dollar, at least they were for a
long time. Basically, if a country wants to buy oil from an oil producing country, they exchange their
local currency into US dollars, and then complete the transaction.
Back to the Euro. When it was released to the world as a reserve currency, the value of the euro
was less than the dollar. Which meant our dollar was stronger. One US dollar would buy you
approximately $1.20 in Euros. With me so far?
Saddam Hussein announced to the world in the year 2000 that Iraq would no longer accept US

dollars for his oil, and all transactions will be done with the Euro. Financial experts at the time wrote
feverish articles about how stupid of an idea this was, and Iraq would lose money from this decision.
Of course, 9/11 happened a year later.
By 2002, the value of the Euro was climbing over the dollar, and the difference netted Iraq
billions of dollars just by switching which currency they used. Billions. This precedent would set a
bad example to the rest of the oil-producing middle eastern nations. If everyone collectively stopped
using the dollar for these transactions, it is essentially losing faith in the dollar. Why should countries
work against their own financial interests if they can benefit just by switching currencies?
Well, we can't let that happen. It would absolutely destroy our economy and way of life. We had
to make our own example, and in 2003 we invaded Iraq under the pretext of Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMD.) He had a WMD all right, but it was financial.
However, there is no way the American people would support a war over something trivial like
currency, so we needed a very visible and terrifying reason for war. The motive for 9/11 is exactly what
I outlined in this document. Imagine a politician getting on TV and saying we need war due to the way
we've been abusing our financial privileges. It would never happen. We knew at some point we would
either have to address our debt, or other countries would stop using our currency. Instead of addressing
the debt, we (our intelligence agencies) hatched a plan to justify a war, which coincidentally targets
countries who go against the status quo.
Saddam was a brutal dictator for a long time, yet we didn't intervene militarily until the time he
threatened our dollar. Such lies we've been given since then.
Gaddafi of Libya has a similar story. In 2011, the UN was drafting a human rights award due to
the improvements Gaddafi had on the citizens of Libya. I don't know everything about him, there is a
lot of propaganda directed towards us regarding his character. I do know that in 2011 Gaddafi began
advocating for African and Middle Eastern countries to switch to a gold dinar, which would be a new
gold-backed currency. This act would not only bypass the US dollar, but it would also exclude the Euro

and the Japanese Yen in oil transactions.

Wouldn't you know, spontaneous protests erupted right after-wards? Protesters, with NATO air
support, managed to overthrow the government, capture and kill Gaddafi, and then drag his lifeless
body through the streets. Upon hearing of this news, an elated Hillary Clinton remarked we came, we
saw, he died.
I think you get the picture. Ukraine uprising? That happened after the-then President Yanukovich
changed his mind about making a deal with the EU, only to make one with Russia. Spontaneous
protests happened there, and thankfully he knew enough to flee before he was Gaddafi'd. Russia
stepped up and put us in our place. See what happened in Crimea as an example of this. Putin didn't
back down, even with all of our threats of arming Ukraine, sanctioning Russia, etc.
Syria too. Syria isn't run by the same financial schemes most of the world has succumb to. Look
what's happening there? Once again, Russia is stepping up.
Oh, don't forget about BRICS and the Chinese Yuan being accepted into the basket of currencies.
BRICS is an acronym which stands for the countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
They are creating an alternative financial system that directly competes with the International Monetary
Fund, which is where our western financial policies are derived from.
Face it, all of these protracted wars around the world are the result of the financial abuses we have
inflicted in the world. As long as we don't address the debt, we will be in perpetual conflict. This
country is going the way of the USSR, and honestly, I don't care anymore. We need to negotiate our
way out of this problem while addressing our debt, or we will run ourselves right into the ground while
potentially starting WWIII.
This is far from being anti-American. I love this country, and I want to see what's best for it.
Printing money out of thin air, trapping citizens into a system of increased debt with seemingly no way
to pay for it, while fighting protracted and unwinnable wars overseas, is not what's best for this country.
If we need to tighten our belts and live a more meager lifestyle to fix these things, are we not up to the

challenge? Do we like sending young people off to war based on a premise of lies? Are we willing to
accept attack after attack on our country, all designed to forward someone else's agenda?

Works Consulted:

Ford, Peter. "Can BRICS development bank become a rival to the World Bank?" 16 July 2014. Christian
Science Monitor (Academic Search Premier). 2015 May 07.

Islam, Faisal. Iraq nets handsome profit by dumping dollar for euro. 15 February 2003. 05 05 2015.

Kramer, Andrew. "Sidestepping the U.S. Dollar, a Russian Exchange Will Swap Rubles and Renminbi." 15
December 2010. New York Times (Gale). 08 May 2015.

Kuntz, Tom. Libya's Late, Great Rights Record. 05 03 2011. 2015 05 05.
McElroy, Damien. Colonel Gaddafi died after being stabbed with bayonet, says report. 17 October 2012.
2015 05 05.
Newman, Alex. Gadhafi's Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar. 11 November 2011. 05 05
Petro, Nicolai. "How the E.U. Pushed Ukraine East." 4 December 2013. New York Times (Global Issues in
Conext). 07 May 2015
RT. Ditching US dollar: China, Russia launch financial tools in local currencies. 30 December 2014. 08 May
. Saving the world economy from Gaddafi. 05 May 2011. 2015 05 05 <>.

. South Korea, China agree to direct trade in national currencies. 04 July 2014. 05 May 2015

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