Lesson20 Nutritionalplan

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Martha MacDonald

April 21, 2016

One-Month Physical Training and Nutritional Plan
Aaron is a 35 year old man. He sits for much of his workday. He is
preparing to run a half marathon in three months. He has been running
for exercise on and off for a while now, but needs an exercise and
nutrition plan to get him ready.
Aaron needs to start training for run a half marathon, and his
increased training will mean increased nutritional needs compared to
his typically sedentary life style. Fueling his body with an all natural,
high carbohydrate, and nutritious diet will ensure he has enough
energy for all of his training. Carbohydrates are a primary source of
energy in our diets; high carbohydrate foods include rice, bran, quinoa,
fruit, pasta and breads. Aaron will also have to increase his protein
intake. Proteins are used in the body to grow and repair cells that are
damaged during exercise, create enzymes for cellular respiration, and
create hormones. Finally, Aaron will need to ensure that he is
consuming enough healthy fats as they aid in the absorption of shock,
and fat soluble vitamins (A,K,D and E), many of which are essential to a
runners health. Taking an iron supplement may also be beneficial for
Aaron, as athletes are often deficient in it. Iron helps to bind oxygen to
hemoglobin in the blood, and is therefore very important to athletic
The training plan outlined isnt just about running distance; it is
also about increasing speed and endurance and recovering efficiently.
When the plan is over, Aaron must be confident in the work he has
done to go out there and get it done on race day! Aaron also needs to
understand that there will be days when he is feeling great and
motivated, and others where he is a little behind pace on workouts.
These are the days when he must overcome psychological barriers.
Aaron could join a running app such as Nike plus to help him stay
motivated. Turning to a community of runners for support when times
get tough would greatly help Aaron. To help Aaron get out the door he
could post motivational quotes on the drawer where he keeps his
running clothes; this will remind him that every run he completes has a
purpose. Staying motivated can be hard, so employing tools to keep
Aaron running is crucial.
To start Aaron must determine a pace at which he feels
comfortable running, known as a recovery pace. This will be his base
line running pace for all recovery runs, and he can build from there.
There are many different types of paces including kilometer pace (a
pace in which you can only run for one kilometer), 5k race pace, 10 k
race pace, tempo pace (faster then recovery pace, slower then 10k

pace) and recovery pace (a pace easy enough in which you can catch
your breath or hold a conversation). Do not do speed and endurance
workouts the day after one another, and stick the distances. Aaron
should also be conscious of his form while running. Aaron is probably at
the autonomous stage of running, meaning the skill has become
automatic. However, one can always improve. Aaron should become
aware of errors in his form, such as his foot strike, how much torque
there is in his trunk, and the placement of his arms. This will help him
enter the associative stage of running.
The meals provided are designed to fuel Aarons body with light
snacks throughout the day, while increasing protein in the evening to
help with recovery. All breakfasts are rich in carbohydrates to help
power Aaron through his workouts. Please remember to always drink
sufficient water throughout the day (3 liters). Water is essential for the
body to remain homeostatic. Water transports nutrients in the blood,
conducts heat from hot muscles to cooler extremities, lubricate joints,
digest food, and dispose of waste chemicals. The better you fuel your
body the better it will preform.
If you are still hungry after eating your meals snack on fruits and
vegetables, healthy fats (nuts and avocado in moderation), and lean
protein. Add hot sauce, and dressing at your own discretion (1-2 tbsp.
max), drink coffee and tea but no juice or soda. Meals that include
solely protein and greens should be very rich in greens (3-4 cups).

Speed workout:
600 meters @ 10k race
3x 400 meters @ 5k race
800 meters @ 10 k race
*All with 2 minute
recovery between sets
and ninety seconds
between intervals

2 whole wheat pancakes with
honey and nuts
Lunch: Chicken curry with
brown rice
Snack: 1 cup of berries and a
handful of almonds
Post workout: Protein bar
(Larabar, or Elevate me).
Dinner: Steak with 1 sweet

Recovery 3-7 mile run, at

a comfortable pace.

Breakfast: Smoothie with

banana, avocado, protein
powder, and yogurt. (Get
Lunch: Turkey wrap with kale
Snack: Peanut butter and
apple (2 tbsp.)
Post workout: 2 hardboiled

Dinner: 1 cup of rice with half
a cup of beans

Speed workout
3 mile warm up
6x600 @ km pace
4x 1 km @ 5k race pace
6x 6000 @ km pace
4 minutes between sets,
2 minutes between

Breakfast: 2 pieces of whole

meal toast with peanut butter
and banana
Lunch: Spinach salad with
quinoa, almonds, strawberries,
and chicken breast.
Snack: Larabar and handful of
Post workout: Greek yogurt
with honey (1 cup)
Dinner: 3-egg omlette with
ham, cheese and pita.
Drink plenty of water.

Recovery Day 8 miles @

comfortable pace

Endurance- 9 miles

Breakfast: 1 cup of Greek

yogurt with honey, berries,
and granola
Lunch: 200 grams of crispy
tofu over vegetables
Snack: Fruit with nuts (1 cup)
Post workout:
Protein shake (Protein powder,
Dinner: Peanut stew with
sweet potato (2 cups).
Breakfast: Smoothie with
banana, avocado, protein
powder, and yogurt.
Lunch: Peanut stew, with .5 of
a cup of brown rice (left
Snack: Greek yogurt with
maple syrup and granola (1
cup, 1 tbsp., 2 tbsp.)
Post workout: 1 cup of
chocolate milk
Dinner: Spinach salad with
haddock (1 fillet)

Recover 3-7 mile run, @


a comfortable pace.

1 whole wheat bagel with

ricotta and strawberries
Lunch: Portobello mushroom
tacos with kale
Snack: Celery and peanut
butter (2 tbsp. peanut butter)
Post workout: Greek yogurt (1
Dinner: 2 egg omelet with
hummus and toast
Pancakes and maple syrup (2
whole meal pancakes, 2 tbsp.
of maple syrup)
Lunch: Chopped vegetable
salad with tahini dressing
Snack: Carrot sticks and
Post workout: Chocolate milk
(1 cup)
Dinner: Brown rice, steak and
green beans (0.5 cup, 300
grams, 1 cup)

Recover 7-11 mile run @

comfortable pace

3 mile warm up
(2x) 12x 200 @ kilometer
30 seconds rest between
intervals, 6 minutes
between sets.

Breakfast: 2 pieces of whole

meal toast with peanut butter
and banana
Lunch: Turkey wrap with kale
Snack: Yogurt and granola (1
cup, cup)
Post workout: Protein shake
Dinner: Roasted salmon and
couscous. (1 fillet, cup)

Recover, 7-11 mile run @

comfortable pace

Breakfast: Smoothie with

banana, avocado, protein
powder, and yogurt.
Lunch: 1 cup of spelt berries,
lentils, and black bean mix.
Snack: 1 apple with almond
Post workout: Protein

Dinner: Vegan sausage with

pasta and stir-fry vegetables.
(1/4 cup of pasta).

OFF- give your body the

rest it needs

Breakfast: Oatmeal with

banana, mango and chia
Lunch: Kale salad with salmon
Snack: 1 cup of Greek yogurt
Dinner: 200 grams seared
tofu over wilted greens and
topped with half a cup of


Endurance- 15 miles run

starting at a comfortable
pace and ending at 10k
race pace.


Recover- 2-3 miles at a

comfortable pace

2 egg scramble with pumpkin
seeds, kale, tomato, and
sweet potato
Lunch: Black bean wrap with
spinach salad
Snack: Dark chocolate dipped
banana (2 tbsps. of chocolate,
one banana).
Post workout: Protein
Dinner: Whole wheat pasta
with broccoli and tofu (1/4 cup
of pasta)
Egg scramble with pumpkin
seeds, kale, tomato and sweet
Lunch: Tuna salad sandwich in
a protein pita
Snack: Apples and banana
dipped in Greek yogurt (1 cup
of Greek yogurt)
Post workout: Protein bar
Dinner: 2 pieces of crustless
quiche with cheese and ham


Speed Development
3 mile warm up
7x100 all out
3 mile cool down

Breakfast: 2 pieces of whole

meal toast with peanut butter
and banana
Lunch: Tofu and noodle

scramble (1 cup)
Snack: Nuts and berries (1
Post workout: Chocolate milk
(1 cup)
Dinner: Roasted salmon and
couscous (1 fillet, 1 cup)

3 mile warm up
17x300 meter hill
repeats @ 5 k race pace
3 minutes between

Breakfast: Smoothie with

banana, avocado, protein
powder, and yogurt.
Lunch: Portobello mushroom
tacos with kale (2 tortillas)
Snack: Trail mix and kefir (1/4
cup and 1 cup)
Post workout: Fruit and peanut
butter (2 tbsp. max).
Dinner: Black bean veggie
burger with baked potato fries


Recover- 6-7 miles at a

comfortable pace

Breakfast: Oatmeal with

banana, mango and chia
Lunch: 1 cup of spelt berries,
lentils, and black bean mix.
Snack: Nut and seed trail mix
(1/2 cup)
Dinner: Turkey Chili with
arugula salad. (2 cups)


3 mile warm up
5x10 minutes at tempo
2 minutes rest between
3 mile cool down

Breakfast: 2 pieces of whole

meal toast with peanut butter
and banana
Lunch: Black bean wrap with
spinach salad (1 large tortilla,
2 cups of salad).
Snack: Granola with milk (1
Post workout: Peanut butter
bites (2 bites)
Dinner: 1 large slice of walnut

lentil loaf with 1 roasted sweet


3 mile warm up
3x 1k at kilometer pace
400, 300, 200 @
kilometer pace
3 minutes between
intervals, 6 minutes
between sets.
3 mile cool down


6-9 miles at a
comfortable pace


15-20 miles starting at a
comfortable pace and
progressing to 10k race

Breakfast: Smoked salmon on

whole wheat baguette with
cream cheese and capers
Lunch: Glass noodles with tofu
and kale (1 cup)
Snack: Hummus and carrot
sticks with 12 pretzels
Post workout:
Peanut butter and banana
tortilla wrap up
Dinner: Falafel and spinach
tacos in a lettuce wrap (2-3
3 Egg scramble with pumpkin
seeds, kale, tomato and sweet
Lunch: Curry soup with multi
grain baguette
Snack: Fruit and granola
Post workout: 2 hardboiled
Dinner: Pulled pork over brown
rice with salad (1/3 cup of
pulled pork, cup of brown
Breakfast: 2 pieces of whole
meal toast with peanut butter
and banana
Lunch: Chicken curry with
brown rice (1/2 cup of brown
Snack: Nut and seed trail mix
(1/2 cup)
Post workout: Milk with protein
powder (1 cup)
Dinner: Maple glazed pork
chops and carrots (1 serving of
pork- size of palm).


6-9 miles at a
comfortable pace

1 whole wheat bagel with
ricotta and strawberries
Lunch: Kale salad with salmon
Snack: Green smoothie with
pineapple and banana (2 cups)
Post workout: 1 cup of white
milk with protein powder
Dinner: Sweet potato and
black bean stew (2 cups)


3 mile warm up
(4x) 800, 600, 400, 200,
100, 200, 400, 600, 800
meters @ 5k race pace.
2 minutes between
intervals, 7 minutes
between sets.
3 mile cool down

Breakfast: Smoothie with

banana, avocado, protein
powder, and yogurt.
Lunch: Tempeh and noodle
bowl with steamed greens (1
Snack: Greek yogurt with
maple syrup and granola (1
cup of yogurt, 1 tbsp. of maple
Post workout: 1 cup of
chocolate milk
Dinner: Spinach salad with
haddock (1 fillet)


6-9 miles at a
comfortable pace

Breakfast: Oatmeal with

banana, mango and chia
Lunch: 1 cup of spelt berries,
lentils, and black bean mix.
Snack: Nut and seed trail mix
(1/2 cup)
Dinner: Turkey Chili with
arugula salad. (2 cups, 1 cup)


11x 1 mile @ tempo pace
1 minute rest between
2 mile cool down

Breakfast: 2 pieces of whole

meal toast with peanut butter
and banana
Lunch: Portobello mushroom
tacos with kale (2 small
Snack: Peanut butter and
strawberries (tbsp. max of

peanut butter).
Post workout:
Cottage Cheese and honey
(3/4 cup)
Dinner: Zucchini noodle pasta
with meaty tomato sauce (1.5

OFF- let your body

recover. Do some yoga,
stretching, or foam


8x8 minutes at tempo
3 minutes between sets
2 mile cool down.


12 miles starting at a
comfortable pace and
progressing to 10 k race


6x600 @ 5k race pace
2X400 @ kilometer pace
2x 200 @ kilometer pace

Breakfast: Sausage, eggs and

yogurt with fresh fruit (1
sausage, 3 eggs, cup of
Lunch: Spinach salad with
goats cheese and strawberries
Snack: Peanut butter and
apple (tbsps. of peanut butter)
Dinner: Thai noodles with
carrot and red pepper (1 cup)
3 egg scramble with pumpkin
seeds, kale, tomato and sweet
Lunch: Black bean wrap with
spinach salad
Snack: Chocolate dipped
Post workout: Protein
Dinner: Whole wheat pasta
with broccoli and tofu (1 cup)
Breakfast: Smoothie with
banana, avocado, protein
powder, and yogurt.
Lunch: Pasta salad with lentils
(1/2 cup of each)
Snack: Lara bar
Post workout: Chocolate milk
(1 cup)
Dinner: Broccoli and cheese
quesadillas (2 tortillas)
Breakfast: 2 pieces of whole
meal toast with peanut butter
and banana
Lunch: Spinach salad with

* a minute rest between

intervals, 5 minutes
between sets

quinoa, almonds, strawberries,

and chicken breast.
Snack: Nut and seed trail mix
(1/2 cup)
Post workout: 2 Coconut
energy balls made with dates,
nuts, oats, and coconut
Dinner: Black bean veggie
burger in a whole-wheat bun
with baked potato fries.


6-9 miles at comfortable


14-mile continuous
progression run with jog
1-mile tempo, 800
meters jog recovery
(repeat for 14 miles).


Recover6-9 miles at a
comfortable pace

2 pieces of whole meal toast
with avocado and fried egg
Lunch: Tofu tacos with kale (2
Snack: Vegetables dipped in
yogurt dip
Post workout: 1 cup of milk
Dinner: Chickpea curry with
brown rice (3/4 cup, 1/2 cup)
Breakfast: Sausage, eggs and
yogurt with fresh fruit (1
sausage, 3 eggs, cup)
Lunch: Spinach salad with
goats cheese and strawberries
Snack: Peanut butter and
Dinner: Thai noodles with
carrot and red pepper (1 cup)
1 whole-wheat bagel with
ricotta and strawberries.
Lunch: Turkey sandwich with
warm black bean salad
Snack: Yogurt and fruit (1 cup)
Post workout: Protein bar
Dinner: Spinach salad with
haddock (1 fillet)

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