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Kaitlynn Spradlin

1. A chiffon blouse is retailed at $65 and is 30% off. What is the temporary retail?
temporary retail

2. Looking at a report and you see that last year Fashion Scarves sold $25,000 in October. However, th
Is this a gain or loss?

3. In Q2 net sales were at $53,000 and customer returns were $4,500. What was our Gross Sales?
What is our customer return %?
Gross Sales
Customer return %
4. Charming Charlie received 84,000 units of a turqoise bracelet and 105,000 units of a pearl necklace
Necklace: 74.29%
Which one performed better? bracelet

5. At Sephora the Benefit Mascara is retailed for $32 and costs $17. What is the markup $ and %?
If the markup changed to $21 and cost stayed the same, what would the new retail price b
markup %
markup $
new retail price


6. With winter approaching flip flops are going on clearance. They were originally $24 but have gone d
If the net sales are $32,000 and $11,200 were taken in markdowns, what is the markdown
markdown $
markdown %
7. On April 1st, the kid's merchandise had a value of $51,000 and sales were $45,500. What is the Sto
Stock-To-Sales Ratio

8. Your target customer is a female aged 18-40 with an income of $35,000. What kind of market segm

9. In January, Kohl's launched nautical athleisure to cater to their target market. What kind of market s

10. What are the four major merchandising figures that contribute to whether or not a company (or de
net sales
cost of goods sold
gross margin
operating expenses

5,000 in October. However, this year they sold $38,000. What is the percent increase or decrease?

hat was our Gross Sales?

,000 units of a pearl necklace. They sold 67,000 units of the bracelet and 78,000 units of the necklace, what is

t is the markup $ and %?

t would the new retail price be?

riginally $24 but have gone down to $14. What is the markdown $?
downs, what is the markdown %?

were $45,500. What is the Stock-To-Sales Ratio?

0. What kind of market segmentation is this?

market. What kind of market segmentation is this?

ether or not a company (or department) has a profit or loss?

the necklace, what is the sell through % for both?

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