Smaller and Smaller Circles - Outline

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Smaller and Smaller Circles

F. H. Batacan

Body found by Father Emil
Introduction of Father Saenz, Jerome and their work
Saenz expresses his views on Philippine justice. First victims are given names.
Psychological analysis of the killer by Father Jerome
Atty. Arcinas comes telling that killer has been caught
Dentist is placed into story
VII. Saenz is introduced as affluent and a good cook
VIII. Joanna Bonifacio is introduced
Saenzs doubts on caught killer
Saenz and Joanna meet in the precinct
Saenz and Lucero question Carding. Cardings answers are rehearsed.
XII. Dodoy is put in the story but is soon killed
XIII. Joanna investigates Dodoys murder
XIV. Saenz is called back to wrap the case up
XV. Joanna shares footage which has important details
XVI. Dental records from the mobile clinic are checked and used for identification
XVII. Envelope is sent to Saenz
XVIII. Noel, Lino, Enteng/Vicente is introduced but is later killed
XIX. Saenz matches the weapon
XX. Three suspects are introduced. Group closes on Alex Carlos
XXI. Jerome goes to Cebu to question Carlos parents
XXII. Carlos backstory is presented by parents
XXIII. Another envelope with a negative stip is sent to Saenz. Emong Ricafrente, friend of Alex is
interviewed. Mr. Gorospe is introduced as a child molester. Mr. Gorospe died in a similar manner
as the children
XXIV. The team enters Carlos apartment to see organs in his freezer.
XXV. Dennis is introduced as a victim
XXVI. Saenz offers help, but Arcinas refuses. Sees the 8th body : face removed, stabbed in the heart, 8
under the left arm
Carlos POV
Saenz enters mobile clinic.
XXIX. Vague ending if Saenz or Carlos remains alive
XXX. Saenz is alive.


Killers Profile
Victims are killed on the first Saturday of the month
The face is stripped off victims seem to be smiling
Internal organs (i.e. heart) are carved off Gorospe was cruel hearted
Genitals are mutilated trauma from molestation


Augusto Gus Saenz forensic anthropologist
Jerome Lucero clinical psychologist
Joanna Bonifacio crime reporter
Atty. Benjamin Arcinas NBI assistant director

Tato Ampil autopsy assistant

Fernando Ading Rustia SOCO supervisor
Manny photographer
Carding alleged killer at the start of the story
Dr. Alice Panginiban health officer


Victims (Starting Feb.)

1. Ryan Ramirez
2. Lino
3. John David Mendoza
4. Noel
5. Vicente/Enteng
6. Unidentified
7. Dodong
8. Dennis


Preliminary psychological report of the killer (as in Chapter 4)

Killer is a man
Lives or works near the dumpsite
Familiar figure to the victims
Stalker waits for victims of opportunity
Is able to [remove] everything that makes [the victims] human (28)
Around 5 feet 5 inches
sees himself as a victim (54)
Suspects (p.100)
Alejandro Alex Benitez Carlos, Jr., dentist
Joji De Dios, nurse
Armando Sulit, driver
Evidence used
Cream linen envelope
Tool marks (dental elevator)
Rubber rain boots sized 6 (found footprints with sixth victim)
Object in Joannas video



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