Soal Uts Kelas X

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1. Clara : Hallo !

David : Hai, . Nice to meet you.

Clara : Im Clara, nice to meet you too.
a. Shes Clara
b. Im David
c. Hes David
d. Im Clara
e. Youre David
2. Camellia : Hi, my name is Camelia. How do you do?
Siska : nice to meet you
a. How are you?
b. What is your name?
c. Im fine
d. How do you do
e. Im alright
3. Teacher : Good morning students.
Students : Good morning.
Teacher : Well, today we have a new friend. Budi please introduce yourself.
Budi : Hi guys, my name is Budi. I live in Tulangan-Sidoarjo.
Students : Nice to see you too.
a. Nice to see you
b. Nice to meet you
c. Im glad to see you
d. Im sorry
e. How do you do
4. Good morning. I am Sarah Atmaja, please call me Sarah. I am an artist. I live with my family in
Surabaya. My phone number is 031457865. I like traveling very much.
The statement above describe ..
a. Reporting news
b. Asking name
c. Inviting people
d. Introducing other people
e. Introducing oneself
5. Mona is a new member of English Club. She introduces herself.
Mona : Ladies and gentlemen, .
a. Allow me to introduce my self
b. Im happy to meet you
c. May introduce you to the audience
d. Its okay to see you
e. Let me introduce you to the audience

6. Dewi: Tomi. You look great today! I love your new hair style.
Tomi: ., Dewi. You look great, too.
a. Thank you very much
b. Im sorry

c. Dont mention it
d. Not at all
e. Youre welcome
7. Which sentence shows expressing compliment ?
a. Im sorry to hear that
b. What a nice dress!
c. Congratulation
d. Nice to meet you
e. Never mind
8. Jhon : Hey, Joseph. I loved your jacket that you wear today !
Joseph : Really ! why do you think so ?
Jhon : ..
Joseph : Im glad you loved it.
a. Your jacket is expensive
b. It is blue
c. Your jacket looks great
d. I think so
e. You are so kind
9. Hardi: What a great Motorcycle you have, Budi.
Budi : Thank you, Hardi. I just finished modifying it.
Hardi: You mean this is the old motorcycle that you used to drive to school?
Budi : Yes, it is.
Hardi: It looks a lot different. What did you do to it?
Budi : Not much. I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new accessories.
Hardi: Great job!
Budi : Thanks.
From the underlined sentence shows expressing ..
a. Congratulation
b. Care
c. Sympathy
d. Intention
e. Compliment

10. If your friend becomes the best student in the class. What do you say ?
a. Youre beautiful
b. Youre not smart
c. Congratulation
d. You look so different
e. Its my pleasure

11. Vivi

: Good afternoon, Mrs Dwi. I would like to return this book.

: Good morning. You have passed the limited returning time. It had to
return yesterday
: Sorry maam. I was absent yesterday.

: OK! But you have to pay the fine Rp.500
: thats alright. Here you are
: thank you
The underlined sentence is showing expression of..
a. Care
d. Suggestion
b. Compliment
e. offering
c. Intention

12. The definition of intention is ....

a. a plan that you want to do in the future.
b. a plan that you want to do in the past.
c. an opinion that you want to say in the future.
d. an opinion that you said in the past.
e. a past action that you did
13. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
a. In the school
b. In the Park
c. In the bank
d. In the Library
e. In the Office
14. What is vivi going to do?
a. She is going to return the book to library
b. She will going to the library
c. She would returning the book to the school
d. She goes to the library
e. She went to the library
15. I would like to return this book.
The word I refers to..
a. Librarian
b. Vivi
c. Teacher

d. Friend
e. Officer

The text question 16 to 20

I have a cat
Spot is a regular house cat. He is an adorable cat. He is orange for with white and black
spots. I like to cuddle him. Every morning I give him milk. He does not like rice so I give him
Spot is an active animal. He likes to run around the house. He likes to chase everyone in
my house. When he feels tired or sleepy, he sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometimes
under the table. I love him so much.

16. what is the type of the text above?

a. report
b. descriptive
c. narrative
17. The generic structure of the text is.
a. identification, description
b. orientation, event
c. identification, orientation

d. recount
e. procedure

d. general clarification, description

e. orientation, evaluation

18. Which the statement is not TRUE according to the text.

a. spot doesnt like rice
d. Spot sleeps on the sofa or under
b. spot is orange
the table
c. spot likes to run around the house
e. Spot is kind of sport
19. He likes to chase everyone in my house
The synonym of the underlined word is.
a. Trick
b. Catch

d. cheat
e. meet

c. Hunt
20. Where does he sleep?
a. on the floor
b. on the pillow
c. on the table

d. on the chair
e. on the street

Answer the following questions based on your own understanding!
1. You have a new pen pal. And you want to introduce and tell about yourself to her or him.
Please write a letter for him about yourself!
2. Make up a short dialogue by choosing one of the following situation
You plan to do the Biology project at the library after school. You ask your best friend
to do it together with you.
You plan to go to the movie this weekend. You ask several friends to go with you. Two
of your friends definitely agree with you, but two others cannot make up their minds
School holiday is coming soon. You have a plan to go to your grandmas house in the
country. You want to find out what your friend is planning.
3. Make a short dialogue using a complimenting expression!
4. What is descriptive text? What is the purpose of the text? Explain briefly!

5. Make up a short descriptive text about your favorite tourism place!

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