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Richard F. Davet PO Box 10092 Cleveland, OH 44110 Phone 216-451-6211 Fax 216-451-3350 EMail- Monday, June 29, 1998 Attn: Ms, Anastasia Kelly Senior Vice President & Generat Counsel Fannie Mae 3900 Wisconsin Ave. Washington, DC 20016 Via Facsimilie: 1-202-752-4439 & Regular US Mail RE: Fannie Mae Loan Co, 1654084117 Dear Ms, Kelly: Ihave received your letter of June 24, 1998 and notwithstanding the questionable nature of your intentions, it is abundantly clear that you are stonewalling on the request for a copy of the Customer Seller/Servicer Contract involved with our loan, On the one hand. You are requesting that we articulate the wrongdoing of Nationsbank Mortgage Corp. (NBO), when in fact, in addition to court records, a cursory review of your Guidelines reveal a myriad of contract breaches all to the detriment of citizen Richard F, Davet. NBC and Fannie Mae's refusal to provide a copy of the Contract to an aggrieved party not only lacks common business ethios, rules of court, but underscores the questionable, complicit reasoning for withholding such a document. ‘Your allegation of “a thinly veiled attempt to divert attention from the fact that your foan is delinquent” is a little more that a Freuidian slip, in light of the faet that NBC has committed fraud in filing for foreclosure, and we have suffered significant damages as a result of this fraud. Fannie Mae is apparently complicit in the fteud by ignoring their injernal audits for compliance of NBC with Fannie Mae Guidelines, supposedly bound by contractual agreement with their debt collectors ( Customer Seller/Scrvices). Fannie Mae has ignored its own Loss Mitigation Procedures being promulgated to Congress who are expressing consumer protection concerns. Sharcholder interests of Fannie Mae and NBC stockholders are being undermined by the complicit fraudulent actions of management, Lastly, your suggestion that Ihave “refused to cooperate” in a “work out of your delinquent loan” underscores the arrogance of Fannie Mae’s operational conduct in light of the facts revealed to date. It is clear that the Loss Mitigation Guidelines at Fannie Mae Page2 Monday, June 29, 1998 Ms, Anastasia Kelly area sham when in fact, debt collectors ignore compliance requirements. There is no doubt in my mind that Fannie Mae is fully aware of the coercive clubbing effect of a foreclosure action on consumers, which may be criminal in nature, Large banks, seeking anonymity and absolution by concealing. their fraudulent activities under what is known as the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act (12 US 1716, et.seq,), cries out for a full Congressional investigation, Tamplore you to cease and desist in this coercive conduct, epitomized by the foreclosure action and provide me with a copy of the Customer Seller/Servicer Contraet with the debt collectors (or admit that there is none) and to contact me with a suggested resolution to my concems that are universal to consumers. rile PS. Clearly, if Fannie Mae was still operating a Congressionally Chartered Enterprise the arrogant response to a citizen in this regard would be intolerable and only cry out for a congressional investigation. By copy of this letter to our congressmen I am asking them to advise me of the details of the congressional act which allowed a not-for-profit Government Sponsored Enterprise to be converted to a shareholder driven business enterprise. ce: Audit Committee, Board of Directors, Fannie Mae ‘Audit Committee, Board of Directors, Nationsbank Andrew Cuomo, Director HUD Ralph Nader Congressional Represenatives Mr. Mark Kinsey Ms. Janet Tasker Ms. Jill Weide

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