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‘5. Matching a Point with Relevant Support aha To be effective, the suppor offered for a point must be relevant. In other words, a specific example, fact, or reason must directy relate to the polnt.1ft doesnt, then the author has not truly supported his or her opinion ‘As you read the folowing passage, Identity whether the support is relevant or irelevant. Check to see whether you correctly dented the relevant “support by clicking onthe box next to te label ATrip to Mars [NASA should pursue 8 manned mission to explore the planet Mars, A mision to Mars could help to answer the question of whether there has ever been life on that plant, which is one of the fundamental questions of astrobiology. tn addition, a manned mission to Mars could reinvigorate the U.S. space program, In 2965 NASA vias considering @ manned fight to Venus. The space rogram flourishes when there is 2 dramatic mission of exploration—after all, it was at its zenith {uring the Apolo program. In 2004, scientists found traces of methane in the Martian atmosphere, Moreover, a manned mission to Mars would be a benef to the struggling U.S. ‘economy, which is now in Such a stat of disarray that 42% of Americans are living paycheck to ‘paycheck. A manned mission would help the economy because it would require a great dea of ‘government spencing, and government spending improves the economy by increasing the amount of money in circulation. (EG irrelevant support [Ei] Relevant support Read the passage below, and answer the questions that follow. Pee ey (2) Most U.S. pubic and private schoo's today enjoy the privilege of tnteret access. (2) “The Internet provides teachers with invaluable teaching tools, students with incredible access to research materials, and educational communis with a way to communicate anc colaborate. (3) Many schools purchase Web-ftering devices to protect studants and teachers from "inappropriate" online conten. (4) However; this expensive plan often backfires ina wide ange of ways. (5) Schools should not use heavyhanded Internet-itering teksto prevent students from accessing controversial websites. (6) On practical love, Intemet-fitering software can block both inappropriate material and educational information. (7) For example, certain fitration systoms wil block searches ‘on Herman Melville's classic book Moby-Dick because of the potentilly naporopriate word inthe tite. (8) Ara Newton, 2 teacher in Los Angeles, California, says, "I asked my students to fd pictures ofthe U.S. atomic testing inthe Pail, but thelr searches were What is the autnor's point? students deserve the right to 2 fair and equal education. '¥ © schools should not use heavyhanded Intemet fering tools to prevent students from accessing controversial websites, (© Chilaren nee to learn to handle the Internet responsibly planation: ‘Which of the sentences from the passage are relevant to the author's point of view? Check aif that apply. VD sentence 15 VB Sentences VB sentence 13 -¥ BH sentence 11 YB Sentence 7 ¥D Sentence 17, planation: Which supporting arguments, if added tothe passage, would strengthen the author's point of view? Check ai that apely Dy students whose families have the Internet at home may be able to access a wide range of Information. However, many famlles cannot afford the Interet; students whose families cannot afford the Internet do not have the opportunity to explore issues that thelr schools prevent them trom viewing I beleve schools should not fier the Web because my grandfather fought for the cause of freeéom in World War I. VBE with thousands of schools loving of teachers because of budget cuts, extra expencitures like expensive Web-fltering systems take money ‘away from teacher salaries, ‘V1 Filtering Web content reduces the amount of time that teachers spend sorting through lesson planning materials and preparing for class. planation: clove 0 “students whose feries have the Intemet at home may be able to access a wide range of information. However, many families cannot afford the Internet; students hose femles cannot afford the Internet do net have the opportunity to explore issues that thelr schools prevent them from viewing" and "With thousands of schools lying off teachers because of budget cuts, extra expencitures lke expensive Web-fiering systems take ‘money away from teacher salaries vould strengthen the authors point of view because they are both relevant and believable “filtering Web content reduces the amount of time that teachers spend sorting through lesson planning materials and preparing for clase" weakens the authors point of view because iis relevant tothe argument, The euthor Is not talking about the time teachers spend on preparation. "T believe schools should not ter the Web because my grandfather fought forthe ceuse of freedom in World War IT" eakens the author's point of view because i isan opinion, 30 itis based on someone's personal belief and cannot be proven or Verified. Its also relevant because ff unrelated to the subject at hand.

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