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/ LA


Single Room = Habitacin

Elevator = Elevador
Stairs = Escaleras
Gym = Gimnasio
Double Room = Habitacin
Front Desk = Oficina de
Public Telephone = Telfono
Sun Deck = Terraza para
tomar el sol

Key Card = Tarjeta de

Hall Porter = Conserje
Front office Clerk =
Booking = Reservacin
Bell Boy = Botones,
Desk Clerk = Recepcionista

Air Condition = Aire

To Disturb = Molestar
To chek in = Registrarse
Floor = Piso
Cancellatin = Cancelacin

Lobby = Vestbulo

Luggage = Equipaje

Suiteage bag = Maleta

To Record = Registrar
Arrival = Llegada
Entertaimment = Divers
Complaint = Reclamaci

To registo = Registrarse

Guest = Cliente

To Stay = Permanecer

Restration Card = Tarje

To Vacate a Room = De
una Habitacin.

Vacant = Disponible

Trunk = Bal

Hand bag = Maletn

Brietcase = Cartera para Papeles

Chest = cofre

Lunch = Almuerzo
Tennis Court = Cancha T

Luggage Set = Juego de Maletas

Attache Case = Maletn de
Airplane bag = Maletn de Avin

Roof Garden = Azata de

Good morning sir. can I help you?

Yes, I want to have for a room?
I understand, but what kind room do you want?
I need a single room for two night.
O.k. Ill give you room 101, on the first floor.
Good evening madam, good evening sir, may I help
Thanks. Would you by any chance, have a vacant
Yes I do. But what king room do you need?
As a matter of fact, I want a single room, but with
separate beds.
O.k. I understand. Would you like room 104?
But please, say me how much is this room?

Do you have any brochures on hotel

Your Passport please
How can I go?
Im on a Visit
My bags over there
Im on a business trip
Must 7 pay doth
How much is it?
To the Right
To the left
On the corner
Is it far
You are very kind
Its near
How much is a night, including taxes
and charges?
Is there room services?
The room is very.

Puedes conseguirme folletos sobre las actividade

Su pasaporte por favor.
Cmo puedo ir?
Estoy de visita
Mis maletas estn all
Estoy en viajes de negocios
Debo pagar algo?
Cuntos es?
A la derecha
A la izquierda
En la esquina
Es lejos?
Es usted muy amable
Esta cerca
Cul es el precio por el da incluyendo impuesto?

Could you put an additional bed in

the room?
How much is the extra charge.
I like a room with view of the pool.
I would like a room with view of the
I like a room not too expensive.
I prefer a room with double bed

Se puede poner una extra en mi habitacin.

Hay servicios directos a la habitacin.

Costosa, Cara.
Frio, fra
Caluroso, caliente
La habitacin est muy.

Cunto ms tendr que pagar?

Quiero una habitacin con vista a la piscina.
Me gustara una habitacin con vista a la calle.
Quiero una habitacin que no sea cara.
Prefiero una habitacin doble

I have a reservation
Have you vacant room?
Do you have a reservation for
Do you have connecting room?

Tengo una reservacin

Tiene habitacin disponible
Tiene una reservacin a nombre de.
Tiene habitaciones

Can you put this in a safe deposit

I shoul like to see it
I want another room higher up
I would like, another room better
I prefer a room, lager
I would like, a room smaller
Are the meals included?
Prepare my bill, please
How much is it by nights?
Over there
That way
Straight a Head

Puede colocar est en la caja de seguridad?

Ive booked a room for five days

Can I have your name please
I like to have a quiet room.
Please, fill in this registration
The bell boy will take your luggage to
your room
Im looking for a room
How long are you staying?
Where are you from?
Sign here, please
Here is your key

Tengo una reservacin para 5 das

Como usted se llama?
Quisiera una habitacin sin ruido
Por favor, llene el check in
El maletero le llevar su equipaje

For how many persons?

Ocran viem
We have comfortable room
Do you want a suite?
Room facing the pool

Cuantas personas son?

Vista al mar
Tenemos habitaciones cmodas
Quiero una habitacin?
Habitacin que da a la piscina

Me gustara verla
Quiero otra habitacin ms arriba
Me gustaria una Habitacin
Prefiero una habitacin ms grande
Me gustara una habitacin ms pequea
Estn incluida las comidas
Prepare mi cuenta por favor
cunto es por da?
Por all

Busco una habitacin

Cuanto dias se hospedar?
de donde es usted?
Firme por favor
A qui estn sus llaves

I will show to your room

Leave your valuables in the security
We have continental breakfast
Will there be anything else?

Le mostrar su habitacin
Deje los objetos de valor en la caja de seguridad
Tenemos desayuno continental
Desea algo mas?

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