Final Syllabus1

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K-6 Physical Education Syllabus


Jasmine Bryant


Office Location & Hours

Gym M-F 3:00-4:00

This Class is designed to give students the opportunity to learn through a skill and development driven Physical
Education Program. In accordance with the North Carolina Healthful Living framework, students will learn and
develop loco motor, non-loco motor, and manipulative skills that will be used to play games, group activities, and
team sports. Students will participate in a variety of fitness development exercises to assess speed, strength, and
endurance. Students will also learn playground rules and safety for self and others. Units of instruction will include
the following: Rules and Procedures, Fitness Testing, Motor Skills, Movement Concepts, Soccer, Basketball, HealthRelated Fitness, Personal Responsibility, Fitness Stations, Cooperative Games, Social Responsibility, Cooperative
Games, Bowling, Handball baseball, Softball, and Group Games.

Required Materials

Sneakers are required for physical education class.

PE Uniforms are available for purchase for 6th Graders.
6th Graders MUST dress out during P.E. as it counts towards a percentage of their final grade.

Grading Percentages

Skill Development 25%

Sportsmanship 25%
Following Directions 25%
Effort 25%


Freeze when you hear the whistle.

Follow directions quickly.
Do not leave the gym or cafeteria without permission.
Respect others.
No bullying.
Always try your best.

In the event that a student continues to break rules the following steps will occur:

Cool down from activity. (3-7 minutes)
Speak with Mr. Rasin/Parent Contact.

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