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Using Mind Mapping to Effectively Solve Problems, Improve

Creative Thinking and Accomplish Whole Brain Thinking Chapter

1: Mind Mapping To Solve Problems Chapter 2: Mind Mapping
And Diagrams Chapter 3: Creative Thinking And Mind Mapping
Chapter 4: Getting Mind Mapped For Free Chapter 5: Mind
Mapping And Learning Chapter 6: Mind Mapping And Delivery
Metrics Chapter 7: Mind Mapping And Whole-brain Thinking
Chapter 8: Mind Mapping And Improving Grammar Points
Chapter 9: Artists And Mind Mapping Chapter 10: Mind Mapping
And Templates Chapter 11: Mind Mapping And The Ambidextrous
Mind Chapter 12: Mind Mapping - A Tool For Creative Thinking
Chapter 13: Mind Mapping Drawing Tips Chapter 14: Mind
Mapping For An Easier Life Chapter 15: Mind Mapping Software
Chapter 16: Mind Mapping Info Chapter 17: Mind Mapping
Software Advantages Chapter 18: Optimizing Mind Mapping
Contents Chapter 19: Mind Mapping Software Manage Meetings
More Efficiently Chapter 20: Using The Mind For Concept Mapping
Chapter 21: Mind Mapping Ideals Chapter 22: Powerful
Presentations And Mind Mapping Chapter 23: Software For Mind
Mapping Made For Life Chapter 24: Mind Mapping Software
Beneficial For Personal Productivity Chapter 25: Ways On How To
Improve Mind Mapping Chapter 1: Mind Mapping To Solve
Mind Mapping to Solve Problems Disorganized individuals often get stressed out. Are you one
of them? If you are, then you probably encounter a lot of difficulties especially when youre
trying to look for something in your house. A disorganized house is very unpleasant to look at.
Oftentimes, you will like youre being torn into different directions. If you want to make some
changes in your life and in turn solve some of your problems, then you need to look into mind
Through mind mapping, you can easily address some of your lifes problems including that of
your business and some personal projects. Mind maps can help any individual to become more
organized and productive.
Mind mapping is not new and in fact, it has been around for many
years now. It was first introduced by Tony Buzan but according to some studies, mind maps have
been used even before Buzan popularized it. Mind mapping allows individuals to visualize tasks
or ideas that relates to one another. Ideas are organized instantly through mind maps, so why not
try it out? Perhaps its the key to make your home and life organized.
Those who have little kids may have already heard about mind mapping because teachers
utilize it to help the children understand the various lessons in school. Aside from that, many

businesses these days also use mind mapping in brainstorming sessions so generate new
possibilities and business opportunities.
If you have a project that needs immediate attention, you can also make use of mind
mapping to complete it. You can simply write down your goals using lines, short words,
drawings, and graphics. In no time at all, you can already see the solution to achieve your project.
If youre new in mind mapping, you can make use of some online tools. That way, you
can familiarize yourself with all the aspects of mind mapping. As you can see, mind mapping is
not as easy as you think especially for beginners. You have to learn the basics and you can do
that by visiting and; these sites can offer useful tools to help you
create mind maps of your own.
Start by creating your personal mind map. Create a diagram by using notepad or WordPad
programs. For instance, for your personal goals, you can write down vacation, date or family
night, and your everyday household chores. For your health concerns, you can write down
exercise, vitamins, water intake, and other healthy choices. If youre currently managing your
own business, you can include website, affiliate, newsletter, and articles.
Once you listed these things, you can start creating your mind maps. Choose the central
topic or goal and the other minor objectives or goals can branch out from the main goal. Continue
doing this until youve included everything on your list. After that, you can already picture how
youre going to prioritize the different aspects of you life. That is the start of a more organized
Goals can be planned and acted upon appropriately through mind mapping. Gather
information resources about mind maps and start creating your own. Mind maps can make your
life much easier. You will become organized in no time and you will also be more productive
whether at home or in your business. Solve your problems now, use mind maps to end your

Chapter 2: Mind Mapping And Diagrams

Mind Mapping and Diagrams
Have you ever tried making a mind map? Mind mapping is
quite popular nowadays and it has helped a lot of people already in solving their problems. Mind
maps can be created to look like diagrams. In fact, the mind map is a very good example of the
data flow diagram or DFD.
The diagram would then be considered as a graphical illustration of the data flow and ebb
that forms part of a certain system. The mind maps or the diagram can help in the visualization of
the data processing stages. Through the mind maps, any change in the data will be easily
understood. Some people call the diagrams or mind maps as process diagrams.
Anyone can use the diagrams and so any individual can use graphics or text depending on
the need. A DFD can differ from another DFD created by another individual, depending on how
individuals use it and for what purpose it was used. The reason why lots of people prefer the
diagrams or mind maps is because they find it hard to understand textual descriptions as
compared to graphical representations which are much easier to understand.
Mind mapping has been used for many years now. In fact, you may have used it
unknowingly in solving some of your problems or when youre trying to set your future goals.
People tend to remember when graphics and text are combined (i.e. diagrams). Mind maps are
widely used in the business arena as well as for educational purposes. There are still other fields
of specialization which makes use of the mind maps and DFD and it can range from route
transportation planners to sports team competitions. Occupational fields also use mind maps

especially in engineering and science. Mind maps are also very important when it comes to
teaching certain disciplines because the diagrams make it easier for the instructors to understand
the thought processes of different groups.
The medical industry also makes use of mind maps and DFDs especially in visualizations.
There are even times when it involves software to help those in the medical field understand the
progress or nature of different diseases. Many doctors have successfully utilized the mind maps
and DFDs to treat diseases because they were able to identify the right treatments and they were
able to monitor the diseases progress.
If you have plans of utilizing mind maps, you can either use text or graphics alone, or you can
also use both. It all depends on your needs and on works for you best.
Mind mapping has
definitely proven its worth in different industries. Many studies have been conducted to prove the
effectiveness of mind maps and diagrams. So why not try creating mind maps next time you need
to accomplish a certain task? Perhaps it can help you in achieving your goals and objectives. If
you want to be successful in whatever endeavor you wish to be involved in, make use of
diagrams and mind maps. Soon you will realize that mind mapping is a very effective tool in any
Thanks to the proponents of mind mapping like Tony Buzan; the people today have an
excellent tool to aid them in whatever problem they are in. It takes time to learn mind mapping so
if you want to know more about it, gather all the pertinent resources so that you can master it.

Chapter 3: Creative Thinking And Mind Mapping

Creative Thinking and Mind Mapping
Innovative thinking can benefit greatly from mind
mapping because it is able to consume all the common skills found in imagination, creativity,
flexibility, and organization of ideas. There are some fundamental elements that you need to
know if you want to improve your creative thinking. According to psychological research, these
elements include using shapes, colors, unusual elements, and dimensions. Aside from that, it also
involves the adjustment of the conceptual positions and it also considers the response to
emotionally pleasing objects.
According to further studies, mind maps are the best tools in nurturing creative thinking.
If you try to apply mind mapping in any of your activities, you will be able to create lots of
innovative ideas than what youve expected.
In creative thinking, there are different stages. In the first stage, you can start by drawing
a central image to represent a general topic. Make sure that the image is drawn at the center of the
paper or blank page. Try to focus in the image and take note of the ideas that come into your
mind. Welcome all ideas that enter your mind and indicate it on paper. You dont have to write a
lot of text; in fact, it will be a lot better if you use graphics or drawings instead. Take note of all
the ideas no matter how absurd they may seem.
After that, you need to take a break so that your brain can also rest. Look at the ideas that
youve generated. Get another blank paper and create a new mind map. Use the same central
image but this time you need to identify the categories and major branches. You need to build up
the hierarchies and look for new associations from the preliminary ideas. If you see repetitions of
ideas in different branches, disregard them and dont try to remove them because they might be
important later on.
Your mind map will reflect your current thoughts. Study it carefully and you will be able
to explore intellectually, making room for growth. When your mind is at rest, for example when
youre sleeping, you must take note of creative realizations. These are sudden bursts of ideas and

you should immediately indicate it in your mind map. You need to reconstruct your mind maps
and integrate all the ideas into one map.
The goal in creating the mind map is to look for decisions, realizations, or solutions.
Examine your mind map again and look for breakthroughs or new insights. Soon you will realize
that all the ideas are connected with each other and you will be able to find the answer that youre
looking for through the mind maps.
In creating mind maps, you will go through the different stages. If you find difficulty in
one stage, dont give up and try to continue making the maps. Follow the step above and soon,
you will have a mind map of your own. When youre in the process of creating the maps, you
will notice that youre creative thinking is already at a high level.
Making mind maps is one way of enhancing an individuals creative thinking. Adults find
it hard to use creative thinking because they are more rational thinkers but you shouldnt be
discouraged in exploring this portion of your mind. You will soon realize that it will be the key in
solving your problems and in achieving your goals.

Chapter 4: Getting Mind Mapped For Free

Getting Mind Mapped for Free
And so it is, mind mapping is one of the most effective
ways to take care of note taking, exploring different concepts, capturing intense ideas, and
breaking down various aspects of information jotted down in an understandable format. It is a
place wherein visual and written illustrations of things are meant to create and merge something
that is more natural and acceptable to the mind. It works and represents the way the mind thinks
wherein paragraphs are not the basis for building the entire process.
There are millions of ways of using mapping. It has become very effective in terms of
studying for exams of when presenting ideas on a business meeting. You can also use it for
brainstorming purposes of different ideas or straighten out what are the things are needed to cover
plans for business ventures.
Advantages of the maps are mostly made from paper and pen. There are indeed different
software programs that represent mind maps. This software often lay out the advantages of their
program in every aspect of their program and yet some would still prefer to do it manually. Let
the mind work and not the programs. On the other hand, software can really have the advantages
that they are probing that you need. Here are eleven applications of mapping that can be found in
the internet.
Considered as the free mind application for mapping techniques because of its cross-platform
and Java, this kind of software can implement some major features that digital lists have over pen
and paper. These are the expandable and retractable hyperlinking and branches because several
branches make it easier for you to organize and will be easier for people to connect the needed
This can be one of your favorite mapping application and is totally free. Interface is good and
features like easy navigation of large maps with zoom in and out and birdview, you are given the
opportunity to attach images and notes to the branches which is not usual to allow in other serious
type of software. You can also link different branches to different sites and can be previewed
when you roll the link over which is probably appropriate in the rollovers in the internet.
This is a basic and simple mode of mapping application made for Windows and Linux.

This is another kind of internet application which requires no plug-ins and is fantastic when you
have no idea on the kind of computer that you will use in that particular day. You can export,
publish and share your maps from different applications and there are no sign-ins or accounts
that is required because of the unlimited and free everything.
This is an application that is commercialized and has a lighter edition. It has the capacity to
combine the process of mapping and flashing techniques of card memorization which is advisable
for students to use. This is a Windows type of application.
This is an application that offers different account options and several commercialized ideals.
The commercialized options are not considered as free but have paid options. It has a nice
interface and design compared to other mind mapping applications that are available in the web.
Through mind mapping, one can find a better and desirable application.

Chapter 5: Mind Mapping And Learning

Mind Mapping and Learning
Students usually take down notes of their teachers lectures.
If youre one of these students, how do you jot down the notes? Are you simply writing down
only the most important things or are you using a different method? Well, perhaps you learn more
about mind mapping.
Mind mapping and learning are related because if you want to learn easily and fast, you can
utilize the mind maps to your advantage. How are you going to do this and what are mind maps?
College students need to take down a lot of notes so that they can prepare for their exams.
Not only do they need to focus on the everyday discussions inside their class but they also need
to read their textbooks. Oftentimes, students find it very hard to learn all the needed information.
Text information is quite hard to learn especially for those who dont do well in class. One way to
help these students is through mind maps.
Each individual is unique and so they also learn in different ways. One way of learning
may work for an individual but it may not work for another. Jotting down notes can be
considered a passive process. The brain is not able to interact with the pieces of information that
youre writing down. If you want to remember everything that youve written down, your brain
should be more involved.
Visual learning is quite popular these days. Those who are inclined to visual learning can
learn better if they make use of cartoons, drawings, and graphs. For those individuals who are not
very good in visualizations but have auditory skills can learn much better through tape-recordings.
So you see, people tend to learn differently depending on their skills.
Are you a highly visual learner? If you are, then you should know more about mind
mapping. The tool used here are also called learning maps. However, beginners might find this
method a bit hard but if you use it frequently, you will be able to master the ability of creating
mind maps. With less text work and more on the graphics and drawings, most individuals can
remember and retain information effectively.
Aside from being called learning maps, it is also called memory maps. Mind mapping is
an easy learning technique especially if youre already good at it. You can even use different pen
colors so that you can create a much better learning map but that would depend on your
preferences. Also, you need to have a blank page or paper and you need to determine the writing
size. By starting out at the middle portion of the blank page or paper, you will be able to create

branches of information based on your lessons.

When youre having a discussion in class, determine the theme or central idea. Write the
central idea or theme at the center of the blank page, inside a circle. Remember that youre going
to create some sort of diagram so dont try to write sentences. Instead, write only the keywords
and look for sub themes. You can use lines to connect the ideas until the lesson or discussion is
Try mind mapping with your next class lectures or when youre reading your textbooks. It
will be easier to learn if you can learn visually. A lot of individuals were able to master making
mind maps and you can do it too.

Chapter 6: Mind Mapping And Delivery Metrics

Mind Mapping and Delivery Metrics
Everyday, people encounter a lot of complex
situations. Most of them cant find the right solution to their problems but there are also a few
who are able to successfully deal with their problems through mind mapping.
In the traditional mind maps, certain keywords are drawn and individuals inter-relate them
with related ideas. After that, brainstorming sessions are conducted and the results obtained will
provide the best solutions for a certain company or individual.
Companies who need to develop delivery metrics might find it hard to do the task but
with mind mapping, the process can be done faster. Through the brainstorming sessions, you can
obtain efficient and accurate metrics set. So, how will you some up with a good delivery metrics
for your company?
Mind maps are not that hard to create. You can either use a clean paper or a board for
writing the mind maps. Draw the origin and remember to keep things simple. Make sure that you
seek ideas from colleagues and the ideas should be related to the origin or key point. The mind
map will slowly progress as you add the ideas of your colleagues. Write them down as
supplementary symbols on the paper or board.
Suppose youre attending a lecture and you need to jot down notes. Your task will be
simpler if you make use of mind maps. You can draw different shapes to symbolize key points.
Related ideas and concepts should be interconnected to the key points. The process may differ
depending on the individual creating the mind maps.
Since youre trying to come up with a good delivery metrics for your company, you will
present your mind maps to your colleagues. Therefore, your colleagues should be able to
understand the various shapes in your mind maps. Familiarize them with everything thats on the
Delivery metrics are company issues that regularly occur from time to time. Throughout
the companys lifetime, it undergoes changes and experience growth. Because of this fact, the
company needs to reformat its delivery metrics. Different companies have their very own
strategies and schemes in developing the delivery metrics. Even if the company follows
complicated or advanced strategies, mind maps still plays an important part.
All in all, mind maps help companies and individual in determining solutions. For many
times, mind maps have helped in creating the best solutions for complex situations. According to
the experts, mind mapping can generate brilliant ideas from an individuals brain. It draws out
good intuition and mental potential so that others can scrutinize it. You can hold a company
conference so that you can conduct mind mapping to develop delivery metrics. You can gather all
the best minds in your company so that you can come up with a solid delivery metrics. The
company can expect a smooth flow of operations once the new delivery metrics are implemented.

Start organizing the conference for your company now. Pick all the brains in your
company so that only the best ideas can be generated. Youll see that in no time, the company
will have a new delivery metrics. Mind mapping has been used for many years now and it has
definitely helped a lot of companies and people in resolving complex situations.

Make use of mind mapping now and help your company grow in
the coming years. Chapter 7: Mind Mapping And Whole-brain
Mind Mapping and Whole-Brain Thinking
Are you familiar with the term
ambidexterity? This term is used to describe the ability to use both hands. Famous individuals
like Albert Einstein, Fleming, Harry Truman, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo were said to
be ambidextrous individuals. As you can see, its quite hard to use both hands with dexterity. If
youre a right-handed individual, you will find it hard to use you left hand in the same way, and
vice versa. Do you think it will be possible to achieve whole-brain thinking? Well, thats not
impossible because you can do that if you know mind mapping.
Being ambidextrous can also be achieved if youre able to do multiple tasks at the same
time. For example, youre watching TV as you answer the phone; while talking over the phone,
you will jot down important notes or information dictated by the person on the other end of the
line. If you can do these things, then it can be said that both hemispheres of your brain is
functioning. Unknowingly, most individuals are utilizing both hemispheres of their brain
everyday in accomplishing their tasks.
How can you identify a person using only his left or right brain hemisphere? To
understand it better, you need to know the different qualities that depict the left and right side of
the brain. The right hemisphere of your brain is responsible for your qualities such as having
artistic abilities, being a risk taker, imaginative, creative, highly philosophical, etc.
While the left hemisphere of your brain is responsible for your qualities like being a
conformist, practical, can comprehend effectively, seeks order, etc. If youre a person who relies
on strong intuition and acts subjectively and holistically, youre a right-brain individual while the
left-brain individuals tend to be analytical, logical, and rational.
The mental prowess of individuals depends on how their use the brain. If you try to
observe children, you will discover that they are usually using their right brain hemisphere
because they display spontaneity, imagination, great creativity, enthusiasm, and open mindedness.
As an individual grows older, they also grow socially, culturally, and sometimes racial influences
also hold back such natural traits.
If you want to achieve awareness at a much higher level, you must learn to be
ambidextrous; that is, you need to use both hemispheres of your brain. The first thing that you
need to do is to work on the leaning activities that focus in the right brain hemisphere like
analogies, metaphor, patterning, visuals, calculation, and role playing. In order to develop the
ambidextrous mind, you can get involved in meditation and reflective thinking.
Mind mapping is one way to achieve an ambidextrous mind. Through mind mapping, you
can diffuse your thoughts, thereby streaming thought lines and associations. You can associate
effectively if you can find the links to ideas and logic. If you try to explore the ideas and logic, it
will eventually lead to creativity, insight, and imagination.
It you want to strengthen your perception clarity, dissemination, and vividness, try to
make use of colors, symbols, and pictures in your mind maps. By using mind mapping, you can

employ your brains subtle aspects.

Start learning about mind maps now; mind mapping is your key to
achieving an ambidextrous mind. Wholebrain thinking is difficult to
achieve so you will need to work very hard. Good luck. Chapter 8:
Mind Mapping And Improving Grammar Points
Mind Mapping and Improving Grammar Points Teachers are very patient individuals. In
teaching their students, they often make use of mind mapping and the students have no idea about
it. Grammar is not an easy subject and a lot of students encounter difficulty in mastering it. The
mind maps are more commonly called as word maps or vocabulary networks. By introducing
these to the students, they will be able to handle their grammar lessons easily.
A typical example is organizing vocabulary groups and creating a central theme; from the
central theme, the students can associate various nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
Mind mapping
can also be used for grammar points. Tricky grammar elements can be easily understood with the
use of concept questions. If a teacher wants to give advice to students, they usually use modal
verbs like ought to or should. In the students language, those modal verbs have no equivalent
and in order to check if they understood the lessons is to ask some concept questions. Your
students will be able to visualize and everything they learn will be retained for future
Lots of teachers never realized the importance of mind mapping. They just continue to
discuss the lessons to their students without caring if the students learned or not. For the
concerned and good teachers, they dont rely on the explanations and discussions of the various
class lessons. These teachers are more concerned if their students learned the lessons or if the
students are having difficulty in coping with the grammar points.
Utilizing mind maps in teaching the grammar points may be of great help to you if youre
also teaching grammar lessons to your students. Concepts will be visualized clearly by the
students through simple diagrams.
As a responsible grammar teacher, you need to identify the grammar points where your students
are having difficulty. After that, you can develop concept questions and then put them to mind
maps. It seems that lots of students encounter grammar difficulty. No amount of explanation by
the teachers can help them understand the lessons quickly and effectively. If youre still not using
mind maps in your grammar lessons, dont you think its time to try them out? Theres no harm
in trying and if the mind maps are successful, you can continue using them in other grammar
lessons where the students are having difficulty.
Various studies have shown that mind maps are effective tools in learning. Whether
youre teaching in the pre-school, elementary, high school, or even college students, mind maps
can be used by the teachers and professors.
Just remember that you need to arrange the map intuitively depending on the important concepts.
You can also classify the map in branches, groupings, and areas with the main goal in your mind.
If you want to have brainstorming in class, make use of mind mapping and you will be
able to witness the generation of various ideas. You simply have to present the grammar points in
a graphical, non-linear, or radial manner; have a little discussion and some explanation and your
students will surely have a great time and not only that, they will understand the lessons with

Mind mapping is definitely a huge help when it comes to teaching

students about grammar points. You can gather other helpful

resources on the net so that you can create the mind maps without
difficulty. Try it now. Chapter 9: Artists And Mind Mapping
Artists and Mind Mapping Creative individuals are very lucky because not everyone can bring
out their creativeness especially as they grow older. Being creative is natural among children
because they are utilizing their brains right hemisphere but as a person grows older, they become
more rational using mostly their left brain hemisphere. Artists are gifted people and so they find it
easy visualize tasks or ideas without great effort. If youre an artist and you need to complete a
certain project, you can make use of mind maps so that you can organize all your ideas and dont
forget even the smallest detail.
Artists need to focus on their projects. The slightest distraction can ruin their
concentration and much worse, it can mess up the entire project. Over thinking is also not a good
idea because most artists end up abandoning their projects. In order to keep focus on their
projects, they need to utilize mind maps. If you want to stay in the right track, you should first
create mind maps. Even if artists leave their projects for a couple of days or even weeks, they will
be able to finish their projects as it is much easier to pick up their concentration. The mind maps
will ensure the completeness of the project so try them out.
Artists are also human and so mistakes can occur or they might even forget some details
of their projects. Mind maps can guide the artists in completing their projects without missing
anything. A typical example is when artists are so engrossed with their painting task and they
often forget to include the pictures crucial points. With the mind map, the artist can identify
what he or she missed in a glance. There are times when artists experience blocking points
wherein they can no longer continue with their project.
This will not be a problem if they utilized mind maps because they will know where to
pick up and they can easily get the overall picture again. When the projects flow is blocked, take
a look at your mind map again. You will easily identify the problem and be able to solve it. Once
the problem is identified, it will be very easy to come up with solutions and proceed with the
completion of the project.
Leonardo da Vinci is a famous artist and studies reveal that he was ambidextrous. Some
say that da Vinci utilized mind maps to complete his works of art. Because of this, a lot of artists
as well as writers are now considering the use of mind maps in completing their works. Focus is a
very important factor in completing art projects and mind mapping can aid artists to keep
themselves focused despite interruptions or distractions.
If youre an artist and you want to balance the conception of ideas, try to know what mind
maps are so that you can use it to your advantage. Artists are not just concerned with their
projects but also with other concerns of their lives. There are times when their minds get cluttered
and so they lose focus. The creative thinking is enhanced with the use of mind maps.

If youre still not familiar with using mind maps, you can make use
of the mind mapping tools found online. Get all the necessary
information resources about mind mapping and see how it works for
you. Chapter 10: Mind Mapping And Templates
Mind Mapping and Templates

Goal setting templates are structures where people often

base planning. If you have disjointed ideas, you can benefit a lot from these templates. Through
the templates, you can easily organize such ideas but the problem is, you will need to sacrifice a
degree of creative thinking and imagination. If youre looking for an interesting component to set
your goals, the templates together with mind mapping will do you good.
The origins of mind mapping are still considered debatable but due to the efforts of Tony
Buzan, a British psychologist, it has become extremely popular for about 30 years now. Some
people say that Tony Buzan can be considered as the father of mind mapping, but as mentioned
earlier, the origin is still debatable.
How do you go about mind mapping? On a blank page, you can put the central word or
topic at the center. This is where mind mapping begins. From the central word or topic, you can
generate ideas. By making use of associative thinking, keywords can branch off from the central
word/topic to related areas.
For example, youre trying to decide on what career path you need to follow. In this
situation, the center word will be careers. Let your imagination rein free so that you can
generate concepts and connecting words. Soon enough, youll see that from the word career,
you can branch off to corporate, overseas, expatriate, to Asia and other nations.
In a template exclusively designed for goal setting, mind mapping will be used to tap into
potential ideas that never crossed your mind when you were using the conventional format of
linear note. There still exists structure because the mind maps will allow you to use single
keywords with branching lines so that you can identify linkage relationships. You will see this as
you add new words or ideas on the screen or paper.
People today are very much concerned with their respective lives and careers since it is
quite difficult to earn money these days. More and more software templates are now being
offered in the market to aid many individuals in grappling complex situations. These software
templates unintentionally guide individuals in inputting their mission statements, visions,
objectives, and goals. Your subconscious mind hardly contributes any related ideas because the
software will do it for you. It was said earlier that in using the templates, you will need to
sacrifice a bit of creative thinking and imagination.
If youre computer literate, you will surely like these mind mapping tools. There are open
sources as well as commercial sources online. If you choose a software template for goal setting,
you have to ensure that program is capable to export the linear standard format like MS Word.
Not only that, you also need to confirm if it is able to import word processing to the format of
mind mapping. If youre searching for an intuitive idea generating tool and at the same time
combine it with analytical and logical thinking, take advantage of the software templates for goal
Start searching for the best software templates online now and try to compare them with
one another. Check the features and other details of the templates. After doing so, you can
already get the appropriate template to aid you in setting your goals for whatever venture youre

Chapter 11: Mind Mapping And The Ambidextrous Mind

Mind Mapping and the Ambidextrous Mind
If youre a right-handed individual, you often
use your left hand with limitations. That is also true with lefthanded individuals. Very few people
can use both their hands with dexterity. These people are called ambidextrous and very good
examples are Harry Truman, Fleming, Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo.
Ambidextrous can also be the ability to handle various tasks simultaneously. In this article, you

will learn more about mind mapping and its connection to being ambidextrous.
In todays modern times, people are already used to handling multiple tasks at the same
time. Youve probably seen your Mom talking on the phone, cooking, and attending the laundry
concurrently. While youre doing different tasks simultaneously, your brains left and right
hemispheres is also juggling the tasks. Thinking activities on the brains right hemisphere
includes easy comprehension, subjectivity, and strong intuition. The left hemisphere is attributed
by rational, analytical, and logical thinking.
It is often hard to use both hemispheres of the brain at the same instance but it can be developed
after some time especially if youre determined to learn more about it.
Once youve mastered
using both hemispheres of the brain, you already have the so-called ambidextrous mind. Each
hemisphere has its own attributes and if youre able to use them together, your brains capacity
can be optimized. Aside from that, an optimized brain is able to enhance brain output and
increase awareness.
You too can attempt to have an ambidextrous mind. You should develop your analytical
skills, while trying to be reasonable and reflective of your tasks. By doing so, you can deepen
your logical ability, creativity, imagination, and you might also be able to find links and
associations to increase your awareness.
Through mind mapping, you can be propelled to develop the ambidextrous mind. With
just one topic, you will be able to diffuse the thoughts into lateral and vertical thinking. Practice
mind mapping so that next time you have an issue, situation, or problem to solve, you can address
it comprehensively. You can expect creative responses and solutions.
The brains functional mechanism is the basis for mind mapping. It can evoke the power
of the super brain while triggering the thought process. Therefore, mind mapping can serve as the
tool for encouraging wholebrain or ambidextrous thinking.
Business individuals will surely benefit a lot from an ambidextrous mind. Well, you cant
use mind mapping today and expect an immediate result the day after. The ambidextrous mind
should be developed over time. You need to practice mind mapping everyday until you finally
master it. If you want better and more effective results, mind mapping should be practiced
continuously because thats the only way to encourage the ambidextrous mind.
Very few individuals have the ability to use both sides of their brain and if youre gifted
with such ability, you should be thankful for it. You have to use your ambidextrous mind to
contribute goodness in the workplace and in the community. You can even show your colleagues,
friends and family how you do it.
Remember that mind mapping is not as hard as you think. If you can find a good teacher
who will teach you about mind mapping, then go ahead. Who knows, you might be able learn
how to use the two hemispheres of your brain in no time at all.

Chapter 12: Mind Mapping - A Tool For Creative Thinking

Mind Mapping A Tool for Creative Thinking
Very few people are gifted with innovative
thinking. These people can take advantage of mind mapping because it suits them perfectly since
mind maps consume skills found in imagination, creativity, flexibility, and organization of ideas.
According to many psychological researches, creative thinking has 4 elements which include the
use of shapes, colors, unusual elements, and dimensions. Aside from hat creative thinking can
also adjust conceptual positions and create response to appealing objects. If you want to promote
creative thinking, mind mapping is a very effective tool.
Mind mapping can aid in completing the thinking process. Mind map is considered as an

essential tool for mnemonic principles and creative thinking. If you can apply the appropriate
techniques and facilitate them correctly, individuals can create lots of innovative ideas; more than
a group brainstorming session can generate. Creative thinking has five stages, and they are as
Mind mapping burst (Quick-Fire) choose an interesting topic and draw a central image
to represent it. You can use a blank paper or any other material that you can write on. The ideas
that radiate from your mind should be indicated on the page. Try to generate ideas for twenty
minutes. Even if some ideas seem absurd, jot them down because there are times when these
ideas serve as the key to breaking bad habits and coming up with new perspectives.
1st Reconstruction and Revision dont over exercise your brain. You can take a break
and then try to integrate the idea youve generated. Create another mind map but this time, try to
categorize the preliminary ideas. You can build hierarchies and identical ideas should be given
attention. Through mind maps, individuals can explore and grow.
Incubation when youre at rest, running, or sleeping, there are times when you experience
sudden realizations. In this stage, the thinking process can create probable breakthroughs.
2nd Reconstruction and Revision do another mind map burst because at this stage, you
have a fresher perception. Integrate all the ideas and info found in the initial mind maps and try to
create final comprehensive mind map.
Final after youve created a comprehensive map, you can now look for the realization,
decision, and solution since this was your original goal.
These are the five stages in the
creative thinking. So you see, mind mapping is really an essential tool in creative thinking. In the
resent years, mind mapping has become easier as compared to the time it was first introduced.
There is now software focused mainly on mind mapping. The software is widely available online
and you can purchase them anytime. Computer-based mind mapping is just like the traditional
method of mind mapping. it is up to you whether you will make use of the traditional way or the
modern way of mind mapping.
Hurry and try to experience the 5 stages of creative thinking. You will surely be surprised
with the explosion of innovative and creative ideas. For those who dont have any experience
with mind mapping, you can consult the experts online or you can find a local mind mapping

This may be the answer to your problems. Let mind mapping help
you in uncovering your creative thinking so that you can use it in
your everyday life. Search the internet now for some mind mapping
resources. Chapter 13: Mind Mapping Drawing Tips
Mind Mapping Drawing Tips
Mind mapping, which is also referred to as a brainstorming
diagram, involves jotting down a central idea on a piece of blank background then thinking up of
related topics that are to radiate out centrifugally. Through focusing oneself in a central idea, a
wider scope can be outlined because of the connection of one idea from another. Focus is the tool
that is to be used when writing own ideas and words, observing branches that serves as
connections between and idea to another. Mapping is very helpful in understanding and
remembering new and vital information.
With this, there are several tips on how to efficiently make mapping work for your brain and
your memory as well.
Tip 1 Make relationships Like familiar strangers wherein you are connected because of a

friend of another friend, that is how facts and information should be accurately intertwined with
one another. You can use arrows, colors, lines and even braches (like that of a tree part) to be
able to show the possible connections of ideas being generated inside your mind. Relationships of
one idea from the idea are important for one to understand the derivative of the new information
patterned out through construction of the map. Personalized mapping denotes own designs and
symbols which can effective for visualizing relationships meaningfully related to one another.
Plus, it will help you recall and understand every branched out information.
Tip 2 Do not judge, pause or edit Linear thinking is the concept wherein these three elements
are present. In mapping, analyzing is only secondary. What is important is the very thing that
pops out your head while focusing on the idea. But you have to be sure that whatever pops out
your mind is direly related to the topic otherwise you have to use your reasoning ability to pattern
your thoughts. Modification can be done in the later stage of analyzing the entire concept of the
idea. It is important that you allow yourself to be flexible that every idea can be included in the
map for as long as the puzzle fits. Sometimes, the obscure topics are the ones that make sense.
Tip 3 Be specific Write down only what seems to matter and not the entire idea. Use
keywords and phrases but not an entire sentence or paragraph. Be brief but straight to the point of
what you want to convey. Use capitals in order to get only the important key points. You can
write down notes which explain your keyword which can be located at the bottom of the word.
Tip 4 Centralize the idea Always put the idea in the middle of the page and not in corners.
Students prefer that it is more useful to focus on a landscape type of view. Because the topic or
main idea is placed at the center of the page, It will give you a maximum space for other related
ideas to radiate from the center.
Tip 5 Spacing
Some of the most significant mind mapping notes are those that have
spaces left for further note-taking add ups. You can also choose to highlight some of the
important information which the lecturer or you boss has reiterated. Spacing is good to provide
additional information to join into the picture.

A good mind mapping is the one that is overflowing with

appropriate details from the past and present. Chapter 14: Mind
Mapping For An Easier Life
Mind Mapping for an Easier Life Everyday, you have to deal with a lot of information. If you
dont gather or catalog them, the loads of information will be meaningless. Even if you try to sort
out all the pieces of information, you will find it quite hard. There are lots of information
resources such as books, magazines, abstracts, websites, and even multimedia sources (CDs,
DVDs, and video tapes. If you want to have an easier life, try to make use of mind mapping.
Is it really possible to assimilate the loads of info you gather everyday? That would be
possible through mind mapping. Through mind maps, you can easily organize all the pieces of
info in such a way that it all makes perfect sense.
An overload of disorganized information is not very good. If youre in this kind of
situation, it would be best to try mind mapping the digital way. Its just like the traditional mind
maps developed by Tony Buzan; however, there are some slight differences. The mind maps can
help in unlocking the fullest potential of the brain. If you have a paper and some colored pencils,
you can already make a mind map.
Lets take a look at digital mind maps. A lot companies nowadays utilize mind mapping
in digital form. The digital maps can make business processes a lot easier. This is because you

can create mind maps quickly and not only that, you can draw and edit your new ideas later on
through your computer. Business presentations are usually conducted in conferences where there
are several important people. The mind maps can be easily shared to the group with the use of the
computers and the internet.
If you try to browse the internet, you will notice that there are lots of software programs
that businesses and even individuals can make use. Some of the software is free and you can just
download them but more complicated mind mapping software is available at a reasonable price.
Brainstorming in the office is usual and with the introduction of the mind mapping tools,
the task has become much easier. New possibilities pop up because the brainstorming participants
are quite enthusiastic during their sessions.
Time management is also an issue in most companies and so companies are finding out ways to
make use of mind mapping for efficient time management.
Mind mapping is not only
utilized by companies but also by ordinary individuals. Simple sketches, drawings, and lines can
already create mind maps and perhaps youre doing that too; unknowingly, youre creating mind
maps to solve some of your problems.
If you plan to write a book, you can also utilize mind mapping. You see, it will be easier
to get an overview of some interesting topics through the mind maps. Choose your main topic
and then put inside the circle at the middle of the blank page. New topic ideas can branch out
from the main topic to create sub topics.
Dont collect your new ideas and information in textual form. Instead, try to jot them
down in a simple yet comprehensible mind map. Soon you will notice that your mind is more
stimulated and you can even recall all your new ideas without difficulty. With just a glance, you
can already understand what it is all about.

Try creating mind maps now and make your life much easier.
Chapter 15: Mind Mapping Software
Mind Mapping Software
In todays modern world, the need for almost all kinds of software
is greatly in demand, including mind mapping software. The software used for mind mapping is
quite important especially in project planning, brainstorming, creative writing, and business
processes. Developing mind mapping software is not an easy task. Designers of the software
often undergo enormous effort in order to develop such applications and tools.
For individual users, you will find most Mind Mapping Software over a couple of
hundred dollars. Since you will be investing a reasonable amount of money, you need to choose
only the best software. Make sure that you find the best deal in town because the Mind Mapping
Software will be of great use to you and perhaps even to your family.
Here you can find the top two Mind Mapping Software sold in the market today. The software
will surely meet your needs and you will be give you a memorable experience each time you use
1. iMindMap this mind mapping system is designed by Tony Buzan. Perhaps you
already know Buzan. He is an expert in the field of mind mapping and in fact, he is among the
best. Some people even say that he is the father of mind mapping. You can find dozens of mind
mapping books by Buzan especially about iMindMap. This system is the technological
application of the traditional mind mapping. The system allows users to create a wide range of
mind maps and they easily integrate them to supplementary computer applications. It is flexible,
user-friendly, clean, and it is available in different languages.
2. NovaMind this is a mind mapping system that is available in 3 versions or programs.
This system is among the best choices of mind mapping systems because users can simply choose

any of the versions that suit their specific needs. Users will like this system because it is
user-friendly, versatile, and intuitive. Project managers and screenwriters will also find this
system very useful because it provides a specific module exclusively designed for them. The
presentations and mind maps by NovaMind are exquisitely beautiful. If youre looking for a
multilingual mind mapping system, this will suit your taste and needs.
The two mind mapping systems, iMindMap and NovaMind, can work on Mac and
Windows. No matter what endeavor youre in, you will find these systems workable and easy to
use. Even if the systems cost a bit, it is still a worthy investment and you can generate a lot of
For more detailed information about iMindMap and NovaMind, you can search for them
online. You will be able to get the pricing details of each of the mind mapping system and not
only that, with diligent search, you might be able to find a good deal in one of the online stores.
Before you purchase any mind mapping software, make sure that you identify first your
needs. You should also consider your budget. Once youve identified your needs and you already
set aside a budget, you can start comparing the different mind mapping systems. Choose the one
that is able to meet most of your needs (if not all of it) and of course, a system that you can

Purchase the appropriate mind mapping system now and see what
it can do for you. In no time at all, you will be able to deal with any
complex situation rationally and easily. Chapter 16: Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping Info Oftentimes, when you have a project, you cant avoid having if questions
in your mind. Most individuals are like that and so they try to come up with solutions or
alternatives to answer those if questions. Are you one of them? If you are, then you will benefit
a lot from this mind mapping info.
When youre doing something which involves high stakes, its natural for you to draw some
kind of diagram so that you can visualize the obstacles ahead while seeing your ultimate goal at
the end.
The diagrams you drew may be very simple lines or complex models but whatever
it looks like, it can be considered as mind maps. Through the diagrams, one can easily make good
decisions or better yet, make complicated decisions easier. Another important thing is, the
diagrams can be an effective system or way for better and effective communication.
There are three ways to effectively communicate through mind mapping. One is to show
the components of difficult situations; second, it gives you the idea of the possible outcomes of
certain actions; and third, it highlights unrecognized linkages.
A typical example is maintaining your very own website. If youre utilizing mind
mapping, you will usually draw diagrams of boxes and some lines representing the connections.
Even if you have a simple website, it is sometimes difficult to track the connections and hierarchy.
But what if you need to work with several complex situations? Do you think you can handle such
If youre asked to explain mind mapping to another person, you might find it quite hard
but did you know that with a visual component outline, you can effectively communicate even
the most complex relationships and structures?
Have you tried applying mind mapping to determine the outcome of certain actions?
Manufacturers of various consumer products take a lot of time in weighing things. These

manufacturers know that the internet can help them a lot in marketing their products but they still
need to see if its a profitable endeavor. If the manufacturers dont find it profitable, then they
will not advertise their products online but if they find it profitable, they will need to determine
the possible expenses and the time it takes to set up an online site to market the products. After
the concerns are answered, other things will come up.
So, are you getting a good picture of how mind mapping is carried out? A certain action
or decision depends on a certain factor; and in order to determine the correct answer, you will
need to consider the answer to a previous query. Through mind mapping, you can easily illustrate
certain actions and their possible consequences. By doing so, you can immediately forecast the
When you make a decision, you will often encounter outer forces which can be
responsible for some changes in the outcome. How do you respond to such forces and changes?
By answering this question, you might be able to highlight the unrecognized linkages.
Once you master mind mapping, complex situations can be simplified so that you can
arrive at the best possible decision. All the possible consequences to a certain action can also be
determined; at the same time, you can uncover linkages. Practice mind mapping now so that you
can face any situation, no matter how hard it is.

Chapter 17: Mind Mapping Software Advantages

Mind Mapping Software Advantages
Mind mapping that are hand-drawn provided a rich history for mapping software which are
prevalent today. Hand-made mind maps are made indeed the basis for drawing different kinds of
software that can be used in companies and universities. Mind maps made by hand are
memorable, colorful and powerful based on history in order to represent information and ideas to
oneself and to other people. Nevertheless, there are still others who consider mind mapping by
hand a thing of the past. Why? Because of the thought that mind maps made manually are easily
scratched off.
The Deal
If youll focus yourself on the software made distinctly for mind maps, youll see a lot of
possibilities of electronically visualizing maps that can utilize a lot of conventions and riles of the
concept as a foundation which adds up to a more powerful and new capability.
Rigid Advantages 1. The software gives the person the opportunity to arrange and re-arrange
the given information in an expanded and collapsible tree. This will make it all possible to save
much information in a visual map which is software-produced without being overwhelmed. Out
of this, you can manipulate creation of different sophisticated knowledge that enhances models
which are not possible even in an outline of paper.
2. As said, mind map software gives you the chance to re-arrange inappropriate topics and
put them under the idea that makes sense. You can re-arrange all you want until you reach the
peak of adjustment. Compared to hand-drawn maps, you will need tons of correction fluid or
massive erasers just to correct one topic including the side topics. Whereas the software gives
you the chance to correct mistakes making you do away with the mistakes. It is really difficult to
move and anchor it to another in mind maps that are manually drawn.
3. The software enables you to import and export ideas to other software types such as
project management, processors and presentations. This gives you the opportunity to use your
map as a tool for creative front end in almost all types of project that makes you structure ideas.
4. The software can help you embed links, notes, data, and documents that are structured

within your map and transform it into a powerful rich database of visuals. This means that you
are given the opportunity to create a projected map which contains several shortcuts to wealthy
supporting ideas. This can actually be an efficient time saver. Furthermore, to avoid clutters,
programs can help you sub-divide huge maps into links of sub-maps which enable you to capture
data of projects in a more manageable format.
5. Updating is such a breeze. You cant easily forget a visual map that is produced via
software. Because of the chance to update anytime you want, the software map can become a
powerful tool that helps you manage your projects and track down the progress in a continuous
basis. Furthermore, at the end of each project, you can note down additional projects or lessons
learned and achieved.

What makes mind mapping software better than other outlined

software is that, it can be as flexible as one expects it to be. You can
do different kinds projects whether it is for a school project or for
business matters. Chapter 18: Optimizing Mind Mapping Contents
Optimizing Mind Mapping Contents
There you have it, your own mind map. But wait,
thing is, you wanted people to see this. You wanted them to understand and analyze things the
way you see it. Are you sure that your mind mapping contents are enough to be shown? If you
wanted to utilize your map to be able to communicate the information you have to other people,
you have to review everything critically. Does your idea communicate in an organized and
understandable manner or is it still vague to you? If it seems vague, then you have to go back to
the drawing board.
It is a rule that when you convey something, you have to understand the information you
are giving out or else your name and reputation will be in jeopardy. The ideas should
communicate in an unambiguous and clear manner. For someone who is seeing the ideas on your
map for the very first time, he or she should make sense out of everything including the hierarchy
of importance of the different sub-topics and topics. Your wording and topic must coincide with
each other so as not to confuse people who will see it. Neatness should also be maintained.
Whether you like it or not, people are going to barge in their opinions and comments
regarding your map. Their judgments will be all based on how you have constructed your map.
Their views will be concerned mainly on how they have clearly or vaguely understood the ideas
that you have presented. That is why, it is important that you present the kind of appeal that is
ideal for them to see.
Below are some tips on how to fully optimize your map in a way that people will appreciate and
not criticize. 1. Ask yourself a lot of things.
It is through being intuitive that you learn on how to handle your situation. Ask yourself about
the map that you have done. Does the entire topic which is connected with some sub-topics
co-relate with each other? Or are there ideas that are not really relevant to what you are trying to
convey? Be creative enough to move certain topics and put them in place if things are not making
sense any longer. Youll never know it may just make sense at that angle. This process can
increase the completeness and value of your map.
2. Collapse the map.
Dont tear it all down just collapse its meaning, you have to shatter the contents of your map in
order to achieve topmost topics which are considered as the most important ones and are mainly
visible. Look at your map in a holistic way including the central theme and its sub-topics. This

will trigger a self-explanatory process.

3. Arrange chronologically.
Your primary topics should appear primarily to achieve a logical sequence and logical
understanding. If you dont see things are arranged based on ideas, and then structure your map
in a way that will make sense. Dont leave topics astray around your map.
Remember, as the one projecting the map, you have to have a goal of instilling in the
mind of the people who are seeing your mind to see things the way you do because if they are
seeing different, then youre in big trouble.

Furthermore, your mind map should be something that reminds

you everything. It should act as a recall instrument and not a thing
to ponder on in the long run. Chapter 19: Mind Mapping Software
Manage Meetings More Efficiently
Mind Mapping Software: Manage Meetings More Efficiently
Pressured on how meetings
should be like when presenting something? Fret not because the key is not through hi-tech
presentations but through good communication skills presented by you and your concept map. To
become an effective presenter, you have to prepare well for your business meeting for it to
become successful. For a very important meeting, one must take care of different strategies in
order to let people understand the agenda. Meetings like these require that you set a fixed
objective in order to solicit the participation of the members of the table who will be the judge of
your work.
Software map can effectively introduce your ideas to different people inside and outside
your organization and manage a room of facility details. With its powerful ability to share
information towards other onlookers, software maps can organize and gather numerous pieces of
conveyed information. Nobody in the room would like a disorganized presentation because it will
broaden the nonsense discussion of things that you have deliberately said but has no meaning.
How should you utilize your mapping software as a prototype for the next meeting?
Determine the people who will attend your meeting.
Who are the people who should be there? Who are the people who are involved in adding input
for the needed project? Who are the decision-makers that need to add more comments about your
map? Do you need consultants or other people outside the organization that can greatly contribute
to your outlines success? If all your answers are all positive, then you can start jotting down the
different people inside and outside your org. Know the pertinent info about them.
2. Define objectives.
Without objectives your plan will be chaotic. You have to polish certain objectives in order to
aim at something at every end of a meeting. What should be the purpose of your meeting? What
are your goals and future accomplishments? How should the outcome of your project look? Place
every sound objective that you can think of in a separate branch or section of your map.
3. Know your facility or equipment needs.
Branch out the facility needs of your organization. This should convey the different needs in
your meeting. Consider if there are any participants that will use other presentation types like
PowerPoint or MindManager for the brainstorming of the group. You can use your mapping
software to be able to define different needs visually, support any need for teleconference,
arrangements for lunch and so much more. This is also meant to save time efficiently without
thinking of the fuss or delaying the meeting because of insufficiencies.

4. Define the important items of agenda.

If you already have an objective, you can now drive your members to create agenda for your
meeting. List the topics that are needed to be discussed and who should lead the discussion for a
particular segment. Place the different agendas in a separate branch of your map. Be sure that the
people whom you have placed on that position are effective enough to do the discussion. Their
equipments needed must also be consistent with the manner of how they are presenting their
By using the mind mapping software, you can organize and structure almost all your
business meetings. Mind mapping is a great tool to be able to streamline your business workflow
and keep myriad of data in a well-organized form.

Chapter 20: Using The Mind For Concept Mapping

Using the Mind for Concept Mapping
The mind is a powerful tool to assist men in doing
daily activities normally and adequately. Concept mapping is an efficient equipment that uses the
mind in order to enhance different types of learning and thinking which are required in schools
and universities. In order to make a map, you have to write down the main idea on the center of
the page.
The central idea may be in terms of a phrase or word that is placed at the center and wait
for drops of branches grow around it that represents sub-ideas which have grew out of the central
idea. Concept mapping is a useful technique in taking down notes and being represented in a
graph. Concept networks are referred to as knowledge maps. The different networks usually
consist of links and nodes. Links are the ones representing the relationship between different
concepts and nodes are the ones representing the different concepts.
Concepts are sometimes linked with labels. Links can be in forms of uni-directional,
bi-directional, or nondirectional. Generally, links and concepts can be categorized in such a way
that they can be specified, associated and divided in categories like temporal or even causal
Why concept mapping?
1. It can generate numerous ideas like brainstorming
2. It can design a more complex idea that makes sense
3. It can communicate ideas which are complicated and complex
4. It can assess ones understanding and even diagnose for any misunderstanding
5. It can help learning through explicitly integrating old and new knowledge
What are the advantages of Concept Mapping?
It triggers the brain to produce more and at
the same time making exercising it to be more alert and understanding of the entire concept.
Technically speaking, concept mapping can be seen in most cases of brainstorming.
Brainstorming and mapping can both be regarded to as thing which can induce new material like
viewpoints and interpretations.
However, mapping can rely greatly on a random input of intentional sequence, on the
other hand, brainstorming is a result of gushes of blood being spilled out of ones mind and create
out-of-this-world and zany ideas which can be connected to the center point. Brainstorming
demands a lateral way of thinking whereas concept mapping provides convergent thinking
opportunity to fit the ideas together in one piece of central matter. The moment you get the hand
of it, you will be more aware that the technique is apparent.
Why do people stick with concept mapping rather than engaging in different kinds of diagram or
outline? Here are the advantages
1. Allows the person to see all the basic yet important information in just one page.

2. Defines clearly the main idea through positioning it at the middle represents something quite
3. Allows the user to realize that links makes sense. This will be helpful during essay writings
and creative output.
4. Enables the person to point out clearly the relation of important branching data.
5. Allows new added information to penetrate without messing up the page or purposely
squeezing the ideas in a small space.
6. Enables the person to look at a certain situation in a several different ways and doesnt
portray an idea locked laterally.
7. Complex relationships among giving out of ideas become
more evident.
8. Lastly, it allows the person to see material gaps, contradictions and even paradoxes in an
easier manner. Through mind mapping formulation of questions encourages the persons
creativity and discovery.

Chapter 21: Mind Mapping Ideals

Mind Mapping Ideals
First, a bit of definition. Technically speaking, a mind map is a
kind of diagram that is used to represent different tasks, ideas, words and other stuff linked inside
your head which radically centralizes around your nerves revolving around a central idea or
picture. The act of using the diagram is mind mapping. Mind mapping is usually used to visualize,
classify, generate and structure different ideas going inside a persons head. It is useful in helping
someone organize, solve problems, making decisions, write and study.
Elements depend accordingly to the intuitive approach of arrangements from the
importance of different kinds of concepts through grouping, areas or branches covering goals or
semantic representation and other side connections related to portions of the entire information.
Mind maps also aids in recalling memories that duly exist.
Through ideas being represented in a form of a graphical, non-linear and radial manner,
mind maps are somewhat encouraging brainstorming in the unorthodox approach wherein ideas
are generated with regarding hierarchal and formal system of organization. Mind maps are kind
of similar to cognitive maps or semantic networks which are structured rigidly and yet imposing
individuality and freewheel.
Origins of Maps made by the Mind
Similar concepts or mind maps are used for
centuries now. It is evident in brainstorming, problem solving, memory, learning and visual
thinking by psychologists, educators, engineers and other professions that need intensive thinking
before conclusion prevails.
Network semantics was developed late 1950s which was just a basic theory in order to
understand the demonstrations of how human beings develop learning. This concept was made by
Quillian and Dr. Collins in the early times of the 1960s. Dr. Collins was considered as the Father
of Modern Mapping because of his extensive commitment to publish researches about his
creativity, graphical thinking and learning.
A famous psychologist, Tony Buzan, claimed that he have invented a modern way of
mapping out the mind. According to his claims, his idea was due to the inspiration he got from
semantics which are popularized in novels of science fiction. He stated that instead of scanning
an entire page traditionally, one can scan it in a non-linear new fashion way. Buzan was the one
responsible for assumptions about the different hemispheres of the brain that needs to be utilized
in order to promote an exclusive form of taking dire notes.
This concept is used in some aspects of applications though sometimes others dont

recognize it. Fields include education and learning, engineering, and even planning. If compared
with the usual concept map, the structure is quire radial but is more simplified by having just one
keyword put in the center and let all the patent information to rush around it.
Some of its important uses are concerned primarily in business (brainstorming and
note-taking), education and family and even in your personal aspect of life. General clarification
of thought, summarizing and even revising of figures is also within the scope of mapping. People
can use this as a structuralized system of involving one topic to a central idea and let the flow of
associated information line along it.
Mind mapping is created around a single text, word or idea that is placed in the center of
the page. Then, ideas, concepts and words associated to it will be added. This shows that
everything is connected with one another under a single idea. Its more like deriving from one
truth with several leaks.

Chapter 22: Powerful Presentations And Mind Mapping

Powerful Presentations and Mind Mapping
Are you currently in-charge of making
powerful presentations? Businesses require powerful presentations for conveying all the pertinent
information and at the same time in highlighting the most important aspects. Business
presentations are hard to create but if you incorporate mind mapping in this activity, the task can
be completed in no time. But before anything else, you need to know the basics.
Powerful presentations are products of extensive preparation and constant practice. It
entails detailed planning and wide-ranging preparations. The first thing that you need to do is to
identify the purpose if the business presentation. Aside from that, you also need to establish the
objectives. You must be able to decide what message you want to impart to the audience.
You must be able to reach the audience in a manner that is appealing and appropriate.
Boring presentations will tend to generate lack of interest from the audience and the message or
goal will be not delivered effectively. The audience is a great consideration when youre creating
the business presentation. You also need to consider your duration of your presentation, facilities,
and settings of the venue.
You must be able to maintain eye contact with your audience. That way, you can easily
build rapport and you can keep them focused during the presentation. You must be simple,
concise, a bit humorous, and your presentation should have an informative content. Those are the
ways to come up with an excellent presentation.
The first few minutes of the presentation will determine the success and power of your
business presentation. This is the time that you need to capture the attention of your audience.
You need to impart the message and the objectives of the presentation during that time so that the
audience already knows what to expect or anticipate.
Meaningful business presentations can be created through the use of mind maps. The
entire presentation rests on the mind maps that you created. You can determine the various
presentation steps through the mind maps from your speech, visual text displays, anecdotes,
humor, and even the anticipated answers to possible questions. In one page of the mind map, you
can already come up with a business presentation; you just need to think positively and avoid
being obstructive. Mind maps are simple yet they can convey a lot of message.
Once youre through with the mind maps, you can now incorporate it in your business
presentation. In fact, the entire presentation can be derived from the mind map that youve
created. If you want, you can get a mind mapping software that you can use to create the business
presentation. The software will make it easier for you to create the presentation. Find the

appropriate software to use in your business presentation.

Mind mapping is very useful especially if you know how to go about the entire process.
Try to develop your skills in creating mind maps especially if youre responsible for conducing
business presentations. With constant practice, you can make the maps with ease. Remember that
creating mind maps require knowledge and practice. Only then can you come up with fresh ideas
that can solve your problem.

So whats your goal or objective in creating the business

presentation? By focusing on those objectives or goals, you can
convey the message of the business presentation with ease and very
little effort. Chapter 23: Software For Mind Mapping Made For Life
Software for Mind Mapping Made for Life
Planning is the key for every successful
event or occasion. Without planning, there will be chaos and misunderstanding. There are a lot of
people who plan for birthday parties who do it months before the said event. They allot a specific
time frame for the said occasion or whatever it is they plan on doing. This also goes for you when
you are planning for what to do with your life 5 or 10 years from now. You have directed your
plans and scope to something that has meaning. With all these planning, there is a better way to
do planning in a more enjoyable and reachable process. That is through mind mapping.
Mind maps are excellent tools to manage life because it can help you easily identify your
scope, values, strategies and step-by-step methods in order to achieve whatever your future will
be. Here are some of the most effective tips on bringing on a life planner out of a concept map.
Step 1 Define goals
Formulation of goals will make it easier for you to define the path that you want. You make
your goal/s as the center or main topic that will appear on your map. Then, add your values as
topics which are freefloating. It doesnt necessarily require you to connect it to the central idea
for as long as they are positioned in the same direction because, in one way or another, they will
give justice and influence to your future plans.
Step 2 Add topics
After thinking of the central idea, you can now add primary topics of the major life domains or
roles in your entire life. One role can affect parts of your life but it doesnt mean that your goals
will change. The manner might differ but the plan stays the same. Like formulating plan A, plan
B, and whole other plans. It is smart that you see your plans distinctly from one major role to
another. This is also an effective tool to help you achieve equilibrium in your life.
Step 3 Secondary topics can be added
Strategies and steps will help you undertake the things that you want to achieve. This will reflect
under the goal that consists of your context role.
If you notice that you map is becoming too cluttered because of too much goals, try
considering the creation of sub-maps wherein you can tolerate a more detailed planning for each
role in your life plans. In this way, you wouldnt be confuse of your plan and not result to a cease.
You have to remember that mind maps are flexible enough to define obvious goals and at
the same time, monitor your progress. There are several mapping programs that give you the
chance to attach specific deadline and dates to the assigned branches; some can even let you
transfer to Microsoft Office.
Numerical ranking can also be attached to the steps of your action to make it easier for
you to see the sequence of your plans from the first to the last part. Furthermore, there are mind

mapping details that can let you attach markers or symbols to the branches in order to show you
the percentages that you have completed or achieve or what needs to be attended to first.

Using mind mapping will drive you to see things clearly in

achieving your goals. Chapter 24: Mind Mapping Software
Beneficial For Personal Productivity
Mind Mapping Software: Beneficial for Personal Productivity
True, through mind mapping,
personal productivity can be more systematized be it the foundation of the entire structure.
Software stripped out of the mind mapping concept can primarily be beneficial to improve ones
effectiveness. Here are some of the reasons why you should include strategies of mind mapping
into the flow of you working environment.
Reason 1 Rethink your thoughts Recall that is what mapping can contribute to you greatly.
Whenever you move a certain topic inside your map, you change the flow of its context then you
restructure its definite meaning. Why powerful? Because it will give you the ability to ponder
about the thoughts that you have imposed within the map. This will be helpful in giving you a
level of higher abstract and mind resolution by rearranging certain ideas within your mind which
can now makes total sense to your rationalization.
Reason 2 Flexibility
It all comes down to how you do something and be able to freely
manipulate the knowledge, details and ideas without the thought of being guilty of changing
some of the specifics. The encapsulated ideas and facts inside the boxes tend to hold different
varying ideas which can be rearranged by will.
Reason 3 - Be more organized
Concept maps are very much effective and efficient in
processes of new or recent projects, creating agendas for meetings, do appropriate lists and other
time-saving processes. Your maps are also expected to contain web pages, e-mails, notes and
files which mean that youll be more efficient with time because of the organization of the
information and documents. Several tools for mapping enable you to capture thoughts and ideas
that rotate around your head without the scare of losing it.
Reason 4 Become more productive
Software meant for mapping is said to have the
capability to increase chances of productivity by 20% in it average. This is equivalent to a weeks
savings. You couldve accomplished a lot of things and at the same time saving whats left of
your day.
Reason 5 Marked decisions
Concept mapping gives the individual a visual way to
record descriptions in details of opportunities that you can face, explore the advantages and
disadvantages of a decision, brainstorm particular problems and solutions at that, envision future
problems that may clearly arise, and reach a more equilibrated decision. Mapping is very helpful
especially when you are faced with a vague and ambiguous event or situation in your
decision-making career especially when you cant make any accurate decisions regarding
business matters.
Reason 6 - Problem solving creativeness One can have the power to become a problem solver
with style and creativity. The software can help you make connections with your brain through
association of seemingly unrelated pieces of information. While your mind can no longer hold
intense decisions with vagueness, mapping can develop it to become more developed and triggers
the organ to kick start regulating ideas and thoughts.
Reason 7 Gap seeker
More important than building information, it is also a must that a
person sees gaps in between interrelationships. Mind mapping will help your brain be stimulated

in order to point out, visually, the missing pieces in associations and ideas. It will help you to
easily see the existing malformations and what details have gone totally wrong.

Chapter 25: Ways On How To Improve Mind Mapping

Ways on How to Improve Mind Mapping The software made for mind mapping owns the most
comprehensive tools that can be used in order to create a clearer and concise map, visually. These
concept map are able to communicate different kinds of knowledge and information with such
elaborate clarity. But even so, the effectiveness of the map depends on the person who will use it.
Here are some ways of maximizing the efficiency of your mind mapping software.
Optimize your map contents.
Your map is not only meant to clear up things for you but also for others. Some how, you have
to relate your ideas to other people in order for them to understand what you are trying to convey.
Utilizing your maps for others to understand must need severe analysis because the people will
definitely have critical eyes for giving out their comments. There are so many questions that you
are to encounter. Questions like Does your map make any sense? or Was it written clearly or
was it just too ambiguous to comprehend? Judgments like these are to be expected that is why, it
is important that the contents of your map is optimized to the fullest of understanding that people
can see right through.
Use one map as your basis.
Think of it as a master map that controls all your other maps. Meaning, it is just one map that
contains the contents of the other maps that enables organization and quick access to all the
diagrams that you have created. This will enable you to organize projects and knowledge in such
a way that makes sense to you and, well, to other people who will look at it the other way around.
Your personalized links of maps should provide you with a measurable leap of productive ways.
Use only one map with one specific purpose.
An idea must be reflected with the same aspects of the branches. The ideas and information
should be on a single purpose or topic. In order to stick to best results, you have to stay focused
on the same subjects and the content must convey the issue to you. Dont put irrelevant topics
that will just put you in big trouble. Once your map becomes complicated branching out into
different diverged areas, consider that you have to break the map into small sub-maps.
Do away with unnecessary information and clutters.
Sometimes, designers of mind maps get too carried away that the end result doesnt make sense
any more. Maps that are too cluttered are quite difficult to fix and worse, the person can get stuck
on an idea and has no option of going forward or moving back. Generally, your ideas must be
briefly keyed inside your map. Your topics should be summarized statements which are
persuasive enough like news headlines. If ever you wanted to add details and additional
information under that category, leave spaces so that you can include it when that time comes.
Be consistent
To avoid confusion, you have to be consistent in every aspect of your mind mapping. The line
styles, color, visual elements and even colors must follow a single order. Each of these elements
can help convey more meaning to your maps concept if used in a systematic and consistent
Using it haphazardly can result to chaos and may eventually confuse the people who may see it.

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