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: Mahisma Driya Karenggani


: 165060601111044

Cepu is a one of subdistricts in Blora, Central Java. This small city located in
border area between East Java and Central Java. Cepu is one of those
important cities in Indonesia because of its petroleum potential and teaks.
Here some specialities of Cepu City which we get from the dialogue between
interviewer with one of Cepu people.
Interviewer : Excuse me mam. May I hold you for few minutes for short
interview please?
Interviewee : Oh sure. Whats the interview about ?
Interviewer : Ill ask you some questions about your city in particular. Shall
we start it
Interviewee : Okay. Lets begin.
Interviewer : What do you know about Cepu history, like where does the
name come from?
Interviewee : The name Cepu comes from a history of Arya Penangsang
who was hitted by spear on his thigh in a war. Cepu comes from
a sentence nancep ing pupu.
Interviewer : Oh okay its a little bit funny. And what is the characteristic of
Cepu itself? Because I heard that the population here is always
increase year by year?
Interviewee : Cepu is a small city, indeed. But because of the petroleum
potential and a college called STEM Akamigas which specialized
in oil processing, mostly people come here not because they
wanted to live here, but they only wanted to have a job, run a
business or get a college.
Interviewer : Did you happy live here by the way?

Interviewee : Honestly, I didnt really like to live in Cepu so much because

the weather is always hot here. There arent many trees and of
course a lot of airpollution.
Interviewer : What usually people do for the living?
Interviewee : Generally people here worked as Civil Servant, businessman,
merchant, employee, and a farmer.
Interviewer : Oh I see. And what is the icon building of Cepu?
Interviewee : The monumental building of Cepu is Ronggolawe monument
that has a shape of Arya Penangsangs horse.
Interviewer : Ok now well talk about food. What is the typical food from
Interviewee : Typical food of Cepu is Eggroll Waluh. Eggroll Waluh is made
from waluh. Waluh is kind of pumpkin. Beside of its typical food,
people here are also had a tradition, they usually have Nasi
Pecel and a cup of hot tea for their breakfast menu.
Interviewer : What about the culture then?
Interviewee : The traditional dance of Cepu named Tayub. Tayub is usually
performanced by some beautiful ladies with sound of Gamelan.
Another art culture is Barongan, Barongan usually played by
men in some important event such as Independence Day,
Traditional Wedding Event, etc.
Interviewer : Ok, thats it. Thanks for your time mam, now you may continue
your activity.
Interviewee : Youre welcome.

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