Preface: Hot Topics in Biochemistry

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Preface: Hot topics in Biochemistry

All living things make use of the same types of biomolecules, and all
use energy- Chemistry and Physics as methods of analysis.
Both cells and the biomolecules of which they are made must have
arisen ultimately from very simple molecules, such as H2O, CH4, CO2,
NH3, N2, and H2.
Organic chemistry: the study of compounds made of carbon.
Ex. the cellular apparatus of living organisms.
Biomolecules are part of the subject matter of organic chemistry
The reactions of biomolecules are described by methods of organic
The experiment of Friedrich Whler in 1828: (Vitalism Theory)
-Ammonium cyanate ------ Urea
-Urea, which is found in living organisms was created in the lab.
Functional group: an atom or group of atoms that shows
characteristic physical and chemical properties

Levels of Structural Organization in the Body

Atoms(O&H)-> Molecules(water)-> Macromolecules(protein)->
Organelles-> Cell->Tissue-> Organ-> System
ATP and The Reactions for its Formation
1. Phosphoric Acid + Alcohol - Ester of Phosphoric Acid and the
removal of water.
2. 2 Molecules of P.A. - Anhydride of P.A. and the removal of
3. ATP with 2 anhydride linkages and one ester.
Origins of Life

The big bang theoryall matter was originally confined in a very

small space. As the result of an explosion, it started to expand with great
force; temperature approx. 15 x 109 K. The average temperature of the
universe has been decreasing ever since. In the earliest stages of the
universe, the only elements present were H, He, and Li
Others formed by: thermonuclear reactions in stars, explosions of
stars, the action of cosmic rays outside the stars.
Gases present in the atmosphere of the early earth included NH3,
H2S, CO, CO2, CH4, N2, H2, and H2O but not O2
Experiments have demonstrated that important biomolecules, such
as proteins and nucleic acids, could have arisen under abiotic (nonliving)
conditions from reactions of these simple compounds:oceans and on the
surface of clay particles.

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