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01-NelsonMathGr6-Chap01 7/18/05 8:34 AM Page 28


Skills Bank

1. Kendra is selling cookies for her community hall. She sells

one box for $2.50.
a) Make a table of values to show the cost for one to seven boxes.
b) Determine the cost of eight boxes. Use a pattern rule.
Show your work.
2. Lucas is selling apples for his community group. He sells
1 apple for $0.75.
a) Make a table of values to show the cost of one to four apples.
b) Determine the cost of eight apples. Use a pattern rule.
Show your work.
c) Determine the cost of 76 apples. Use a pattern rule.
Show your work.
3. Frozen orange juice comes in 355 mL cans. To make one
batch, you add three cans of water.
a) What is the total volume of one to five batches of orange juice?
b) Determine the volume of 10 batches. Use a pattern rule.
Show your work.


4. a) Determine the term number and

perimeter of each of these
four shapes.
b) Determine the perimeter of the
10th shape. Use a pattern rule.
Show your work.

shape 1

shape 2

shape 3

shape 4

5. There are four seats in each row of a bus except the last row,
which has 5 seats. The total number of seats can be written
as 5  r  4. Determine the number of seats in a bus for
each value of r.
a) 5
b) 12
c) 8
6. Six parents are going on a school trip with some students.
a) Write a math expression describing the number of people
on the trip. Represent the number of students with the
symbol s.
b) Determine the number of people on the trip for each
value of s.
i. 25
ii. 36


01-NelsonMathGr6-Chap01 7/18/05 8:34 AM Page 29

7. Julie is stacking nickels from her coin collection. There are

five nickels in the first stack and each stack has one more
nickel added to it.
a) Graph the value of the stack in cents compared to the
number of nickels.
b) Describe the graph and the pattern.
c) Determine the value of the nickels in the 10th stack
using a pattern rule. Show your work.
8. a) Draw the next two shapes in this pattern.
b) Record the number of squares in each of the
1st five shapes in a table.
c) Graph the number of squares in each shape
compared to the number of the shape.

9. In total, how much string is needed to cut lengths of 0.1 m, 0.3 m,

0.5 m, 0.7 m, 0.9 m, 1.1 m, 1.3 m, 1.5 m, 1.7 m, 1.9 m,
2.1 m, 2.3 m, 2.5 m, 2.7 m, and 2.9 m?
10. In a 20 km bicycle race, there is a judge at the beginning,
at the end, and at every kilometre in between. How many
judges are there?

11. If the expressions are equal, replace the with an equals

sign. If they are not equal, change a number in one
expression to make them equal.
a) 3 0  3
c) 7  2 6  3
e) 8  5 8  3
b) 7  6 4  9
d) 3  6 9  2
f) 8  3 12  3
12. Write expressions for each situation. Then, if possible, write
an equation for the situation. If it is not possible to write an
equation, explain why.




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