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Volume 25 Number 3
February, 2016

Madison County Retired Teachers #2

Illinois Retired Teachers Association Unit 74 Area 6 Region 15

Happy New Year and best wishes for a safe,
healthy, and happy 2016.
As I write this in early January, the holiday
decorations are down and being packed away for
another year. We've enjoyed some wonderful
weather warmer temperatures and no snow!
Many in our communities are struggling to clean up
the mess made by nearly ten inches of
rain in a forty-eight hour period. For
most of us, the rain was merely an
inconvenience. For those who suffered
damage whether great or small this is
a difficult and trying time. Please know
that you are in my thoughts and I pray
that each of you remain safe, and may your life get
back to normal as quickly as possible.
This is the beginning of my two year tenure as
President of Madison County Retired Teachers 2. I
see this as both a privilege and a challenge. I thank
those who had enough confidence in my
ability to serve this organization to elect
me. I hope to continue the good done by
those I follow and promise to face any
challenges I may face to the best of my
ability. Hopefully the next two years will be
far less tumultuous than the past two.
While we have defeated the attempts to
reduce our benefits, I feel certain there will be more
attacks in the future. We must remain diligent.
As an organization MCRTA2 is alive and doing
well. To remain great, we need to increase member
participation and to grow our numbers. IRTA has
asked every member to reach out to a friend, a
colleague, or even someone you happen to meet

and encourage them to join. Perhaps you could

invite them to attend a meeting and let them meet
all the friendly people who make
MCRTA2 what it is. We have about
350 members, all of whom have
much to offer our organization. One
of my goals is to increase member
participation on committees, so dont
be surprised if you get a call asking
you to serve in some capacity. You
could pick up the phone or email and volunteer to
serve on a committee. Remember volunteering is
good for your health.
I pray for guidance as we begin this year and give
thanks for all that I have.

Mary May, President

Our Next Meeting
Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Place: St. Paul United Methodist Church
Rosewood Heights

David B. Davison
Newly Elected State IRTA President
David is a committed and proven leader with extensive
teaching and leadership experiences.

10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m

11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. 12:30 a.m.

Buffet Lunch provided by the church women

Cost: $15.00
Please call or e-mail reservations by
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Call or e-mail Joyce at 259-8774
Call Charlotte Heeren at 377-8931

Minutes of the Last Meeting

MCRTA2 met at N. O. Nelson Complex at The
LeClaire Room of the Lewis & Clark
Community College Campus in Edwardsville,
IL on December 1, 2015. Approximately 42
members and guests attended. The meeting
was called to order by President Charles
Finley. The Pledge of Allegiance was given.
The minutes of October 13, 2015 were read
and approved as printed in the TIDINGS with
the following corrections: The Greater Alton
Choral Group to Great Rivers Choral Society
and officers for the year 2016 to officers for
the years 2016-2017. Joyce Tappy, treasurer,
gave the treasurers report. It will be filed for
Committee Reports:
Budget/FinanceDale Dickersonno report
CommunicationsCharlotte Heeren/Joyce
TappyPlease make sure your names,
addresses, emails, and phone numbers are
correct. A new yearbook will be printed for
Foundation/Information Servicesno report
Health Insurance/LegislationLori Uheno

Retirement Education/ActivitiesDonnie
Calvin, Vickie Klopmeier, Lucille Stevenson
The committee is working on getting a trip to
STAGES to see Drowsy Chaperone. The
show runs between July 22 - August 21, 2016.
They are trying to get tickets for either July 23
or July 30, 2016. Information and sign up
sheets will be available at the March 8, 2016
Member BenefitsLucille Stevenson
encourages everyone to ask for Senior
New Businessnone
Lori Uhe presented Charles Finley with a
plaque for his service as the president of
MCRTA2 for the years 2014-2015. She
installed the following officers for the years

Mary May


Joyce Tappy


Joan L. Gusewelle


Carol Beste.

The 50/50 drawing was won by Jeanne

Lucille Stevenson gave the invocation.

MembershipMary May will be getting new

The buffet was enjoyed by everyone. The free
members for committees. Theresa Morrison, a
meal was won by Dale Dickerson. The
member of the membership committee, helped
program was presented by Great Rivers
at the registration table.
Choral Society directed by Dr. Ron Abraham.
TIDINGSVickie Klopmeierno report
Poinsettias were given to the following: Dr.
Programs/MeetingsDonnie Calvin/Jodie
Ron Abraham, Jack McCarty, Marion Dowdy,
HendersonThe March 8, 2016 meeting will
Carol Beste, Dee Hardesty, Christine Wallace,
be held at St. Pauls Methodist Church,
Pat Sullivan, and Linda Rohe.
Rosewood Heights, IL starting at 11:00 a.m.
The next Executive Board Meeting will be held
The program will be the IRTA State President,
on either January 5 or 12, 2016 at Eden United
David Davison. The buffet will be served by
Church of Christ starting at 9:30 a.m. The date
the ladies of the church. The cost is $15.00.
depends upon the weather.
Jodi Henderson is making arrangements to
Respectfully submitted by,
have Otis Sweezey present the program for
the June meeting about his trips to Cuba.
Joan L Gusewelle, Secretary













Just a friendly reminder that your dues year is from January 1 to December 31. That means that 2015
dues are now past due and 2016 dues are due at this time. Please refer to your Tidings label for your
dues information. Please note that this information is from January 1, 2016. If you have paid dues since
that date, they will be reflected on the next Tidings label.
OUR LAST MEETING -- Great Rivers Choral Society presented
a lovely program of Christmas selctions. Shown in the picture is
conductor and retired music professor Ron Abraham who also
introduced and elaborated on the selections. What a great
beginning to the holiday season!
OUR NEW OFFICERS--In the picture
to the left are the following new officers:
Mary May, President; Joyce Tappy, Vice
President; Joan Gusewelle, Secretary;
and Carol Beste, Treasurer. To the
right, Lori Uhe is presenting out-going
president Charles Findley with a plaque
of appreciation.

Treasurer's Report - January

Checking Balance
Money Market CD


Joyce Tappy, Treasurer

TIDINGS - February, 2016

Vickie Klopmeier
6209 N. State Route 159
Edwardsville, IL 62025

MCRT2 Calendar

Madison County Retired Teachers #2

Mary May
Vice President
Joyce Tappy
Joan L. Gusewelle
Carol Beste
Past President
Charles Finley
Committee Chairs
Budget / Finance
Dale Dickerson
Charlotte Heeren, Joyce Tappy
Region 15 Director
Dale Dickerson
Health Ins./Legislative
Lori Uhe
Mary May
Vickie Klopmeier
Programs & Meetings
Donnie Calvin, Jodi Henderson
Retirement Ed./Activities Donnie Calvin, Vickie Klopmeier
Member Benefits
Lucille Stevenson
Information Sources
IL Teacher Ret. System
State and Local Info. Lori

January 5

Ex. Bd. Mtg. 9:30 a.m.

Eden U.C.C.

February 9

Ex. Bd. Mtg. 9:30 a.m.

Eden U.C.C.

March 8

Meeting 11:00 a.m.

St. Paul's Methodist
Rosewood Heights
Program: David B. Davison

May 10

Ex. Bd. Mtg. 9:30 a.m.

Eden U.C.C.

June 7

Meeting 11:00 a.m.

LeClaire Room
N.O. Nelson, Edwardsville
Program: Otis Sweezey
(please note: this is the first Tuesday)

September 13 Ex. Bd. Mtg. 9:30 a.m.

Eden U.C.C.

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