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Drveni peleti

Ova studija se oslanja na finske eksperte za drveni pelet. Maloprodajna cijena peleta je
zasnovana na trokovima proizvodnje, transporta, poreza i proizvoake mare. Trokovi
proizvodnje zavise od kapitalnih ulaganja, cijene sirovine i drugih operativnih trokova. Teko
je tano odrediti tanu cijenu kotanja, to je za proizvoae peleta izuzetno problematino i
moe da izazove i razliite cijene na osjetljivom tritu.
Kapitalni trokovi
Kapitalni trokovi zavise od investicionih ulaganja i eventualno od kamata na kupljenu
opremu. Investicioni trokovi ukljuuju zgrade, maineriju, opremu i transportnu opremu.
Nivo ulaganja u postrojenje za proizvodnju peleta u Finskoj se zadrao na niskom nivou do
danas, jer se nova postrojenja instaliraju u ve postojeim zgradama. 1996, Jaakko Pyry
konsultant firme Oy na temelju poziva za konkurs, izraunao je da su kapitalni trokovi
tvornice za proizvodnju 42 700 T peleta godinje je oko 252,500 , odnosno oko 0.34 /GJ
(1.2 /MWh) [Ebeling 1996].
Cijena sirovine
The raw material for pellets is sawdust and cutter shavings, which are by-products of the
wood-processing industries. These by-products have other uses in pulp production, as heating
fuels or as litter. The price of cutter shavings (moisture content 10 - 15%) was about 1.9 /GJ
(6.8 /MWh) and that of sawdust 1.2 - 2.2 /GJ (4.3 - 7.9 /MWh). To produce 1 t of pellets,
about 6 m3 of sawdust (moisture 50 - 55%) or about 7.5 m3 of cutter shavings (moisture 10 15%) are required. For example, the cost of cutter shavings to produce 1 t of pellets is about
8.3 . At this moment in time in Finland, pellets are produced almost entirely from cutter
shavings (Kakkinen 2000).
Other Operating Costs
The fixed costs include wages, salaries and operating staff overhead costs, service, repairs and
insurance. The variable costs include (in addition to raw material costs) electricity and
auxiliary fuel costs. The variable costs are highly dependent on the capacity, age and
construction of the pellet plant. Jaakko Pyry Consulting Oy estimated the total operating
costs of a pellet plant in 1996 producing about 40 000 t/a of pellets at about 2.86 million ,
i.e. about 3.9 /GJ (14.0 /MWh).
Transport Costs
The transport costs are dependent on transport vehicles and distance. The costs of heavy
lorries are the most extensive at about 50 /h and a distance cost of 0.5 /km. The transport
capacity of the lorry is 40 t. Vapo Oy estimates the share of transport cost is on average 10%
of the final pellet price.

Total Costs
According to Austrian evaluations the total production costs of pellets range from 52.2 to 81.3
/t without drying and from 73.5 to 94.6 /t if the process needs drying. The distribution of
the costs are presented in Figures 3 and 4. The costs of drying are dependant on the
technology and ranges from 25 / tpellets to 29 / tpellets. The production costs are also
depending on the annual operation time. If a plant is running in 3 shifts 7 days in a week,
costs are 84 / tpellets, compared with 3 shifts and 5 days a week, 90 / tpellets, 2 shifts and 5
days a week 101 / tpellets and for 1 shift and 5 days a week 133 / tpellets. [Thek et al.
Figure 3 - Pellet Costs Without Drying (30Kb)
Figure 4 - Pellet Costs With Drying (30Kb)
The competitiveness of pellets is highly dependent on taxation. The Finnish energy taxation
system applied since 1998 favours wood fuels. Unlike the combustion of fossil fuels and peat,
no energy tax is levied on the combustion of wood. For example, the tax of coal combustion is
41.37 /t, i.e. 1.6 /GJ (5.8 /MWh), and that of heavy fuel oil 0.05 /kg, i.e. 1.3 /GJ (4.7
/MWh). In power generation, the tax financial support on wood is 4.2 /MWh.
Business Profit
Profit is a part of the final price of pellets and both the producers and the retailers seek profit.
The share business profit in the total price of pellets is highly dependent on combustion
Case Study
The following table provides a case study of a 8-10 t/h capacity wood pellet manufacture.
Prices ex-factory (source: Finland):

Pellet size
Heat Content
Moisture Content
Ash Content
Bulk Density
Prices 2001 ex factory:
Bulk Supply
Large Bags (500-1000kg)
Small sacks (15kg)

8mm dia, 5-30mm long

4.8 MWh/t
Cutter Shavings
660 kg/m3
93/t (19.38/MWh)
113/t (23.54/MWh)
3.36 per sack (46.67/MWh)

Table 1 - Wood Pellet Case Study

Od 1999. godine do danas, cijena peleta se najmanje mijenjala.

Nafta biljezi rast od 349%, propan 258%, prirodni gas 89%, a pelet 43%. To znai da je cijena
peleta najstabilnija.

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